Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 68 - I am rich and strong! (Big

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Su Yu gasped, and the helmet of the City Guard was covered, but no one recognized him.

Feeling the injection of eyes, Su Yu looked up and saw the old man. Su Yu got up quickly and bowed slightly to show respect.


The real powerhouse!

The killed Xia Bing could only defend and could not resist. The strong man who taught Xia Bing that he was not injured was killed by the opponent with a single blow.

The other party is at least Lingyunjing!

Of course, it may be the peak of the sky, Su Yu, who is unrecognizable, has not seen such a strong shot.

And the other party was separated by hundreds of meters, and the golden light erupted, killing dozens of tens of thousands of religious believers at the same time. I am afraid that together with the warriors of the realm, they could not be.

When the old man saw him, he smiled and nodded slightly.

Then did not look at Su Yu, looked at other students, someone was crying.

The old man looked at it for a while, but his voice was not loud, but it spread all over the world:

“This is something you will experience sooner or later!”

“Although you advanced a little bit, but you have already embarked on the road of higher education, this is a scene that will definitely experience and may be more cruel!”

“Classmates, coaches, comrades, friends, lovers … maybe one day, they will all sacrifice in front of you!”

The old man said slowly: “The strong road, very lonely, very sad!”

“If it is unbearable, give up.”

“Death, will be with you in the future, going to the battlefields of the heavens will die, performing missions will die, cultivation will die, from weak to strong, step by step, death will always be with you …”

“Today, it’s just an appetizer.”

The old man whispered: “It’s useless to cry, and cowardice is useless! If you give up, you can now give up. If you don’t want to give up, then be strong!”

Over there, Xia Bing is cleaning the battlefield.

At this moment, the wound on his body still bleeds.

After listening to the old man’s words, Xia Bing looked up and looked at the crowd with a cold voice: “The moment you walk out of Nanyuan, you are the soldiers! Don’t say you haven’t given you time to prepare, you haven’t given you time to adapt! Five years at the secondary school, it is Your adaptation period! “

“This time to Daxiafu is your practical course!”

“The order is forbidden, hasn’t the school taught you?”

“Let you stay where you are, why resist?”

“So scared, so scared, then don’t go out of Nanyuan, and continue to live in Nanyuan, why go on the path of a cultivator?”

“Do you think you went to Da Xia Mansion to enjoy the blessing? Or did you pick up money and get resources for nothing?”

Xia Bing said coldly: “If you can’t adapt, you will be eliminated! Cowards are not worthy of training! Countless soldiers are on the front line. You have not got many resources yet. You have talents, and talents are farts!”

“Talented, unintentional, unswerving, and courageous, and still unable to be a strong man! A waste of resources, it is better to send them to the front, to those soldiers in need!”

“You are in the rear, with the same task, and twice the front-line reward, why? Because you have talent and hope to become a strong man, if you lose this hope … sorry, nowhere will you raise idlers!”

Xia Bing spoke very straightly, and pointed at the remains of several city guards lying down on the ground, and said angrily: “If it was not because some of you did not listen to the military order, you ran and ran around and disturbed the formation No comrades will sacrifice here! “

“They lost your lives!”

“They are also human and young. Why should they sell their lives for you! Because they are soldiers, they know what responsibility is, do you know?”

Someone choked in the crowd.

Several of the students who ran around in disorder before and burst into tears broke into tears. They survived, but they were saved by their lives.

The City Guards and Long Wuwei cleaned the battlefield silently, and no one spoke.

The atmosphere is very cold.

This is the first lesson taught to students in these institutions of higher learning, a practical lesson in the true sense.

Today there are City Guards and Long Wuwei swearing to guard them, but such opportunities are not always available and unbearable students might as well not go to the academy.

The atmosphere was cold, and some people in the crowd suddenly howled!

“Ayu, what about you?”

“Ayu … woo … finished …”

Chen Hao’s voice came out, this guy was just looking for Su Yu, but the result was not found, and then look at the corpses everywhere, Chen Hao is anxious, dead?

Xia Bing originally wanted to take the opportunity to teach these students, and his face was stunned.

This bastard!

Over there, Su Yu also took off the opportunity and walked out of the back of the car, scolding: “Shut up!”

When Chen Hao saw Su Yu, he let out a breath and hurriedly came, then looked surprised, and whispered, “A Yu, why are you so scared, urine pants?”

Su Yu was covered with water, actually sweat, and his clothes were soaked.

His face was whitish, and sweat was dripping at the moment.

Hearing Chen Hao, Su Yu wanted to kill him.

After glaring at him, Su Yu snorted: “Shut up and say a few words without speaking!”

Chen Hao spoke up, and then whispered, “You killed?”

He followed Su Yu last time, killing two thousand realms.

Now that Su Yu came out, he felt that Su Yu was definitely not hiding, and maybe he just killed the Wan people.

Su Yu is very brave!

With a look, he looked at Su Yu’s knife. Sure enough, he saw the blood that had not been wiped clean. He felt a sudden move, and some complained: “Just supposed to call me together, I will help you attract people …”


Su Yu is too lazy to ignore him, just now there are people everywhere, and you quote it.

You guys, don’t bring me dozens at once, I have no place to cry.

Between the two of them talking, the old man said: “Clean the battlefield quickly, and the remains of the soldiers and students will be returned to Tianshui City, and then Tianshui City will **** the body back to Nanyuan!”

“Let’s go to Tianshui City quickly, join the team of Tianshui City, and watch out for the comeback of the Wanzu teaching!”

Xia Bing said, “The trainees got on the train, the broken vehicle gave up, Long Wuwei abandoned the car and walked, and the City Guards kept up!”


The sergeants took their orders and vacated several vehicles to the students whose vehicles had been destroyed.

Some students are embarrassed and want to refuse. Xia Bing sneered: “On the battlefield, the military order is like a mountain! Have the heart, kill more enemies in the future. Will drag on people! “

“It’s really on the battlefield, don’t try to help the strong to kill the enemy, do your duty, this is the biggest contribution to the strong!”

“Let you evacuate and evacuate, let you do whatever you want, don’t follow your temperament!”

“Don’t put me in a bitter scene on the battlefield. If your lover is dead, evacuate immediately and find a way to avenge your revenge instead of being an idiot. Wait for someone to be killed there, and add an extra body!”

Xia Bing said very coldly, and said with a cold: “You geniuses are talented, but they are really on the battlefield. Every year, many soldiers die because of your waywardness!”

“Some are reckless, some wanton, some self-righteous, and they act arbitrarily on the battlefield. They often need the military to rescue you, come and go, and there are more than 1,000 soldiers killed and injured every year because of talented students!

“You guys should let you suffer more!”

“Shash is long …”

There, the old man coughed a little, and it was almost enough. If he scolded, these students would be beaten down.

Xia Bing didn’t care, and continued to direct the team forward.

After a while, the team continued on the road.

They did n’t do the search work. The Tianshui City Guards will do it later. Their task is to protect the students, not to clear the Wan people.

With the protection of the elderly, it will obviously be safe all the way.

Rear of the convoy.

Xia Bing these people walked, the vehicle speed was not fast, they followed.

The old man was also among the walking crowd, whispering while following, “That was Su Yu just now?”

“It’s him.”

“Has the battle report been counted?”

Xia Bing glanced at him lightly and said: “Does the military report need to report to you?”

“Xia Bing, the old man just asked, I didn’t want to happen before.” The old man reluctantly said: “Our task is to observe whether there are large groups of multi-ethnic churches to act. Some confusion, confused audio-visual … “

Xia Bing said in a deep voice: “I have no right to blame you! The attack was also related to my negligence, but since the two guarded, why the other one would stay away, Tianshui City is not without guard power, this is your dereliction of duty!”

“I will report it, and the other one needs to bear the responsibility! If the other party has a relative relationship with Tianshui City and dereliction of duty in wartime, I want to see how your civilized academy will explain it to the relatives leaving the team!”

The old man has a headache and is helpless.

Xia Bing was hit!

That colleague … really has some relationship with Tianshui City. This time a nephew of the other party was in the team of Tianshui City, so I heard that there was trouble there and immediately hurried over.

This time, I’m afraid the trouble is not small.

The old man can only sympathize with that person, but it has little to do with himself. He continued: “He will bear the responsibility for this matter without you reminding you. You and me talk about Su Yu’s affairs. , He has another chance, doesn’t he? “

Xia Bing was silent for a moment, and said: “I asked about it. There were about 20 people killed by the opponent in disorder. The specifics can’t be determined at this time. The ancestors of the Belongs who he personally beheaded, I looked at the body. It should be 4 people. “

The soldiers won’t do no credit for killing the enemy, but they won’t take credit.

The credit for the 4 people killed was not claimed. Xia Bing went to check it. It should be killed by Su Yu, with some thunder breath, it should be killed by Lei Yuandao.

“Beheaded 4 people … disturbed 20 people.”

The old man murmured, “He was only in Kaiyuan Jiuzhong. Even with the interference of the gods, he could kill 4 enemies with his own hands, which was beyond the expectations of the old man! I have read his information, it should not be so strong …”

Xia Bing stopped talking, he actually saw some clues.

Su Yu’s explosive power surpassed Kaiyuan Realm!

Kill 4 people, very simple, very easy!

This is not something Kaiyuan can do!

But after hesitating for a while, he still didn’t say it. This may be Su Yu’s killer, and there is no need to expose other people’s killer.

It is also good to have a little more self-defense.

Who is sure, the old man in front of him must not be a bad person.

“The essays he outlined are the esoteric essays of the word” blood “and the esoteric essays of the word” thunder “. Is this illusion disturbing, is it the special effects of the slogan of the word” blood “or the special effects of the sage of the word” thunder “?

Xia Bing frowned: “How do I know that I am not a civilized teacher.”

“Two **** scripts …” The old man didn’t care either, and whispered: “The illusion interference, not a special feature, many **** scripts have. But in the Kaiyuan stage, the willpower can’t be cultivated, can be used, or Exhibited many times, which shows that his divine writing consumes very little willpower … “

“This divine article is very strong at this stage!”

The old man can only say so, as for the vacant or higher stage is still not strong, this is not easy to say.

At least for now, Su Yu’s divine writing is very strong.

At least for those who are disturbed when they are fighting, they can hardly rule out the interference. When Wan Shi or vacant, Su Yu’s interference should not be strong.

And this thing is only suitable for uninformed opponents. Once an informed opponent knows this feature, the effect will be greatly reduced.

“He is not strong, outlines two prose …”

The old man was lost in contemplation and suddenly said, “He is Liu Wenyan’s student?”

Xia Bing nodded.

“Then it is possible that Liu Wenyan used to take the divine essay in the past, but was a genius divine writer in the divine essay …”

Xia Bing expressed doubt, “Liu was not a civilized teacher in his past years.”

This is not a casual call for the genius.

It didn’t take long for Liu Wenyan to vacate, and at that time, he was not a genius genius.

The old man smiled, “You don’t understand, that guy … hey!”

With a sigh, the old man said softly: “He has a younger brother, do you know?”

“Yes, Master Hong Tan.”

“Since you know Master Hong is his brother, you are not curious. Why did he fall to this point?”

Xia Bing said dumbly: “I’m not interested, it’s not good to know more!”

“You guys!”

The old man laughed, “Long Wuwei is all iron bumps! Liu Wenyan has never appeared, but many years ago, he reached the stage of nourishment, and even peaked. Fifty years ago, he outlined more than 20 scriptures, that At that time, he was the most promising young strongman in the vein of the **** scribe! “

Xia Bing listened.

The old man suddenly stopped talking!

Xia Bing was bored and didn’t ask.

The old man couldn’t bear it anymore, and said in amusement: “Not curious?”

“You are willing to say, then say!”

“Liu Wenyan actually has a background. He was a disciple of the predecessor of the previous generation … The governor fell 50 years ago. When he left, he passed a divine writing …”

“Shut up!”

Xia Bing suddenly sipped, and said in a low voice: “I have heard about this, no need to talk about it anymore! If I go on, I’m afraid to cause trouble to myself!”

He vaguely understood.

But he did not want to ask again.

Fifty years ago, the Daxia Civilization Institute almost quarreled and ended up expelling a group of people with the Ten Thousand Saints.

And those people are all geniuses.

Many are related to the five generations of governors!

At that time, it was also seen as the act of the Ten Thousand Saints to cleanse the school of civilization and cleanse the marks of the five generations of governors.

He originally thought that Liu Wenyan was only one of the original group of people. He did not think that he was actually one of the principals and a disciple of the former governor.

He really didn’t know about this matter.

Who is Hong Tan ’s student? No one is asking, no publicity, and almost no one knows.

Now he knew that Hong Tan and Liu Wenyan were both students of the five-generation governors.

In this case, Liu Wenyan was expelled, and it has not been realized until now. It may involve some high-level competitions of civilized divisions, and even related to people at the level of Wan Tiansheng. It is not his summer soldiers can blend in.

“Mr. Wan … Directed by Liu … Researcher Hong …”

Xia Bing looked at a car ahead. Su Yu was a student of Liu Wenyan, would n’t he be implicated?

Wan Tiansheng expelled Liu Wenyan that year. Now if Su Yu is not talented, his talent is very strong. Will he be affected?

The old man was also looking at the car, and said with a smile: “Relax, there should be no problem! The Governor Wan was also helpless. At that time, if he didn’t act, the Civilization Institute might have a big deal. This matter has passed for many years, otherwise Bai Feng How can these people rise up in the wind and water of the school. “

Xia Bing didn’t answer the question, but asked: “What do you want to do with Su Yu?

“Looking at the situation, Bai Feng’s life has not been good recently, and his energy is not on it. I think that Su Yu’s talent is good, don’t be delayed.”

The old man squinted and said, “I’m also an intermediate researcher anyway. Isn’t it more reliable than Bai Feng?”

Xia Bing was too lazy to mix this up, and said at random: “That’s not my business. My task is to **** them to the Civilization Academy safely!”

The old man nodded, smiled, and said: “Then trouble Shash long arrangements, how about the space for us to talk?”

“You are free in Tianshui City, but not now!”

Xia Bing is not too polite. Intermediate researcher, the weakest is Ling Yun.

Tengkong can become an assistant researcher, but also hopes to become a junior researcher, but can be an intermediate researcher. Generally, Ling Yunjing is responsible. In some cases, some mountains and seas may be intermediate researchers.

The oldest, the weakest is Ling Yunjing.

After more than half an hour.

Tianshui City is here.

The convoy did not enter the city, but repaired it at a reception station outside the city.

People from Tianshui City also came here to take over with Xia Bing.

It was a big event to be attacked by the ancestors of all ethnic groups, and Tianshui City also attached great importance to it. Besides, they were still in their territory. There was also something wrong in the Yuanshui Village.

These things have nothing to do with Su Yu.

Because they were attacked, they were arranged to the reception station. They will not continue their journey today. They will rest for one night and make adjustments. They will continue to move forward tomorrow.

In the room.

Su Yu sighed with relief. The Tianshui City had a good arrangement. The room was for two people. He and Chen Hao were arranged in a room.

Suddenly attacked today, Su Yu was relieved while nervous.

Hanging all the time is actually very worrying.

Now that it has happened, it is more reassuring to spend it safely.

Wiping sweat from his body, the door of the room was knocked, Marsh of the City Guard had his arms hanging, a wound on his cheek was still bleeding, and when Chen Hao opened the door, Marsh Chang laughed and said: “Su Yu, Good brother, I ’m too busy today. I did n’t have time to thank you. Come out and nag! ”

Su Yu walked out of the bathroom and saw Marsh Chang, worried: “Brother Ma is okay?”

“Small wound!”

Marsh Chang didn’t care about this, and only then thought of something, turned his head and said: “This is the Master of Civilization from Daxia Mansion. We will talk to you later, we will talk about us first.”

He said nothing, and motioned to Su Yu to sit down and said seriously: “We also heard about the merits of the Jifengtang last time. I didn’t expect to witness this time with my own eyes! Last time I was a little skeptical. This time it was true. Admire my heart! “

“If you weren’t a brother, you would have to die more than a dozen brothers today without saying anything!”

“Civilization Master is strong, Kaiyuan also works better than Wan Shi …”

Behind him, the old man with a smile, he likes others to boast that the civilized master is stronger than those of the warriors, especially one warrior himself said, which makes people more happy.

“I told the centurion a long time ago that there is a fart for ambushing. Do it in front of you, and the Ancestral Church dare to fight against our enemies? If you are not a brother today, you will rely on those ambushes … We do n’t know how many die. people!”

The old man’s face stiffened, Nanyuan’s side … I really can’t speak.

Thinking of him as a middle-level researcher, there are many people stabbed here.

That’s how Marsh Chang said, and quickly laughed: “If you don’t mention this, the general will inevitably die in battle. After eating this meal, death and injury will inevitably happen! I came here to have a task this time to give you credit. ! “

“Su Yu, listen to the order!”


Su Yu got up quickly, and Marsh said solemnly: “I ask, you answer!”


“Do you have four gangsters of all races today?”


“Do you use the scriptures to interfere with many ancestors?”


“The statistics are 7 times, is it wrong? Among them, the total number of interference is 21, is it clear?”

Su Yu thought about it and said: “It should be 8 times, a total of 23 people …”

Su Yu briefly talked about the situation of each interference. Marsh Chang recorded it with his intact right hand and said, “This is the eighth time, I will report it. At present, there are only seven statistics.”

After the routine inquiries, Marsh Chang no longer serious, he laughed and said: “What a beautiful job! If the civilized teacher is like you, there will be nothing for us!”

“I’m just interfering. The real killing is due to the soldiers …”

“Relax, whose credit is who!”

Marsh Chang said that he would leave when he turned around. Someone in Su Yu couldn’t bear it, and whispered, “Brother Ma, am I doing credit this time?”

“of course!”

“Then … how much can you get for the merit points?”

Marsh froze for a moment, scratching his head and said: “This will be counted, and I will inform you, but if you are in a hurry … I will make it urgent for you to do it, and yes, you are going to the school immediately after all.”

He laughed and said: “It will not be less. It will disturb more than 20 enemies. Although it is not personally killed, one point of merit may be obtained. This is during wartime. There will be more points of merit. This is more than 20. Click, plus 4 hand blades, 3 mid-terms, and a very important one, that’s 9 merits! “

“This time I will count on you to help complete the task. After all, the situation was urgent, and there were some extra rewards, including some loot seizure … But very few, they are a group of poor ghosts. Together, you can get nearly 40 points Merits around. “

Su Yu was very happy and worth it!

This time he spent a total of two drops of essence blood, and at this moment there was only one drop of essence blood left in his body. He was still in a hurry.

This is all right. I made so much money at once.

During the war, the military ’s merits are happy, and it is almost impossible to interfere with one.

“Then … about when will it be delivered?”

“Soon, we will report to Tianshui City. When you arrive at the academy, you can extract it from the Daxia Civilization Institute.”

Su Yu let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he is penniless now, and he is worried. Now he doesn’t have to worry about eating and sleeping.

After finishing the speech, Marsh Chang said with a smile: “You talk to this civilized teacher, I’ll pass first, take a break early, and get up early tomorrow to get on the road!”

“Got it, thanks Brother Ma!”

Su Yu thanked him, and sent away Marsh Chang. Then he looked at the old man and respectfully said, “I just neglected my adult.”

“Don’t call it an adult, a coach, a teacher, a senior …”

The old man is very polite, but some are not very comfortable, not because of Su Yu, but because of … Chen Hao!

This silly boy, looked at himself smirkly, intently, what did he mean!

Chen Hao has been staring at him all the time, his eyes are very unusual, a little excited, a little excited.

But he saw this murderer today, too strong, too easy, he admired the strong, such a strong suddenly in front of him, can he not stare?

He almost stared at the old man out of the flower!

The old man is a little bit tired, this silly kid … In the Civilization Institute, he has been staring at himself like this, and he has been punished by him directly!

There is no reason for this.

Still Su Yu found an anomaly, coughed, and scolded: “Hiroko, go to the bathroom and stay!”




Chen Hao was helpless, he actually wanted to stay and listen, but unfortunately, he was driven away.

“Senior, he is so easy-going, don’t mind.”

“It’s okay.”

The old man smiled and said: “I introduce myself, I come from Daxia Civilization Institute, intermediate researcher, Zhao Li, Ling Yun Qizhong. If I can enter the mountain and sea in the next few years, then I can become a senior researcher, just like Bai Feng’s teacher … “

Su Yu was surprised, Lingyun Qizhong’s civilization master!

This is stronger than he thought!

“I have brought a lot of students over the years, but in the past few years, I have not brought students. The best student in these years has just entered Lingyun Realm and is now a junior researcher at the university.”

Zhao Li smiled and said, “Today, your gods disturb your opponents, and you are the enemy of the enemy. To be honest, I appreciate it! Your talent, this decisive temperament, if you go to the School of Civilization, senior researchers will take you … but I To tell you the truth, senior researcher, Shenlong sees the end, and may not be in the school all year round. “

“It’s just a name, but it’s actually up to you.”

“Associate researchers and junior researchers are too weak. Intermediate researchers, like me, have few confiscated students. You have to understand that the same researcher, one person carries dozens of students, and one person takes one. different!”

“Your warrior’s state is not weak, and I said straight away, I am not good at divinity, I am more good at military art, and is famous for casting magical soldiers. Today you saw that, I killed the six fighters in the sky. My own sword box. “

When the words fell, a pale gold box suddenly appeared in his hand, “This is a hundred sword box, Xuan order top military soldiers! Weapons are divided into military and military, the military soldiers are not difficult to manufacture, the military soldiers are very difficult, Xuan order top military soldiers, Daxiafu No more than 5 civilized teachers can be built! “

Zhao Li said earnestly: “You follow me, you will not lack weapons, nor will you lack the text of will. Some people are willing to use the text of will to exchange weapons with me! And the caster division has certain requirements for the warrior road, which is more suitable. You are both warrior and civilization. “

Su Yu was somewhat flattered and said, “Senior, this … I …”

“You think about it, don’t hurry.”

Zhao Li laughed: “As for Bai Feng, don’t care too much. He is a teaching assistant, and dare to be true to me?”

Su Yu was a little embarrassed and did not answer.

Looking at the pale gold sword box in the old man ’s hand, Zhao Li smiled a little, and said with a smile: “Xuanjie top military soldiers are worth five times the value of martial arts soldiers! Wu Bing, Xuanjie top military soldiers are worth more than 300 merits, The better is more expensive, and the soldiers say that these hundred sword boxes are worth more than 2,000 merits! “

Su Yu’s eyes are green, so expensive!

2000 points … what is this concept?

“It’s still the Xuan Order. The soldiers at the ground level started at 5,000 points. Although I haven’t grasped the success of building 100%, but I also have a record of success. There is only one civilization division who can build the soldiers at the ground level.”

Su Yu looked at Zhao Li in surprise, Da Xiafu’s strongest caster master?

Zhao Li laughed and said nothing, there was only one … cough, not him.

He just made a piece of it by coincidence, and it is not really able to build a terrestrial soldier, this luck thing … the most unreliable.

However, I didn’t say it was myself!

From the previous conversation between this kid and Marsh, we can see that this kid … lacks money!

It’s normal. It’s strange that Nanyuan is here.

Zhao Li smiled and said, “To build a terrestrial military soldier, one hand is worth thousands of merits. What is the merit of killing one flight? How much is the kill of one Lingyun? Killing 10 Lingyun may be enough to change a territorial soldier. … “

Zhao Li sighed with a smile and said, “Then I will go first. This is the division of civilization. The scribes may not be able to fight the casting division, and we have the money, the money, the strength is strong. Well, I am not ambiguous about him, let alone Bai Feng, do n’t care about him! “

Su Yu smiled and watched Zhao Li leave.

When he left, Su Yu couldn’t help but laugh, Zhao Li bragging!

Finally, speaking of Bai Feng’s teacher, it was obviously a little timid, and his voice was uncomfortable.

“Forged Soldier Division … Wen Bing, Wu Bing …”

Su Yu murmured and felt that he knew something well, which he really didn’t know before.

And it’s so expensive … he listened to it, and he always felt that the merits he rewarded this time were not worth mentioning.

Look, the weapons that people take out easily are thousands of merits!

Zhao Li, who went out, also slightly relieved, what jokes, what he took out, this is the baby at the bottom of the box!

The territorial literary soldier he built was not completely completed and could not be used. Building a hundred sword box was almost emptying his home, and with the tier territorial literary soldier, he is now very poor!

Nonsense, why is he taking this small task?

Isn’t it just to earn some merit?

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