Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B2 – Chapter 4: Why does my Brain hurt?

Maximilian and Zeke were seated in the study, surrounded by shelves filled with dusty tomes and ancient scrolls. The older mage leaned back in his chair, his bushy white eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he explained the intricacies of the Trinity Project to his young apprentice.

"Zeke, you must understand that the Trinity Project is not just about learning new spells, it's about understanding the fundamental principles of magic itself," Maximilian began, his deep voice filled with passion. "You have the ability to observe the body of a mage while they are spell casting, to record all the information of the process, and to analyze it with your [Perfect Body Control]. This is the key to unlocking the true potential of your magic."

Ezekiel nodded, his golden eyes bright with understanding. "I know, by using my [Perfect Spatial Awareness] to observe the mage's body and my [Perfect Sensory Recall] to record the information, I can then use my [Perfect Body Control] to understand and analyze the spell casting process."

"Exactly," Maximilian said with a smile. "And once you've seen a spell cast within your [Perfect Spatial Awareness], you can recreate the scene in your mind as many times as necessary. This will allow you to master the spell, to understand its nuances, and to improve upon it."

Ezekiel's mind was racing with the possibilities. "This really is a marvelous invention, Maximilian. It is truly amazing. I can't wait to get started, I've been lacking Blood Magic spells since coming to the academy."

"I'm glad you're excited, Zeke," Maximilian said, patting his apprentice on the shoulder. "But remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

Zeke couldn't help but look at Maximilian with a strange expression on his face as the older mage finished his statement about responsibility. "But Maximilian," he said, trying to keep a straight face. "You're the inventor of explosion magic. I think you might have missed the responsibility memo."

Maximilian's face turned red with embarrassment as he realized the irony of his statement. "You brat," he said with a smile. "But you're right, explosion magic may not be the most responsible form of magic, and that's exactly why I never taught it to anybody. However, that's not the only function of the Trinity Project spell synergy."

Zeke nodded, still confused about where this lesson was going. "Okay, so what's the other function?"

Maximilian gestured for him to stand up. "Walk around my office for a while, and then come back to me."

Zeke did as he was told, walking around the room and taking in all the details of his mentor's workspace. After a few minutes, Maximilian called him back.

"Now, tell me what you recorded with your [Perfect Sensory Recall]," Maximilian said, looking at him expectantly.

Zeke thought for a moment, trying to recall all the details he had taken in. "I recorded the entire room, the desk, the shelves, the windows, the rug, the chairs, the door, and the books," he said, counting them off on his fingers.

Maximilian smiled and nodded. "And does that give you any ideas?"

Zeke thought for a moment, but couldn't think of anything. "Not really, I don't know what you are getting at?" he said, shrugging.

Maximilian's smirk grew wider. "Really? What about the books? Were they just recorded as a block of paper, or can you take a closer look?"

Zeke's face suddenly changed as he realized the implications of what Maximilian was saying. He focused on his saved memories and found that he could indeed recall all the books, page by page.

"Wow," Zeke said in amazement. "I can recall every single book in this room, page by page. This is incredible!"

Maximilian nodded, pleased with his apprentice's progress. "Exactly, the Trinity Project spell synergy can be used for much more than just mastering new spells. It can be used to enhance your memory, to improve your learning and even to read books without physically reading them."

After Zeke had realized the implications of being able to recall every book in the room, Maximilian explained to him the limitations and conditions of this function.

"Zeke, just because you can read all the books in your mind, doesn't mean you have automatically gained all the knowledge that is contained within them," Maximilian said, his voice serious. "This ability only gives you the option of reading them in your mind. However, by using your [Perfect Body Control] to boost your brain, you could reach incredible reading speeds and truly absorb the knowledge contained within them."

Zeke nodded, understanding the difference. "So, it's like having a library in my mind, but I still need to study and understand the information."

"Exactly," Maximilian said with a nod. "It's a powerful tool, but it's not a substitute for hard work and dedication. You'll still need to study and understand the information, but with the help of your [Perfect Body Control], you'll be able to do it faster and more efficiently."

Zeke was excited by the possibilities. He could now read books at an incredible speed, and with the help of his [Perfect Body Control], he could absorb the knowledge faster than ever before.

Maximilian told Zeke to start practicing reading in his mind while he prepared something for the next stage of the training. "I'll be back in the evening," he said. "In the meantime, start reading the books in your mind's library. Use this opportunity to improve your reading speed and absorb the knowledge more efficiently."

Zeke nodded, excited to get started. He began reading the books in his mind's library, starting out just a bit faster than his regular reading speed. But after about an hour of practice, he was already at around twice his regular reading speed. He plateaued here though, and didn't improve much anymore, so he decided to accelerate his brain using his [Perfect Body Control].

By the time Maximilian returned in the evening, he found a red-faced Zeke sitting on the floor, steam almost coming out of his head. "Maximilian," Zeke said, rubbing his temples. "Why does my brain hurt so much?"

Maximilian smirked. "Because you've never used it like that before." He explained that the intense and prolonged use of the brain in such a manner can be tiring, but the results will be worth it. "But don't push yourself too hard, too fast. Take breaks and let your brain rest."

Zeke nodded, understanding the importance of balancing his training. He was determined to make progress as fast as possible, but he knew that he needed to pace himself and not overdo it.

"Maximilian, what did you do all day?" Zeke asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Maximilian smiled mysteriously. "I prepared the next two stages of your training," he said.

Zeke's eyes widened in excitement. "What are they?"

"The first thing I prepared for you was a tour through the library," Maximilian said. "Most sections of the library are off-limits to first-year students, but I've organized a guided tour for you. You'll be able to explore all the sections and copy all the books in Elementium."

Zeke was overjoyed to hear this. He had always been curious about the library and had been looking forward to exploring it. "That's amazing, Maximilian! Thank you!"

But Maximilian wasn't done yet, and the second surprise was less positively received by Zeke. Maximilian had managed to get Zeke enlisted in the combat classes that happened every morning.

Zeke's face fell. "Combat classes? But I'm not a combat mage."

Maximilian shook his head. "You're not a combat mage yet, Zeke. But you will be. You might not want to walk the path of a combatant, but you need to be able to defend yourself. And that's what the combat classes will teach you."

Zeke wasn't sure if he was ready for this, but he trusted in Maximilian's judgement. "Okay, I'll give it a try," he said, determination in his voice, but Zeke thought that there had to be more to Maximilian's plan than just learning how to fight.

"Maximilian, is there a secondary reason for why you want me to take the combat classes?" Zeke asked, as they walked to his bedroom.

Maximilian nodded. "Yes, there is," he said. "The second reason is that only in combat can you get close enough to a huge variety of other mages and record their spell casting."

Zeke's eyes widened in understanding. "So by fighting other mages every single day, I'll save up a collection of combat scenarios and learn how to react in different situations."

Maximilian nodded, pleased that Zeke had caught on quickly. "Exactly. This will not only allow you to learn how other Mages cast their spells, but also how to use them in real-world situations. And there's no better way to do that than by facing off against other mages in combat."

Zeke nodded, excited to put his training to the test. "I understand, Maximilian. I'll make sure to take advantage of this opportunity and learn as much as I can."

"That's all I ask, Zeke," Maximilian said, clapping him on the back. "Now you should really go to sleep, you have to get up early in the morning to make a trip to the library and start your tour. The future of mage-kind depends on students like you." Maximilian winked at him and left.

It was early in the morning and Zeke was on his way to the grand library of Elementium. As he approached the imposing building, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. He had never been inside the library before and couldn't wait to explore its many halls and shelves.

As he entered the building, he took in the grandeur of the place. The high ceilings, the intricate carvings on the walls, and the rows upon rows of books were all breathtaking. He wondered how many books were in there and how much knowledge was contained within its walls.

As he made his way through the foyer, he noticed something a bit strange. There were an unusual amount of cats strolling around the library. They seemed to be everywhere, lounging on the stacks of books, rubbing against the legs of the librarians and scholars.

Zeke couldn't help but smile at the sight. He had always been a cat lover, and the presence of the felines made the library feel even more welcoming. As he made his way to the section where his tour was to begin, he paused to pet a particularly friendly cat.

"Good morning, kitty," he said, scratching behind its ears. The cat purred contentedly, and Zeke felt his stress and worries melt away. He took a deep breath and felt ready to begin his tour and explore the vast knowledge of the library, when he was suddenly addressed by a strange looking woman. She had wild, brownish-red hair, and her clothes were adorned with cat-shaped buttons and brooches. To top it off, there were cats climbing all over her, rubbing against her legs and purring contentedly.

"I like you," the woman said with a broad smile as she looked between Zeke and the cat he was petting.

Zeke looked back at the woman with a strange look on his face. He wasn't quite sure what to make of her.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" he asked.

The woman chuckled. "Not yet, but you will," she said. "My name is Olivia Katzenlieber, head librarian of the grand library of Elementium, and I'm going to be your guide."

Zeke raised an eyebrow. "My guide?" he repeated.

Olivia nodded. "Yes, your guide," she said. "You see, your mentor came here yesterday and demanded, yes demanded, that you get a personal tour through every single room of this library. And that's why you have the pleasure of my company for today."

"Well, I'm certainly grateful for the help," he said. "Thank you, Olivia."

Olivia grinned. "No problem, Zeke," she said. "Now, let's get started. There's so much to see and learn in this library, and I can't wait to show you all of it."

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