True and False Daughters Joined Forces [Metaphysics]

Chapter 280

Chapter 277: Blood Sacrifice Relatives

It is not just the unilateral consent of the demon involved to open the household registration by the goblin.

The number of mermaids is too large, the work content is too much, and the time is too long. It is impossible for Su Yunshao to keep watching, so he will hand over the relevant documents to Gao Ran, and let him use it up and return it to himself.

Before the relevant procedures were completed, Su Yunshao returned to Changshou Island, and her documents were temporarily placed in Gao Ran, which happened to give Tai Chi Yang fish a chance to exploit.

Taiji Sunfish helped in this incident, and what his friend Koi did was also mentioned in the group of friends in the supernatural adventure. There should be no problem, but Koi’s friend… Gao Ran was not sure.

“What kind of fish is your friend?”

Koi: “It’s not a fish, it’s a water chestnut.”

Gao Ran remembered the water chestnut in the shape of ingots. It was crunchy when eaten raw. He didn’t like water chestnut that was too tender.

“Is it the edible water chestnut?”

Koi: ! !

“Why do you want to eat her?!”

The big fat koi hides behind the Taiji Sunfish in horror, but her figure is too fat, twice the size of the Taiji Sunfish, hiding it is the same as not hiding it, adding a sense of joy.

Gao Ran held back his smile: “I didn’t want to eat it, I just wanted to ask if it’s the kind of water chestnut that can be eaten, and why can it also become a demon?”

It is even more strange that the water chestnut can be cultivated into a demon than the hamster. Unless it is in the waters where no one goes, how can the edible water chestnut have such a chance?

Koi felt a little relieved when he saw that he was speaking the truth, not like someone who could eat goblins.

“I don’t know. She has been living in Yuanshan Temple. Maybe she is a monster who listened to the monks in the temple reciting sutras?”

Gao Ran: ? ? ?

You can’t think everyone is stupid just because you’re a fish, right? Listening to monks reciting scriptures can become a demon, and the whole country can be flooded with fairies!

Gao Ran didn’t dare to put the goblin of unknown origin in Su Yunshao’s household register, lest the water chestnut demon would cause trouble and have to find the parents to clean up the mess.

Then he’d really be a friend.

Not sure what Su Yunshao was doing at this time, it was inconvenient, he sent a message first: [Taiji Yangyu brother and sister and Koi have already been registered under your household registration, Koi wants to bring a water chestnut with you now, what do you think? Sample? 】

At this time, Su Yunshao was busy chatting with Huixin and the three of them about the problematic village head Gu Linghua. He didn’t even bother to look at his mobile phone. He would call if there was an urgent matter. Sending a message meant that he could talk later, not in a hurry.

“He killed Ao Kexin and his son back then, and cooperated with Gu Changze to kill countless villagers and foreigners over the years. It is indeed a serious crime.”

The three of Huixin didn’t know what she was talking about, and they were at a loss when they heard it, so Su Yunshao had to tell a story first, which was to tell them the summary of the previous situation.

The time was tight, so I didn’t say too much detail. I didn’t pay attention to the story, so I came by myself, and I didn’t let Ruan Mei tell it.

All the grievances and hatreds between Ao Kexin and Gu Changze were omitted, and the identity and relationship were added, and only what Gu Linghua’s family had done to Ao Kexin’s mother and son.

Qu Wuhua angrily rebuked: “This **** longevity village, the piles and pieces made by it are simply outrageous!”

Huixin scolded a rare sentence: “Born to be human, not human.”

Fang Youde went along with Yu Gui, and every Li Gui he received had encountered all kinds of injustices before his death, and he got used to it after listening to it a lot, so his mood was the most stable among the three.

“Why do they eat people? Did the villagers who ate Ao Kexin’s mother and son meat, like the village chief, passed on the power to live longer?”

Su Yunshao just wanted to save some time and words, but he didn’t expect to mention it, and quickly talked about the blood sacrifice palace.

“It should be nourishing Ao Kexin’s flesh and blood like a gu. That body has already been destroyed. No matter how much planning Gu Changze has, he won’t be able to use it any longer.”

The above statement has a certain possibility, or it may just be a reasonable speculation based on various status quo, and there is no actual evidence to prove it.

What Qu Wuhua is most puzzled is: “There is no domestic legend that eating merman meat will make you immortal, it should be a rumor from R country? One hundred bhikkhunis. Don’t talk about this, since mermaid meat doesn’t have the ability to live a long life, why do the villagers who eat it still live longer?”

Huixin corrected this statement: “In order to extract the flesh and blood that revived Ao Kexin, most of the villagers who ate the mermaid meat should have died at the hands of Gu Changze, and most of the rest were descendants of the villagers of Gujia Village. We did not see There are centenarians in the village other than the village chief, and it is difficult to confirm whether they have longevity.”

The statement that people in the village can live to be 130 or 40 years old was learned from Ai’er’s mouth, and Ai’er lied about the age of the village chief, which made many of her claims unreliable.

Moreover, Huixin had seen the faces of the people in the village, and none of them had the appearance of longevity, which made Aier’s statement even more unconvincing.

Su Yunshao: “The goblin’s flesh and blood contains cultivation and power, which may be the longevity caused by the enhancement of the body. It is said that there were monks who used the goblin’s flesh and blood to temper their bodies a long time ago. It should be the same reason.”

As for why it is effective to eat it, then you have to ask the current heaven.

Knowing how the causal lines on Gu Linghua’s body came from is not innocent, the three of them felt that they could act immediately.

If they don’t do anything, they are afraid that even Gu Changze’s little tail will not be able to hold.

Su Yunshao felt the same way. She had already turned over the entire Changshou Island and the underground seaside. She had found so many problems but never found Gu Changze. It was very likely that Gu Changze had already run away.

“Is there something wrong with Ai’er?”

Qu Wuhua: “Speaking a little hesitantly, I have some thoughts on men and women about fellow Daoist Huixin, and the rest is fine.”

Hui Xin pretended not to hear: “There are relatively few causal lines on her body, but there are also a few red lines.”

Fang Youde: “My ghost envoy found some small details. The village chief’s food is different from ours. Her tableware and chopsticks are also prepared by Ai’er to be cleaned separately, as if they were deliberately distinguished from ours.”

Since there is a problem, let the two come together!

Su Yunshao knew so much of the inside story, so he didn’t have the heart to ask them one by one.

Before that, there is one more person to ask, the one who came back after moving to Gujia Village in the west with Ai’er’s parents, the aunt who once approached Qu Wuhua.

The aunt’s house is very close to the village head’s house. When the three of them went to the mine, they passed by and even ran to ask for the way.

A few people turned around and went back, Fang Youde’s ghost envoy went to explore the way first, found that aunt was at home, and hurried back to report.

Under the leadership of the ghost envoy, the four entered the aunt’s house. Su Yunshao stamped a mantra and opened an illusion array, directly turning the aunt into a sacrifice to be thrown into the black vortex.

According to the previous guess, the sacrifice was first **** and thrown in the ancestral hall without eating or drinking for two or three days, and then sent to the blood sacrifice palace through the black vortex. After the blood sacrifice was completed, the corpse was sent up to the villagers of Changshou Village to solve it, so she asked the aunt to quickly experience such a situation. process.

After the round came down, the aunt was frightened and looked in a trance.

Su Yunshao took the opportunity to ask: “Why did you return to Changshou Village from Gujia Village in the west?”

The expression on the aunt’s face was a little broken: “If you don’t come back, you will die!”

“Is it the hand of the village chief?”

“Of course it’s her! I saw her eating those people with my own eyes, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to be eaten!” The aunt became more and more excited.

“You ate too?”

“If you don’t eat, you will die!” Auntie repeated that sentence, as if she was frightened.

Here, apart from knowing that the village chief and the aunt eat people, the four of them ignored the aunt and turned around and went straight to the village chief’s house.

Su Yunshao summoned Ao Kexin, who was resting, from the lightning strike acacia wood bracelet, and said a few words to her.

When Ao Kexin learned that she was going to scare Gu Linghua, it would be best to scare Gu Linghua to the point where she lost her mind and nodded.

Ao Kexin has never scare people, because she was hurt by Gu Linghua in the past, and she felt resentful when she knew that she wanted to scare Gu Linghua.

She wanted to ask Su Yunshao for some advice, but in the end it was the goblins and ghosts who gave her an idea. The goblins who looked cute and lovely on the surface, came up with bad ideas one after another.

Taoyao: “I can create a fantasy, let her experience the feeling of being cut into flesh and divided into food, you can become the person who holds the knife and keep her scared of shit!”

Yun Ting: “I can change my body to help you scare her, few women are not afraid of such a big python!”

Jin Changkong: “I can peck her with my body, and give her a few more holes!”

Bai Xiaoshu: “I can summon the little mice to surround her house, and if I give her a bite, I will definitely scare her to death!”

The most obedient baby, Yun Xiao, said, “Actually, if you don’t do anything, as long as you appear in front of her with your original appearance, you will scare her.”

People who have done something wrong are always guilty, and those with poor psychological quality probably don’t need to ask, and they can reveal it all by themselves after a little stimulation.

Su Yunshao didn’t even know when his goblin cubs became so damaged, didn’t he learn from her? Certainly not!

When they arrived, Ai’er supported the village chief and stood in the front yard, as if she had expected it.

The old-faced village chief was hunched over, leaning on a cane, and even though he was blind, he looked precisely in the direction they came from, “Are you guys here to investigate our village?”

Qu Wuhua said with a smile: “If Changshou Village can stand up to the investigation, what should the village chief be afraid of?”

“It seems that you know a lot.” The village chief grinned, his teeth were few and yellow, and the tips of his fingers on the crutches turned yellow, making him look like an old smoking gun.

Qu Wuhua didn’t know if it was her delusion, but she always felt that the village chief opened his mouth like an unpleasant smell coming out of the village chief’s mouth.

She looked at Hui Xin Fang You De Su Yun Shao from the corner of her eye, she wanted to interpret from their expressions whether they smelled the same fishy smell as her own, but also felt that everyone had experienced so much, and they might not show anything in front of the enemy. , and all three of them were frowning.

Qu Wuhua: ? ? ?

So all three of them smelled it?

Just thinking about it, the big straight man Fang Youde has already said: “When I came here on the first day, I had some distance from the village chief and I didn’t realize it. Today, I smelled a very fishy stench.”

The smile on the village chief’s face froze.

Hui Xin didn’t want to make it difficult for women to save face, but unfortunately, the person in front of her was full of sins, and it was impossible to atone for her sins, so she didn’t need such a face.

“Maybe it’s the evil caused by killing people and eating people all the year round.”

Hearing this, knowing that a few of them had investigated a lot of content, the village chief lost his smile.

There was no smile on that old face as old as an orange peel, and under the rays of the early morning sun, she couldn’t feel any warmth, and Ai’er couldn’t help shivering.

Village head: “How many have you found?”

“Then it depends on how much you want to listen to.” Su Yunshao didn’t want to hide it at this point, “Do you want me to start with the sharing of food between Ao Kexin and her son in Gujia Village more than 200 years ago, or from More than forty years ago, you gave Gu Changze your great-great-great-granddaughter Gu Aier?”

While she was speaking, she hit the village chief and Aier with a mantra.

Ai’er’s eyes widened in surprise, what is this strange woman saying?

The village chief was stunned. Has the investigation reached this point?

“Who sent you?”

“It doesn’t matter who sent it, the important thing is, do you know how the great-great-great-granddaughter who was sent away from Changshou Island by your own hands was killed by your own son?”

“Died from illness,” the village chief insisted, “She died of illness.”

Su Yunshao: “Why do you deceive yourself? The identity of a woman in Yin Shi is destined for her to die in the hands of Gu Changze, but you may not think of your own son, throw your great-great-great-granddaughter into the coffin, and use countless people. Blood sacrifice to her, locked her soul in the body and turned into a blood corpse, a non-human, non-ghost and non-demon existence, and all circles will not accept it.”

The village chief was short of breath, his lips were trembling, and his hands on the crutches trembled, “No, he won’t be so cruel, he just needs to be a girl in yin!”

The four of Su Yunshao and the goblin envoys were stunned.

It was not that the village chief had deceived himself, thinking that Gu Changze would spare a great-great-great-granddaughter after killing so many people, but that he was stunned by the village chief’s guesses and actions.

Qu Wuhua asked incredulously: “So you think it’s okay for your own son and your great-great-great-granddaughter to have a child together? Your brain is broken!”

Ai’er seemed to know something and asked anxiously, “Are you talking about my second sister?”

Qu Wuhua nodded, “As soon as she was born, she was given to Gu Changze by the village head because of the date of birth of a girl in the dark age. Gu Changze handed her over to a couple to raise her and monitor her every day. For the next 20 years, he was trapped in a corpse, buried under a tomb, and almost became Gu Changze’s tool.”

Ai’er can’t imagine that her own sister has experienced such a terrible thing, she is angry and scared, “Then what about my second sister now?”

This Qu Wuhua cannot be said.

She asked the village chief: “You can even eat your own grandchildren. Surely a great-great-great-granddaughter in the district will not feel distressed after being abused to death? Dreaming at midnight, have you ever dreamed of those poor children? ”

The village chief stayed where he was, not knowing what he was thinking.

Su Yunshao touched the lightning strike acacia wood bracelet, and Ao Kexin got out of the bracelet and appeared in front of the village chief.

“Gu Linghua, do you still remember me?”

A familiar and unfamiliar voice came, and the village chief slowly raised his head, and what caught his eye was a woman with ancient hair in an ancient bun and ancient clothes.

Her eyes are not completely blind, but they are not very useful. She squinted to see who that person was, and at the same time she took a few steps back in horror and screamed: “Ao Kexin, you are not dead!”

Su Yunshao: ?

This reaction seemed to be unaware of Gu Changze’s resurrection of Ao Kexin.

Ao Kexin thought it was strange, he stepped forward and approached the village chief, and said in a showy tone: “Why, Gu Changze didn’t tell you, he built a palace for me on the bottom of the sea, and let Changshou Island deliver sacrifices every year. Is it just to resurrect me?”

The village chief sucked in a breath of cold air. He didn’t even hold the crutches, and stood there tremblingly, like a poor mother abandoned by her son.

However, except for Ai’er, all the demons and demons present knew how hateful things this mother had done, and they couldn’t have the slightest sympathy for her.

The village chief didn’t believe it: “Why did he want to resurrect you? No matter how powerful he is, he can’t resurrect a dead person!” That was completely beyond the reach of manpower.

If he really had such miraculous ability, Gu Changze didn’t have to change to a younger body for decades.

Ao Kexin opened his eyes and said nonsense: “Then I don’t know, I only know that you are the last step of the resurrection step, as long as you are thrown into the vortex, and the flesh and blood you have eaten and nourished over the years is thrown into the blood sacrifice formation, I can be fully resurrected!”

Before coming, Su Yunshao told Gu Linghua to be angry, preferably to the extent that Gu Linghua almost ascended to the sky, so that Shan’er could fall into a dream and see the truest memories.

Therefore, Ao Kexin held back his nausea and said deliberately sticky: “He promised me that as long as I can be resurrected successfully, he will torture and kill the entire villagers of Changshou Island to avenge our mother and son.”

I don’t know which sentence irritated the village chief. The village chief suddenly became excited and shouted: “It’s been more than two hundred years, isn’t it enough? Has he not killed enough? He has to kill the entire Changshou Island. Is it enough to kill them all? How far will he go before he stops!”

It’s now!

Su Yunshao unfolded an illusion formation, and Shan’er jumped directly into the village chief’s dream from the lightning strike on the locust wood bracelet.

After Ao Kexin was rescued, Gu Linghua was very uneasy.

She saw with her own eyes how her eldest son and Ao Kexin got together, and how good their relationship was, but she never imagined that her daughter-in-law was a mermaid, and that such a thing would happen.

Say sorry?

She only regretted not listening to her younger son’s words, coveting the wealth brought by that little pearl, and not killing Ao Kexin sooner to avoid future troubles.

Gu Linghua didn’t know how to explain to the eldest son, so they called the villagers to discuss countermeasures.

I thought of one method after another, but there was no time to implement it. All the people who reported the letter arrived, saying that he had passed the jinshi examination, but Gu Changze still did not come back.

A year later, just when they suspected that Gu Changze had an accident on the way back, he suddenly came back.

Gu Linghua informed him that Ao Kexin’s mother and son died of illness as agreed in advance.

However, Gu Changze is not an ordinary person, he knows the techniques of the mysterious door, and he can see his face.

The son is indeed dead and the wife is still alive.

He knew that his parents and family members, including the villagers in the whole village, were hiding something from him. He pretended to believe this statement, perfectly portraying the roles of a husband and father who heard bad news, sad, dazed and unbelievable. Wandering around the village, looking for traces of his wife and children.

He found that the villagers had a lot of pearls in their hands, all of which were of good quality.

Gu Changze knew that something happened that he didn’t know.

Maybe in the eyes of others, the round pearls are all the same and difficult to distinguish, but in his eyes, pearls and pearls are different.

On the day the truth was exposed, there was blood everywhere outside the ancestral hall in Gujia Village.

Gu Changze grabbed his own younger brother and younger sister and threw them onto the altar. There were also the villagers he had captured from all over the world. They were the ones who ate the most of Aoke’s heart. Watch the scene and witness this scene with your own eyes.

The talisman that made people feel scared to look at was outlined with blood on the ground, Gu Linghua did not dare to approach, and begged: “Nangze, Ao Kexin is dead, they are all your relatives and friends who watched you grow up as elders, You can’t do this to them!”

“I can’t treat them like this, can they treat my wife and son like this?” Gu Changze mercilessly kicked back those who wanted to escape from the blood sacrifice formation.

He deliberately controlled the strength, and did not knock those people unconscious, so that they could feel the loss of vitality, the stripping of flesh and blood, and the pain of dying little by little.

“No, Nagasawa, I’m your brother!”

“Nagasawa, I’m your younger sister, the younger sister you brought up with one hand!”

“Nagasawa, I’m your uncle, how could you treat me like this?”

“Gu Changze, you bastard, you have to die!”

They knelt down and begged, everyone was afraid of such a Gu Changze, such an unknown, such a death.

Gu Linghua watched as her son’s daughter’s hands and feet melted like sugar, revealing the white bones inside, and eagerly grabbed Gu Changze’s sleeve, “Changze, people can’t be resurrected from the dead, you can’t kill them, they are your relatives, you will Got struck by thunder!”

I don’t know which point Gu Linghua said hit Gu Changze’s laughter, he raised his finger to the sky and laughed wildly: “You ask this day, he can watch my wife and children be tortured to death by you, and he won’t leave them the slightest bit. Why don’t you allow me to take revenge?! The sky strikes thunder, but I want to see if the sky will strike me and hack me?!”

On one side are the sons, daughters and uncles of the clan, all of whom are close relatives by blood, and on the other are the baby bumps who have always loved the entire Gu family and honored their ancestors. Gu Linghua looked around and didn’t know what to do, so she knelt down firmly to Gu Changze.

“Nagasawa, mother kneels down and kowtows for you, just let them go! Now let them go, they still have a life left, so just treat them as having learned their lesson, can’t you? They are all your relatives, How can you bear it?”

“I let them go, did they let go of my wife and children?” Gu Changze bent down, his face was very close to Gu Linghua, his eyes were full of cold and sharp chills and killing intent.

“Why do you think I can’t kill a bunch of beasts who tortured my wife and children? Huh?”

Looking at these eyes very closely, Gu Linghua suddenly realized that she didn’t know this son very well. She asked loudly, “Are you still my son?”

“Why am I not your son?” Gu Changze patted Gu Linghua’s stiff cheek and straightened up, ignoring his biological mother kneeling on the ground.

For some reason, Gu Linghua breathed a sigh of relief, it was just her son.

The next moment, Gu Changze said, “I hope I’m not the son of a disgusting person like you.”

Gu Linghua opened her mouth, and tears fell.

Nothing hurts her more than her eldest son, who has always loved her, scolds her for being disgusting and regrets being her son.

“Nagasawa.” Gu Linghua cried out her eldest son’s name, “How could you say that? If it wasn’t for you, if it wasn’t…”

She hesitated to say anything, but Gu Changze had no such scruples, and said in front of everyone: “It’s not that you think you spoil me, keep me who should have been a sacrifice, and send my twin brother over there. , He also said that he is a brother, am I a brother? Is it so difficult to admit that you are despicable? ”


The secret that Gu Linghua had been hiding was exposed in public, her ears were buzzing, and she couldn’t hear anything.

When she regained consciousness, there was only a small piece of flesh left on the altar. Gu Changze carefully picked up the piece of flesh and hurried to the beach.

“Where’s my child?” Gu Linghua ran to the altar, ran into the crowd, ran all over the village, and walked along the beach day and night, but no matter how hard she tried to find her son and daughter, they would never come back .

The village chief was still wandering in the dream, unable to escape for a long time. In reality, Ai’er saw the village chief yelling and hysterical, and heard certain key words.

When she learned the truth, she suddenly felt that the village chief was pitiful.

However, the village chief is pitiful, isn’t Ao Kexin’s mother and son pitiful? Her parents, the eldest sister who was sacrificed, and the second sister who was sacrificed into a blood corpse were not pitiful? Aren’t the other villagers in the whole Longevity Island pitiful?

“Evil will be rewarded, it’s not that it will not be punished.” Ai’er looked at the village chief with cold eyes filled with disgust.

This performance made Su Yunshao and the others a little puzzled and puzzled.

“Didn’t you volunteer to come to the village chief to serve her?”

No matter how you think about it, this should not be the reaction.

If you really want to like and respect the village chief, you will definitely struggle after learning the truth, instead of being stunned by what you already know.

Ai’er: “I originally thought she was getting old, and the old man lived here alone. It was pitiful, and I wanted to do my filial piety for my parents, but…”

In the few years when she was not very sensible, she spent the years with her parents. After she became sensible, she knew from the mouths of other villagers that she had an elderly great-great-great-grandmother.

At that time, she didn’t understand why her parents were so far apart from their elders, and they didn’t communicate with each other.

When she got old, she went out to study on the island and knew that people should honor their parents and elders. After finishing middle school, she returned to Changshou Island and told her parents about the truth. Every time she mentioned it, her parents would always hate it and say that the village chief is not worthy of being an elder. .

She argued with her parents on the grounds that she felt that no matter what happened to her blood relatives, she would not be here.

At that time, the parents were a little sad, and the mother told her how the eldest and second sisters died.

On Changshou Island, the first child of every household will be treated as a sacrifice. Although Aier thinks the customs on the island are a bit strange, she doesn’t think it’s a big deal if she accepts it.

As for dying, isn’t that more normal? Who does not experience the pain of birth, old age, sickness and death?

At that time, Ai’er was too young, self-centered, and felt that her thoughts were right. She had been living on the island all the time. is wrong.

In her life, she only has to read, eat and drink. She has not experienced too much and cannot feel the pain of her parents.

She left Gujia Village insistently, came to Changshou Village, and said to the village chief who lived alone, “Great-great-great-grandmother, I will replace my parents and sister to be filial to you in the future.”

The village chief was surprised: “Your parents agreed?”

Ellie lied: “Of course.”

At that time, she saw the astonishment on the village chief’s face, but thought that the village chief was only shocked that her parents wanted to repair the relationship between her relatives, and she did not know that the distance between the village chief and her parents was the second sister’s level, and even more so. Mostly, her parents were worried that she was killed by the village chief.

Ai’er, who just arrived, didn’t find anything wrong with Changshou Village.

She and her parents are the only people on the island who don’t eat human flesh, but the others don’t know it.

The village chief probably knew a little bit, so she was not allowed to enter the kitchen at first. At most, she was asked to go to the field to pick vegetables or handle the ingredients. The village chief did the cooking.

Later, maybe it was annoying, or maybe it was because Aier, the great-great-great-granddaughter, was nice and allowed her into the kitchen.

“After taking charge, the villagers will occasionally send some meat that can’t be seen.” Ai’er had a sad look on her face, “until my friend comes over.”

She went to study outside, knew about electronic products and the Internet, met friends online, and kept in touch with those classmates in junior high school.

The network on Changshou Island is too bad, and it takes a long time to reply to a message. Under such circumstances, it is really good to keep sending messages to her to keep in touch with each other.

When I was young, I didn’t think too much. My friends invited me to eat at home, and Ai’er went.

When she was studying, because it was inconvenient to go home, and because she knew that her family lived in a dilapidated mountain and forest, she felt a little inferior and worried that she would be looked down upon by her classmates, so she did not invite her classmates to go home.

In the past few years, farmhouse music was popular. Many people paid attention to the original flavor, green vegetables, and liked firewood rice. Aier invited classmates and friends to their home during the holidays.

And that was the beginning of tragedy.

She happily washed the sheets and pillowcases, dried all the quilts and pillow cores in advance, went up the mountain to pick a lot of sweet wild fruits, and asked the village chief for a few domestic chickens and ducks. Good to entertain friends.

In the beginning, everything was fine.

Ai’er took her friends to explore the mountains, fished for crayfish, went to the mine to play in the dark, and went to the ancestral hall in the evening to strengthen her courage. She had a very interesting and happy day.

Then, one of their friends disappeared.

Ai’er was very anxious, and begged the whole village to help them go out to find them. The villagers were eager to help. However, the first friend who disappeared was not found, and other friends began to disappear.

Ai’er can’t eat well, can’t sleep well, and her mouth is full of bubbles.

She thought that there might be too few people in the village and could not find it, so she called her parents and wanted them to come and look for it together.

However, the parents were silent.

They said: “Don’t look for them, the village chief and the villagers know their whereabouts very well, but they didn’t tell you.”

Elle: ? ? ?

She didn’t understand what her parents were talking about, but she sensed a bad premonition from her parents’ painful tone, and ran to the village chief crying.

The village chief touched her head and told her, “It’s too unfortunate for your friend to come here. Our village is in need of sacrifices.”

Ai’er is very familiar with sacrifices. Her eldest sister is dedicated to the sea **** as a sacrifice, but what does this have to do with her friends? Her friends are all grown ups and are no longer virgins.

On that day, Liangzhi came.

Hearing Ai’er asking the village chief, Conscience said in surprise, “Village chief, haven’t you told Ai’er yet?”

Elle: “Tell me what?”

The village chief sighed. Seeing that the village had not spoken for a long time, Liang Zhi said: “The frequency of offering sacrifices to the sea **** is high, not only boys and girls, but also two adults, one male and one female.”

How does Ela know about this?

Her parents had moved from Changshou Village to Gujia Village, and they did not participate in the worship of the sea **** in Changshou Village. What she knew was from the mouths of other villagers in Gujia Village.

“Even if a man and a woman are needed as sacrifices, I have so many friends, what about the others?”

Liangzhi grinned and said, “Don’t you know? The reason why Changshou Village is called Changshou Village is because we can eat people to live longer. I thought you were following the village chief, and you must know that the village chief eats the most in our entire village. , she’s almost three hundred years old.”

At that moment, Uncle Liangzhi, who was accustomed to seeing it, turned into a monster that eats people with its mouth open in Ai’er’s eyes, and the great-great-great-grandmother, whom he respected and cared for every day, became a demon lurking around him.

“I really didn’t expect my relatives to have such disgusting faces under their skin.” Ai’er cried, “They actually eat people!”

Every red causal line on Aier’s body represented human life, so no matter how excited her reaction was, Su Yunshao and others were not moved, because it meant that Aier had helped Zhou to abuse her.

Su Yunshao: “But you still help them.”

Ai’er’s cry stopped abruptly, and the tears stopped abruptly on her face, causing her expression to look a little weird.

“Yeah, I’ve also become the devil I hate the most.”

Since then, Liangzhi has sent tourists who come to the island to the village chief’s house every time, asking her to change the bedding and cleaning, while she put medicine in the meals, and finally threw those tourists into the whirlpool one by one and sent them to the chopping board.

Qu Wuhua didn’t notice any traces of medicine from the food they ate, “Has your medicine been given yet?”

Aier nodded and shook his head: “I just didn’t put medicine in your meals.”

Then, she looked at the village chief who was sitting on the ground, “The medicine in her meals is a lot.”

Su Yunshao and his party: ! !

Drugged and murdered great-great-great-grandmother, the girl is cruel enough! As expected of the descendant of Gu Changze!

Ai’er seemed to know what they were thinking, and quickly distanced herself from the relationship: “If you don’t believe it, you can go to the ancestral hall to read the genealogy. After Gu Changze’s wife and children died, they did not remarry. Our lineage was inherited from his younger brother. Not that close to him.”

Su Yunshao and his party: “…”

Ao Kexin sneered: “Gu Changze has done a lot of evil things, but how can your great-great-grandfather be any better? Eat, drink, prostitute, gamble, misappropriation of daughter-in-law’s dowry, scolding and beating daughter-in-law, stealing parents’ money, Trying to get in on your sister-in-law, eating raw food for your sister-in-law and nephew, and inciting others to kill, Gu Aier, where do you think you are inferior to your great-great-grandfather?”

It was the first time Ai Er knew that her great-great-grandfather was such a thing.

Suddenly, she had the same thought as Gu Changze back then: “If I hadn’t been born here, it would be great if I hadn’t been their child.”

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