True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1 The young man collecting herbs

In late spring, the Luoyu Mountains, located in the middle of Zhongyuan Continent, stretches for thousands of miles, with towering green mountains. There are countless large and small peaks, some are towering and majestic, some are rugged and steep.

Because the interior of the Luoyu Mountains has abundant spiritual energy, rich spiritual stone minerals, and numerous spiritual herbs and exotic animals, it has become a place where cultivating sects compete to settle.

Piaoyun Peak is located in the middle of Luoyu Mountain Range. Looking from a distance, the tall mountain peaks are looming in the clouds and mist like a dragon playing in the clouds, which is quite spectacular.

On a smooth rock wall of Piaoyun Peak, there is a poem engraved on it: "Heavenly Fairy. Immortal Road". When the spring rain sings and you take a bird's eye view, you can see the lush green mountains as far as the eye can see. The little bees rested and took off their clothes. It was getting late and the stars were shining brightly. The fairy sea is far away and the shore is nowhere to be seen. The sword is gallbladder and the heart of the piano is light and the feather fan is light, and the rain is the companion of the gentle breeze. When you are at the top, you laugh at the sky, with no regrets in your heart, and gold does not call you. Tomorrow the flowers should bloom. "The eloquent calligraphy and brush strokes of the wandering dragon seem to be flying away from the mountain. It is said that five hundred years ago, a cultivator named Lu Qingyun passed by this place and left it. Later he became a genius in the cultivation world of Zhongyuan Continent. Earned the title "Heavenly Fairy".

There is a different space hidden within the mountainside of Piaoyun Peak that is completely different from the outside.

In a different space, there is a different world.

In a huge space, six bronze-colored columns as thick as millstones are scattered around a ten-acre magma lake. Many golden runes on their mottled and simple columns are running continuously, and red light threads pass between the tops of the columns. A huge spider web-shaped spirit-gathering array was woven into the dome of the space. In the center of the array hung a red Suzaku flag about ten feet in size, with a fire-breathing Suzaku flying up and down in the flag.

In the red magma that is constantly rolling in the magma lake below the magic circle, traces of red spiritual power seem to be summoned. Their light and shadow are distorted in the heat wave of the magma, swarming, and are submerged into the spirit gathering magic circle above it. , and then enter the Vermillion Bird Flag. The red bird on the flag greedily devoured the blazing spiritual power, and then turned the devoured spiritual power into wisps of golden clouds, then spat it out from its mouth and disappeared into the void above.

At this time, on an unknown cliff more than a hundred miles away from Piaoyun Peak. A boy of sixteen or seventeen years old was climbing on the cliff with his bare hands.

The young man's delicate face was stained with sweat, and his delicate hair was a little messy. There were several holes in his light gray clothes, and his exposed arms were also scratched with blood from sharp rocks. The young man stared at a spiritual grass with purple cross flowers on the cliff, his eyes full of hope and perseverance.

"If you persist a little longer, you will be able to collect Huimingcao, and hopefully your mother's eye disease will be cured." The young man said to himself, with a smile that was close to success showing at the corner of his mouth. The young man climbed hard, three meters, two meters, one meter... Finally he climbed to the location of the spiritual grass, stretched out a hand and carefully picked the "Huiming grass".

Looking at the Huimingcao in his hand, the fatigue in the young man's body was swept away.

"There's nothing I can't do." The young man said proudly to himself.

The young man put the "Huimingcao" into the wooden box he had prepared in advance and put it away carefully. The young man turned his head and looked down the mountain. The originally tall trees at the foot of the mountain became as small as weeds in his field of vision. Then he rubbed his eyes and groped his way down the mountain.

It's easy to go up the mountain but hard to go down the mountain. A gust of mountain wind roared past. Perhaps because the young man was too tired, his left hand that was clinging to the rock slipped. In an instant, his whole body lost balance and fell.

The young man felt his scalp numb and shouted: "I, Xu Yang, can't die! My mother is still waiting for me to bring the medicine back!"

In the panic, I felt something blocked me, and my body's downward momentum slowed down. Xu Yang instinctively grabbed something with his hands. It turned out to be an old tree growing halfway up the mountain that just held it up.

Holding the branch tightly with his left hand, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his right hand and let out a long breath. He looked up at the smooth mirror-like sky and said to himself: "The sky is so blue."

The origin of Xu Yang.

Twenty years ago, Qingshi Town.

Qingshi Town is a border town in Donglai Kingdom, but it is the only way to Laiyang County, the second largest county in Donglai Kingdom. The town is not big, but it is also very lively.

There is a restaurant called "Lehu Winery" in Qingshi Town. The owner of the restaurant is surnamed Zhao. Boss Zhao worked as a sergeant when he was young and worked as a bodyguard for several years after he retired from the army. When he got older, he left the bodyguard bureau and worked in this restaurant as a living. When Boss Zhao was forty years old, he had an only daughter named Zhao Min. Unfortunately, when Zhao Min was fifteen years old, the family encountered a flash flood while traveling, and only Zhao Min was lucky enough to survive.

In Lehu Winery.

I saw a dark-faced drunken man with stubble on his face grabbing the collar of a thin waiter with his left hand, and clenching his fist with his right hand to smash the waiter in the face. The waiter in the shop was already trembling with fear and his face was ashen.

"Where are you from? You drank in my shop without paying me, and you dared to hit someone!" A young woman's clear shout came from the wine shop.

The woman was short and looked to be only about twenty years old.

A light blue tight skirt outlines her exquisite curves. Her long black hair was tied into a bud-like bun on the back of her head, and a few strands of black hair hung naturally from her temples. Under the broad forehead, a pair of large, watery eyes flashed with a certain intelligence.

As the woman spoke, she rolled up her sleeves to her elbows. Her fair, lotus-like forearms were exposed, showing a bit of heroism in her beauty.

The drunk man heard someone scolding him behind him. He turned around and saw that the person who came was a pretty woman. He grabbed the waiter's left hand and let go. The waiter's whole body was like a pile of soft mud, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Where is the little lady from? She is very suitable to my taste. Come and have a drink with me. I have just returned from the military camp a few days ago and haven't eaten meat yet." After saying this, he couldn't help but swallow. , with a lustful look on his face.

Hearing the drunken man teasing her with words, the woman raised her eyebrows, took two steps forward and came to the drunkard. Without saying a word, she raised her leg and kicked the drunken man in the abdomen.

The drunk man instinctively used his arms to block in front of him. With a bang, his whole body took two steps back. The drunk man shook his head violently, having sobered up by three points.

"Ouch! My little beauty still has a few more moments, so I will have some fun with you." After saying that, he raised his foot and kicked the table next to him, and the food and wine on the table fell to the floor.

The drunkard stretched out his big hands and grabbed the woman's breasts hard.

The woman in the blue shirt was so embarrassed and angry that she dodged like a clever swallow to avoid the drunken man's big hand, and then kicked him out again.

The drunkard was born in the military camp and his skills were not bad. In the blink of an eye, he was fighting with the woman.

The drunk man is obviously much stronger than the woman in blue shirt.

After several rounds, the woman in blue shirt was out of breath.

The woman in blue shirt was accidentally grabbed by the arm by the drunk man.

The drunk man smiled lewdly and tugged hard, taking the opportunity with his other hand to grab the waistband of the woman in blue shirt. It's too late for the woman to escape.

"Young lady, please let me kiss you." The drunk man said, leaning towards her face.


At this moment, a pebble came from nowhere and hit the drunkard's outstretched palm accurately.

The drunkard yelped in pain and retracted his hand. The woman took the opportunity to take two steps back to avoid the drunkard's entanglement.

At this time, a scholar in gray robe was already standing at the door of the shop.

The scholar is tall and has a delicate face. He wears a silver Confucian scarf on his head and carries a small rattan bookcase cage behind him.

"It is shameless to molest a common woman in broad daylight." The scholar in gray robe said sternly.

"Where did you come from, how dare you spoil the gentleman's mood." The drunk man became angry and took a few steps to come to the scholar. He swung his clenched fist like a sledgehammer and shouted towards the scholar's face. The door was slammed down hard.

The scholar turned to one side, easily dodged the drunkard's attack, and then flicked the drunkard's left knee hard with a single finger of his right hand.

Whoosh! An invisible finger wind popped up from the scholar's finger and hit the inner knee of the drunkard's left leg with a "snap".

The drunkard felt pain and numbness in the inner knee of his left leg, and his tall body fell to his knees with a thud.

"Turning spirit into qi! You, you are actually a cultivator." The drunk man was stunned and speechless.

Without saying anything, the scholar raised his right hand and slapped the drunk man in the face. The drunk man felt his face was on fire, his mouth was full of blood, and two teeth were missing from his mouth.

"Xianjia, spare your life!" The drunk man knew that he had met a master. He got up from the ground in a panic and ran away through the door.

Seeing the drunk man running away, the woman let out a sigh of relief.

The woman walked up to the scholar, gently flattened her rolled-up sleeves, straightened her clothes, gave a slight salute to the scholar, and then said, "Thank you for your help, young master. My little girl, Zhao Min, you are polite here."

"It turns out to be Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao is too polite. I was just passing by here and came in to ask for a bowl of water. I happened to meet this." After saying this, the scholar gave a polite fist.

"Master, please come inside." Zhao Min said, welcoming the scholar into a private room in the store, and then ordered the waiter to clean up the outer hall.

At the tea table, Zhao Min personally poured a cup of tea for the scholar.

"Sir, please have tea."

"Thank you." After saying that, the scholar picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and then drank it all.

"May I ask the young master's name?"

"I'm Xu Wanli."

"Young master's accent sounds like he's not from here. The drunk man just now said you were a cultivator. Can you take it seriously?"

"I am just an ordinary poor scholar. I should be a few years older than you. Just call me Brother Xu. I am from Xicheng County. I am an orphan. I was adopted by Master in a Confucian temple since childhood. And Master I have learned some simple Confucian self-cultivation methods, but I am far from being a cultivator.”

Speaking of this, Xu Wanli showed a little sadness.

"Why is Brother Xu sad?"

"Master, he passed away not long ago."

"I'm really sorry for causing Brother Xu's sadness. The deceased has passed away, and the living have their condolences."

Xu Wanli paused and continued: "My master's wish during his lifetime was to go on a pilgrimage to the Confucian Taizong's "Yudaomen". I wanted to take the master's relics to Yudaomen to fulfill his last wish. Unexpectedly, the mountain road in the Luoyu Mountains was steep and I lost my way. After a few days, I got cold again and fainted on the mountain road. I don’t know who rescued me. When I woke up, I found that I had already passed away. When I arrived outside Qingshi Town, I came in to ask for a drink of water."

"I see."

As he spoke, Xu Wanli suddenly put his hand on his forehead. His face also became extremely pale. As soon as his eyes closed, his body swayed and he almost fell on his seat.

"Brother Xu, Brother Xu, are you okay?" Zhao Min shouted while helping Xu Wanli up.

The next day, Xu Wanli woke up and found himself lying on the bed. He shook his head vigorously. Although he was a little dazed, the pain was no longer so severe.

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

Zhao Min walked in carrying a tray. On the tray is a bowl of white porridge, two white porridge and two plates of side dishes.

"Brother Xu, are you feeling better?" Zhao Min asked with concern.

"It's okay. I'm in much better spirits. I just caused you a lot of trouble."

"Whatever Brother Xu said, just treat this place as your home." As soon as the words came out, Zhao Min felt something was wrong and couldn't help but blush.

"Brother Xu, please eat some food first. You have been comatose for most of the day. I just asked the doctor. The doctor said that you just recovered from the cold and fainted due to lack of strength. You will be fine after a few days of rest. Just stay here. Let’s stay here for a few days.” Zhao Min put the tray on the table in the room.

"Thank you, Miss Zhao."

"I wonder what Brother Xu has planned in the future?"

"I feel ashamed to say that I have a stupid talent. I have followed Master for many years, and so far I am only at the level of the Qi Transformation stage. Now that my health is weak, I cannot travel far for the time being, so I want to find a place nearby to clean up and make plans after my body recovers. ”

Zhao Min thought for a while and said: "My store also has a wine cellar in the back hill of the suburbs. There are two rooms there. No one is disturbed on weekdays, and the environment is quite quiet. Brother Xu doesn't mind and stays with me without any objection. Recuperate here.”

Xu Wanli thought for a while and said: "Thanks to the girl for taking me in, of course I wish for it."

In this way, Xu Wanli settled in Lehu Winery.

Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, the Yu Dao Sect closed the mountain gate and stopped accepting worship from mortals and other Confucian disciples for three years. Xu Wanli temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going to Yu Daomen.

But after the cold wind passed, Xu Wanli suffered from occasional headaches, and when he had an attack, his whole temperament seemed to change.

Every time Xu Wanli had a headache, Zhao Min would take good care of him. As time passed, the two gradually fell in love.

With the help of matchmaker Li in the town, the two got married for a hundred years.

The next year, Zhao Min gave birth to a son, named Xu Yang.

Unexpectedly, when Xu Yang was eight years old, Xu Wanli left without saying goodbye and never returned. He only left a note saying that he had to go on a pilgrimage to Yudaomen to fulfill his master's last wish.

Neighbors around said that Xu Wanli went to Yudaomen to cultivate immortality. Some friends who played with Xu Yang gave Xu Yang the nickname "Xu Xiaoxian."

Xu Yang has always been proud that his father is a cultivator, and he readily accepts his nickname of "Xu Xiaoxian".

After Xu Wanli left, Zhao Min raised Xu Yang alone.

Zhao Min hoped that Xu Yang would become a cultivated scholar with a sense of justice like his father when he grew up, so he invited the best private school teacher nearby to teach Xu Yang how to read and write.

Zhao Min also personally taught Xu Yang some family fists and kicks for physical fitness.

Time flies, and Xu Yang is seventeen years old in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Zhao Min suddenly suffered from an eye disease. The doctor who was invited said that it needed to be treated with a spiritual herb called "Hui Ming Cao".

Unfortunately, Huimingcao is out of stock in pharmacies.

The doctor told me that there is this kind of Huimingcao in the Luoyu Mountains. Xu Yang volunteered to go to the Luoyu Mountains to pick "Huimingcao" to treat his mother's illness.

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