Truth Of The Forgotten Age

2-02: Official Classes & Cheap Equipment

The morning soon came, and even though Veronica was excited, she was still daydreaming of what had happened the day before, with the events with Cassidy. After all, how was she to expect her best friend to do... that?

"... dungeons in multiple places, but our kingdom has four of the seven dungeons. Aviris, can you tell me where the other three dungeons are located?" The teacher asked with a monotonous tone.

"Of course. There's one in the Forest of Vauxterel, but because of the currently heated feud after the recent war, it's strictly an Elf only dungeon until further notice. The second is in the Dwarven homeland, Balkudiir. And the last is in the Khurashia Deserts. Though, it's protected by the Mamlukes of the Kanhawsa."

"Yes, excellent. This school uses the four already found in the Meryn Kingdom, namely due to their proximity to the school. Until you are third years, never go in them without either your supervisor, or a third year team. Since today is your first day, you're all going to be gathering your equipment for your first delve. You all will be given a small stipend, enough to get some armor and weapons. Your supervisor will tell you everything about the dungeons you'll need to know when you get there. That is all for today. Go to the school's smith's and stores, and get your gear. And don't waste your money on snacks or other unnecessary items. Unless you're willing to spend your own pocket money, of course."

Like a whirlwind, everyone rushed out of the class to obtain their equipment. Veronica, unlike everyone else, slowly made her way put, trying to think of what she'd need.

Obviously a weapon should come first, wouldn't do much good as a fighter without one. And then armor. But which piece? There's certainly not enough money for a full set. Probably chest armor, to protect her vital organs.

"Figuring out what to get?" Aviris asked, appearing from nowhere.

"Yeah. Just trying to figure out if I'd have enough money for it in the first place. After all, they didn't tell us exactly how much money our stipend was."

"Worry not, for I found the perfect merchant!" Cassidy appeared with a solution.

"You did? When? Cass, this better not be another perversion of yours..." Veronica spoke sternly.

Cassidy, on the other hand, stayed silent.

"Ugh... at least tell me it's not going to be someone with extreme influence..."

"Nope! She's actually not very popular. Though, I think that has to do with both her race, and how you can get a discount."

"I'm not going to have to sell my body, am I?"

"No! Nothing like that! Just one quick little action and the whole team can get a significant discount in her equipment. And from what I can tell, her gear is all top quality."

"I see... then I guess we can check her out."

The three girls began their escapade, after receiving their stipend just outside of the main building. Veronica was curious as to where Eleanora was, but considering her position, she likely already has everything she needs.

The girls followed Cassidy, who made many twists and turns, but the eventually found a small building, hidden by it's own obscurity. It was cleaned up well, and looked like a professional smithy. If what Cassidy said is true, then why wouldn't people come here?

They entered the building, which was dimly lit on the inside.

"Come in, come in! I get to you in a moment." A voice came from the back. 

The three girls were patient, waiting for the woman to exit. And a quick thought went through Veronica's mind.

'People don't like her for two reasons, and one is her race... An Elf maybe? Though, she seemed too cheerful if she knew she was dealing with humans. What could she be?'

And, to Veronica and Aviris' shock, through the door, a rather short woman came through. As in, shorter that Veronica. She had light green skin, very long pointed ears, ginger hair and yellow eyes. She was also very... curvy. And the tight blacksmith's apron on top excentuated her endowment nicely.

In simple terms, she was a very well endowed Goblin.

"Ah, Cassidy! Welcome back. Are these your friends?" The goblin asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Yep. This is cutie is Veronica, and the hot one is Aviris."

"You are 90% compliments, aren't you?" Aviris asked Cassidy, who only gave a slight giggle in return.

"Hello to you two. I'm Liafi, a blacksmith for the school. Though, not many come to me anymore."

"H-Hi. When Cass said that you were a different race, I wasn't exactly expecting a Goblin." Veronica said through her shock.

"That's all right dear. No one ever expects a Goblin. And that's fine by me."

"Before we continue any further, Cassidy mentioned that you give discounts, though it's apparently one of the reasons why nobody comes here. Why's that?" Aviris asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, I ain't gonna hide it. I like cute girls, and I'm willing to give their whole team a major discount if I get to kiss them. Though, the last time I was able to give a team that discount was... fifty or so years ago?" Liafi questioned to herself.

"A kiss? That's not so bad. I was half expecting a slave." Veronica blurted out.

"Haha! As great as it would be to have a cute lass as a slave, I'd have no practical use for her."

"Well, if a kiss is all that's needed, then I don't see a problem."

"Cocky, aren't ya? You're lucky you're cute. So, you want that discount or perhaps you'd like to see what I have in stocks first?"

"L-Let's take a look at the quality of your merchandise first, shall we?"

Liafi gave a chuckle as she grabbed a various amount of gear, armor, weapons, ammunition, even horseshoes.

"Go ahead and take a look."

The girls went up to examine everything. And they were presently surprised. Even the cheapest sword was very sharp and durable, the most expensive armor was near indestructible. There were even enchanted pieces of gear.

"You're no ordinary smith. You're an Arcane Smith!" Veroninca exclaimed excitedly.

"How were you able to tell? How can you be sure that I'm not just buying the enchanted gear and reselling it here?"

"Well, I know nothing about smithing, but the quality stays consistent among their price ranges, and I'd you were reselling gear, these enchanted pieces would be marked up by an incredible amount. But they aren't, meaning you wouldn't turn a profit by reselling them."

"For such a cute girl who claims to know nothing about smithing, you know quite a bit of things."

"I read a lot of books..."

"Ver, I don't think there's any books have that."

"Sure there are. There's plenty of books on the art of being a merchant."

"Anyways, with this quality, a discount would be unbelievable to pass up."

"Then, I'll warn ya. I like to use tongue, and us Goblins have fairly long tongues."

Veronica gave it some thought, and decided to go for it, after all, getting a discount on this gear, who would be crazy enough to not wear a collar for it?

"S-So, where do we start?" Veronica questioned as she walked towards the Goblin woman, who gave a sly smirk.

"Just sit there, open your mouth and look good."

Veronica did just so, and like lightning, Liafi was on top of her, their lips connecting and tongues intertwining. When Liafi said that Goblins have long tongues, she wasn't exaggerating, her tongue practically reached the back of Veronica's throat.

Veroninca thought she would've gagged, but felt nothing, which unintentionally started to turn her on. It was quick enough for Liafi to notice, and stop their make out session and leaned in to Veronica's ear.

"Naughty girl~ Hiding such a surprise. Maybe later, when you need some better gear, you can use that for 100% off of your order~"

Why was her merchant talk so hot!?

"U-Uh huh..." Veronica struggled to get out, being over heated from her lust.

After a short time, Veronica came back to a sound mental state, and they all continued their business.

"Ahem, so, since you know have the team discount, everything you buy for the rest if the year is half off. Except custom orders, those are still full price. Need to make money somehow. Now, go ahead and get some equipment, you'll need it."

"Right, that's what we were here for." Cassidy said, hitting her fist into her hand.

"How did you forget, Cass?"

"Not telling~!"

Veronica sighed, rubbing her forehead before going to look at the gear. If everything is half off, then she should be able to get a near full set.

Firstly, a mace, one skill calls for that, and if it changes, she can get another weapon for half off as well.

A leather breastplate, not as good as steel, but better than nothing. And to complete it, a pair of vambraces and shinguards. With that, she had a small amount of money left, so she decided to save it for later.

Aviris got basically the same stuff, except instead of a mace, she got a pair of daggers. And Cassidy got herself a staff, but no armor. Veronica tried to do the math and determined that she should still have some money left, so she'll probably go and get some magic enhancing robes, or similar equipment.

After paying, Liafi said her goodbyes and gave a seductive wink to Veroncia as the three girls left.

"Well, now we have our stuff. Back to the dorm?" Veronica asked.

"You two can go, I'm gonna try and get something to wear first." Cassidy added.

"Alright. Before you leave, don't try and seduce any girls for me. I've already got my hands full."

"But that's the fun part! Fine..."

Cassidy left, after giving Veronica a peck on the cheek, and the two then left back to the dorms, putting their newly obtained gear away.

And then, Veronica suddenly remembered.

Commander's Body, Body becomes more similar to the body of Lilith Odessa. [1/10]:  Upgradeable! Challenge: Kiss five (5) people [5/5]

Next Upgrade: Awaken Spirit, gain 2 inches to package, grow 5 inches in height.

Do you want to upgrade Commander's Body?

Well, she waited this long, so that would be a yes. But, what's going to happen exactly? Sure, the growing may be weird. But awakening her Spirit? What would that entail.

Taking a deep breath, Veronica agreed, and decided to upgrade Commander's Body.

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