TS reincarnated in Harem text

Chapter 27: Next day


I softly murmured as soon as my mind felt refreshed newly. However, the suffocated feelings were still there. I couldn't believe I sought Hyouri's comfort, but my negative emotions weren't even reset.

It was like your computer was infected with malicious software a.k.a virus. No matter how hard you tried to install your brand-new OS many times, the viruses were stubbornly sticking to your hardware.

The effectiveness decreased over time, as if life wanted me to face reality directly.

It seemed to be so...

I slowly opened my eyes...

Ah, there she was.

"You awake, Suiri"

Hyouri spoke to me emotionlessly. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but feel a gentle and tender attitude in her tone. She watched me from above as my head was placed on her soft but thick thighs...no, it should be our plump thighs. Were my thighs always soft like this? Not to mention, the two twin hills obstructed her face. If she bent down, I would eat my own chest. 

What a weird description!

"Um, Hyouri, did something happen when I was sleeping?"

I asked while looking at my other self.

Since she was here, I was still in our mindscape. After all, I hadn't still sunken in the lake to take over the body yet.

The moonlight was the only light erasing the darkness of our mindscape so that we could see each other's faces. The cherry blossom trees frequently fluttered with cherry blossom petals, although there should be no wind in there. As soon as those petals touched the ground, they slowly dissipated because they entered an infinite loop of falling. 

Our mindscape was strange like that.

We even sensed the tactile of our body—skin, temperature, hairs, chest, etc. However, I couldn't feel my heartbeat anymore, as if it didn't exist in this place.


"It should be so for now"

Hyouri spoke while caressing my long hair.

I couldn't get rid of this feeling when I had a conversation with a person who had the same appearance as me.

It was so bizarre...

"Um, thank you"

Since when had I become dependent on her? When I was 4 years old in this world?

"No problem"

She shook her head and spoke.


Then, there was a silent moment. I felt that she was waiting for me to speak.

"About the blind date..."

I mentioned this scary event which was about to happen before I would become an official high school student.

When I just thought of something, Hyouri said seriously.

"I don't have any ideas if this world has its will"

"But those fiancee kinds of stuff are ordinary in the wealthy circles of this world"

"Moreover, this world was modified to maintain business marriage rule"

I nodded my head to express my understanding. I meant Hyouri's analysis was right. In the original plot, countless engagements were mentioned vaguely in the text. It shouldn't be abnormal in this romantic world.

"You're right"

"We're lucky to have a blind date instead of an unexpected engagement"

"Yeah, at least, we still have the right to refuse"

Our conversation turned into a strategic talk to face this forceful event.


Soon, Hyouri used her slender finger to stop my mouth. I meant our slender finger. Ah!!! What a headache.


"You should wake up soon"

As soon as she spoke, a voice echoed out from the lake.

"Sui-chan, it's morning, wake up"

Besides that familiar voice, a milky tone also spoke.

"Onoe-chan, wake up, play, play!!!"

It seemed that my siblings in this world were calling out to me.

How could Hyouri time accurately?

"Suiri, you go"

"Remember that I'm always on your side"

She reminded me gently and boosted my already-shattered heart.

I was moved...

But...Could I continue to keep myself like this? I always relied on Hyouri. What if she disappeared in one day? How could I live?

The questions appeared so suddenly that my mind was shackled with those insecure feelings.

Honestly, when she took over the body, sometimes I felt that she was even worthier than me, a pathetic loser being the main personality. I pushed all the problems to her shoulder.

Such a thought questioned my existence.

I didn't know whether my love for music was just an excuse to linger my time.


She snapped my forehead to wake me up from my delusion.


"You're more valuable than you think"

She said.


What did she just say?

"Let me tell you the truth"

"Even though I inherit your memories, I can't compose songs and be creative, and talented in the music field like you"

"You're my only treasure in this world"


"If you think that you're not worthy, there will be no Hoshiyuki Suiri, the prodigy musician on the internet, or your posters are promoted everywhere"

"Do you understand?"

She asked after a long speech.

"Um, I know"

I wanted to smile to reassure her...but you'd known already... My expression couldn't change.

I could only nod helplessly. Her words helped me to regain my confidence in myself. It was hard to admit that I was so pathetic.

Get down easily and only wait for someone to build me up. Moreover, the person who gave me her comfort was my second personality.

Such a loser...

I covered my forehead and decided not to think of anything useless.


My figure approached our sacred place to take charge of the body.

I gradually stepped into the lake and let the cold water slowly swallow my whole body.

By the way, I didn't have any traumatic symptoms with water. I was pressed to be drowned to death, not naturally drowning, so...I meant our mindscape picked this kind of mechanism to trigger our swap.

It was so ironic.

Instead of the violent liquid penetrating my body like my past life, it was like I was a mermaid who could deal with underwater naturally. If I add a song to sing, the mouse channel would bite me.

I let myself sink into the lake. Minute after minute, this lake didn't have a bottom. The moonlight couldn't penetrate enough deep to provide light in this dark abyss. My eyes couldn't see anything in the lake as I couldn't control my limbs anymore. I didn't know how to put them to use.

For a long time, I hadn't gotten rid of this weird swapping process yet.

Therefore, let's wake up first.



My heartbeat...welcome back.

The cold water feelings had gradually disappeared. Soon, it was replaced with a warm feeling from reality where my comfy bed and the heat from my blanket wrapped around my body. It should've been a pleasant morning but...


I felt something off. Why was my body so heavy?

My eyes slowly opened for a second time if I counted the mindscape.


I groaned surprisingly as I caught a little brat playing with my chest. She fondled my breasts playfully.

"Onoe-chan, soft, hehe~"

Of course, it must be soft, you brat. Because you were playing raw!!! She put her face and small body into my chest while fondling them skillfully. When she grew up, she must've become a playgirl and ruined many innocent girls in this world.

When I or Hyouri fell asleep, we would take off our bras to sleep more comfortably. Hence, I didn't wear any inner clothes on top this morning. Our body belonged to G-Cu...I meant Good people.

There was a saying 'Women's kindness is in direct ratio to the size of their chest'. Sure enough, I was reincarnated as a GOOD person.

More than that, I was also surprised by my seemingly lewd voice.

I needed to stop this brat as my body felt so weird.

"Rei, can you step out for your Onee-chan to prepare herself?"

Maria-Onee-sama stepped in to help me get rid of her.

"No, no, no, no, I don't want... Don't want"

Rei-chan pouted her fat cheeks and childishly molested me.

Ku!!! Good guy, because you were still young, you could molest me however you wanted.

I paused my thoughts for a moment...

It seemed...

It was like I scolded myself...I also took advantage of my mother when I was still young. Did I have the right to scold Rei?

No way...

"Rei, if you continue like this, I won't play with you again"

Yes, that was it...A childish proposal was found effective for dealing with children.

She stopped as soon as she heard my warning.


I used my blanket to hide my pair of stiffened screws after being played with. That was why women always needed to wear bras to hide them in addition to not letting their breasts sag. Bodies of women were dangerous as I couldn't believe my body could be so sensitive.

I knew that showing them in front of my siblings was not a problem. However, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed when I let them see the two protruding places on my loose shirt. My below was only equipped with simple panties...Nothing else.


I caught a person who kept staring at me. I wondered what Maria-Onee-sama was thinking but her earlobe was red enough to boil water.


I raised my pitch a little bit. 

"Eh? What's wrong?"

Perhaps she was working tiredly, so she had been absentminded since this morning.

I didn't know why she skipped grades instead of enjoying school life. Being a heiress of the top family was indeed a huge pressure for my Onee-sama. If I were reborn as Maria, I couldn't have enjoyed music in the slightest because I would have no time to do so; not to mention, my intelligence couldn't handle such a prestigious conglomerate about the hardware of computers in general.

My Aunt Mei was also like me. She didn't have any talents in this field. Unfortunately, in her eyes, she always treated me as a golden cow in her entertainment company...

By the way, Tenonji-senpai had established an engagement with my Maria-Onee-sama. Her talent was no doubt in the music field. Not only that, she treated me very well in school. As a result, I often treated her as a respectful senior but she had become my sister-in-law out of nowhere before I knew it. I felt like I was being used by her but I didn't have any evidence.

My sister also didn't escape from the event called Engagement.

You asked why Aunt Mei was still single until now and didn't even have a single engagement.


Let this talk to the future.

I observed Maria-Onee-sama. Through the time skip, she had been more mature and handsome. In my previous life, this kind of girl would be called a badass girl as I could smell the masculine fragrance in her. She was almost exactly like my mother Shiori when she was still young in the picture book of the Hoshiyuki family. Except for some Russian traits, it should be similar to 90% if I described correctly.

*cough cough*

She coughed awkwardly which went against her image in my heart.

"You look so tired, you should rest more, Onee-sama"

I spoke out of fondness for the unmentioned character Maria in the text.

"What're you talking about, Sui-chan?"

"Isn't today for our relaxation?"

She spoke elegantly. I swore that I could see her eyes shining excitedly for today.

Ah, how could I forget? Today was Christmas...

I had an appointment with my siblings, Tenonji-senpai, my club in school to play outside this morning. No wonder Rei became so excited and my sisters woke me up so early. Rei must've anticipated this day for a long time. Unfortunately, I couldn't play with them until the afternoon because of the nature of my work.

If you said I didn't anticipate this day, it would be a lie. After all, I also tasted the sweetness of something called Friendships, so I couldn't be confident in rejecting all the invitations.

I was a loser who liked to take others for granted...

Everything would be okay if you didn't get me out of my comfort zone.

After a thought like that popped out, my guilty conscience hit hard on my heart. I didn't know how to face Natasha-Okaa-sama. Yesterday, my performance greatly hurt her heart. In addition, she was innocent and didn't even do something at fault.

All were my faults.

Why did I mess up time after time in my second chance? I should've enjoyed my life and easily reached the pinnacle of life with the status of the reincarnator.

"Ah, I forgot"

I slowly adjusted my long but disheveled hair after sleeping. I didn't know when it had become my habit to take care of my appearance. I admitted that I had been feminized completely. There was no way to return to a manly man in my past life. I had already accepted that I belonged to the weak gender in this world. Why did I have to make myself struggle with those gender things to add more difficulties to my life? Wasn't it more breathable to accept my gender in this life? This was a mercy from that existence so I shouldn't ask for more. He or she gave me a second chance...

I temporarily ignored the little brat making noise in my room while Maria-Onee-sama was trying to calm Rei down.

I went to the bathroom and did my daily necessary stuff like brushing my teeth, smoothening my hair, washing my face, etc.

I looked at myself in the mirror. She was still as emotionless as ever...

I wrapped myself with a long bath towel after a quick shower with warm water in this cold season. It brought me a feeling of refreshedness in my body.

Then, I stepped out of my bathroom and took a glance. 


Rei was messing with my piano in this room and her melody...no it should be a child's play. She just simply smashed the keys without awareness. I thought she would be a prodigy and play a beautiful piece. Unfortunately, it was a pity...She didn't have any awareness of music. Rei was simply an energetic child with a lot of physical strength.

My Onee-sama looked at me gently and spoke.

"Sui-chan, let me dry your hair"

She suggested.

I nodded immediately. My long hair was difficult to take care of it every day and it was very troublesome. I hoped that Natasha-Okaa-sama would allow me to cut it short. However, it was just an illusional desire.


The hairdryer echoed loudly in the room which dominated the messy sound that Rei was trying to smash.

My sister's hand gently caressed my hair...

Ah, I also did that with my sister in my previous life...

I wondered how my former family would live without me. They must've been happier, right?

After a while...


"Thank you, Onee-sama"

I sincerely thanked her.


There was another problem. I didn't know what to wear today...I had so many clothes from my gifts and my family's shopping. I didn't know why women had so many clothes. It was like they wore it once and took it into their wardrobe for collection. Maria-Onee-sama also applied the same rule to me which made my heart distressed. Except for school uniforms, underwear, loosed shirts, and coats, if I remember correctly, all of these clothes were only worn once by me.

I picked up a set of red-laced underwear. Then, I stripped off my bath towel and wore it professionally. My 14 years weren't in vain.

While I was trying to hook my bras, I heard a yell from my Onee-sama.

"Sui-chan!!! What're you doing?!!!!!"

I turned myself back and saw my Onee-sama trying to cover her eyes with a gap between her fingers. What was she doing? We were both women, right? There should be no shame about it.

"I'm changing my clothes"


What was with her dissatisfaction?

"Sui-chan, do you forget that I'm an Alpha?"

"Why are you changing clothes in front of me?"

She spoke harshly.


I realized my mistakes.

I forgot that this world had an ABO setting.

To fix my mistake, I hurriedly covered my chest and said.

"Then, can you go out?"


I was embarrassed to death. I hadn't yet adjusted my mentality to adapt to this strange world.

So...Maria-Onee-sama was the opposite gender to me...

My mind kept telling me that she was a woman, the same gender as me.

I didn't know how I was in her eyes, but her expression became speechless...

She approached my wardrobe to look around my stuff and called Mitsugu-Onee-san to prepare my clothes. 

And then, she took Rei out of my room to wait for me.

-Maria's POV--


What the heck was with this girl?!!!

She even didn't care to cover herself in front of me!

What kind of consciousness was this!?

Luckily, I was her sister so I could hold myself back. If it were replaced by my junior, Shinonawa Charlotte, she might've pushed my sister down to the bed. 

She was totally defenseless against me! Was my superficial image that effective so she could change clothes in front of me without reminding me to go out?


I had to sigh a relief because the person who woke up this morning was my original sister, not the mask. Yesterday, I was excited to accompany my sister after a long time of hard work. However, when I came home, my sister but not my sister greeted me instead, which made me feel at a loss.


A little voice called me. Kuh~

Compared to Suiri, Rei's behavior was more appropriate for her true age than a little aunt of my first sister. When Suiri was still Rei's age, she frequently hid in her room to read books or train herself to play instruments. Almost time, she was at home. Looking at Rei-chan, she was like a mixing trait between me and Suiri.

"Hum? What's wrong, Rei-chan?"

"The cold Onoe-chan, I don't see her"

Rei innocently gave me a shocking speech.


I widened my eyes in disbelief as I had to observe Rei-chan again. In the beginning, I was confused by her question, but I knew the words of children had some aspects that the adults often overlooked.

"Where is she?"

Rei-chan hit the main point directly.

She was so sensitive, wasn't she?

She was still ignorant but she could pinpoint Suiri's difference. Children could sense others' kindness to themselves. There was a living proof in front of me. No doubt about it. 


How could I answer her? It was complicated for a child like her to understand the psychology field.

From her words, she must've thought that there were 2 Onoe-chan with the same appearance.

"I don't know, maybe she will appear again"

I bent down and hugged Rei in my arms. Huh?

"Not soft"


Rei commented while molesting my chest. Excuse me? As an alpha, the softness was fixed like this. Sorry for not being soft.


My message arrived early. I meant I knew who was sending it. 

[Mariri, has Suiri done yet? ❤❤❤]

My fiancee a.k.a Tenonji Miwako...

I didn't expect her to become my fiancee due to her relationship with my sister. I was grateful for her to be able to protect my sister in school and help her in club activities. I didn't know if I loved her wholeheartedly like my sister. 

I was sure of one thing...I didn't hate her.

After knowing her for a long time, I finally knew why the boy of the Konoe family wanted to get rid of her in the past.

That was because her love was a little heavy. When I followed my mother to work and learn, her message always arrived in time to ask and take care of me. With such love, I didn't even hate her. More than that, I wanted to know more about her before we finally reached a decision for marriage. She was beautiful and talented except for study. She also accepted my siscon's nature. I was grateful for that.

I was not someone who would take other's feelings for granted.

I had to be serious when I was in a relationship.

Even though our relationship originated from an engagement, her feelings for me were all real. She had also confessed to me before I graduated.

But...Mariri...This nickname was like some gals calling each other. I didn't know where she had learned from.

[Currently, she's changing clothes...]

When I typed with one hand while holding Rei. Suddenly, my naked sister appeared in my mind again...What a blessing...no...misfortunate.

If she behaved like that, other female Alphas would take advantage of her. Fortunately, almost all female alphas were warned by my little junior. Otherwise, the result would be disastrous. Her guard toward females in general was quite low.

Suiri had grown up as her body began to ripe at the most precious time of a woman. Her beauty was no need to boast about, but her figure slowly followed Natasha-Okaa-sama's side like a supermodel like her mom when she was young. Hour-glass figure...which was the result of her hard training and healthy meals albeit being a foodie.

[Perhaps...she will be over soon]


I was nervous when I chatted with the opposite gender. After all, I was still a virgin with no experience in love with others.

"Nee-chama, what're you playing?"

Rei asked while looking at my mobile phone curiously. She hadn't learned how to write and read yet.

"No, I'm just chatting with my fiancee"


A question mark appeared on her little face.

"Can fiancee be eaten?"

She continued to ask innocently.


Yes...Ah, no...It would depend on what kind of eating. I meant if it followed sexual meaning, then yes, and vice versa. How could I let Rei accept this kind of knowledge? She was like a blank of white paper...

I smiled helplessly.

"Of course, no...Fiancee is also a human being"

"Your Onee-sama isn't cannibalism"

Help!!! When I was with a young Suiri, she didn't even ask something like this!!!

"I understand"

"So fiancee isn't food"

Rei said with some disappointment.

It would be scary if she decided to add 'fiancee' to her menu.

I realized that the gap between Suiri and Rei was not much different. The two of them had a weird common sense.

Suiri belonged to the silent types while Rei went against Suiri with her energetic nature.

I wondered if Rei was also a genius like Suiri or not.

Only time could answer...


[Mariri, I will come to your house right away ❤❤❤]

This girl should also be added to the list of weird people.

I felt like she was some Yandere type in the novel or manga...

She spammed heart icons in the message many times.

Would I survive if I chose her as my partner in the future?

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