Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Awkward Gifts, Is this… love?

the releases will slow a bit... as I've almost reached the end of my backlog. As always, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

[The Morning After The Twins Birth.]

I woke up, expecting pain, but due to Julia's magic, there wasnt any. According to Granny, I'd be able to actually get back on my feet by tomorrow at the latest... Julia's Holy Magic had improved. 

As I look down on the two sleeping Forms cradled in my arms, After Granny helped me figure out exactly how to feed them... which was a bit painful... I am overcome with a feeling I've never felt before. My girls, my Babies... Each Unique in Different ways... mirror images of each other, save one difference. Faith has Red Hair with a Black Streak through it, And Hope's Hair is the Inverse of that. According to Frankie, her brother has black hair. That they have Orc blood in their ancestry is obvious by the shape of their Shoulders, far broader than a pure humans, but... they also have the same Slender frame I have, despite their Shoulders... Granny thinks I might have Elf-Blood somewhere in my lineage, because my body is, And even before the transformation Was, Very Slight... my bones are half the Average thickness for Pure Humans, And are light, but Sturdy. 

But this feeling... this unknown, Wonderful Feeling... I think this must be what unconditional Love feels like... I know I would gladly die for them, and would kill anything that threatens them... my sweet girls... 

"Don't ever worry, my babies... Mama will protect you... even if I have to face down the king and his Armies..."

"Hahahaha! That always brings a smile to my face. That instant bond between mother and child... How are you feeling, Girl?"

"Oh! Mrs. Stewart. I'm fine."

"I guess it helps to have a Saintess present at your children's birth... perhaps I'll learn some healing magic... I never saw the use, aside from the pain reduction magic I already know, but if it can speed up a mothers recovery time... well, enough of that. Are the Children Alright? It occurred to me, After I reached home last evening, that you might be unaware of how to care for them..."

"I was... but Granny Explained it... it took a bit of Work though, and now Granny is working, and I can't feel my arms... but i don't mind. My Angel's Are Sleeping, and I don't want to wake them..."

That made her laugh again... And she very carefully helped me lay them in the nearby Cradle that Was Prepared for them. According to Granny, Last night, after I had passed out... MR Sylvio arrived, with a detachment of The Royal Guard. Apparently, he was on his way here with a gift, and got the guards who were ALSO on the way here to help transport it. It was this very fancy, double Wide Crib... how he knew I'd have twins, we have no idea.

The guards were here for Auron... Apparently he'd Punched That Bastard Wizard, who took it to the king. He wasn't Arrested... just Escorted to the capital. Three days travel to the East. Just Auron. I don't particularly like the guy, never did, but I hope he comes back safe, for Julia's Sake... That Affection she'd thought was just a part of the Coercion magic? Turns out it wasnt. They are, apparently, Engaged now... I hope it turns out okay.

"Muuu..." "Muuu..."

Ah! They're making noises in their sleep! How Cute!...

So... this is what love feels like? It's an odd feeling... but now that I have it, I'm never letting it go. Nothing will harm my babies... woe to anyone who tries...

[Three weeks later.]

Auron Survived, and Julia Said he had a weird request for me... she was carrying Faith, And Leading me and Hope into the big room, usually reserved for meals. And it was packed.

"Whats going on?"

Sylvio spoke up first.

"Why, my dear Seamstress who I deeply miss at work, this is a Birthing Party! It's a bit late, but we tried our best. You've already received my gift, of course!"

Everyone had gifts... things to help with the babies... 

It was normal things, for the most part, like A Daiper Press and plenty of Elf-made Diapercloth, clothing, brightly colored Mobiles... Until Seigfried made it Awkward.

He handed me a box marked "special order", his face really red. Thay should have clued me in... inside was an odd device with two Baby bottles attached... and a split hose at the other end, with some kinda pump... I was confused... a d he tried to explain...

"I uh... My Sister married A man who Runs A ranch... A Minotaur Ranch... they use something similar but larger to aid in Childcare... its um... so you can feed them Easier..." he was redder than a tomato.

At that point, Granny whispered in my ear...

"Its a milk pump, child... Ranchers use it to Milk the cattle... obviously modified for human use..." 

And with that, I also turned red... I managed to stammer out a thanks... 

Things got worse when that Weird Stalker guy, who turned out to be part of Julia's party, Saw my Red face and nearly died... I've never seen someone Faint from, as he put it, Cuteness... before. He hit his head on a doorway, and Julia had to use magic to heal him. He's currently scrubbing the floor to clean up his blood.

Then it got Awkward. Frankie came through the door, dragging a tall, brick of a man by the ear... a Small woman behind her, looking murderous.

"Now. As we talked about."

"But Frankie!"

A snap rang out... the murderous woman Had a whip... and hit the man.

"You WILL Do as Ordered, Husband. OR I WILL have words with Dear Father-in-law."

"Yes... yes dear! Just don't tell daddy! He'll kill me!"

The man turned toward me... and I wanted to scream... I recognized him... he was the most physically Violent of the Wizards guards who raped me... 

He dropped to the floor... and started Begging.

"I'm Sorry! I was drunk, I stayed drunk, because otherwise I'd be affected by that crazy old man... but that night, I'd been drunker than ever, And He cast that spell... None of us remembered what happened the next morning... when Frankie told me, I didn't want to believe her... i... I'm Scum... I'm the worst kind of trash... and I'm truly Sorry..."

The Scary woman stepped forward. "Enough, Tad. Go wait outside. The poor child is terrified, and I cannot blame her. You Piece of Garbage."

The man crawled away on all fours...then bolted out the door. The woman turned to me.

"Young lady, my name is Evira, And I Deeply Regret meeting like this. My stupid Husband, Drunk and enscorcelled or not, did something terrible to you. And for that, I am sorry. If you need ANYTHING, Especially if it's in regards to the children, Feel free to Ask. I run the Adventurers Guild and Tavern. And if you don't mind well... I'd like it if our children could meet someday. They are Siblings, after all."

"That's... don't apologize. It wasn't You. I wouldn't blame you but... I can't be around HIM... I JUST... Just Can't. If you would like your children to meet mine, that's fine but..."

"I understand. Not him. He doesn't deserve to meet them anyway." She looked at my babies, Currently being held by Julia And Granny. "Such cute babies... You're lucky... mine all looked like unmolded Clay, at first. Too much of HIS blood in them, I suppose. Sigh. He is right though. If his father finds out, he is a dead man. If you'll excuse me."

She left, And frankie stepped forward.

"Sorry about that, but the idiot Actually wanted to Pack his bags and flee... When Evie found him packing, and he refuses to say why...she knew something was up. He uh... He spent the evening being Tortured... Evie Used to be a Professional in that Field... when he came clean, well... let's just say there are fates worse than ANYTHING father could do to him. She decided he needed to apologize... And I kinda Agreed. Sorry if this was a bad time."

"It's fine... but... I never want to see him again."

Evira ran back in. "Is someone here good with healing magic? Tad has been hurt very badly." Seeing the looks on peoples faces she smiled. "It Wasn't Me! I found him Upside down, head first in the outhouse, Covered In Bruises, with the remains of a Lute Shoved into an uncomfortable place, and a note that read: Eat Shit and Die."

It started as a chuckle... Then grew to a hysterical laugh... I couldn't help it...

"Hahahaha! That... haha! That Damn Stalker! Hahahahaha! He... He 'luted' The Enemy! Hahahaha!" 

I noticed him standing at the back of the crowd, looking Uninvolved... and He Winked And tipped an Invisible Hat. Which made me laugh harder... And that laughter got worse when Auron Walked in.

"Umm... Please forgive me for interrupting, but... Eina, I am on orders from his Highness the king to ask you... Can I take Image Recordings of your Children, because the king likes Babies, And wants to see them?"

I couldn't speak, so I nodded... And everyone else was trying not to laugh. The girls simply slept through the noise... Once I calmed down, I held my Babies and Auron took the Magic Pictures, then left to find a Wyvern Courier to deliver the image-stone to the king.

[The same day, Ronan POV]

I did it! I avenged my Muse! And made her laugh! That angelic Smile as she held her Little ones cause little Shivers to fill me... A s the lute/loot joke she made was hilarious! It was mere infatuation before now but... I think I am in love! And I Know I need a new Lute. Something Sturdier this time... 

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