Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Chapter 1: Big Sis & Lil Bro

The world of ULERION is not your Typical fantasy world. Theres monsters, yeah, and a level system, but that's where the common Things end. Theres no big conflicts, no Demon king, no racist Regime or Evil Church, and Slavery is 100% Illegal. But it's not all Fairytales and Flowers. The Miasma exists. Out of billions of people from five races, Only the Saintess And Hero are immune to its effects, But this Generations Saintess was a boy. Julian Sinclair, who prefers to be called Julia, And the one I once called Big Sis. That was years ago now. Julia and I Were Orphans, Raised in the Sinclair orphanage. Once we came of age, 13 in this world, we were told that Sinclair was now our Surname, and to leave immediately. Sis waited three months for me, and we left together. After a week, we met up with Auron, the Hero, And his Companions, Erik the Mage And Seigfried the Knight. I thought they were good people... I was wrong.

We travelled together for almost two years, And it became apparent that I was less than useless in combat, so I took care of everything else. At first, Big Sis defended me...but one night, I overheard them laughing, Talking about how useless I was...

 "He's Worthless, isn't he Seigfried? Ein couldn't kill a goblin! Its pathetic!"

"I know, Auron, But we Have too look out for our dear Saintess's Little Bro!"

"Actually, guys... He's not that bad... and he's really good at cooking, and mending Torn Clothing and Armor."

"Shut Up, Erik! We don't need that! We can just replace damaged Equipment, and buy food in towns. Gods I wish we could just kill him. Hey, Jules, Do we have to keep the deadweight? He's Fifteen Isnt he?"

What I heard next Nearly Stopped my heart... and will probably never stop hurting.

"You're absolutely right, Auron... Ein is Worthless. I took pity on him, because he always treated me like a big Sister... but enough is enough. I'll ask him to leave tonight."

"And if he refuses?"

"Well, then... I guess you can Kill him, like you want to. Hell, I'll even strike the first blow. I'm tired of that useless deadweight."

She didn't have to ask me to leave. By the time they were done With their dinner, which I was forbidden to join, obviously, I was gone.  In the last few months, Sis had changed, she'd stopped Defending me, And started Agreeing with whatever Auron said. No matter how cold. I'd tried to ignore the looks of Contempt shed started giving me... but it was useless. My own weakness had driven my Dear Sister Away. She and Auron, as well as the other two, Were in a relationship now, despite her being Physically Male... her personality started changing after that first night shared with them.

I was on the road for weeks, hiding from monsters, with no supplies and very little coin... but finally I arrived in a town called Sulea. It was a large town, separated into districts, almost a small city. And outside the walls were the slums.

I had 36 copper coins enough to survive a month in a city, So I looked for some kinda job using my skills... but I couldn't find any. I ended up staying a room from what passed for an orphanage in the slums, in exchange for Labor. I Used my small amount of Coin to help with the orphanages food supply. But winter was fast approaching, And the building was in disrepair... so I made a plan.

Ethan, the Fur trader, And Ellen, the Seamstress, Had a garbage Barrel. They filled this with Scraps of Fabric and damaged Pelts they couldn't use. I began sneaking there at night, and taking as much Scrap as I could. It was Garbage. I didn't expect them to report stolen trash to the guards... but they did.

 It was after the first snow, And the fabric and pelt scraps I'd stolen helped Fix the Orphanage, At least enough to keep it warm inside, And the Nun who managed it and I had Sewn some of them together into thick Blankets for the kids. She insisted that I, like the kids, call her granny. She was ill. 

So I went for one more run. I thought, if I can get just a few more scraps, I could make a blanket for granny as well. And I got Caught.

 When Ethan and Ellen Saw who the guards had Arrested, they realized what i had been taking the scraps for the and felt bad. They tried to get the guards to just forget everything, but they ignored the Siblings, And I was taken to a Prison Cell. And it was here, in this damp cell, that my life would soon change, permanantly.

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