Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Days of Joy…

the First Chapter of the Spin-off/Sequel is up. I'll put a link in the bonus chapter... I'm doing the last few today, in honor of myself. It's a bit different,  but the same world. Oh and about the happy stuff this chapter? I lied. The last chapter and Bonus Epilogue will be better... but 27-29? Not so much.

[Eina POV]

In the months that followed, Life became harder for me... but I still enjoyed it. I went to the market with my Girls, visited Friends, And just lived life for the first time in a while... I tried to keep my illness a secret, knowing it would come out eventually... like this, Several months passed... And I still held my tongue... it was near the end of the Summer that i couldn't hide it anymore... We were walking, when I stumbled and fell. My girls are smart... they knew something was wrong... I couldn't stand...

They ran to get the doctor, and Julia, while Frankie and Blanc helped me home... 

"It's progressing faster than we thought it would. I'm sorry... you should speak to your family."

"I know. Thank You Doctor."

The man left... And I called them in. While the doctor had been examining me, he'd sent Julia to fetch Everyone that was important to me... They all filed in, and my girls ran to hug me, And Ronan handed me Robin...

"I... I have something to tell you all. It's not easy to say... I thought I had more time. I'm Dying. I have been for a while, since before Robin was even conceived... The thing I did, that created Blanc? It exposed me to unstable mana. Which means-" 

Ronan interrupted. He had a look of intense pain on his face.

"Your Body is breaking down? Eina! Why keep this from us? Why not tell us?"

"Because I didn't want to be treated as if I was already dead, just passing the time until I stopped Working, and fell apart... Didnt want to see that look of pain and pity on everyones faces. Yes, I'm dying, but... I'm happy. My life is happy. And I have three beautiful children to prove my life had worth... and seven others who aren't my own, that call me Mama all the same. It hurts, I'm only 27... but these things happen. Theres no cure, so why bother mentioning it before its noticeable? I just... I wanted you to remember me by how I WAS and not how I am, Wanted the girls to have memories of fun games and shopping trips with me... I was supposed to have ten years... but apparently, its progressing faster than anticipated."

"No Mama!"

"Mama, We don't Want you to die!"

I started crying then... "I know, girls... i don't want to die either... i want to stay here, to see you grow up into beautiful young women, fall in love, get married... I want to see Robin Grow to be the man I hope he will be... I want to laugh and play, and sing and dance, And give Your future loved ones a hard time... I want to Live. But sometimes we Don't get what we want... And sometimes we do something, and have to pay the consequences. What I did in grief, that ended the war... it destroyed the gods... it erased thousands of people... And that's what's killing me. It's my punishment. Listen girls... Don't Ever do anything like I did... No matter how mad or sad you are, just don't. Promise me!"

""We promise, mama...""

[Ronan POV]

I'm breaking. I feel so numb. Eina is... She's... I don't want this... it isnt fair... 

[Julia POV]

Why did it speed up? What caused it. I hoped I might find a cure in ten years, but now? The doctor told me she had less than a month... my Little Sis... Little Bro... My Partner in crime... All these and more... She's dying, and I can do nothing to save her... Saintess powers be damned.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.