Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Evira and a Farm Visit.

[A few months pass]

I hate my new life. Being A noble is Terribly Annoying. The king and queen sent one of their personal maids, And She were 'training' the head maid and staff... And me. When not instructing Frankie and the four girls Sylvio Employed, She was teaching me, and the children, Etiquette... including My girls, who can barely Speak. At only just under 12 months old, they were already able to speak short sentences... usually "Mama I want" or "dont want" Something, usually food. 

But Etiquette Training... I hate it. Which is why I jumped at the chance for a day off... Even if it meant being Around Evira and her two youngest children, something I wasn't really comfortable with... but Frankie would be with us, And Evira Seems nice enough... So when I received a Formal invitation I accepted... 

Which brings us to the Wagon, outside the city, heading toward a large farm.

"I'm sorry to spring the invitation on you so swiftly but... Dearest mother-in-law Found out what happened, And wants to meet the girls."

"Uh-oh. Ev, Are you tellin us Ma knows? And hasn't told Daddy?"

"Yes Frankie..."

"Oh. Oh this ain't gonna be good." She must've seen the worry on my face. "Not for you, Eina... but by this time tomorrow? I might be out a brother, and poor Evira might be a widow. Ma wants Daddy to figure it out on his own... just fair warning... Don't show him your fear."

So I was nervous when we arrived. Off in the field to the east a herd of three headed, fire breathing, Scorpion Tailed Hell-cattle Ranged... they'd seem docile... until they flushed out a rabbit or deer... then they'd Rush it... not even leaving bones behind... The domesticated Monsters Have Delicious Meat and milk, but are hard to raise due to being both carnivorous AND Venomous... 

We were met at the gate by a tiny woman. Her Brown hair flecked with gold, And grey eyes, Pointed her out as Frankie's Mother.

She smiled, Gave Frankie and Evira Hugs, then turned to me.

"So. You Are Eina? Nice to meet you. My name is Dolce. And these two must be Hope and Faith... I see what Frankie told me. Its Obvious tad is involved, the moron. You have my deepest Apologies on behalf of my idiot son."

"It's fine. Its not like you did it."

"No, but I still feel responsible. He IS my Son."

A booming voice Startled me.


An eight foot tall mountain Walked around the nearby barn... arms as thick as Trees, and skin the same dark brown of bark. Tiny Red eyes, and tusk. The orc blood was plain to see on this man. The Scar down his left Arm just added to the fearsome image... But for some reason, I wasn't Afraid... he seemed... Kind.

He took one look at my girls, And Facepalmed.

"Sigh. Someone tell me EXACTLY what happened. Those two are CLEARLY Tads." He then scooped up the four and three year old boys who had run to him and were trying to climb him. Elias, Edison... nice to see you, my boys! Come, Grandpa will let you ride on his Shoulders! Hahaha!"

We were led into a large farmhouse... and a tall man was setting tea out on the table.

"Thank you, Owen. Such a well behaved boy, unlike your brothers... especially Tad."

Dolce seemed pleased... then the big guy Stopped, And held a massive hand out to me.

"I forgot my manners. Nice ta meet ya, The Names Gorval. Gorval The Mighty, Retired Platinum Rank Adventurer."

I returned his introduction... only to be corrected.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Gorval. I am Eina."

"WRONG! Miss Twillweather would swat your hands, Eina. Daddy, This is the newly Ennobled Lady Eina Sinclair."

"I see. Now... tell me how a noble came to be carrying twin girls who are CLEARLY of our bloodline?"

And so the story began... Frankie took over, and told the entire sequence of Events, but skipped the part before the torture...  no need for them to know Who and what I used to be. As it got to the Rape, I paled... as even Frankie's matter of fact report brought back the pain and fear... I felt strong arms pull me into a hug... it was Evira.

Halfway through the Retelling, Gorval and Owen had both sat... Well, Owen sat, Gorval fell into a well used Chair... and Dolce looked Murderous.  Suddenly, Gorval spoke.


"On it, pop." Owen left. And frankie paled. 

"He sent owen? Well... it was nice knowing ya, Tad... and Evira, I'm sorry for your future loss."

"Don't be dramatic, Girl, I ain't gonna kill him. But that boy's gonna wish I had... and he wont touch Alcohol again... sigh. Now... I need to calm down."

He looked at me... and smiled. "You are one Tough young lady. Welcome to the family, Sweetheart. Mind if I hold my two newest Grandchildren?"

I should have been nervous but... the man had been patiently listening to the story, despite his building rage, While two Small boys used him for climbing practice... then fell asleep... so I agreed... I'd already Allowed Dolce, halfway through the story, to hold them, so he simply took them from her arms... they looked up at him, And Faith reached her little hand up and touched his cheek. And that mountain of a man turned into a marshmallow. 

"Reminds me of when Frankie was a baby. So tiny and delicate... such beautiful girls... I'm your Grandpa, my little ladies... And if you Ever need anything, You can come to me... Anyone tries to hurt you..." the next part he said louder "Hell, Anyone tries to date you in the future... They gotta go through me... And I'll kill e'm, dont you worry bout that. Gotta protect my treasures, Eh?" He looked up then. "That goes fer you too, girl... Anyone messes with you, they mess with us. And I'm Assuming my Dear Half-brother as well... I recognize the Makers mark on the girls Clothes... Sylvio don't make baby clothes,so you must be special... and therefore under his protection... He used to have another name,And was feared worldwide... as was I, now that I think about it."

The door opened, and owen looked in, then nodded.

Gorval handed The girls back to his tiny wife... "Excuse me ladies... we menfolk have to have a talk....

Twenty minutes later, I heard a strange Sizzling Sound, and a scream like someone dying... And Frankie Ran to A Window and lost her lunch.. "I thought he got rid of that!"

"No, just put it away... But it's good news! Tad Won't Die... well, not physically anyway... and EVERYONE will know what he did." Dolce Looked out the window. "Ah! Good choice!"

Seeing Both Evira and I Were confused, Dolce Explained.

"Tad just got the new cow treatment. He's been Branded. Looks like he will eternally bear the words: Drunken Rapist, Do not Give Alchohol on his Forehead... oh! They're quenching it WITH Alchohol... beer in this case... that's gotta hurt..." another Scream rang out... And honestly, hearing the man who was involved in raping me scream? It was an Almost Euphoric Feeling... 

I think I like this giant man and his tiny wife.

the Grandparents appear... and poor Dolce... her children inherited their fathers size... and she's only 4'6"! Worse, Gorval isn't just large on arms... let that sink in...shes half his size... Ouch. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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