Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Inappropriate Jokes

[The estate ballroom, Eina POV]

The duel, Which would have been Epic, Was Stopped by Sylvio, who 'Escorted' the men outside... then whispered something that made them both blanche... They agreed to settle it in the royal tournament in four years time... A tourney to Decide The next Captain of the Royal Knights.

A tournament I Would be expected to Attend, As an unwed noblewoman, to play the role of a 'maiden' the Knights were meant to be Fighting For. I was allowed to choose one as a champion, in fact. 

But now, to the events at hand...

Elizara was beside me, dressed as a maid... When Cheska, who was enjoying conversation with a young noble, And trying to Turn away his advances began to choke. Ronan had been chatting with Kayt nearby, And grabbed his drink, Handing it to Cheska... Then... Things got weird.

Cheska started Stumbling around, As if she was drunk... Ronan took a sniff of the glass, And Scowled. He came over to me, With Kayt following. "This Cup smells of Lyrroot! She's been Drugged. It removes inhibitions. Strange, that, considering the Class was given to me by Lady Kayt."

"Meaning... this was aimed at Kayt?"

"Possibly... I need to have a word with her... Could you go Make certain Miss Cheska dosen't injure herself?"

I agreed, And Elizara followed me. Upon seeing us, Cheska made a beeline for us... 

"Oh! Itz tha purty kitty... my kitty..."

She passed me, and embraced a rapidly blushing Elizara... 

"Oh purty, purty, kitty? What are you doing... Get back between my legs where you belong! Wait... how did you fall off anyway?"

Elizara tensed... then relaxed, whether EXTREMELY racist remark Swiftly became a rather Inappropriate Reference to a bodypart...

"Come on, Crazy Lady, let's get you to bed!"

"I don wanna go to bed, I wanna date the purty kitty..."

"Nyaaa! Very well, then, Nya! Lets go on a date, tomorrow..."

She said it to placate Cheska... And as we had very nearly led Cheska Out of the ballroom and back into the Mansion proper, Toward the guest room she was using, She stopped... Raised one finger in the Air... And shouted "EBERYWUN! MY KITTY IZ TAKIN ME ON A DATE! ISND DAT WUNDERFAL? WHEEE!"

It took Twenty minutes to get her in bed, And another fifteen Attempting to use my lullaby skill... Before Elizara decided to stay and watch her... I extracted a no-funny buisness Promise first, but I couldn't stay much longer... I had to get back to the party, as its Host.

[The ballroom, Ronan POV]

"Blackguard! Assassin! Traitorous Swine! Lyrroot is INCREDIBLY toxic to Fox-kin! You were trying to kill me!"

From the look of Shock on Kayts face, I could tell that wasn't her plan.

"NO! The Seller told me it would make you behave boorishly! It wasn't Deadly, he assured me!"

"Give me a NAME! Whoever he was, he lied to you."

"Elvar, the Compounder. That's the name he gives. He is a Rat-kin."


"Foxhunter? I'm confused."

"Elvar, White Ratkin, Disbarred From the Apothecary guild, He turned his Skills to poison making... And Used those poisons To go on a killing spree twenty years ago... He DESPISES fox-kin, As his first victim was a Fox-Kin who Spurned his advances... and the sister of the Fox-kin who got him Disbarred. He's been After Sir Ronan for years." 

"Thank you for explaining that to her, Sylvio, sir."

"My pleasure. Now." A blade unsheathed... and Kait Stiffened. "Tell me Why This happened... And I'll decide whether you are a threat or not."

Kayt came Clean... Jealousy Drove her actions... She begged us not to tell Eina, but... Eina was listening In... i saw her, hiding around the corner... How cute! She thinks shes being stealthy! I felt my heart melt, even as it hardened toward my Self-proclaimed Rival. 

[That night... Eina POV]

I couldn't believe it. Kayt tried to kill Ronan. I knew then, she's Really not the same little girl from back then... and my heart Ached... I never told anyone, but back when we were little, I kinda had a crush on Kayt... I cried when She was 'adopted'... I cried for days. But now... She tried to hurt Ronan... My Ronan... wait...MY Ronan? Since when was I this possessive? I... I don't understand... So I went to Speak with Frankie... 

"I See. You dont realize it yet, huh? Its plain to all of us that you love him, Eina."

"That's impossible... I can't... I mean I..."

"Look, Eina... imagine Ronan with another woman, Dancing, Singing... kissing... What do you feel."

"It hurts... and makes me mad."

"That's love. You feel happy around him, but don't want to share him."

"So... its normal to feel Posessive?"

"Completely normal. Now go back to bed."

as I Returned to my room, I made a decision. I'd confess. Tell Ronan my feelings... Ronan... MY Ronan... And he WILL be MINE. Oh yes...  he WILL BE.



PREPARE FOR SORROW... Tragedy incoming.

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