Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Miasmus and Ulti, the Undivine Gods Machinations

I was Surprised when Petra came to me early this morning... looking Contrite.

"Whatever is the matter, Petra?"

"Its... umm... You know how I sometimes accidentally call you mom? But say I don't want to?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Its because... I feel guilty. I've been lying to you... i'm... I'm not a Lizardfolk. But... I'm afraid if I tell you what I really am you won't like me anymore..."

"Petra... that cannot happen. I love you and the others almost as much as I love My Girls... That's why I kept telling you, it's fine to call me mom..."

"Even if I knew what would happen to you, before it happened? Even if I was from a race considered monsters?"

"Yes. Even then. Thought I would ask you some questions."

"I... Eina, I was sent here to protect you by my ancestor... i... I'm a Dragon..."

I pulled the nervous, terrified girl into a hug... 

"That dosen't matter. But can you Explain everything?"

"Y... sniff... yes... sniff... OH MAMA! WAAAAA! I WAS AFRAID YOU'D HATE ME!"

I held her til her tears stopped... And then she began to explain...

"I... came from some mountains where a lot of us live..."

[Cromwell Mountain range, six years ago]

The huge Creature stared down at His Descendant, so tiny... Is she truly five already? The girl looked up at him, unafraid... And smiled. That was all it took, and he knew this one was special... but not for Her Family... she was chosen initially for her small size, but... She truly did not belong amongst Her kin. 

"Listen Child, my dear little Wyrmling" he whispered, so as not to deafen her "You are destined for greatness. I will send you To a human town, Sulea, And you will wait there, living as an orphan... until the Unwilling Changeling arrives. They shall become as a parent to you... And you MUST protect them. The dark one will seek her, and only We dragons, and the human Saintess, cam defeat that Creature. Miasmus... the sentience of the Corruption of dark magic... do you understand, Small one?"

The child nodded. "Yeth I undastan. Protec tha chain-Jlin."

The child could barely speak... She would easily pass as a Lizardfolk... And fit in perfectly amongst the other races. 

"Good. Then I shall name thee! Hmm... your Father is Arp-et, your mother Ra-han... Pet-ra... yes. You are Pet-ra! Now go with my blessing, Dragonling... go. Ul-Ti, the dragon God, commands it!"

And that is how Petra ended up at Sulea Orphanage... And why she so swiftly grew attatched to Eina... Godly Providence.

[The Sewers beneath Sulea, basement of Galens Tower.]

"Who goes there!" The old Wizard looked worse for wear, his left eye swollen shut, Burn Marks all over... as if he had been Recently tortured... his eyes widened with shock as his deceased Apprentice walked into the torch light.

"Erik? I heard you were dead, boy!"

A soft gurgling came from his throat...

"I Was... I AM... Dead. But he needed me... he came upon me... and we made a deal... we both desire the same thing. He wishes to kill the one blessed by Fate... As do I. Now tell me, Galen... What do you know of Ein Sinclair?"

The old man immediately laughed... then relayed his Experiments, and the results thereof... 

"So... the useless pet of the Saintess is a Woman now? Oh joy! I LOVE killing Women... they're so much softer than men... and their Heads pop in such a satisfying way when I eat them..."

"What has become of you, boy?"

Erik entered the full light... And Galen Gasped... because from Eriks back Sprouted six tendrils of Solidified Miasma...

"I told you... I died... But Master brought me back... didn't you, master?"

A voice like Sludge dripping on hot Rocks replied

"Indeed I did, Erik... now... Do as you came for... Feast!"

Galen screamed... As suddenly, in Eriks place was a monster... And its jaws Closed about his head, cutting the scream off... 

"Excellent... the old man had a nice flavour... now... lets go kill some Orphans... Kishishishishi!"

"Yes Master."

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