Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Somethings wrong with Mama

Folks, This is the last "EVENTFUL" Chapter Til the end... And a lot will happen in this one. I hope The slightly Fast pace of the last few chapters wasnt too offputting, but... They were Intended to be longer, and multiple chapters, but writers block got me, Which is why Theres so many timeskips in quick succession. The slower pace returns Soon.

[Hope POV]

Somethings wrong with Mama. Ever since she got back from our old home, With that scary Winged lady with her, She's acted different. She used to Hug us lots, but now she seems Like shes lost... Mama and Papa Dont Like each other anymore, And Papa Is Dating Our Teacher. Big Sis Petra says That's just how some adults are... But Papa is still the same, he didn't change at all... And he cries sometimes, Because Mama is so different now.

The Scary Lady, Blanc, Looks at us sometimes, and her face is like Mama's, but her eyes look mean... Faith says that maybe Blanc is why mama changed, And that's why sometimes she looks like Mama... She says Not to Trust Blanc... I'm worried about Mama. That's why I'm Learning magic from Auntie Julia... So I can Heal Mama somehow.

[Faith POV]

Something is Wrong with Mama. It's that thing that's with her, Blanc. Hope says she saw it glaring at us, and I told her to be careful around it. Because it is An IT. Sometimes, it looks at us with Mama's face... but usually, It seems Indistinct. But I got a good look at it, once, In the moonlight. It didn't have a face. I don't know What it is, but it's an enemy. And Mama says she loves it. Yesterday, we felt a strange thing... Papa Ronan says the gods Faded... no gods means no miracles... and that thing looked Happy about it. I wish I could help... So I started learning to fight From Uncle Auron and Mister Seigfried. I WILL Save Mama if it's the last thing I do. Because we need Mama.

[??? POV]

Something is wrong with Mama. I can tell. A piece is broken off. I'm growing as we speak, And soon it will be time... I can Save Her. I must. I hope Papa doesn't do something Stupid. Granny told me before that he would. But she's gone now, Old Granny... Just like the Other Granny, the one I couldn't meet. But I'll save Mama. Just hold on mama, just a few months... I'll be there soon... I'm just not ready yet.

[Ronan POV]

It didn't take long, to Get Assistance from That Woman. She jumped at the chance to help Eina. She insisted on coming along. We arrived At the Back alley shop, And the man inside greeted her warmly... before Noticing me.

"Lady Kayt! Welcome back! Oh! The BARD... What's HE doing here. Have you brought him to me as a present? I do love killing his kind!"

"No, Fool. He's a customer."

"I need something capable of killing a Demon."

"Demon you say? Color me intrigued, Fox. Demonsbane would work, but I assume you need something stronger? Mind explaining Why?"

"That's my business."

"Then no sale. I need to know my poisons wont be used for regicide or something. They DO contain my Mana, after all, easily traceable."

I had no choice... so I told him.

"I need it to kill something that may or may not be a demon, but definitely isnt Human, Beastkin or Otherwise."

"Alright... let's see what I've got... hmm. Perhaps a nice Wyrmkiller potion? Or maybe a..." I saw him shift his weight, and moved immediately. "SNEAK ATTACK!" his Dagger missed... I kicked upward, hitting his wrist, and causing him to slice himself, lightly.

"Shit!... you've killed me... damn... fox..." His skin turned orange... and started to steam.

"Oh Shit, Bard boy! RUN! That's Hellwasp Venom he had on that blade..."

"Which means the steam he's putting off..."

"Is a Deadly Neurotoxin. Let's get out of here!"

So we ran... we left the alley behind, And I noticed I was crying... I had Failed... That creature, whatever it is, had Eina... And I was Powerless... Whatever hold it had on Our Connection was broken, at least on my end, but... I now loved two women equally, and was helpless to save one of them. I bid farewell to Kayt, And headed home... If I couldn't Use poison, I'd wait until I saw a chance, and strike... but what I saw upon returning killed that plan...

Blanc was waiting for me in my room. 

"Ronan. We need to talk. I know now what I am... And I know you Suspect me. When the gods faded, it affected me... And i realized the truth... you see, I Don't love Eina..." 

What she said next, completely blew my mind...

"I AM Eina, or at least a part of her... and I HURT. Everytime I look at The girls it hurts... I feel nothing but pain, And when I do, Eina seems to forget more... And I Don't know what to do. Please, Ronan... Help Me!"

[Eina's Room, Blanc POV]

Nothing Worked. For months, I worked to recombine with my lady... but nothing worked... And now, After Reaching the point I thought about giving up... It was time. Eina And Ronans child was being born. I held her hand, as her unfocused eyes met mine... And An unfamiliar Cry rang out... I looked at the tiny half-Fox-kin, and smiled. Then felt an odd sensation, as everything blurred... and a voice inside my head spoke.

<Grrr! You get back inside Mama where you belong, Fragment! Obey the word of the Demigod of MUSIC! Rawr!>

As my consciousness and body faded, I felt myself being absorbed back into a massive energy source... And laughed... A demigod proves That Eina is a goddess... and I can fade away happy... but then I felt myself changing, then pushed away... I fell on my ass on the floor.

"Blanc, you dummy. Stay. But thank you for returning my Missing pieces. And thank YOU, little one... you saved me. My little Robin."

The girls ran into the room.

[Petra POV]

"Wow mama! He's beautiful!" 

"He really is, and so tiny!"

I smiled because They were tiny too, not so long ago. Something was wrong with Mama Eina... but I could tell she's better now... and it was Robin who saved her... Unlike the others, I could See it. After I turned 18, my eyes shifted. I could see in the same Spectrum as the rest of my kind. Mana, but also divinity. The odd tether between Mama and Blanc was gone, Severed and Replaced by Robin's Power. The boy was radiant with energy, Similar to Ronans Energy, but much Stronger... Ronan told me once that he was A demigod, Half mortal and half god... like the gods, Demigods have something they have Authority over. For him, its Poetry and Storytelling. He sings, But has no Authority over the music... something tells me Robin Has that Authority. Even his Cries are Melodic. I would have to leave soon. My body was mature now, And in a few years, My body would begin full Dragonification... In preparation for Reproduction. But Now, I can go without Worry... Once Mama recovers and I can tell her... That I love her, and will definitely come back someday...


"Yes, Petra..." she sounded weak..

"He really is Adorable... This new Baby Brother... And I'm glad you are Okay..."

I was answered by a soft Snoring sound... She was asleep... and so was Robin. As Ronan Ushered Hope and Faith out of the room, And The Midwife Took Robin from her arms, to put in the cradle... I leaned in, And kissed her cheek. "I love you, mama. Good night..."

slow pace returns next chapter. Might be a longer wait, though... this was the last chapter Formed of other half-finished parts... the end approaches... and I hope I make it satisfying...

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