Tutoring the Spoiled

Alone… In My Room

An average Saturday morning. Nothing that Kouji would think was out of the ordinary. He woke up, ate a very small breakfast, and now was thinking of what to do to pass the free time.

Back at his old school, it generally consisted of doing his homework, and then just sitting around. Maybe rereading any old cheap books he found. Nowadays, at least there was trying to come up with ways to tutor the girls could occupy his mind.

Except, there was something about that he couldn’t escape from. Why was it him? Why did the headmistress get him of all people. The biggest factor of course was his gender, but even if he was a girl. What would’ve made him so special that he got the chance to go to this school for free?

While sitting at his Kotatsu, which he was lucky enough to find almost thrown away. A knock at the door interrupted his train of thought. Figuring it was Anastasia. Since she was the only person that knew where he lived. He opened the door. It wasn’t…

“Y-you… W-what…” He stuttered in his words. The person standing before him, was none other than Himawari.

“Are you just going to stand there mumbling like an idiot? Or are you going to invite me in?” She said in a commanding stance. It was like this was completely normal to her. The girl turned her head and gave a motion. Behind her was a limo that slowly drove away.

“G-go ahead.” He stepped aside for her. Why was this girl in his house now? How did she find where he lived?

“This place is... very paltry.” If she was here to insult his living conditions, she definitely got that out of the way. “How can your family live here?”

“My family doesn’t.” He told her. “It’s just me out here.”

“Your parents really just let you live on your own like this?” She shook her head. “I can’t believe they’d let a delinquent like you do that.”

“I guess you could say they trust me.” He clenched his fist. That statement was infuriating, but he let it go. Since she didn’t know better. “Or because unlike you. I’m not failing any of my classes.”

“Shut up.” She said, then her pursed her lips. “But… Maybe if you’d like. We can… Work on some homework?” That was an odd thing of her to request. Kouji shut the door, now he knew the reason for her arrival. Except, why was that her reason?

“I’ve already done my homework for the weekend, so I’ll just help you with yours.” Even if he hadn’t, this was still his goal. Since she was clearly in need of his help. “But why are you asking me now? It would’ve been easier if you asked me back at school. Also more importantly, how did you find my house?”

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “That Enokida girl is blackmailing me.” Waa did what? That was her plan? He may not be the type to appreciate blackmail, but he was going to be grateful for the help this time. “I don’t want it getting out how poorly I’m doing in my classes.”

“And finding my house?”

“That was easy.” She sat down at his table. “I just asked that Shiga girl you hang out with.” Made sense to him.

“Okay then, let’s get started…” He got to work, sitting next to her. These problems she was working on, there was still apprehension from her accepting his help. Of course she would, he figured. After all, he was close to the bottom of society. That must’ve felt humiliating for her. Not that he cared.

“I was sure that… But why is it…” Every time he corrected a problem, she always acted like it was the questions fault. Not hers. That attitude was getting annoying for him, mostly because it was making them spend more time with pointless arguing.

“Ahh…” He slumped his head down in frustration. This girl was just so hard to work with. “I’m going to the bathroom.” Getting up to leave, she was left with nothing to do.

She scanned throughout his single room. There wasn’t much to occupy her eyes with, except one thing did stand out. That picture he had, next to his futon. Himawari examined it.

“I see this is when he was younger.” His picture with his parents, all of them smiling together. “He was cuter then.” She commented, though she wondered about his family.

Why was he living alone? He couldn’t have possibly hated them, if he kept a picture by where he slept. Also, why such an old picture? Surely an updated one for when he moved away would’ve made more sense. Unless…

“Okay, let’s get back to work.” He returned, sending her a fright. She let out a small cute yelp. “Is something wrong?”

“N-nothing.” She looked at him, he didn’t appear like the type to have that situation. He certainly didn’t act that way. “Let’s get back to work.”

“Okay?” That was a flip from when he left the room. And that was literally just a couple minutes. Kouji almost thought she was kidnapped and replaced while he was gone.

Getting back to helping her out. It was the complete opposite of what he was dealing with earlier. She was softer, much kinder to him. That worried him.

“Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?” He asked, as they finished up the last problem for the day.

“What do you mean? I’m completely normal, as I’ve always been.” Not even an insult? There really was something wrong. She was clearly unwell to him. Her skin was paler than before, she didn’t have much energy in her words.

“Here.” He got up. “Just lay down, I’ll get you some water.”


“You’re clearly sick. Probably because you’re not used to my place, must be allergies or something.” Grabbing a glass from the cabinet, he filled it with the tap. “It’s not much, here.”

“Thanks…” She accepted it, the only gulp she took was disgusting to her. Himawari stared down at her cup, not saying anything for a while. “Your parents…”

“My parents? They’re fine if you were wondering-”

“They’re not alive anymore, are they?” He took a step back, how did she find that out?

“What? How did you-”

“I… just figured.” She pointed to the picture. Now he understood why she was acting the way she did. Kouji gritted his teeth.

“I don’t want your pity.” He told her sternly.

“But what happened to them-”

“Is tragic, I know.” He finished her sentence. “But that’s why I don’t want to be treated differently for it.” That was all he was known for, in his younger days once he learned the truth of their fate. The way the other kids looked at him, it angered him.

She paused for a little while. So he was hiding this, so that he wouldn’t be treated differently? Because he was poorly looked at for it? Or because he didn’t want preferential treatment over it?

“Look, I’d rather you keep acting like you’ve always acted with me.” Not that he was the biggest fan of it, but at least it was honest. “I mean, I wouldn’t want you to keep insulting me if my parents were alive.”

“I see then.” She got her things gathered and stood up. “It looks like it’s time for me to go home.”

“Good.” He replied simply. “And let’s just keep that between us, okay?”

“Sure.” She answered. “But only if you give me your Rine.” That other statement nearly shocked him more than the last revelation.

“What? But I just told you-”

“Not out of pity.” She stopped him. “It’d be useful for studying, correct?” He stared at her for a moment. Not understanding why the change, if she claimed it had nothing to do with his family. Still though, this was development in the right direction for him.

“Fine.” He relented, taking out his phone. The two shared contact information, and she was about to exit the door.

“And Kouji.” She stopped, right before he was going to close the door. “You’re not that bad after all.” The two shared a look at the other, before she completed her thought. “Of course, I’m still better.” She stuck out a tongue at him, prompting him to close the door.

“Sheesh.” He muttered to himself. “I don’t understand these girls at all.”

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