Tutoring the Spoiled


“And what do you suggest with that?” Kouji asked. He hadn’t planned for any of them to be here anyway, so it wasn’t as if he prepared.

“How about you start by dropping your pants.” She surprised him by jumping up over the top of the boy. Waa wasted no time in reaching for his waistband to relieve him on his shorts.

“What?” Her attempts were not without resistance as Kouji tried to battle her off. While she was a good head shorter than him, and certainly had nowhere the muscle mass. The girl had a good grip onto his pants, preventing him from pushing her off without losing them in the process. “I thought I told you all that I’m not ready for it yet.”

“It’s not that.” She responded. “Don’t you think it’s not fair?”

“She’s right.” While Himawari didn’t agree with the method, she understood the reasoning. “Don’t think I forgot about that little incident in the changing room.” Her icy glare and crossed arms showed she meant business. She was the one most upset with him about it. Both because slaps hurt, and that she had literally showed him her own panties the day before.

“But you all saw me in underwear before.”

“We… Did?” Yuma was confused. She was certain a memory like that would be burned into her memory.

“Oh yeah, you weren’t there.” Teru recalled the moment. “It was when Kouji challenged me to that duel a long time ago. That was one of the dares Waa came up with to make us do.”

“So everyone... Got to see Kouji... In his underwear... Before me…” Yuma thought it over. “That’s… Interesting.” For a moment, they all fell into silence. She didn’t seem to change her emotions, yet the room’s atmosphere felt different from a dark aura.

“Look, it’s only because you all got the chance to mentally prepare.” He defended his actions. “And… Actually prepare.”

“You’re wearing embarrassing underwear, aren’t you?” Waa asked.

“They’re comfortable, okay?” He got real defensive from her inquiry. “But… Yes.”

“It ain’t like any of us are going to make fun of you.” He knew that to be a lie from Waa. She would tease him to no end about it, but at least she would be the only person he’d have to deal with.

“Fine.” He relented. “I’ll let you all see.”

“Great, now let me be the one to take them off.” This was a major milestone in Waa’s mind. At least, she assumed it to be seeing that her otome games usually had a minigame regarding undressing the love interest. Slowly, she undid his button and slid his shorts down his legs. Another finger worked its way to his boxers…

“You’re not stripping me naked.” He grabbed that hand, stopping her.

“Fine, whatever.” She pouted as she revealed to them all his underwear. It was the same that he wore when they were looking for a good suit for the ball.

“Huh? It looks like you have something in there?” Teru commented, which only served to make him more bashful. After all, he was a boy that was surrounded by cute girls who he just saw in nothing more than panties. So of course his body would react in all the normal ways.

“Sheesh, you don’t have to say it out loud.” He averted his gaze from them in embarrassment.

“Then just take it out and you won’t have to worry about it.”

“I’m not showing any of you that!” He couldn’t believe the nerve of that girl.

“Yeah, that’s really rude.” Himawari pinched her ear in response to the question.

“What’s wrong?” Teru was confused at everyone’s reaction to her. “Why does he have a bump down there? Is it like a medical thing?”

“Are you unaware of… The differences between… Boys and girls?” Yuma asked. They thought that would be silly if she didn’t know. How could that even be possible?

“Yeah, you know. Boys have a little thing... Sticking out down there.” Himawari awkwardly informed her of it. “I’d rather not have to refer to it by its vulgar name.”

“They do!?” Teru couldn’t believe her ears. However, a strong red blush began to come onto her face as she came to another painful revelation. That being they now knew just how ignorant she was about this.

“If you really didn’t know, then that means you don’t know what sex is.” Waa was shameless in her mocking of the girl. “Who would’ve guessed the tough girl was the most innocent girl in the entire school. Actually maybe even this entire planet.” She couldn’t contain her laughter even if she tried. Meanwhile, Teru was beyond humiliated with the fact and attempted to hide her face with her pajama top. That being a futile effort given how tight her outfit fit onto her body.

“Sh-shut up.” She meekly said in response to all the bullying.

“Don’t give her too hard a time.” Kouji came from behind Waa and gave her a tight hug. “It’s fine Teru, I don’t mind if you’re inexperienced because… Well because I’m sure we all are.”

“Given his juvenile nature, I’m sure he prefers that.” Even though that was meant to be nice for her. It felt as though Himawari never lost the part of her that insulted him whenever she could. Even though they were all aware of her feelings, and that no one that didn’t know was around.

“Perhaps we should… Get to our nightly… Arrangement?” Yuma noted that it was getting late. While none of them had to get up early for school as it was a weekend, it was best to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Well, everyone but Waa cared about that.

“I guess we’ll simply just have to play a game to determine that.” Said Himawari.

“Actually, Yuma’s going to sleep next to me.” For once, Kouji made a decision regarding picking one of the girls for something. In this case, they’d all be laying on the ground since his bed wasn’t big enough to support them all. So he had room for one on each, which were the coveted positions they all wanted to be a part of. “And it looks like Teru should be as well.”

“What? Y-you mean, I’m not one of them.” Himawari immediately changed from being harsh and cold to mere whimpers at hearing the sleeping arrangement.

“You and Waa already got to when we were sleeping in the hotel. Plus that was on a real bed.” There was no way he could get a bigger bed in his room, so perhaps the next time they ever did this should be at one of their houses. “It’s only fair.”

“Okay…” She reluctantly accepted the deal for now, but she made sure to not forget this for next time.

“Shame.” Waa said as he lightened his grip on her. “If I got the chance to sleep next to you, I was going to let you touch me.”

“But I’ve already had a touch of your breasts.”

“Heh, I mean… Touch me in a more special place.” She was referring to her nether region. “Or maybe… You could can get a little tease.” Waa took one of his hands and ran it down her belly. Quickly, he resisted her and got his hands away from.

“How about we save that for when I’m a little more mature, okay?” As much as the idea excited him, a part of him kind of wanted to do with with someone else first. “Now let’s head to bed, we’ve got a long…” Actually, they had no plans for tomorrow. There really was no reason go anywhere since there was nothing planned.

“Look, just say you want to cuddle with us, okay?” Teru rushed him down onto the ground so they could begin their not-so peaceful slumber. Now that he was in this position, he knew there was no way he could drift off to sleep so easily. Surrounded by all of them with his feeling weird down there. If this was a normal night, he could just do what boys his age would engage in thanks to innovations such as the internet. However, there was no way he’d do that in front of any of them. So he would just have to bear it until they all left.

“...Kouji…” Quietly, Yuma whispered to him. “Is there anything… That I’ve missed out on?” She was still taking umbrage to the knowledge that all the other girls had their time in the sun with him.

“He’s touched my breasts, so go ahead and grope her all you like.” Waa spoke out loud without any sense of tact. “Unless Himawari got some secret meetings I don’t know about.”

“Hush Waa.” Himawari slapped the girl on the back in frustration. “The sooner I get to sleep, the quicker I can get my chance later.”

“I guess there’s that.” Kouji responded to the first girl’s question. “If you don’t mind.”

“...Go ahead.” Her body was much quicker than her voice. Yuma grabbed his hand and placed it on her boobs. Compared to Waa’s he got a real handful of what a girl could really offer. It was firm, yet soft enough to give way to the squeezes he would give. Under her thin pajamas that left little to the imagination, he could even feel that small bit of a nipple. If his little guy wasn’t already hard, then it certain got that way thanks to her.

“I’m sorry that this is it.” He was sure that she wanted more than just him touching her. After all, if they wanted to be fair, then they needed to do the same to him.

“...Don’t worry.” She assured him. “Perhaps we can meet… Alone in the sauna.” Yuma reminded him of their time back when she attempted to convince him to stay in the worse way possible. “...Without… towels.”

“...I’ll think about it.” He said after a long pause. Why did she have to say it right before he went to bed? Now images of her naked body, barely hidden by the steam, flashed in his mind. The boy could only hope that he wouldn’t humiliate himself while they were sleeping together.

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