Tutoring the Spoiled

Kouji, Get in the Car

That was an experience he went through yesterday. Things were fine for Kouji at first, but soon after he went on a roller coaster of events that led to him running practically naked through the streets. Thankfully, he wasn’t caught for doing what would be viewed as weird exhibitionism stuff.

A shame, since he was mostly enjoying himself. Maybe almost enough to want to do it again, but he felt that would go against his plans.

Now sitting by himself at home. There was only one girl left that he had yet to see. Himawari. The boy shuttered at the thought of what she was going to want to do with him. While them trying to do nice things for him was a nice thing to do. It never ended well for him at all. So what was the point?

Still though, he couldn’t deny that it wasn’t at least a little bit nice to see the girls when school wasn’t in the way. He enjoyed seeing their lives, even if just a tidbit. Again, that doubt of wanting to leave returned.

But just like the last time it entered his mind, he physically shook it out. Now wasn’t the time to give up on his conviction. He already made up his mind. At least, he was sure he did back at the headmistress’s office.

Kouji sat back up, checking on his phone. If everything that’s happened this week was any indication, Himawari should be calling soon. So maybe he should be the one to start this conversation.

“Hello?” He called her phone, and was met with a rather quick response.

“Hey, Himawari, could I ask you a question?” He asked if she was planning on inviting him over. Something that she denied, which confused him. At least, until she clarify.

“I’m actually about to arrive at your house.” Was the answer he received, the horn of a car rang into his ears. “I’m here now.” He looked out his window, and sure enough, her limo was just outside.

Kouji was already prepared to leave his house, so he didn’t need to change as he exited his home to see what she had in store for him.

“Hello again.” She said to him, as he approached the vehicle. Himawari was a bit nervous for what she had planned out for him. Not only did she have to deal with the long wait of the week, being the last one to have her turn. But she already had an idea in mind.

It was time for operation beachfront to begin… Heh, she spent all night coming up with that name. After a day at the beach, surely Kouji would want to stay. She was certain she’d figured him out by now.

Plus, she could even show off that new swimsuit she got… N-not that she cared what he thought about her looks. She, uh, already knew that she looked good.

“The beach?” That didn’t sound like too bad of an idea. Though unlike the others, he wasn’t going to see her house. Then again, given what else had happened, it being in a public area might be a better option. So he accepted the offer, not that he would’ve rejected it. Seeing as he already went with the other girls and their schemes. Might as well finish this properly.

“Great, then let’s get in the car and go.” She was about to let him in first, but Kouji froze like a statue at hearing that.

“Y-you mean, like, riding in your car? Like, someone’s driving it?”

“Yes.” She replied, having no patience for whatever game he was playing here. “Cars get driven, so let’s go and take a ride.”

“You know.” Already, he was making excuses. “I mean, it’s not that far. I can just meet you there.”

“What?” The beach was three miles away, plus why would she just wait for him to meet her there? That made no sense. “Look, if you’re worried about the environment, it’s already being driven. So you might as well carpool here.”

“Well, that wasn’t what I was thinking of…” That was actually a better excuse than what he thought of. “The weather, it’s a bit of a waste to not soak it in a little on the way, right?” Kouji was really desperate to get out of this situation.

“Kouji, get in the car.” She was getting very short with him. This game he was playing, wasn’t something she cared to entertain any longer.

“No.” He was defiant against her. “I’m walking, and that’s final.” He turned and walked away from her.

“This guy.” She put her hand on her waist, trying to stay calm with him. Himawari sighed, and informed the driver of the new plans. With a bag in one arm, and her umbrella in the other, she quickly caught up with Kouji, while her ride drove off. The plan being to pick her up later at the beach.

“You know, I said that I was walking.” He said to her as she approached him. It wasn’t hard to catch up with him, as he had to run back to his place to getting his swimming trunks. “You didn’t have to come with me.”

“It’s fine, I was the one that asked you to come in the first place.” She grumbled. This boy really was an annoyance to her, yet at the same time. She couldn’t help but try so hard here. There was just something about him, that she didn’t know why she cared so much about.

The Summer heat was beating down on the both of them. Even if he pretended that he enjoyed it, it was clear with the way he was trying to cover his face. This was having just as much of an effect on him, as it was on her. This heat was irritable to her. Good thing she held her umbrella over her head for some level of shade.

Why couldn’t he just take the car, she thought. Even if it wasn’t transportation she enjoyed taking, at least they’d be at the beach by now.

The more she thought about it, the stranger it seemed to her. Himawari just couldn’t fathom why he was so adamant about not being in a car. Except, when he first heard her say it. He seemed like he was afraid for his… Life…

His parents, how were they killed? Was it possible that it was from a car accident? Was he in fear because of that?

As much as Himawari wanted to ask him. Obviously that was a very sensitive subject. Plus, she was trying to make him happy here. Talking about something like that was pretty much the opposite of the goal here.

While mulling over that fact, she had doubt cast within her. Why did she care so much?

Of course she wanted him to stay. He’s… Not bad. Sure, he could be pretty annoying, and being a pain in her neck when it came to making sure she did school work. Even though of everyone, she was always the first one done. Just that she also had the most errors as well.

“What’s this?” He commented on a poster, as they neared the beach. It was promoting an upcoming carnival event. “Is this what you wanted to show me?”

“No, that’s not until tomorrow.” She considered it as a plan for a little while. However, tomorrow was also when he was going to meet with Isako and make things official on his transfer. So it would be too late by then, she thought.

Shortly there after, they arrived at the beach. It was filled with other beachgoers, as they enjoy soaking up the sun’s rays, playing volleyball, or swimming in the sea.

The two found the changing rooms, and temporarily separated to get into their swimwear. Kouji brought along his swimming shorts that Isako gave him during sports day. She said he should keep it even if he was leaving. After all, there’s no use for it at that school of all places.

Alone now, he thought about what was to come for him. A simple trip to the beach, no catches from the looks of it. Though, this was Himawari he was dealing with, nothing normal ever came of spending time with the girls. Surely this was going to be no different.

Once he was done changing, Kouji went to where they’d agree on meeting back up together at. She was waiting on him, wearing her brand new swimsuit. One with a red, frilly skirt, and a bra with a similar design to the skirt.

“Well, how do I look?” She asked him. It was time to get this party started.

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