Tutoring the Spoiled

Look Alike

“I’m so glad to have run into you.” Himawari said, but with an expression that seemed the opposite of what she was saying. “These pigs won’t leave me alone.” That really riled up the crowd in cheers, which wasn’t what she was hoping for.

“You really shouldn’t be so mean.” He was worried about them turning on the two of them. Even if they don’t seem tough, it was still a large group.

“They’ve been harassing me for a while now.” She countered.

“Then why are you alone here?” He doubted that she’d willingly go with the plan that Waa set. At least she’d be sticking with someone, if not just hanging out in the food court.

“For your information, I wasn’t planning on this.” In fact, she was planning on staying with Teru. Since that was the girl she was most worried about. Unfortunately as they were walking here, this crowd swarmed upon them. Specifically talking about the way Himwari looked. This was when Teru saw her chance to abandon the girl and ditched her.

“Okay then…” He believed her, since that sounded like something Teru would do. “Everyone could you please just leave us alone?” He asked the people, all the while the clicking of cameras were the only sounds coming from them.

“Aw, but we just really like the cosplay.” One of them said. “Could we at least at some for good reference?” That was what he said, but it was more so they could post it online for others to be wowed.

“I’m not cosplaying!” Himawari yelled at them with frustration. “I have no clue what you’re all talking about.”

“Yeah, we’re not fans of anime ourselves. We’re here because of a friend.” The crowd all shared a collective sigh of disappointment.

“Aww, but you look just like her.” Someone else said.

“I look like who?” She responded, wondering what could get so many people fired up just from the sight of her.

“Haatama!” Everyone collectively replied to her as if they were all one. One of them opened up a poster of the girl to the two of them.

“Haatama?” Himawari uttered out a confused word as she scanned the poster. The girl that was on it, was of one drawn in the popular anime style doing a heart with her hands. Just like her, that girl had the same blonde twin ponytails and those bright blue eyes.

“Wow, you really do look alike.” Kouji couldn’t disagree with the resemblance. “And who is she supposed to be?”

“A vtuber.” They said it as if that word had any meaning to him. Because of their visible bewilderment, the people were prompted to explain further. “She’s a virtual person that streams a lot of things online, usually video games.”

“That sounds silly. You all know there’s just a real person behind it.” Himwari turned her nose up at the thought of it. “Obviously the real girl doesn’t look like her.”

“Hm? You could pretend to be someone else? That sounds interesting.” Kouji was a little more open to the idea.

“Don’t go humoring them!” She yelled at him and grabbed the boy’s arm. “Come on, let’s go before they suck us into their weird hobby.” Himawari pulled them away from the crowd, who was still shooting pictures of the girl. She hated it, but not much could be done about it.

“Well, I’m glad to run into you.” Kouji said, believing that this was a good time to bring up his problem with her.

“That’s good to hear.” She misunderstood the intention. “Sounds like you’re starting to come around.”

“It’s not that.” He corrected her. “I wanted to talk. I mean, I’m not a fan of how controlling you’ve been.” She gasped at hearing that. It was really offensive to think that he took offense to her actions.

“You can’t honestly expect me to sit back and just let her get to you.” She did her best to defend her position.

“I understand, but I think you’re going a bit too far.” Sure, he was cool about her moves during that night when they talked privately with Teru. That was more of what he preferred from her than this weird nagging she’s been doing this trip.

Don’t get Kouji wrong. It’s not like he wants her to lay down and pretend that other girls wanting him don’t bother her. Though, she does like to pretend that it doesn’t, when it clearly does.

“Have you forgotten there’s a little bit of a competition?” She said, while they looked around to find where food was being sold. That was where Himwari was planning on going to before being abandoned by her so-called friend. “One I don’t plan on losing.”

“…” He thought about it, as they neared the food court. It’s one thing to want to vie for attention, but it was getting to the other girls too. Perhaps, there’s was something else to this. “Himawari, are you scared of losing?”

“S-scared? Of course not… In fact, that’s n-not even on my mind. No, not at all.” From the way she was flustered at him bring it up, it was clear that he was on the right track.

“You know, there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way.” He said, trying to prod the truth out of her. “I know I’m not in a relatable position, but I’ve been strongly considering both of your feelings. So it’s not like it hasn’t been on my mind.”

“Well, how else could I feel?” She glared back at him for being able to find the truth. “As if some delinquent like her could possibly be more attractive than me…” She muttered her insecurity and crossed her arms.

“Teru’s a nicer girl than that.” He replied. By now, they were inside the food court, but it seemed that the girl mentioned wasn’t here. It was kind of odd, since they figured this would be the first place she’d be. “Honestly, I wasn’t a huge fan of all of you at first. But you guys are a lot cooler than I expected, including you.”

“I know…” It took a lot from her to admit her feelings on the rest of the girls. After all the time they were forced to spend together. They’d eventually begin to care for the other, even if they kept up with a lot of arguing and bantering. “I lik… Tolerate everyone. And if you don’t choose me, how am I supposed to deal with that? Stuck in the same study group while you get all lovey dovey with her?” She shuddered at the thought of it.

“I get what you mean.” He told her. “I get a little worried about how things will change.” There was another point he wanted to bring up. That being that… Well, it’s not like the other girls weren’t something that had some of his attention. But it’s not like any of them had confessed to him, so might as well go with the first ones that showed up.

“Oh, there’s Teru.” Himawari pointed out her rival, as the other girl finally arrived to the food court. They were spotted by her, and she walked up to the couple. “Gee, thanks for the help back there.” The blonde girl snidely remarked.

“No problem.” She laughed back at her. “I’m sure those nerds were really happy about that.”

“Where have you been?” Kouji asked her, since he assumed she would’ve gotten here first.

“Sorry, but some of those losers were trying to pull some sword out of a rock.” She produced a bladed weapon. “So I had to show them how it was done.”

“You two really don’t have to be so mean about them.” In his past, he could’ve bullied the self-proclaimed otakus. Nowadays, he looked at those days with regret.

“Relax.” Teru replied. “I’m just ribbing on them. I don’t care one way or another about them.”

“I do when they’re going to harass me because of my outfit.” Himawari was less nicer about it.

“Anyway, I’m starving.” Teru was reminded of why she came here in the first place. It was impossible to hide the sounds of her growling stomach despite all the noise at this convention. “Let’s get grab some grub.”

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