Tutoring the Spoiled

Over her Head

Kouji fell off his bed. He was concerned over his life, as well as that of Teru’s and his uncles. This figure appeared as if it could kill all of them with little issue, and do so with enjoyment. Quickly. He looked for his phone in a desperate bid to shine light onto this foul creature.

“…” It illuminated the face of what he believed to be a ghost or monster. However in reality it was the face of a girl. Those empty eyes belonged to Yuma of all people. A fact that wasn’t a major surprise to anyone that knew her. “...Hello.” Was the only word she had to greet him with after what happened.

“Hi…” He responded in disbelief. “How did you get up here?” While the tree would’ve made for a solid answer. That wouldn’t explain why it didn’t appear that she was hanging from the window sill.

“I found your ladder.” She explained. He couldn’t just leave her out there hanging, so of course Kouji left the girl in.

“Is everything all right?” Teru returned after getting changed into her pajamas. “I heard you yelling while I was…” She stopped talking the moment she saw that he was no longer alone. “Y-yuma? What are you… I mean. I didn’t think anyone else was going to be here.”

“So… Teru is here too?” The way she looked at him made Kouji fear for his life, despite not being able to ascertain what her emotions at this current time was. “Did anyone else… Come?”

“No, it’s just you two.” He answered uneasily. This turned out to be something even more of a challenge than he’d expect. Just after that rejection too. “I take it you want to spend the night here.”

“...Yes.” She looked right at Teru was she was answering. “I hope that… It’s not an inconvenience.” Kouji was fine with it, but Teru only accepted it reluctantly. This wasn’t her home, so she had no say in the matter.

“Let me guess, your pajamas are in that bag?” She said as she sat besides the boy. There was a subtle showdown between these two that wasn’t openly said. Though their eyes… Well Teru’s eyes said everything that needed to be known.

“Of course…” Yuma answered. “I’m going to get changed now.” She got up, to which the other two assumed she was going to make her leave for the bathroom.

As everyone knows, there’s a reason why assumptions aren’t always the best.

Instead of leaving the room, Yuma began to undo the buttons on her blouse. In little time, her large, c-cup breasts, covered by her pink bra, were exposed to the two.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Teru asked, her breath nearly taken away by the anxiety she was feeling with this sight. “There’s a boy here.”

“Yeah, don’t you want some privacy?” Even though this was what Kouji said. On the inside, his mind was enjoying the view. “You’re free to use the bathroom whenever you want.”

“But… I don’t mind if you see me… Like this.” Yuma countered. “You’re my… Boyfriend… And Teru is a girl.” They continued on watching her undress, as she undid her skirt. It gently fell to the ground, revealing her pink panties. Since her bag was, strategically, placed right behind her. The girl turned around and bent over to pick up her new outfit. A nice, round, and shapely backside was now pointed right at the other two.

“Hey, don’t stare at her!” Flustered, Teru basically tackled Kouji over. Since he was caught off guard, he ended up being laid down onto his bed with her hand trying to cover his eyes. “What are you, some kind of pervert?”

“What’s wrong with this?” He asked while trying to fight her off of him. “We’re dating, so it’s not a big deal if I see her in just underwear.” Though it was a really big deal to him in actuality. After all, the only girl he had seen in plain underwear was Waa. Himawari’s moment didn’t count since it was only the panties.

So in terms of contrast, this was about as far as one could get from their differences. One was near flat, both front and back, while the other was filling out the clothes she wore very well. If the myth about drinking milk was true, then that girl certainly made sure to get every glass.

“Perhaps she’s… Jealous.” Yuma suggested an idea as she got on her top.

“Jealous!? Ha, as if.” Her fake laugh did little to convince either of them as she got off of him. “I don’t care if you want to see her like this. In fact, I don’t even care if you like her better than me.”

“Um, okay?” He sat himself back up on his bed. The boy figured it was a good thing they agreed on this harem deal. Or else there would be no reason to keep her around in the competition that was formerly held. “You know, there’s nothing wrong with being a little insecure.”

“Insecure? Who me?” She tried her best to remain calm and keep cool. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. You must be the real insecure one.” In her mind, she was bashing herself over every word uttered. Now she was appearing to be a real jerk in front of him, but she just couldn’t control herself.

“It’s… Not a big deal.” Yuma put on some pants and changed the subject of the conversation. “I take it… That you were about to… Do some special things.” She assumed that these two were about to engage in some activities that teens in a relationship would do if they were alone in one of their bedrooms. “I never took Teru… As that kind of girl.”

“What’s wrong with caring about him?” Teru mistook the statement. “Just because I’m a little rough around the edges doesn’t mean I can’t be sweet.”

“True.” Kouji also misunderstood what Teru was talking about, which brought things back full circle. “But don’t worry too much about it Yuma. After all, I still have a say about what happens in my bed.”

“Huh?” Now the tomboy was lost in their conversation. What did he mean, having a say? All she was planning was to share a few kisses and cuddling for the night to cheer him up. Was a girl like her not someone he wanted to share intimacy with? That made her feel real sad inside, even if it wasn’t shown to either of them.

“Still, I’m glad that you both came to try and cheer me up.” He said. Meanwhile, his head had a different thought process. So Yuma believed that Teru was here to go a little beyond simple kisses. Did that show her hand of her own plans? Maybe he was overthinking it, since her maid instincts obviously meant she’d try her best to give him some good service.

At the same time, did they really think that sex would help him move on from Anastasia? Sure, losing his virginity wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. Except for using it as a way to move past sadness. That would soil the memory. “Don’t worry, I’m not planning on graduating anytime soon.”

“Graduating?” Teru looked at him, puzzled. “But aren’t we about to become second years?” Her statement lead to the other two to turn their heads and stare at her. Was she even in the same room as them with how little she understood the conversation?

“Never mind.” He replied. “Anyway, I guess since you’re both here. We should grab something to eat.” He hadn’t had dinner yet, and chances were that neither of them had anything to eat on their way here. “I’ll just let my uncle know Yuma’s staying the night here too.” Which is what he did first, as he went down the stairs to meet him.

“Yuma’s here too?” He asked. “That’s odd, I’ve been down here the entire time and I never saw her.” Obviously, it was weird for someone not to use their front door. Kouji tried his best to explain how she got here, and that they should store their ladder a little more securely in the future. “You know, if you want some girls to spend the night. You don’t have to ask.” Yokakura laughed, giving permission. He really wanted his nephew to enjoy his youth. That kid already lost a lot of years as it was.

“Thanks?” Kouji was a little surprised at how nonchalant his uncle was about this whole thing. He was certain that this was going to be rejected. “Anyway, since I brought guests over. I’ll cook dinner for all of us tonight.” He went over to the kitchen to prepared a meal. It wasn’t going to be anything special. Just some rice, pork, and veggies on the side. The boy wasn’t much of a cook in the first place.

While there were things being chopped up, there was a knock on the door. To him, he knew exactly what this was going to entail. “Wait, don’t-” It was already too late for him to stop his uncle from answering the door.

The entrance to their house was opened. On the other side, standing on the porch, was both Waa and Himawari.

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