Tutoring the Spoiled

Running Out of Hope

The track and field section of sports day. Of all things, how could anyone mess this up? As Kouji would learn, this part was not as in the bag as he would’ve believed.

“There you two are.” He approached Anastasia and Waa. They greeted him back, making him feel a little more welcome than he had felt this entire day. “After this, I should be done for the day.”

“Really? We’re the last ones up?” Waa asked him.

“Well, I technically haven’t seen Wakiyama yet.” He answered. “I doubt she needs my help though.” That girl was easily the most athletic one out of this group. Probably out of the entire school at that. Though Yuma certainly gave Kouji a surprise at her own capabilities as well.

“I see, well it is still nice that we get to see you here.” Anastasia smiled with glee. “Are you also going to run with us?” She asked.

“I doubt that I am…” Tennis was probably what counted for his personal credit, so running wasn’t necessary. As he would learn, these two girls were going to be running in a team relay style sprint of 400 meters. Meaning that when partnered up with a third girl they’d have to each run a leg of this race for a total of 1200 meters. That shouldn’t be too bad.

“Hello.” Another girl walked up to them. “I think that I’m supposed to be running with you two.” She was the final piece to this trio team.

“Great, so does everyone understand how passing the baton works?” He pointed to what the girl was holding. It appears that every team had been given one to get a little practice in.

“I do.” She said, however the other two girls looked clueless to him.

“I’ll show you two then.” He explained, using the other girl to aid in his example. Simply running slowly, he told them that the receiver has to begin their light run as the runner is coming in. There the transfer is made on the move to minimize slowdown. With the right timing, no stopping needs to be made.

“I believe we can do that.” Anastasia was confident in the two of them. Meanwhile, Waa didn’t really care about what she was hearing.

“Then, can I take the last running leg?” She asked. Kouji didn’t see anything wrong with that, so he allowed it. Of course that played into her hand, as she just wanted to make sure she didn’t have to do both receiving and giving.

Now it was time for the girls to begin their run. He stood with the first girl at the starting line, giving himself a good stretch to prepare.

“Um, I thought that you weren’t participating?” The girl asked him.

“Me? Well I guess you could say I’m doing some coaching work.” He responded. The truth of the matter was that getting these girls to finish this race wasn’t going to be enough. Before this part was about to start, Isako approached him. Informing him of the school standard of time to achieve in order to pass running. “It’s fine if I run at your pace?”

“Of course, you’re free to do that.” It was strange not getting an odd look for once. Maybe the girls at this school were getting used to his existence here? At least some of them.

“Okay runners, are you ready?” The announcer got everyone set for this race. Of course the winner didn’t matter, only the clock was one’s true enemy. “Ready. Set. Go!” A whistle was blown, and everyone took off from their positions.

This girl he was running with, she was keeping a good pace. She also didn’t appear to need his help at all. Hopefully neither would the girls he was actually responsible for need it either.

Still though, even if he was supposed to take care of his own girls. The headmistress did say to raise the overall grade, not only theirs. So he was going to give his advice to her.

“Try to keep your arms from moving too wildly.” He told her. “That way, you won’t use too much energy.”

“...Okay.” She took his advice. Making him a bit sad about the girls he was stuck with. Then again, if listening to instructions were their strong suits, he wouldn’t be here. Maintaining this pace is easy for him so far, soon enough they are approaching Anastasia, who is taking the middle section of this race.

“Anastasia!” He yells out. “We’re coming, so get ready.” From the way she is shuffling about her feet. She is clearly not ready for them, even though she should’ve expected it. Thankfully, this other girl knew what she was doing, extending her hand out to get the transfer started.

Though she is a bit slow coming out of the gate, Anastasia begins her own jog. Leaving her hand out behind to accept the pass. It’s not the cleanest of transfers, but it gets the job done. She grabs the baton, having to slow a little to corral the stick, and moves onto her own leg of the race.

Catching up, Kouji is now running alongside her. Just as before with basketball and tennis, the girls here are wearing their own unique uniforms. The running outfits have very short shorts, revealing a lot of leg to him. Anastasia has, what one might call, thick tights which are completely shown off here.

Except that’s not what catches his eyes. More accurately, he notices something else. Closer to her chest area. More accurately, her breasts, which are flopping from this. Guess since this was an unexpected day for running, that she didn’t come prepared with a sports bra.

“Kouji?” She said his name, snapping him back to reality. “Did you hear me?”

“Huh?” He looked back forwards to his running path, pretending he wasn’t staring at her chest. “What did you say?”

“I was just asking if I was doing okay.” She said. Aside from her situation up top, her form wasn’t too bad. Just needed to reduce her flopping which will surely cause some pain.

“Well, try and not push yourself upward.” He directed that she lower her stride. “We’re moving forward, not up here.” She nodded, taking his advice. It appears to be working so far, at least as well as one could expect. However, he is paying too much attention to her.

“Kouji, watch out!” She yells. When he looks forward again, it’s too late. Colliding with a hurdle that was left behind, seeing as he’s running along a path that wasn’t expected to be used. He was sent tumbling down, crashing to the ground. For a moment, Anastasia stops to see if he’s okay.

“I’m fine!” He yells to her. “Just finish this, don’t worry about me.” As much as she doesn’t want to, she does as he says.

Fortunately for him, nothing is seriously injured. So he is able to return back to her in no time. Good thing as well, as they are approaching Waa and the final leg of this race.

“Okay Enokida, we’re almost there.” They have a rather slow pace compared to most. With that girl being one of the few still waiting for their transfers. He hopes that Anastasia hasn’t been too slow for him.

However, there is another problem. Why isn’t Waa reacting to him? She isn’t even looking at them right now. Sprinting ahead of Anastasia, he yells again to Waa. That prompts a girl standing next to her to grab her attention.

“Hmm?” She turns around, taking off a headphone.

“You were listening to music this whole time?!” He reaches her in record time. With not much to spare before the transfer.

“Well duh, it’s boring to have to wait for you.” She replied, as if there’s nothing wrong with this at all. She puts the two of them in a pocket and gets herself ready.

“Whatever, just get through this and you can listen to all the music you want.” He said, getting a small breather with this. He’s in his stance, ready to take off, so is she.

Anastasia runs to her, and Waa begins to make her move. Slowly jogging away, the transfer is done in the worst way possible.

First, Anastasia bumbles it out of her hands, before she even reaches her target. Forcing them to stop as she anxiously looks to pick it back up. The pain for Kouji doesn’t end there. As when she finally hands it to her, Waa accidentally moves away without securing it. Causing it to fall again.

“Come on!” He yells out in frustration. Hopefully this won’t cost him everything. Soon enough, Waa is able to get out and run. With Kouji right next to her.

If Anastasia was the definition of a girl with a lot of notable physical features. Than Waa would be the opposite of it. Even with an outfit that can really accentuates one’s body. She doesn’t have anything that can even be accentuated in the first place. This girl was very underdeveloped in more ways than one.

On the bright side, at least she didn’t have anything to get in the way of running. So this didn’t seem like there was going to be any challenge for him. At least for the first three-fourths of this leg.

“Ahh” Waa had gotten a bit too arrogant of herself. Not even paying attention to this race, which caused her to trip over her feet.

“Come on, let’s go.” He doesn’t even bother trying to help her up. Barely even slowing his pace for her. However, she doesn’t get up at all.

“I… Got a problem here.” She says, struggling to get to her feet. That gives him a reason to go back for her.

“What’s wrong?”

“My ankle, I think I sprained it or something.” She tries to get up, but she can only effectively stand with one leg. The other one she doesn’t even dare to allow on the ground. “Whatever, I guess it’s over for me.” She’s just about ready to give up, but he isn’t.

“Come on.” He get down and picks her up. Kouji places her over his shoulder to support her.

“What are you doing?” She asked. Barely able to stand if it weren’t for his help. Her injured leg is dangling between the two of them. Kouji sighs, his hopes of her being able to finish under the allotted time are crushed. So much for staying at this school.

And thus, he helps her walk towards the finish line. If it’s going to end like this, he might as well see it through to the end.

“Even if I have to carry you, I’ll get you to finish this.” He finally answers her. She is awestruck by his determination. “Even if it’s already over, I don’t like giving up.” Hearing his words, Waa decides that he shouldn’t have to do all the work. With just one leg, she does her best to finish this race together with him.

“Thanks.” That was probably the only time she has ever expressed gratitude to him. “I didn’t really ask for it, but I appreciate it.”

“I don’t care if you ask for it or not.” He replied. “You’re all my responsibility, so I’m helping no matter what.” Kouji sighs, believing that it won’t be true for long.

“Waa, Waa!” Now that they have finished, one of their running mates come charging in, full of concern. “Are you okay? It looks like you took a bad fall.”

“I’ll be okay.” She smiled back at her. “Just hurt my leg, but I think it’ll be fine tomorrow.” Of course Kouij wasn’t as happy about this. Her fall at the track might’ve cost him everything.

“My, now that was quite a tumble you took young lady.” Isako approached them. Kouji could hardly talk with how heavily he was breathing. After all, unlike these girl, he just ran 1200 meters in very short time. “Would you like to go to the nurse’s office?”

“Nah, I’ll be fine.” She waved her hand to play this off. Very laid back despite who she was talking to.

“That’s good to hear.” She responded, then turned her attention to Kouji. “And don’t worry, you all passed. We wouldn’t allow an injury to hold a student back like that.” He breathed a huge sigh of relief, so he still had a shot here. Actually, this sports day was most definitely a success. There’s no way Teru would need his help here.

Now there was only one place left to go before this day would end. The swimming pool.

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