Tutoring the Spoiled

Speedy Study

The exams were fast approaching, and Kouji wasn’t certain if they’d all be able to pass. That didn’t mean he was going to give up, but there was no time to waste. Which is why he was searching the school grounds to see if one of the girls were still around.

Lucky for him, there was one still lagging around. unlucky for him that it was Himawari of all people, but she was eventually going to have to be taken care of.

“Hmpf, I suppose you’re here to pester me some more?” She gave him attitude as he walked up to her. Knowing full well what he was going to ask of her. “I’m much more responsible than the others when it comes to doing their homework. So go bother them instead.”

While he was aware that she wasn’t necessarily incorrect with her statement. Kouji also knew that leaving her to her own devices was going to end in failure. After all, it’s pointless to put in hard work when you don’t know how to find the solutions.

“Well, I don’t know where anyone else is.” He told her. “Plus, let’s be real. I’m all of yours tutor, which includes you too.” Himawari pouted at him, her arms crossed. The two engaged in a stare down, but it’s her that backs down first.

“Fine.” She said. “But if you insist on aiding me, then we’ll be going where I want to go.” That didn’t sound too good for him, but his position doesn’t give him all the power in the world.

“As long as it’s not somewhere to just have fun in.”

“You really don’t have a high opinion of me.” He stared at her blankly from that statement. As if that should come as a surprise.

What did come as a surprise was the location she chose. He swore that he would never step foot in there again. But with new duties, that vow was going to have to be broken.

Here Kouji was, standing in the middle of the fast food establishment where he first met Himawari. Why she wanted to be here of all places, he had no idea.

“Look, if you wanted a bite to eat.” He said to her as they stood in line. “I’m sure your place has much better food.”

“How dare you imply that my family would serve low quality food at our own establishment.” Was she an advertisement now? Really though, he always thought that the point of places like this were to give out quick food at the cost of quality. Not that he was against it, just that he would’ve figured with her money. She’d want to get something better.

“Whatever, I guess you can eat here while I help you on the studying.” This place was rather popular, so it was also rather loud. Not really where he’d consider studying, but if they stayed focused, then it wouldn’t be that bad.

It was finally their turn. The wait felt like it took ages with how packed the building was with patrons. Himawari placed in her order, then turned to him.

“What?” He asked her, after being eyed at for an uncomfortably long time.

“Aren’t you going to order?” She asked him. The cashier was getting a little concerned at how long they were taking.

“No.” He answered simply. “I don’t have the money to be dropping on something like this.”

“Then I can pay for you.”

“If it’s about-”

“Just stop bringing it up.” She cut him off. “I can’t simply do something to be nice?” Kouji came to the realization that he was the one bring it up to her now. After everything that’s happened, he was starting to jump at shadows here.

“Sorry.” He apologized to her. “I’ll just take a fish sandwich.” Once they got their food, the two of them sat down next to each other at a table. About as far as possible from other people, which wasn’t far at all.

He took a bite of the small meal he had. This was the first time he actually had the opportunity of eating the food here. It was much better than he was expecting.

“Are you enjoying the food?” Himawari asked with a smile.

“… It’s fine. Not going to beat home cooking, but it’s better than the others places around here.” He responded, downplaying it. “Your family owns this joint, right?”

“We own the whole chain, which yes, does include here. Why do you ask?”

“Then how come we waited in line? I assumed that you could pull a little influence, if you know what I mean.”

“And disrespect the people who came before us? As if.” Her disposition turned more downtrodden. “It’s because of these people that I get to be in the position I’m in, I would never hold my status over them. You really hold a low opinion of me.”

“It’s not like you don’t feel the same about me.” He countered. This girl was taking his question rather personally. “You’ve always thought I’m just some poor commoner.”

“Well you are poor.” She replied. “But that’s not why I disliked you.” When they first met, it definitely wasn’t the best first impression for either of them.

It didn’t help that the following impressions just dug into their minds that the other was the bad guy. She was always so self-centered, while he reveled in her suffering.

“You always seemed like a delinquent loser like Teru, so I never took you for the diligent type.”

“I didn’t realize we were on a first-name basis.” He commented on her word choice. “And really? I’m diligent? That’s enough?” It hardly seemed like a good enough reason for him. Though he had mixed feelings about this girl now.

“I’m sure you’re thinking it’s because of your family situation, and I won’t deny that doesn’t play a part.” She admitted. “But it’s because you don’t want it to define you, I… Understand how you feel about it.” It wasn’t all that different than what she wanted in life either.

She idealized her family’s name. They were very successful, but it was because of that, that she wanted to separate herself from it. She wanted to prove that she didn’t need them to make something of herself as well.

“If you want to do something like that, then you should pull out your homework.” Kouji wanted to end this conversation. It just felt too weird to him for them to discuss personal issues like this. When they were hardly friends.

She did as he asked. It was time for the two of them to start a little study session. Which would’ve been great, if it wasn’t for that loud music that came suddenly from behind them.

“Hang on.” Kouji told her. This was getting on his nerves, what type of person plays music this loud in a public area? “Hey, can you please… What?” It turned out that it’s the type of person he knows all too well.

“Hmm?” Waa had on her open-back headphones. She pulled one side to open up her ears and turned to greet them. “Oh hey, didn’t notice you guys there.” She smiled at this odd coincidence.

“Could you please turn off that drab noise you call music.” Himawari asked her. “I’m trying to study here.” Her request was granted, but Waa taking the seat across them at their table was not something she wanted.

“I’m sure you guys won’t mind if I study with you.” She looked at Kouji specifically. “I know you won’t.”

“Yeah…” His tone made it sound like he did mind. Though it wasn’t like he was going to stop her because that would be very stupid given his current situation. “Just can we stay focused on the work, please?” He pleaded, but was sure this was going to be derailed in no time. In fact, they haven’t even started before that happened.

“Funny that the two of you are eating and studying together. Most people probably won’t know any better and think you’re a real couple.” Waa said to them, not paying attention to her work.

“Ha!” Himawari laughed out loud at such a suggestion. “As if I’d ever date a brute like him.” She made it very clear, acting as though there were people paying attention to them. “I’d hope people would at least know better if they’re eating here.”

“Yeah.” He agreed, probably one of the few times ever. “And… Well I’m sure no one here knows who I am, but surely they wouldn’t think I’d date such a rude girl.” It sounded much more cooler in his head than when it actually exited his mouth.

“It would be funny if people misunderstood.” Waa had a big grin on her face. “Maybe the two of you might be more humble then.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” The pair said in unison.

“It’s a little tiresome to hear you argue all the time.” She shrugged with both hands up. “It’s like neither of you have ever heard of the word fun sometimes.”

“I know how to have fun.” He replied.

“As do I.” Himawari followed up. “But I also have responsibilities I must attend to. So no apologies for not having a carefree life like you.”

“Whatever, I just think that if you aren’t doing something you want to do, then what’s the point?” At this moment, Kouji ended this conversation. There was no more time to be wasting, he needed to get them to do their work.

This girl, she was an odd one to him. When he first met her, she was so disrespectful to him. That hasn’t really changed at all.

There was also the matter of her lazy nature, which she seemed to be putting more effort to go against. However, he had no clue why the change. It all seemed so sudden to him, that she would decide to go to school on time and not sleep during class. It’s not as if he convinced her to.

“Kouji.” Fingers were snapped in front of him, bringing him back to the table. “Kouji, you really don’t pay attention sometimes, don’t you?” Guess the two of them were also on a first-name basis with each other now.

“What are you talking about Himawari?” Without saying anything, she pointed to her right cheek. It took a moment for him to realize that there was something on his face. Someone had drawn a smiley face with ketchup on his cheek. Given the laughter coming from a certain individual, it was clear who was responsible.

“You’re really good at ignoring us.” Waa laughed, as she ate up the fry she used as a drawing utensil.

“Real funny.” He respond, unamused. “Now come on, and let me show you how that really works.” He dipped his finger in the sauce for Himawari’s meal, and plopped a speck onto her nose.

“I swear, it’s like I’m eating with children.” Himawari complained, as she pushed aside her now tainted ketchup...

There may be a lot of fooling around, and even plenty of distractions. However, with enough persistence, Kouji is going to be able to teach these girls a few things about their coursework. And maybe even learn a few things of his own along the way.

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