Tutoring the Spoiled

Unwelcomed Sights

“Yo!” This was what one could call a rather unwelcome sight. For him at least. “I didn’t expect to see you out here.”

“Same.” Was all Kouji could say to Waa. As she sat on her seat, blasting out her loud music. “And could you please turn that down!?” Waa put a pause to the music she was playing. While doing so, Anastasia caught up to Kouji.

“Waa, I did not think we would run into you.” She exclaimed. “That is such a nice surprise.”

“Heh, likewise.” Waa took off the headphones, her attention fully on them now. “And I didn’t think the two of you would be on a date.” She teased.

“Oh real funny.” He laughed sarcastically. “And why are you out?” As he asked, the train came to a stop, opening its door.

“Well, this is my stop, so I guess I’ll go do the thing I came out here for.” She got up without answering his question. Kouji was perfectly fine with leaving it like that, but Anastasia felt differently

“Come on Kouji.” She pulled on his sleeve. “We should follow her.” Quickly, she rushed behind the small girl. Neither of them were particular fond of the idea, but with the doors shutting and Anastasia already outside. He had no choice but to leap out with her.

“You guys really didn’t need to follow me.” Waa was unimpressed with these unwelcome guests. However, she was more than willing to accept it. After all, they might this tradition trip she was making more interesting.

“If Anastasia wants to see what you’re up to, I guess you can answer my question.” She told them of the errands she was planning on running. That would specifically be to head to an otaku shop to pick up a very special item.

“You’ve seen me do it before, remember the first time we met?” Kouji thought back to the time, back on the train. She had a bag with her, so that must’ve what she was referring to.

“But I thought that your mother was in the industry. Would you not be able to have something shipped to you?” Anastasia asked.

“Nah, it’s not like my mom works for every company that exists.” She responded. “Besides, as much as I’d rather stay inside. My dad says I gotta go out sometimes.” “Wise words.” Kouij agreed with that sentiment. At least when it came to her specifically.

The trio made it to the otaku shop, one that Kouji would’ve expected to be bigger considering how wealthy Waa was. Then again, she might’ve chosen here because of said size.

“Well, see ya guys.” Waa left them, entering the store. Kouji assumed that would be where they parted ways. Anastasia thought differently.

“Come on, I’ve always wanted to see what one of these stores have in them.” She pulled on his arm again. This was getting on his nerves a little, it was like have a child with him.

“I mean, I don’t think this is a really a place you’ll like all that much.” He tried to dissuade her. “Do you even read manga, or watch anime?”

“I do not.” She admitted. “But maybe I could try?” With that, she went on inside without him. Kouji knew he couldn’t just stand out in front and wait for her to come out, so it was time for him to make his own entrance.

When he came inside, things were about what he expected. Posters were posted on the walls. Generally of cute anime girls, at least from his opinion. There were stacks of shelves filled with manga, or Blu-Rays of anime. Plus a multitude of figurines of characters across different properties.

He saw the girls in one of the aisles, browsing some of the things for sale.

“So what were you looking for?” He approached Waa first, it’s that girl’s fault why he’s here right now.

“Oh, it’s reserved at the counter.” She pointed over to the register. “I’m just taking a quick look at this.” She pulled out a manga. The cover had a pair of boys in a very suggestive pose.

“I didn’t realize you were into that type of manga.” He said. Kouji had heard about this genre before. The ‘yaoi’ genre was what it was called.

“I’m into a lot of things.” She replied. Practically no genre was foreign to her, no concept was beyond her tastes. Unless said concept was boring. “I bet if me and Anastasia starting making out, you’d enjoy it a lot.” Waa shot out another one of her teases.

“Why would I enjoy seeing other people making out?” This one flew over his head though. “Hardly sounds like something I’d want to see.”

“Remind me to never recommend romance to you then.” Waa pouted from the failure of getting him riled up.

“These boys are doing some…” Anastasia checked out the same manga that Waa picked out. The scenes within were hardly what she was used to.

“Here.” Waa took it, and replaced it with a more common shojo manga. “I think this might be a bit closer to your tastes.” The way her eyes lit up at the first page, showed that was the truth.

Once they got the things they wanted, not that Kouji wanted anything in the first place. The group were in line to pay for their items. There was only one person before them, a lone boy.

Kouji felt like he had seen this boy before. The way his hair hung over one of his eyes. Was this one of the students at his old school?

“What is wrong with him?” Anastasia whispered to them. The looking back and forth in nervousness was odd to her. He looked as if he was concerned someone was watching him.

“Some people get embarrassed about this hobby, so they try to keep it a secret.” Waa informed her. “Funny, since I’ve heard that dude is one of the best customers here.”

“Yeah, I think I know what school he goes to.” The words from Kouji perked the ears right up from that boy. Slowly, he turned to take a look at him, his eyes spelled the dread inside him. “Oh, uh, I wouldn’t tell anyone. Honestly, I don’t even know you.” Kouji was able to calm to person down.

Soon they were able to pay for their stuff. While he was eyeing Kouji the entire time as he walked out with his body pillow. One with a girl in a suggestive pose. No wonder that kid looked so worried to him.

“I see you’re here for the same thing.” The owner of the place asked. After all, Waa was also one of the more well known customers to this place.

“Yep, you know it.” She said much more proudly compared to the last patron. He took out her order, a body pillow that had a handsome boy from the manga that she also just bought a copy of as well.

“So, I never knew you were into that.” He commented as they exited the building with their things. The pillow she was holding was taller than her, so it was a bit of a struggle to keep it from touching the ground.

“They’re nice and comfy.” She said, hugging it even tighter. “Don’t knock them till you try it.”

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” There was no way in any universe where he’d think of trying it. “It’s not like I have the money for that silly stuff anyway.”

“So where are we heading to next?” Anastasia asked. It was clear to him that they didn’t plan this trip out at all. However, unplanned events was the specialty of his life. Particular the ones that he wished never happened.

“I don’t know, maybe we could-” Kouji didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. His phone rang and he picked it up to answer. There weren’t many people that it could possibly be anyway, and two out of three of them would get angry if he didn’t pick up. “Hello?”

“Where the heck are you?” It was Teru, who apparently was waiting outside his door at the moment. “You don’t have much of a life, so I doubt you’re out right now.”

“Funny you should say that.” He turned to look over at the other two girls. Anastasia was now on her phone, since someone also happened to call her. Waa in the meanwhile, was just standing there with her pillow. “I’m with Anastasia and Waa right now. What’s with you?” Of all people, he didn’t expect anymore more people to come over to his place.

“My so-called friends flaked on me. You’re the only other person that isn’t completely lame.” His deadpan eyes would’ve been proof to her how unwelcome that statement was to him. Only if she was there to see it. Before he had to chance to respond, Anastasia poked him in the shoulder to get his attention.

“It is Yuma…” As it would turn out, even Yuma was searching for him. At first, she tried his place, but he wasn’t there. Then she tried Anastasia apartment, seeing as it wasn’t far. But when he didn’t show up in the likely spots, that’s when she tried calling.

Kouji decided to take advantage of this situation, at least there would be something he could attempt to do around.

“Say, Teru. Could you go pick up Yuma?” He asked, which she confirmed she could do after the explanation. “Cool, we’re in downtown at the moment. Is there anywhere you’d think be a good place to meet up?” Of all people, she probably wasn’t the first person he’d want to ask.

“Hehe, I’ve got a perfect spot.”

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