Tutoring the Spoiled

Waking up is Hard to do

Early morning, very much so early morning. Much earlier than when Kouji would even think of getting out of bed. Yet here he was, walking not to school, but to some girl’s house.

“Good thing she doesn’t live that far from me.” He yawned, barely able to keep his eyes open on this walk. After what Isako told him, he knew that meant having to take care of this problem. It turned out that this tutoring job wasn’t exactly so simple.

After some walking, he had finally reached his destination. Though it wasn’t surprise to him, Kouji was still amazed at the size of this house. It screamed modern, clearly as if it was recently built. The clean white exterior with large glass windows that showcased what was inside.

“I can’t believe that girl lives here.” He muttered to himself, walking up to the front door. The time between ringing and getting an answer was much shorter than he was expecting.

“Hello.” The woman that greeted him was rather small, shorter than him even, though he wasn’t exactly lacking in the height department. Given that and her black hair, this was clearly Waa’s mother. “You must be Kouji Arisawa.” So she had heard about him?

“Y-yes.” He bowed his head. “Your daughter, has mentioned me?”

“Oh yes, she had.” The woman kept her smiling face. “She had some rather choice words about you though.” That was not really a shock to him. Though her mom’s lackadaisical nature on that subject was more astonishing.

“Right, so I’m sure you understand why I’m here.”

“Of course.” She let him in the house. “My daughter’s room is the first on the left from the stairs.” She pointed him in the right direction. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to return to my work.” In the room connected to the foyer, she slipped in without saying much else. That woman wasted no time with him.

He remembered from what she said yesterday, that her mom worked in anime and manga. So that woman must’ve been going to draw some art, though why it needed to be so private was beyond him.

Walking up the stairs, he was heading towards his destination. Then, Waa’s mother opened the door again and yelled to him.

“Also, you’re free to just enter her room. You don’t have to knock.” That was an odd thing to hear from her of all people. Did she care about her daughter’s safety? Or did she already consider him not a threat?

“Hello?” He slowly opened the door, peering at what was inside. This room was a mess. Clothes strewn about on the floor, dishes lying on the nightstand, the bed sheets were drooping off the bed even while she slept.

Kouji walked in, what he saw from her caught him off-guard. This girl sleeps in her underwear. Given how her blanket was, nothing about her was covered up at all. Her gray bra and panties were on full display to him.

“Like what you see?” She opened one eye and gave him a smug expression.

“You were awake the whole time?” He took a few steps back in fear.

“Only when you opened the door.” She explained to him. “You see, my dad’s pretty good with tech, so we have it set up so that door gives me an alarm when it’s opened by someone that’s not my parents.” She produced an earpiece from her right ear as proof.

“That explains your mom then.” He muttered to himself. “Anyway, I’m sure you know why I’m here.”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re going to try and convince me to go to school on time.”

“Not just convince you. I’m going to force you.” He stood firm against her. “Now go get yourself ready. We got like an hour to get there.” The time to get to school from here wasn’t that long. However, Kouji figured this wasn’t going to be easy, so he gave himself plenty of time. “Now put on your school uniform.” He commanded.

“What? And not take a shower first?” She complained at him. “Unless of course, you’re one of those people that like my stink?”

“Your… what?” This girl was practically speaking foreign to him at this point. “I don’t know what the mean, just go.”

“Sure you do… But whatever.” She picked up her school outfit, the pieces laid about on the floor. Along with what he hoped was fresh underwear. Without saying much, nor bothering to make herself decent. She left the room to head towards the bathroom. This girl has no shame, he thought.

“Don’t take too long.” He warned her. “Or else I’ll come in and force you out.”

“My, walking in when I’m sleeping and when I’m showering? You’re a lot more bold than I thought.” She had a grin on her face, one that he’d like to wipe off of her. It was annoying Kouji to see her not flinch to him. This girl not only had no shame, but she really wanted to egg him on.

He waited outside the door, until he heard the shower start. Unless she was tricking him, then it appeared she was listening to him. Relocating himself into the kitchen, he waited as patiently as he could for her. Was this really his job now? To go babysit a bunch of rich girls?

His stomach growled. Too bad he was stuck in a kitchen that wasn’t his. Given the way she treated him, Kouji doubted she’d offer any food to him. Waa would be more likely to eat in front of him, taunting all the way.

“What’s up loser.” She finished sooner than he expected. Not that he would be complaining about that. There was something else to complain about.

“I guess we can…” He turned his head over, then quickly faced away from her. This girl might’ve gotten clean, but she didn’t get decent.

“Hmpf. So you always always get a little excited when there’s a girl in her panties?” Waa might’ve taken a shower, but the only thing she did about her clothes situation was change from her gray underwear to white ones.

“What guy wouldn’t?” He faced her to say that. “Why haven’t you put on your uniform yet?”

“I gotta eat first.” She walked past him, opening up the fridge to find what food she could make. “Don’t want to make my clothes dirty before school you know.”

“I think that’s hardly the problem here.” He complained to her. “I don’t understand you or your mom.” They were so relaxed around him. Sure he had no bad intentions, but neither one of them acted concerned with his presence. Nor self-conscious in Waa’s case.

“Mom’s too busy with drawing to really care about all this.” She explained to him, taking out some cookies and milk. “And I haven’t seen dad since crunch time started.”

“Crunch time?”

“Wow, you really don’t play video games?” She laughed at him. “Some boy you are, no wonder you go to my school.”

“I don’t really have the luxury to enjoy that type of stuff.” He gritted his teeth. There were many things he couldn’t enjoy in life. Such as those cookies she was munching on.

“Mmmh.” She played up her moan to him. “This is just so yummy.” Another dip into the milk, and another entered her mouth.

“I’d hardly call that a good breakfast.” Not that he would know, since that meal was usually skipped for him. “Now come on, get dressed or else we’ll both be late.”

“Fine.” She put the jar back and dumped out the milk. Slowly, she grabbed her school clothes and started to put them on. “Are you really going to watch me get dressed?” She said to him, not in a way that sounded like a girl being embarrassed. More like a tease of calling him a pervert.

“I don’t want you wasting anymore time.” Kouji didn’t take his eyes off of her. It was strange. Not only was she the first girl he had ever seen stripped down to her underwear. There was this odd mix of being attracted and repulsed at the same time.

She wasn’t someone that he’d consider himself into. For starters, her body was what would call underdeveloped, especially for a girl her age. Add to that her small stature, which he figured she got from her mom. Along with the fact that her hair, despite having just taken a shower, was still a mess. Covering up her one eye, not that one would be missing much. Those eyes painted a vivid picture that she didn’t get much sleep.

But he knew what her game plan was. Waa was trying to get him to be too flustered. There was no way Kouji could allow her control of this situation. That’s why he wasn’t going to look away. He wasn’t going to lose at this game, not with what’s on the line.

“Done.” She smiled at him, impressed that he really was persistent. “Now let’s get going, so we can end this morning and not be stuck with you anymore.” She grabbed her bag, and the two of them left her house.

“I’m guessing you’ve never left this early.” Kouji commented on her constant yawns as they walked.

“Duh.” She rudely responded to his statement. “It’s too bad that you woke me up when you did. I was just enjoying a nice dream.” She was living out a life as an otome heroine, with all the lovely gentlemen vying for her attention. “Oh well, at least I won’t have to worry about you in class. So I’ll just nap there.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” It was his turn to give her an unwanted surprise. “Your sleeping habits in class are a problem. So that means it’s my job to fix it.”

“That sounds lame.” She hung her head down. “First you make me wake up early, now you want me to stay awake in class? That’s asking a bit much.” Her complaints were meaningless to him, as it didn’t matter either way. “How do you even plan on doing that? We aren’t in the same class.”

“Given my job at this school, as both a student and tutor. I asked to be put in your class until that job is finished.”

“What a drag….”

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