Tutoring the Spoiled

We Should let her in

So this was what a real harem felt like? It was surprisingly not that different than his normal life beforehand if Kouji was being honest. Though to be fair, he essentially had this already and they simply made it official now. Things were going rather well, but he felt bad that Anastasia was being left out.

They had an entire friend group, but she was the only one not a part of his harem. So they needed to keep it away from her, or else she might get real upset with them. It was a good thing that the girl wasn’t known for her brains or else she might’ve figured it out already.

“Hello.” Kouji walked into their study room. Noticeably absent was the Russian girl he sat next to. “Anastasia said she needed to talk with the headmistress. So we’ll just be starting before she gets here.”

“Fun.” Waa sarcastically did a fake cheer. “You know, since we’re all alone here. Maybe we can have some real fun before she gets here.”

“It’s still my job to tutor you girls.” He reminded her. “So let’s at least make sure all your grades are in order first.” But perhaps if they were good, he might give them a sweet reward for their troubles.

“So we’re not going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Himawari didn’t sound to be in a good mood when she spoke. Then again, her tone always made it sound like she wasn’t in a good mood.

“More like the elephant not in the room.” Teru clarified that this was going to be about Anastasia.

“I don’t get it.” He responded, bewildered. “What about her?”

“Shouldn’t she… Know?” Yuma came out and didn’t bother to beat around the bush. “Do you… Not want her too?”

“Not sure what brought this on.” He tried to dodge the question, even though he admittedly would like her as well. “I mean, I doubt any of you want me adding onto the harem.” It certainly would make the juggling act much more difficult on him and all of them in terms of sharing. After all, there’s only so much time in the day and he was only one boy.

“It might seem odd coming from me, but I am fond of that girl.” Himawari explained their positions quite well enough.

“Yeah, and I hope you’re not an idiot. Obviously she’s got a huge crush on you.” Waa had read way too many dense protagonists in manga to have to live with one herself.

“Of course I know she does.” He had known almost from the beginning. It was confirmed to him without a shadow of a doubt the night she spent with him when he got sick. He had to face the facts and understand that people who are only friends do not cuddle in the same bed. Though when she began to feel that way was a mystery to him. “But she’s never confessed to me, and I’ve already got all of you. I’m not about to just ask her out.”

“You really won’t?” Teru took his statement as rather harsh towards someone he did like.

“Yeah, if you actually had any courage, we all know you’d confess to her.” Waa meant that if he didn’t have this harem. That if he was unaware of all of their feelings for him, that he’d choose their Russian friend without a moment’s hesitation. It was one thing that she liked him, but they were all confident that he liked her back as well without any pushing towards it.

“Is it really a good idea?” He was being very apprehensive about the thought. Sure, he actually did have some level of feelings towards her that he never talked about. But would someone like her be so accepting to having to share him with the others?

“You should… We all think so.” Yuma made clear what they were all thinking. It might’ve cut into their time with him, but Anastasia was the one girl they all liked as well. If there was anyone they wanted to have him, it was her.

“I suppose it’s worth a try.” He relented to them, but only because he wanted it as well. His concern was appearing to take advantage of them by just taking in any girl that seemed pretty. “We’ll all go to my house together, and we’ll break the news to her.” It was a plan, but even the best laid plans have a way of going awry.

“I am here.” Anastasia announced her presence as she entered the room. “Did I miss anything?”

“Kouji’s got some big news for you.” Waa immediately went and tried to wreak what they had just agreed on.

“I do not.” He tried to take back control of the situation, but his flustered face showed otherwise. “I mean, I do. But I wanted to tell you about it after school.”

“Really? Well that is funny. I have some big news to share with all of you right now.”

“You got big news? Now this I gotta hear.” Teru leaned back into her seat, no longer caring about her homework. At this point, none of them did, which was only proving why they still needed him at this point.

“Yes, please tell us all the wonderful news.” Himawari encouraged her politely.

“All right then.” She paused for a moment before saying it. The anticipation was building among them all. “I will be returning to Russia right before our first year here comes to an end.”

“Eh!?” They all shared in the shock from the news.

“What? But, how could you be okay with that?” Kouji asked.

“Do not worry, I will only be gone for the Spring vacation anyway.” After that, she did plan on returning to the school to continue her education. “I am already looking forward to coming back and seeing you all again.”

“That’s sounds good.” He was happy to hear her making a trip back to her family for a while. Things had to have been hard on her, missing out on some holidays that people usually spent with family here in Japan. “Then, I should just wait to tell you my news until you get back.”

“Really? Why not now or later today?”

“Um, well…” He struggled to come up with an excuse that didn’t give it again. “Thanks a lot Waa…” He glared and muttered at the girl who caused this issue.

“It’s just something that you need to be here in Japan to fully get.” Himawari saved him. “If he told you now, then it’ll just be a distraction for you while you’re with family. So please, don’t worry about it.”

“I will then.” She took the excuse with a bright smile. “But I have some other news to go with this as well.” When she mentioned that, her mood suddenly took a sharp turn. Her happiness replaced with something much more somber. “You see, when I get back. I will no longer be a girl.”

“I didn’t realize you were that kind of person.” Waa commented.

“I do not mean it like that.” She nervously giggled. Her struggles Japanese still caused misunderstandings between them. “I mean that… When I return. I will be a married woman.”

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