Twilight: Primordial Chimera

Breakfast and dealing with an asshole

After I got some clothes on, I went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. That should be the food I made yesterday, school food usually was worse in comparison to my home cooked meals, so mom and Izzy always ate it instead of the school food. I made scrambled eggs, Turkey bacon, and pancakes for breakfast, with a little bit of teriyaki sauce on the bacon. It gave it a nice zest. My taste was enhanced like the rest of me, so cooking was a pleasure that I really enjoyed.

Izzy and Renee stumble into the kitchen, still groggy, their eyes open just a sliver to make sure they didn't hit anything and fall over. They were both fully dressed. Renee, in a purple pencil skirt and black stockings with a purple button-down shirt and her comfy, lucky black pumps. Izzy wore blue jeans, beige platform sneakers. The T-shirt with glasses on it with cameras for lenses that said, 'Beware the government, they are watching!'

I smiled at that. I had gotten Renee those pumps for her birthday and Izzy that shirt after she had told me about her interest in journalism. I was happy that my presents for them brought them comfort. It filled my heart with joy.

I walked over to the kitchen table, setting down the plates of eggs and bacon. I walked back over to grab the bacon and Maple syrup as when Renee and Izzy took a seat and began eating the eggs and bacon. "Mmmmh!" Renee and Izzy moaned in joy, Izzy biting her lip.

"Good as always?" I asked them, smirking. They nodded their heads, their eyes glazed over.

Izzy puckered her lips up, winking at me before closing her eyes. "Oh, the fair maiden is asleep, however shall I awaken thee?" Renee lost her glaze look and smiled at what Izzy and I were doing. This was a normal breakfast thing between us. A princess and prince act that we had been doing since we were 4 years old. "However, shall I awaken her but with a kiss?" I met her lips and put my hand on the side of her face. She opened her eyes in surprise. From the corner of my eye, I can see Renee doing the same.

I've never gone for it before, always tricking her by holding her nose in between my fingers, but she still held out hope for just this chance. After she loosened up, I began to add tongue, dominating her mouth. Renee cleared her throat out and I separated from Izzy, a string of spit connecting our lips together.

Izzy's eyes fluttered and she sat there with an excited smile on her face. "I need to be at my teaching position at 8 and you two need to be at school by 8:30 AM." Renee looked at me with an expectant look on her face. "Really?! I just got the card!" I complained. I had thought that my first drive would be by myself, but it wouldn't, it would be me driving my mother to work.

We walked outside after breakfast, Bella to her car and Renee and I to mine. I smiled at Izzy and waved her off when she backed out of the driveway and drove off to her first day of school. I looked back at Renee, and teasingly said, "So, you ready for your first day of work?" she impishly smiled and replied back with.

"Are you ready to drive me to my first day of work?" I groaned and got into the car.  We drove out of the driveway and onto the streets. I dropped Renee off at the elementary school, a kiss to my cheek for my troubles.

I drove into the school parking lot, slowing down to look for Izzy's car. I saw Izzy's car in the parking lot, 30 feet away from the school door and parked next to it, being careful not to scratch it. I grabbed my satchel from the passenger's seat and got out of the car.

I yawned as I walked towards school, just being anywhere near this place bored me. I smiled when I saw Izzy on the high school steps, waiting for me. It was nice to see that being back here and in a new school did not change her.

I was about to go over to her and walk into the school together, when I saw a black teenager swagger over to her with a smug smile on his face and his hand on a basketball. He was probably a jock. They were always the first ones to try and pull a move on Izzy. I groaned, glaring at the douche bag.

I smacked my hand against the hood of my car. I reluctantly looked down at the hood of the car, having heard the sound of metal being bent. A handprint, my own handprint was on the car. "Come on!" I yelled into the sky, pissed. I stomped over to the jock in his shitty hoodie and jeans.

He was talking to Izzy, and I can easily see how uncomfortable and annoyed she was. Every god-damn time! I tapped on shoulder, watching his nostrils flare and hearing him huff in annoyance. "What do you want, die?"

I dead panned at him. "She is obviously annoyed. You should just leave her alone." He looked at me, his eyes narrowing.

"This is not your business, asshole, walk on." he said. He puffed out his chest in an obvious attempt to intimidate me.

I sighed as every single jock tried this crap, it's so annoying. I put my hand on his shoulder and gripped it, tight. "You either get away and leave her alone or I will dislocate your shoulder, right here, right now."

The jock scoffed, like always, and said, with a sneer on his face, "If you're so tough do it, or fuck off!" I shook my head at him. It always goes the same way. They don't ever stop unless they feel pain. I sucked my teeth, put my right hand on his arm and pulled. I made sure not to pull too hard, only feeling that shift of his bone dislocated from its socket.

I let him go, relieved that I did it right, not separating his arm from his body. It would be a whole shitshow if my dad had to put me into juvie. The teen dropped to the ground in anguish. I put my black satchel around my neck and then put my arm around Izzy. She rolled her eyes at me, and we walked into the school.

People ran over to the screaming jock. While he twisted around in pain, the basketball dropped down the school steps into the parking lot. It rolled all the way down into the streets, passing the running students.

For all my readers who stuck with me, thank you. Especially Bazooka 84, I see you.

To those of you who want to help me out, Please comment. I really appreciate it and it motivates me.
To the ones who want to help me out financially-

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