Twilight: Primordial Chimera

Meeting a Vamp

After watching Izzy get into her car and drive off the lot, I'll walk towards my own car. I pulled out my keys, ready to unlock the door and get in, but I noticed the possible vampire girl. She was following Jessica from a distance. Unlike her previous look of with strained and simmering hunger, she now looked as if the hunger had taken over. She must have lost her already shaky control over it.

I sighed, rubbing the faded bite mark on my arm. Newbie vamps were always a pain to deal with period I waited, pocketing my keys as I watched the girl stalk her friend. I really did not want to show myself just yet. I know that this town, with the ley lines below it feeding on the death that was occurring above ground, acted as a beacon to those certain people that could feel its power. A lot of supernatural beings will be attracted to it and activate their powers on it.

I grimaced when I saw her mouth open, and her vampire face come out. I had already slightly shifted into my fastest form, the Lycan, but now I went fully into it. In the span of a few seconds, my nose and mouth extended, forming a long, thick muzzle. Thick, midnight black hair grew all over my body and my muscle mass and density increased 10-fold.

I rushed over to her, grabbed her and running into the forest. I ran until I saw a place high enough that it broke above the clouds. I dropped her onto the cold ground, watching her writhe in pain as the sunlight touched her skin. “Did you really want to lose control now?!” I yelled at her, pissed. Every time that I went into this form, I struggled controlling emotions. “I have been back for only two days, and I have to deal with another vampire, again!”

I unshifted from my Lycan form, knowing that it was not her fault, that my form was heightening my anger. I slowly reverted into my human form. my muzzle sinking into my head, becoming my mouth and nose. My fur dropped to the ground, some of it getting stuck inside my clothes. I groaned at the itchy feeling of the fur. I opened my shirt, shaking the fur out of it. I pulled my pants down, taking it off and watching the midnight black fur blow away in the wind. I could feel my emotions come back into my control. I took a deep sigh in annoyance. Dealing with this will take a minute.

 I walked away from the screaming girl, squirming in agony. I take out my phone and call my mom. “Alex, where are you? You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago!” I grimaced. Renee really did not like being around adults, of either gender. The guy either leer at her or make a pass. The women let's just say when you looked the way that my mother did, when you could easily draw away someone's partner, everyone thought you would.

“So, I might be a bit late to pick you up.” I winced when I heard her huff.

“Doing what! You know how I feel about this!”

“I'm helping a girl with her issues. Issues like mine.” I said, trying to lead her to the supernatural situation that was about to deal with.

“Issues that you have? What are you talking about?” Did she not remember the conversation we all had yesterday?

“Family meeting yesterday. Is that not ringing any bells?” “We didn't have a family meeting yesterday. Charlie came, we ate, he left and then we all went to sleep. What are you talking about?” Did her memory get manipulated? I swear to Omni-me, if someone thought that they could mess with what was mine, they had another thing coming! I calmed myself, I have to deal with one situation before I could deal with this one.

“Sorry mom, gotta go!” I said to the phone, hitting the end button before she could say anything. I turned to the girl, grabbing her and pulling her away from the beams of sunlight. I dropped her to the ground, where she shivered. “So, how is it being a baby vampire? Did you enjoy your time with the light?” I asked, mocking her. It is one thing to be in a territory that I had begun to reclaim but trying to feed on the student at the same school, especially your best friend was quite stupid. It was something that would get the vamp hunters here and I would not have those amateurs putting my family in danger. I blinked in confusion when I saw that the girl had begun sobbing into her hands, speaking as snot and tears ran down her face.

Through her tears, I made out her words. “I was just... practicing a spell… for my mom. Then she… starts screaming about… how weak I was… and how use… less I am. She said, “Now I am… going to make you… useful.” She made me dr… ink something and… put a knife in me. My own mother stabbed me!” She cried out. So, she did not make the choice to become a vampire like most. Well, she wasn’t exactly a full vampire. She hadn’t burned in the sunlight or glitter like a disco ball, so she hadn’t fully completed her change into one. She must be from the original vampire lineage, magically turned vampires.

I squatted down, rubbing her back, attempting to console her. She calmed down, tears still pouring out of her eyes. “I woke up, so hungry and then Jessica came in. She smelled so good. I couldn’t control myself! All that I could thing about was eating!” I growled in annoyance that the town that I thought was relatively safe, now had Vampire Diaries witches.

The kind that had no respect or any kind of self-preservation from those that can easily kill them. They followed old fashioned ancestors from thousands of years ago, where rape was acceptable and rampant murder. These ancestors either married children play animals on trial for crimes or thought that leeches, dirty filthy blood suckers would cure disease. Even the blood of a vamp can't cure cancer!

I soothed the girl, waiting for her to stop crying enough for me to get a word in. Finally, after A few minutes more of her crying into my fair she tired down. “So, your mother forced you to become a vampire. That means you can't go home. Come with me.” I walked down the mountain with her in toe.

As we walked, she began asking me questions. “So, I am the vampire? Is there any way to reverse the process?” I grimaced at her question.

“Sorry to tell you but, the process is not even completed yet. For you to fully turn into a vampire you need to drink blood, human blood. Secondly, there is no way to change back into being human. Either finish your transformation or die. Also, you will lose access to your witchy abilities. You might have some powers that combine your witch and vampire buildings such as shape shifting into an animal or the summoning of nocturnal animals but that is it.”

I did not turn back to see her. I hated seeing the crushed look on her face. The loss of a witch from their connection to Mother Gaia tends to make them break. We quickly reached the place that I had in mind her to stay at. It was a treehouse. A 2 story one that dad, Izzy, Jake and I had built. It still looked great after all these years. “What is this?”

I lifted my arms to the sky, turning to her and saying, with Glee, “This is the house tree?”

She scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion. “Do you mean treehouse?” I shook my head at her.

 “No, I mean house tree. Once you get inside you will see why how she is a better name for it.” I pointed at the stairs, near the base of the trees. I waited for her to begin climbing before following her up. I stopped and smiled when I heard her gasp at the sight of the house tree. “Amazing, isn't it? 3 summers of work to make it but it is amazing.” I climbed into it, admiring the beauty and craftsmanship that it took to make.

Izzy, Jake, dad and I spent the summers fixing it up. Izzy, Jake and I had gotten summer jobs to furnish it and dad added the TV to his services, so that anytime that we were around, we could come up here. “So, I'm going to be staying here?” I walked over to the closet.

“Yes, here is your comforter. I know that you are a Vampire, but your kind of vampire doesn't really have a protection against the cold.” I pulled the folded up blue comforter from the closet and threw it over to her. “You can sleep on the couch or bed in the room to your left, whichever makes your more comfortable.” She turned, looking uncomfortable. I sighed.

“I know that this is going to be a bit of an adjustment for you but there isn't much of a choice. Having no magic and your new thirst is going to be difficult but I have your back. In fact…” I rolled up my long sleeve. Willing my nail to become a claw. I quickly cut through the meaty part of my palm, groaning slightly in pain. Even with my chimerism, I still hated pain. Being super powerful did not stop my feeling of pain or my aversion to it. I offered her my hand. She looked at me.

“You can either drink my blood and live as a vampire or don’t and die as a witch.” She stood there for a moment; her face completely blank. In that second, I thought that she would choose to die. It would have been a disappointing choice if she chose it. Both to my plans in forks and to the friendship that my sister was building with her friend. I was not disappointed by her though.

The veins below her eyes became more pronounced, her sclera became bloodshot, red and her fangs came out. She blurred over to me and sank her fangs into my hand. I could hear her moans as she sucked on my blood. “OK, that's enough. Hey, that's enough!” I gripped her hair, pulling tight.

“Ow!” she screamed. She released her clamped mouth from my hand and grabbed at her hair. I wiped the saliva off my hand and onto my pants.

“I will be back tomorrow with the start for your vampire diet and possibly, your homework.”  

“Wait, what are you talking about? I'm going back to school tomorrow.”

“Are you? Your mom knows that you're a vampire and she wants to use you to enhance her magical ability. If you go to school, all she has to do is wait there to find you. She might be standing there right now. It would be safer for you to be here until I ‘deal’ with your mother.” She nodded reluctantly.

“Pillows are upstairs and the remote is on the table, have fun.” I walked over to the hatch, opening it and climbing out of the house tree. I used my enhanced speed to run back over to my car. I got in, taking a deep breath, quickly running over everything that had happened. If there were original lineage vampires in this town, I would have to quickly find them and kill them before they interfered with my life here anymore. But first, let's find out what they have done with my mother. I started my car and drove off of the lot.

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