Twisted Destiny

Chapter 37: Wob

Yay, TD is back! Hurrah!


When we get off the tram it’s only a two-minute walk to the shop.
“I think I’ll buy some more intense spices as well.” Sam says with a smile on her face.
“Oh, are you into spicy food?”
She nods. “I mean, I’m fine with mild stuff as well, but sometimes I do enjoy food that has a bit of a bite to it.”
“That’s fair.” I smile at her.
“I bet those small canine teeth of yours can do some biting too.”
“Yesh.” I take her arm and softly nom on it.
Sam starts laughing. “Oh my god, that tickles so much.”
She takes me in for a hug “You crazy cat lady.”
“Yes, I am.”
We both start giggling as we end up at the front door of the store.
Only five minutes later and we’re out again.
“Luckily the spices were easy to find. In some stores it takes so long to find the stuff you need.” Sam is carrying the little baggy with our paprika, garlic and a bottle of peri-peri.
I nod. “Sometimes they also put their products in such illogical places.”
“Yep, that’s actually a trick they use to make you buy more products. When you are looking for things but can’t immediately find them, that makes you see other products, tempting you to buy them. They also put the most expensive products where you can most easily see them and the most bought products in the ‘worst places’.”
“So people who just need those products have to walk through the entire store. Consumerism is so weird.”
“It definitely is.” Sam laughs and continues. “Hey Ami.”
“I love you.”
“I love me too!”
She giggles and kisses me. “Silly kitten.”
“I nyow, I love you too, Sam.” I kiss her back.

We continue our walk and finally arrive at the apartment.
“Just put the spices on the kitchen counter, Sam.”
Sam nods and heads towards the kitchen while I take off shoes and my choker.
“I always love seeing you like this.”
I get ambushed by a hug from behind.
“T-that was fast.”
She kisses my neck. “Mhmm.”
“D-do you prefer me like this?”
“I prefer you in all your forms sweetie, but it just feels like this is more you, you know?” She kisses my neck again.
“Hmm yeah, I think I know what you mean.”
Sam moves her hand to the back of my ear. “And it’s way easier to rub behind your ears when I can actually see them, to make you purrrr.” I can actually hear her smirk when I indeed start purring slightly for her. “You see?”
“Want to go chill a bit on the sofa?” She slowly steps back from hugging me and looks me in the eyes
“Yeah. Let’s do that.” I smile and follow her lead.
Once we’re in the sofa Sam takes the tv’s remote control but before she can turn it on, I stop her. “L-let’s… let’s just rest a bit, ok?”
Sam puts the remote back on the table. “Allright.” She taps her lap twice with her hands. “If you want to.”
“Thanks…” I softly lay my head down on her lap, with Sam quickly after starting to softly pet me.
“Don’t you want to eat something first?” She whispers at me. “You haven’t eaten today at all, have you?”
“Hmmm, I’m not really hungry…”
She nods and smiles, starting to twirl her fingers softly through my hair. Moving slowly over my neck and continuing to quietly dance over my arm.
I start purring again, and close my eyes. Sam still petting me. “Just try to sleep a bit, kitten. I’ll be right here.”
She doesn’t have to say that twice, as I almost instantly start dozing off. Today’s events were pretty darn crazy and the day is only half over. The last thing I feel before I fall asleep is Pocky and Mochi jumping on the sofa and Sam’s soft, warm touch on my arm.

“Good morning there sleepyhead.” The first thing I see when I wake up and open my eyes is my sister grinning in my face.
“Hey sis.” I say when I realise I still feel Sam’s hands laying on top of me.
“Looks like your girlfriend’s feeling pretty comfy with two kittens next to her and one on her lap.”
“Do you blame me?” Sam giggles.
“Not really.” Élise laughs and gives me a quick pat on my head.
I turn on my back to look straight up at Sam’s face.
“Did you have a good nap?”
I nod. “Mhmm, I did. Did you get some rest too?”
“I was dozing off a little until Nikki and Élise came in.”
“When did they arrive.”
“Like fifteen minutes ago.”
“Yeah, something like that.” Nikki says while bringing a glass of water over to Sam.
“Thanks, Nikki.”
“No problem sweetie. Do you want something to drink too, Amicia?”
“Ah, uhh, water is good too.” I try to sit upright, Sam helping me up a little with a small push in my back.
“Alright!” Nikki smiles and heads off back to the kitchen.
Élise comes and sits right next to me. “So, a Goddess, huh?”
“Apparently, and sounds like I can be one too?”
“Sounds like you’re gonna have a truly divine marriage then.” She winks at Sam, making her blush.
“We’ve only known each other for a little while, don’t get too ahead of yourself!” I reprimand my sister.
“I know, I know, I was just teasing. Out of curiosity though, are you interested in marriage in general?”
My still tired head takes a while to compute what she asked me before I can reply. “Hmmm, I guess? I find marriage pretty romantic but I definitely don’t want to marry in a church, maybe like a small ceremony with my friends and with you and Nikki?”
Élise nods. “And what about you Sam?”
“Well,” She takes her glass and sips from it. “I’m mostly on the same page as Ami, as long as the people who I care about most are there, it doesn’t need to be a big event at all. And I know some people say marriage is overrated but there’s just something special about binding yourself to the person, or multiple people you love. Not that not binding yourself through marriage is any less valid, of course.”
Élise nods again and smiles. “That’s a pretty well-formulated opinion. But now for the most important question of all.”
“Oh no,” I sigh in anticipation. “What now?”
“Hey, it’s a good question.” Élise laughs. “Would you rather wear a suit or a dress to your wedding.”
“Dress.” I say without hesitation.
Sam’s decision is apparently not so clear cut. Her doubt is readable on her face “Hmm I’m not sure. I mean, I do like wearing them both occasionally.”

The image of Sam in a suit is making me drool a little, not going to lie. But on the other hand Sam in a dress is equally as tempting…

“Why not both?” Élise brings me down to earth.
“Huh? Can I do that?”
“Why not? It’s your wedding.”
“You’ve got a point there…”
“I’ve seen this nice dress suit the main character wore in the Rose Foreverparc movie, which was outright amazing. So even a combination of the two would be pretty neat. Or you could just wear a dress to the ceremony and a suit to the reception, or the other way around!”
“Oh, do you have a picture of that dress suit?” Sam’s interest just got piqued.
“Yes! Give me a second.” She takes out her phone and after a quick Moogle search she shows the image to Sam.
“Wow, that looks amazing.”
“I wanna see too!” I push my back against Sam so I’m almost laying in her lap again.
Sam and Élise both laugh as my sister tilts the screen so I can see too.
“Oh, that does look cool. The elegance of a dress combined with the bravado of a suit.”
“Indeed!” My sister puts away her phone. “By the way, want us to start preparing the food?”
“Ah, we will do that for you.” Sam stands up before Élise does so. “I wouldn’t want to be here all the time and do nothing in return.”
“Awh, that’s sweet of you, but we really don’t think it’s a big deal, really.” Nikki arrives back with a glass of water for me.
“I know, but I really want to do my part.” Sam insists.
“Alright then.” Nikki smiles and sits down next to her girlfriend.
“I’ll start with cutting up the chicken then, can you start on the veggies, Ami?”
“Aye aye, captain!” I quickly stand up and salute Sam.
“I told you not to do that anymore, that’s gonna be push-ups for you!”
“Oh, no, I meant like navy captain, Sam, nooooooo.”
She starts laughing out loud while she heads towards the kitchen with me on her heels while pleading my innocence. 

“Are those two really going to be okay in the kitchen?” I hear Élise whisper to Nikki.
“Well, it can’t be worse than you.” An audible smirk leaves Nikki’s lips.
“Wow, rude.” Élise pouts.
Mochi and Pocky still sleeping on the sofa, seemingly unfazed by the whirlwind of silliness all around them.

This truly is home…

Chapter 40 is now released on my Patreon!
I always try to stay at least 3 chapters ahead of time on Patreon.
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