Twisted Destiny

Chapter 39: Shower

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We have bitterballen!

Five minutes later Nikki comes back into the living room. “Bathroom’s free now.” She smiles and leaves again.
“Thanks Nikki.” I call after her.
“So, who’s gonna shower first?” Sam asks me with a poke in my side.
“Aaah. D-don’t do that!” I yelp but quickly clear my throat and start blushing. “I-I wouldn’t mind showering to-together. T-the shower is big enough...”
Sam starts blushing as well. “W-well, let’s go to the bathroom then.”
I nod in return and start following Sam into the bathroom.
When she closes the door behind me she stares shyly at me for a moment before finally starting to undress.
“H-hey Sam?”
“Mhmm? What’s up?” She asks while pulling her shirt over her head, revealing her black and purple sports bra.
“Will your leg be okay in the shower?”
“Oh, yeah! It’s completely okay, watertight and everything.” She smiles. “I generally only take it off when I’m taking a bath. I just make sure to clean my thigh in the morning.”
“And when you’re swimming?”
“Stays on. You are keeping me talking so you don’t need to undress, aren’t you?”
I start blushing “M-maybe.”
She laughs. “Should I remind you it was your idea to begin with?” she smiles at me as she takes off her pants. “Want me to help?”
I nod.
“Allright.” Her sweet smile makes me melt a bit as she slowly takes off my t-shirt. “Arms up kitten.” She giggles.
I lift up my arms as she pulls the shirt over my head revealing my lacy pink bra that has a little cat window.
“Bloody hells... I think this cuteness is gonna give me explosive nosebleeds.” She mutters under her breath and quickly turns her face away from me, her head almost tomato red.
“I-I trust you can unbuckle your pants yourself?” She stammers. “I’ll turn on the shower in the meantime.”

I think I broke Sam.

“O-okay.” I continue undressing while Sam turns on the shower and continues staring at the streaming water for a bit. “Are you okay Sam?”
She turns her gaze towards me, followed by immediately turning away again.
“Y-yes, d-don’t worry. It’s just that...  You’re always awakening things inside me that I never knew existed.”
I take off my bra and panties and approach Sam from behind. “Things like what?”
“Well, for starters…” She turns around looking down upon me, her arm resting against the wall. “W-w-w-well…”
I shush her with a kiss and slowly push her back into the shower, against the wall. Luckily the water has already heated up.
She embraces me and leans into the kiss while the warm water streams down over our bodies.
“I think you awaken some things in me as well.” I look up into her red eyes and giggle.
“Where did that confidence suddenly come from, hey?” she laughs, sounding a bit out of breath.
“Suddenly felt like it.” I kiss her again. “Sorry for your underwear by the way.”
“Needed to get washed anyway.” Sam smiles and takes off her bra and panties as well after which she embraces me and kisses my head. “We should probably not let your friends and family wait.”
“Our.” I correct her.
She smiles. “Our, indeed.”
Sam grabs a washing cloth and starts soaping us both in. After we’re done rinsing off and shampooing our hair she continues. “Hey Ami, how do you feel about”
“It? You mean... sex?”
She nods.
“My sister has spoken about this with me before. I’m not really that interested in it to be honest. It’s not that you’re not attractive or anything, because I definitely want to nibble some parts of you.”
“N-nibble?” Sam blushes.
“Y-yeah... I really really like you Sam. But I don’t know if I could do that… maybe later though, I’m not sure, but I’m still discovering things off myself.”
Sam replies with her right eye closed, a couple of tears running from her cheek “That’s fine, don’t push yourself! I completely understand.”
I’m a bit taken aback. “Why are you crying then?”
She laughs and points at her eye. “Shampoo got in my eye, it stings.”
“Oh no!”

We quickly rinse the shampoo out of our hair and after conditioning it we let the water run for a bit longer.
“Is your eye fine now?”
“Yeah, it stings a bit less now. But about the conversation earlier…do you know a lot about the asexuality spectrum? Like asexuality and things like that?”
“Hmm, not really?”
“I’ll tell you about it once we’re out of the shower.” She hugs me and soon after I turn of the shower.
When we’re drying ourselves off Sam continues and tells me about the allosexuality, asexuality, aromantic and demisexual people.
“Oh so more people have feelings like this?”
“Of course!” She smiles. “You’re definitely not alone.”
“And what do you think? About sex?”
“Well, I’m definitely not asexual.”
“Oh…” A sad tone catches Sam’s ear.
“But, it’s not like I think it’s a necessity for a relationship. I’m more than happy with our relationship as it is now.” She smiles and boops away a drop of water that was running down my forehead. “So we can just slowly figure things out together, there’s no rush at all. As long as I have a cute kitten to cuddle I’m like a Goddess on earth.”
“You chose those words on purpose didn’t you?”
“Yup.” She laughs and cuddles me.
We dry our hair and get dressed into our night time outfits.
“You can put your wet underwear in the laundry bin.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, the washing machine does the washing anyway.”
“Okay then.” She smiles and tosses her underwear in.
“100% sure right?”
“Sam, you caught a knife for me. They won’t mind a single bit.” I give her a kiss on the cheek.
“So, to your bedroom?”
I nod. “Yep.”

When we get there I help Sam with her leg again.
“Didn’t you say you had tools?”
“Yeah I brought them with me.”
“So, why don’t you use them then?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
I tilt my head in curiosity.
She leans in and whispers in my ear. “Because I like you helping me, you silly.”
“T-that’s fair.” I blush and take her leg on its spot on top of my wardrobe.
“I wonder if I’ll be able to feel my leg when I’m in game.” She mentions while I’m on my way back to my bed.
“If it’s anything like Turn of Destiny, you should be. I could feel my tail there before I had one in real life.” I sit down next to Sam.
“Oh cool. That must’ve been a whacky feeling.”
“It was.” I put my hand on her thigh and go in for a kiss.
Sam kisses me back and pushes my back into the mattress. “Sneaking kisses at me like that all the time, you sly vixen.”
“Am a cat actually.” I smirk.
Sam kisses me again. “I know.” And again, and again.
Five minutes later we are done kissing for now.
“So, I just had to put this on and press this thing?” Sam asks excitedly, I can’t tell if it’s because of the kissing or because of the soon to be had gaming experience.

If I look at my own state of mind, my guess would be both.

“Yep, we can do it together if you want.”
She enthusiastically nods yes.
“Allright. Just lay down on your back.” She does so and I follow.
“One more kiss before we go?”
“Just because it’s you.” I giggle and give her a long, sweet, passionate kiss before we put on our headsets.
She takes my hand . “See you on the other side.”
“Okay, in 3, 2, 1, …” The world goes dark before I’m soon faced with an all too familiar gray room.
“So, The Echelon was it, right?” I look around and quickly find it next to Turn of Destiny.
I press the start button and I’m greeted by a window with a welcoming text.
“Hmm, I liked the lady voice over more in ToD…”
It reads: “Welcome mercenary! Be aware that this game uses 1 to 4 time dilation! Some discomfort may be felt after exiting the game because of that! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Please enter your nickname before continuing to find your fellow platoon mates. We hope you have a great experience!”
“1 to 4 hey? So it’s a bit slower than ToD. Still plenty of time to play, I’m sure.”
I quickly enter my nickname in the prompt the game gives me and immediately after receive a platoon invitation from Nikki.
I press accept and my vision gets warped, finding myself in the same room as the others, all looking like they do in real life.
“Wow, Sam was even faster than you Amicia.” My sister teases.
“I was just reading the welcome text.”
“Wait there was one?”
“You aren’t meant to skip those Lise.” Nikki reprimands.
While those two are bickering Hilda comes over to me. “Hey Amicia, heard you had a rough day? Are you okay?”
“Thanks for asking Hilda, I’m somewhat fine now.”
She gives me a big hug. “Let’s hope things will get normal soon.”
“As normal as they can get, possibly being a Goddess and stuff like that.”
She smiles. “That’s true. Let’s just enjoy ourselves now.”
I nod and smile. “Let’s!”
Sam comes standing next to me.
“So do you have…”
“A brand new leg?”
I nod.
“Yes, and it feels incredibly bizarre. My bionic one is incredible, but this…”
“It feels too real, right?”
Now it’s her turn to nod. “Exactly! This VR stuff is crazy.”
“It surely is.” Hilda jumps into the conversation. “Are you ladies ready to go to character creation?”
Me and Sam look at each other and give a quick nod before we say in unison. “Let’s go!” 

Chapter 42 is now released on my Patreon!
I always try to stay at least 3 chapters ahead of time on Patreon.
Link to my discord: Link


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