Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1238 The Twelve Hour War

Nearly six months passed from the time that Hans first inherited the throne from his retired father. And during this time, he had been closely monitoring the civil war within the Rus states. What became abundantly clear to the man was that the longer this war waged on, the more women and children that would be killed.

Thus, after six months of constant bloodshed, Kaiser Hans von Kufstein took the podium in the Reichstag, where he made his first declaration of war since ascending to the throne. The man was nearly forty years old, but like his father had inherited good genes, that made him look as if he were five to ten years younger.

Thus, he was still quite handsome, and unfettered by age, as he made his speech that would send the German Army into the lands that would one day be Russia.

"My fellow Germans, there is an ongoing humanitarian crisis within the various Rus states that lie on our eastern borders. The Orthodox Church has inspired a rebellion from the masses, and the boyars continue to buy weapons from our allies to support their own cause.

But who is to blame for this crisis? The Church which compels men to go out and kill their masters, or the nobility, who selfishly horde the profits of their people's labor? That is something that only the Lord God Almighty can judge.

As the son of a living saint, and the leader of the world's most supreme military power, I see it as my responsibility to interfere in this conflict so that the women, and children may be spared the wrath that their men now inflict upon them.

Thus today, I hereby declare war on the various Rus States, and will be sending a force of one hundred thousand men into their lands to maintain the peace, and to eliminate those elements which seek to harm the innocent.

It has been some time since our people last went to war, and though our enemies may be primitive, they currently wield weapons purchased from our allies. I trust that each and every soldier will protect themselves to the best of their abilities, while putting an end to the suffering which our eastern brothers and sisters now find themselves in.

Glory to the Reich! And may God be with us in this dark hour of human history!"

After saying this, Hans descended from the podium and left the Reichstag. War was officially declared, and now a hundred thousand German soldiers would be marching to combat.

This was something that he personally did not worry too much about.

The German Military was vast and powerful. Moreso than any other nation on the planet. Every other nation on the planet could go to war with the Reich, and every other nation in the world would be defeated. So sending their forces into Russia, against a bunch of knights, and boyars, who fired semi-automatic rifles with zero training and precision. It was not too much of a threat.

What did matter to Hans was his genocide, and how he would get rid of the entire Russian male bloodline, and he would do it in a way that made him look like the good guy. Thus, he returned to the Palace and waited for his troops to do their thing.

As soon as the order to invade was given, a hundred thousand German soldiers deployed via land, sea, and air to the Rus states. Whether it was the Baltic Fleet launching a bunch of Marines via its landing craft, or it was the German Army traversing from Poland's eastern borders in Light Tactical Vehicles, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, and Tanks, or perhaps it was those paratroopers and air assault employed by the luftwaffe, descending from the skies via planes and helicopters.

There were a multitude of ways in which the Germans were able to deploy their forces, and thus within three hours, one hundred thousand German soldiers were within Russia's borders. The attack was swift. The previous methods by which Germans waged war, in other words achieving peace through superior firepower, were not employed in this conflict.

The war was supposed to be "humanitarian" and because of this, the German soldiers did not simply bombard villages, cities, and castles with artillery and bombs. Besides, such methods were obsolete now that the Reich had precision-guided munitions.

Instead, they send int armored columns to enter each inhabited area, where they would then eliminate or arrest any man they found. The men who were not initially killed in the ensuing conflict would be taken by the German Armed Forces to labor camps, where they would help develop Russian and Siberia for a German annexation.

Meanwhile, the women and children were secured and protected. Ensuring that no harm came to them. Combat was entirely one sided, with the advanced body armor, communications, firearms, and other equipment which the Germans had. They could easily surround and eliminate hostile targets, and with much greater precision than their enemies.

If the Russian rebels and soldiers made the mistake of hunkering down in fortifications, a smart bomb could be dropped on their heads with either the use of a dedicated bomber, a multi-role fighter, a self propelled artillery vehicle, or even aerial drones.

The level of technology that the German Military now had at its disposal was on par with the society that Berengar had left behind after dying in Afghanistan in his previous life. And because of this, it was all too easy to annihilate the male bloodline of the Russian population.

And though the German Army stormed its way through Russian towns, cities, and castles, it managed to prevent the outside world from finding out about their ulterior motives. As far as the rest of the world was concerned, this was truly a humanitarian operation.

One which Germany had taken responsible for, despite the weapons used by the Russian Rebels and Boyars supposedly coming from Germany's allies, all of which purchased their weapons from the Reich.

Thus, the German propaganda machine was working in overdrive, as they sent images across the internet, and television broadcasts of heavy fighting, and the supposed massacres that were the result of the ongoing civil war.

Of course, what could a water-cooled machine gun do against the hull of a Lynx IFV? Not much, and because of this, the German soldiers were able to safely deploy to battlefields without fear of being blown up. While receiving the support from a 35 mm auto-cannon.

This was more than enough to shred the meager medieval defenses which the Russian rebels and loyalists hid behind. Resulting in what was clearly a one sided conflict. The German War Machine was so brutally efficient that within twelve hours, the German flag was raised over Moscow, and Novgorod, announcing an end to the previous regimes which had failed their people.

And though some fighting occurred after this, the remnants of the Russian Rebels and Loyalists were quickly cleared up. Thus, Russia had now entered a transition into a state of Germanization. Where over the next generation, the Russian male population would slowly dwindle, and be replaced with German citizens who would take the Russian women to be their brides.

By the time the world woke up the next day, they were all surprised to see that the war had ended so quickly. Although many of the world leaders suspected such a scenario might occur. It was an incredibly easy task for the German military to wipe out the hostile governments and occupy their territory with only one hundred thousand men.

Thus, men like Ghazi, Alexandros, Lukas, and Kristoffer were all too aware of how little of a chance the Russians had in defending their lands. The German war machine was absolute and was centuries beyond the rest of the world.

With this in mind, Hans, many half brothers who now ruled over the world's most powerful nations, all congratulated the man on the speed at which he was able to finish the war.

Meanwhile, the Germans were able to celebrate the fact that for the first time in their history; they had fought a war, without suffering a single death.

Sure, some men were wounded, but not a single German soldier had died during the twelve hour war which saw the Rus states become annexed by the Reich. And this overwhelming victory had secured Hans' prestige in the eyes of his people. After all, no matter how great his father was, he had not accomplished that which Hans had just done.

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