Uchiha Patriarch

Chapter 19: Part 2


"Hey there! Let us all honor the second person that is willing to become a patron of mine!!! Alec matter!!!"


The sheer magnitude of the office left an indelible impression. It was a stark reminder that the decisions made within these walls would shape the destiny of the village and its inhabitants.

"Ah, Tenjo, how timely of you to grace us with your presence," the Hokage greeted, his tone laced with a hint of condescension. Seated alongside him were his trusted advisors: Homura Mitokado, known for his unrelenting sycophancy, Danzo Shimura, the self-proclaimed shadow of the Ninja World, and Koharu Utatane, your run-of-the-mill Karen.

With a facade of calmness, the Hokage sipped his tea, seemingly oblivious to the chaos unraveling outside his office. The cacophony of turmoil seemed to underscore the stark contrast between their serene surroundings and the tumultuous reality of the village.

Danzo's commanding tone cut through the air, his condescending demeanor veiled poorly. "Pray tell, what feeble findings have you managed to procure?" he sneered, his words dripping with disdain.

As the condescending words of Danzo reached his ears, Tenjo couldn't help but feel a surge of annoyance. The audacity of this slimy git, he thought, considering his own clan's illustrious history compared to the Shimura clan's role as mere cannon fodder in the warring states period. Suppressing his irritation, Tenjo composed himself and began to speak.

"It is my pleasure to share our findings," Tenjo began, his tone steady and confident. Each word resonated with an underlying conviction, cutting through the tense atmosphere of the office.

"Well, Hokage-sama," Tenjo began, his voice firm and unwavering, "based on our thorough investigation, it appears that the identity of the attacker is either a traitor from within Konoha or an individual who has acquired in-depth knowledge about our village's capabilities from external sources."

The words hung in the air, causing a stir of disbelief among the council members. Homura Mitokado, known for his quick temper, couldn't contain his outrage and blurted out in disbelief, "That cannot be true! Such treachery within our ranks is unthinkable!"

Tenjo's eyes narrowed, his resolve unwavering. He had anticipated this reaction and was prepared to defend his findings. He continued, his voice steady and resolute, "I understand the gravity of this claim, but the evidence we have gathered strongly suggests that there are internal factors at play. We must face the reality before us and take appropriate actions to protect Konoha's interests."

"Do you have definitive proof, or is this merely one of your assumptions?" Danzo taunted, his voice dripping with condescension.

Tenjo's eyes narrowed, his resolve unyielding. "It is the only logical explanation, considering the circumstances," he retorted. "The assailant was well-aware of the Yamanaka clan's abilities and deliberately took the Elder's head to cover their tracks and conceal their identity."

For the next thirty minutes, Tenjo delved into a detailed analysis of their findings, assumptions, and investigative approach. He presented his case with precision and clarity, leaving no room for doubt.

After he finished, the Hokage, wearing a magnanimous smile, responded in an equally condescending tone as Danzo, "Mhh, I see. Tenjo, let's keep this information to ourselves for now. No need to alarm others with 'your' mere assumptions."

Tenjo's jaw clenched, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. Despite his thorough explanation, he couldn't shake the feeling that his insights were being dismissed or belittled. Nonetheless, he maintained his composure, knowing that he had fulfilled his duty by presenting their findings to the council.

"Hokage-sama, there is another pressing matter that requires your attention," Tenjo spoke with a pretended heavy heart.

Danzo, visibly annoyed, responded curtly, "What matter would that be?"

Tenjo took a moment to gather his thoughts, an apparent feeling of a sense of desolation in his words. "The truth is, our Uchiha Clan is struggling to handle the demands of the Police Force. These recent assassinations have exposed our shortcomings and vulnerabilities. I implore you, Hokage-sama, to consider granting us permission to recruit members from other clans, so we may strengthen our ranks and better prepare ourselves for future crises."

With an Oscar ripe performance Tenjo spoke, a sense of hopelessness pervaded his voice, admitting that their current situation left them ill-equipped to protect the village effectively. He knew that reaching out to other clans was a desperate plea for assistance, acknowledging their own limitations and the need to forge alliances in the face of impending dangers.

"Absolutely not!!!" Danzo's voice thundered through the room as he sprang up from his seat, his eyes filled with anger and realization of the potential consequences that would arise from such a decision.

His mind raced, calculating the implications and recognizing the far-reaching impact it would have on the Uchiha Clan. Allowing them to collaborate with different clans would grant them a newfound power, enabling them to forge alliances and establish a solid presence within the village, eroding the divide that Tobirama had intentionally created.

In that moment, Danzo's mind illuminated with the intricate web of political ramifications. He understood that by engaging with other clans, the Uchiha could deftly shift the blame away from themselves, tarnishing the reputation of other clans in the process. The communal animosity would be diffused, spreading beyond the confines of the Uchiha and diluting the focused hatred directed solely at them.

The weight of this realization settled heavily upon Danzo's shoulders, fueling his vehement opposition to the proposal. He knew that granting the Uchiha this request would be akin to relinquishing control and sowing the seeds of their own demise, allowing the clan to subtly manipulate the dynamics of power within the village for their own benefit.

"Tenjo, we must delve into this matter extensively before providing you with a definitive answer. However, we find ourselves embroiled in other, far more pressing crises that demand our immediate attention," the Hokage responded, a trace of annoyance etching his voice. He couldn't help but feel exasperated by Danzo's explosive reaction, as well as Tenjo's apparent deviation from the anticipated course of events.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. I shall await your decision. For now, I shall take my leave," Tenjo replied, sensing the tension in the room and understanding the need for further deliberation.

As Tenjo departed, the atmosphere within the office grew heavy, shadows casting dark expressions across the faces of those left behind.


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