Uchiha Patriarch

Chapter 21: I came, I saw, and I took a shit on everything!

Fugaku diligently prepared for his mission, knowing what awaited him the next day: a fateful encounter with the White Fang of Konoha. Determined not to be mentally drained, he retired early, plunging himself into a comfortable slumber.

In the dead of night, his eyes snapped open, a wicked grin etched across his face. The time had come to unleash the unforgiving repercussions upon Danzo, revealing the true depth of his enmity.

Enveloped by the ominous embrace of darkness, Fugaku seamlessly melded with the shadows, his presence becoming a fluid amalgamation of malevolent shapes. With eerie grace, he slithered through the village, his form morphing effortlessly. One moment a sleek black cat, the next a menacing black dog, he moved unnoticed, a specter of dread.

Finally, he materialized before the imposing Shimura compound, a figure cloaked in foreboding. Unleashing his wrath, he would teach this man the dire consequences of inciting the ire of others, as if the world itself had turned a blind eye to his self-proclaimed dominion as the harbinger of darkness in the realm of shinobi.


"I abhor the thought of spilling innocent blood, yet you leave me no choice, Danzo," Fugaku's mind seethed with turmoil, desperately seeking justification for the impending slaughter that awaited the Shimura Clan.

The Shimura Clan, though lacking in martial prowess and renown, possessed a potent weapon of their own: wealth. Their ancestral roots as merchants had granted them astute business acumen, allowing them to amass riches that stretched far and wide. Over the generations, they cunningly navigated the intricate web of commerce, their hands deftly manipulating the flow of currency and resources.

Their prosperous endeavors stood as a cornerstone of Konoha's economic stability, for it was the Shimura Clan's industriousness that fueled the financial engine of the village. Their deft maneuvers in creating wealth, alongside dutifully fulfilling their tax obligations, ensured a steady influx of prosperity into the coffers of the Hidden Leaf. The Shimura Clan, with their unwavering acuity and shrewdness, stood as a formidable force, their influence extending beyond the boundaries of mere battlefields and into the intricate tapestry of Konoha's fiscal well-being.

Fugaku underwent a striking transformation, assuming the likeness of King Bradley. His once black hair, now speckled with a few greying strands, cascaded down his head. A thick black mustache adorned his upper lip, adding an air of maturity and authority. His right eye possessed a captivating blue tint, while his left eye underwent a mesmerizing change. The iris and cornea twisted and shifted, resembling a malevolent Ouroboros. This was his Ultimate Eye, a fearsome symbol of his newfound power.

Inspired by King Bradley's iconic attire, Fugaku meticulously replicated the military uniform. A prominent grey sash encircled his waist, serving both as a practical sheath for his swords and an accentuating feature of his ensemble. With an array of lethal blades at his side, he emanated an aura of controlled power. Every element of his appearance, from the meticulously styled hair to the refined military uniform, exuded a calculated blend of sophistication and danger. As Wrath, Fugaku had successfully crafted a formidable alter ego that would leave a lasting impression on those who encountered him.

Fugaku began slowly approaching the Shimura Compounds' main entrance, at this moment he wanted to make himself known, his purpose was to send a message, and the more people present the better.

As he approached the Shumura Compound he was noticed by the Guards.

"Stop! Who are you? What do you want?": the guard a thin man with black hair and the usual Konoha gear asked him.

Fugaku aka Wrath was approaching them confidently: "Ah, greetings, vigilant guardians. Pray do tell, is this the esteemed residence of the Shimura Clan?".

The Guard was somewhat surprised at the man's politeness: "Indeed, it is. What business do you have here?".

Wrath smiled while feigning innocence: "Ah, magnificent! I am known as Wrath, good sirs. I must confess, I momentarily doubted my own destination. You see, my dear friends, a certain individual by the name of Danzo Shimura had engaged our services to eliminate two elders of Konoha some time ago. Yet, regrettably, the promised compensation has not been paid yet. And so, I find myself here, as a gentle reminder to Mr. Danzo Shimura that one should never trifle with the Seven Sins, lest they face dire consequences.".

Fugaku's words echoed with a hint of ominous charm, accentuated by a benevolent smile that danced upon his face.

The guards were left dumbfounded by the staggering revelation. Reacting swiftly, the first guard drew his sword and lunged at the intruder, driven by a sense of urgency to silence this potential threat before their clan's secrets were exposed and catastrophe ensued.

"Old man, you shall pay dearly for your audacity!" the guard bellowed, his blade slicing through the air with lethal intent. Simultaneously, his partner wasted no time, swiftly hurling a Kunai directly towards Fugaku's/Wrath's head, seeking to end the danger with a swift strike.

Yet, in Wrath's eyes, time seemed to slow down to a crawl. With a breathtaking display of agility, he effortlessly plucked the Kunai from the air, executing a graceful 360-degree spin that evaded the oncoming sword strike. Seizing the opportunity, Wrath swiftly thrust the intercepted Kunai deep into the side of the first guard, the weapon finding its mark with unerring precision.

A serene smile adorned Wrath's face as he calmly remarked, "Ah, the impetuosity of youth, a perilous path that often leads to an early grave." With deliberate intent, he exerted pressure on the embedded Kunai, causing the first guard to convulse in agonizing torment, his pain echoing through the air.

As the wounded guard writhed on the ground, Wrath retrieved the Kunai, relinquishing his grip on it with an otherworldly force. The deadly projectile soared through the air, propelled by an uncanny power, hurtling toward its original owner.

The Kunai sliced through the air, piercing the second guard's chest with a sickening thud, emerging from his back in a crimson testament to its destructive trajectory. The force of impact left a gaping, bloodied cavity in its wake, forever ending the shinobi's aspirations and sealing his fate as a crippled warrior. Only the miraculous intervention of someone like Tsunade could hope to salvage his shattered career.

With an indomitable will, the wounded guard managed to send out a distress signal, alerting the entire Shimura Compound to the impending threat.

"Hahaha! Fear not, for this changes nothing!" Wrath's voice resonated with unwavering determination. Casting a quick glance at the injured guards, he continued his relentless stride towards his ultimate objective. "My youthful companions, the time has come for me to venture forth and deliver a stern reminder to the illustrious Shimura Danzo. Debts must always be repaid, and there is always someone ready to collect them."

Unfazed by the chaos around him, Wrath gracefully moved past the two hemorrhaging individuals, his steps purposeful and unwavering. Yet, a sudden realization struck him, prompting a sinister smile to curve his lips. "Oh, how careless of me! But before I proceed, I must relieve you of your limbs."

In a blur of motion reminiscent of lightning itself, Wrath's blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, severing one arm from each guard. The dismembered limbs were swiftly dispatched into the depths of his shadow, disappearing from sight.

(Note: By casting the limbs into his shadow, Wrath utilizes the intermingling powers of Pride and Gluttony. This symbiotic fusion elevates their abilities and augments their strength, representing a significant upgrade for both. This works with all powers!!! All Homunculi Powers need to be seen as a cohesive whole now, and not separate!)

Wrath continued his relentless advance through the labyrinthine corridors of the Shimura Clan compound, encountering wave after wave of Shinobi fiercely dedicated to defending their home. With unparalleled swiftness, he dispatched all but the most seasoned Jonin adversaries, claiming their limbs as a macabre toll for their futile resistance.

After what seemed like an eternity, Wrath found himself confronted by an awe-inspiring sight—a legion of a hundred Shinobi from diverse clans, united in their determination to halt his progress. Amidst the sea of formidable opponents, the Hokage, radiating fury, locked eyes with him, demanding answers in a voice laced with incensed authority.

"And who, pray tell, dares to trespass upon Konohagakure's sacred grounds? Why do you unleash this unfathomable assault upon our village?" The Hokage's words resonated with a potent mix of anger and disbelief, his tone a testament to his unyielding resolve.

Greeting them with an unwavering smile, Wrath, the embodiment of the Seven Sins, revealed his true purpose to the Hokage and Danzo with an air of audacity.

"Ah, hello there, Hokage-sama, I, Wrath, have graced you with my presence to serve as a gentle reminder that there exists a considerable debt owed to the Seven Sins by one Shimura Danzo." His words dripped with a chilling charm, contrasting with the intense anger radiating from Danzo.

"I owe you nothing, you insufferable fool!" Danzo bellowed, his fury amplifying his wind-enhanced shuriken that he hurled with relentless force.

Unperturbed by the onslaught, Wrath's smile persisted. Swift as a lightning bolt, he leapt into the air, his dual blades weaving an intricate dance that defied reason. With a mesmerizing display of skill, he deflected the incoming shuriken, altering their trajectories with pinpoint accuracy. Some were sent hurtling back towards their origin, while others were expertly manipulated to demolish the very foundations of the Shimura Clan's houses. The destructive power unleashed in their wake left a trail of devastation, transforming sturdy structures into fragments of chaos.

A sly grin crept across Wrath's face as he feigned ignorance, addressing Danzo with calculated amusement. "Ah, so you must be the illustrious Mr. Shimura Danzo himself, if I'm not mistaken?"

With an air of nonchalance, Wrath continued, his tone dripping with veiled menace. "Mr. Danzo, it appears there may have been a slight oversight on your part. You see, the Seven Sins have dutifully executed the task of eliminating two esteemed elders of Konoha on your behalf. Yet, regrettably, the promised compensation has eluded our grasp."

Each word carried a weighty implication as Wrath's gaze pierced into Danzo's very soul. "Consider this visit a gentle reminder, Mr. Danzo. The next time one of us pays you a visit, we shall not be as forgiving. Every soul within the Shimura clan will face the unrelenting wrath of the Seven Sins."

Turning on his heel, Wrath tried to leave, his departure a silent proclamation of imminent doom, but his path was barred by dozens of Konoha Jonin.

As the weight of Wrath's words settled upon the gathering, an eerie chill permeated the air, causing the temperature to plummet within moments. The atmosphere itself seemed to hold its breath, as if bracing for the impact of a catastrophic explosion.

The impact of his revelation was akin to dropping an atomic bomb amidst the stunned onlookers. Their faces contorted with a mixture of fear, disbelief, and mounting dread. The magnitude of what had just been exposed sent shockwaves through the hearts of all those present.

Danzo and Hiruzen, two figures at the center of this storm, stood frozen in their tracks. The accusatory finger pointed directly at them had implicated them in a nefarious deed they were, in fact, guilty of. Yet, they had never officially employed anyone to commit such heinous acts. The realization washed over them like a tidal wave, leaving them grappling with a sinister truth: someone, a hidden puppeteer, was orchestrating a plot against them. But the question that burned within their minds was like a dark specter haunting their every thought—just who could this enigmatic force or group be?

In this moment of uncertainty, the scene itself mirrored the depths of their trepidation. The frigid air, laden with unspoken secrets, hung heavy around them, while their minds raced to unravel the tangled web of intrigue that threatened to engulf them all.

As the weight of Wrath's revelation settled upon the other individuals present, a mixture of shock and realization washed over them like a tidal wave. The notion that Danzo had clandestinely employed this mysterious group to eliminate the opposing elders was like a long-held suspicion brought into glaring focus.


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