Uchiha Patriarch

Chapter 25: Meeting the Father Part 3

Father's piercing gaze locked onto Fugaku, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. In the dimly lit realm, Fugaku's nerves rattled as he mustered the courage to respond.

As Fugaku stood in front of the blonde man, a thought raced through his mind, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. 'Fuck, this guy gives me the same vibes I would expect from Orochimaru!': Fugaku's thoughts rang with a mix of caution and unease.


Fugaku: gulped audibly before starting to say what he was prepared to say: "I am Fugaku Uchiha, but that name did not always belong to me. There was a time when I was lost in an ethereal realm, stumbling upon a presence much like yours, Father. The details of my arrival there are clouded in mystery to me. And yet, I found myself face-to-face with a being, a god-like figure. He offered me power beyond imagination, but at a steep cost – my servitude. Unable to resist the allure, I agreed, and thus, my being was reconstructed into what you see before you.".

Father's features tightened, his intrigue growing palpable as he leaned forward, his presence dominating the space between them.

Father was sitting on his throne, but he could not help himself, his eyebrow rose intrigued by what he just heard: "A god-like figure, you say? Power and servitude intertwined. Tell me, Fugaku, what did this being desire in return for such extraordinary abilities? And why did you 'willingly' offer yourself to his bidding?"

Fugaku took a brief moment to gather his thoughts, his mind filled with the weight of his choices before he replied, "Well, the options presented to me were either facing damnation or accepting a life of servitude. And, quite frankly, damnation was not an appealing outcome. The being desired souls, and in exchange for the power bestowed upon me, I became the vessel responsible for delivering those souls to him."

Father listened intently, his brows furrowing as he tried to make sense of the situation. "Hmm, I understand the concept, but it seems like an exceedingly slow and inefficient process. Why would this being choose such a convoluted path?" he muttered, his mind working to unravel the reasoning behind Bailed's actions.

Fugaku could sense the wheels turning in Father's mind, his own curiosity piqued by the notion that even this enigmatic figure struggled to comprehend the motivations of his own creator.

Father's musings came to a momentary halt as he turned his full attention to Fugaku. His gaze swept over Fugaku's attire, his distinct facial features, and the undeniable peculiarity that radiated from his presence. It was a puzzle that defied conventional explanation, and Father hungered for the answers.

"Peculiar indeed," Father remarked, his voice laced with intrigue. "Now, Fugaku, enlighten me. How did you find yourself here, within the confines of Gluttony's Gate? The very nature of your arrival, as evident from your clothing, your countenance, and the inexplicable aura that surrounds you, defies any conventional understanding. There is something inherently unique about you, something that sets you apart from my own creations. What secrets lie within you?"

As Father's words hung in the air, the weight of his questions bore down on Fugaku's shoulders.

Fugaku trembled for a moment from the sheer pressure that Father was exuding but he collected his bearings: "The path that led me here is a bit complicated."

Fugaku took a deep breath, his voice steady yet filled with urgency, as he began to narrate his story. His words painted a vivid picture of his Clan, the Uchiha, and the intricate web of power and politics that defined the Shinobi World. He spoke of their unique abilities, the mastery of jutsu, and the countless battles fought on the blood-soaked soil.

As Fugaku delved deeper into his tale, he described the Shinobi World as a vast tapestry of interconnected realms, each teeming with life and brimming with countless souls. His voice resonated with a sense of awe and respect for the diversity and strength that existed within these worlds.

The ethereal light in Father's eyes flickered, his gaze narrowing as he attempted to process the vastness of this new information. The concept of multiple worlds, and he was lucky enough that two of them are now connected through Gluttony's Gate, it stirred a mix of curiosity and trepidation within him. It was as if the boundaries of his own understanding had been shattered, revealing a vast expanse of possibilities.

Fugaku's words painted a visual tapestry of the Shinobi World and its interwoven realms, each with its unique cultures, landscapes, and inhabitants. The clash of ideologies, the raw power of elemental jutsu, and the unyielding spirit of the shinobi were vividly brought to life in Father's mind.

As Fugaku continued, his tale took an unexpected turn, revealing the hand of a bored God who had tampered with the fabric of time itself. Father's features contorted with a mix of disbelief and intrigue. The image of a capricious deity, toying with the delicate threads of existence, resonated deep within him, sending a shiver down his spine.

Bound together through Gluttony's Gate, the convergence of these worlds became tangible. The weight of the connection, borne from the whims of a bored God, he felt exhilaration like never before.

Finally, after a very long moment of silence, Father's voice cascaded in a whispered symphony, laden with intrigue and a hunger for understanding. "A connection... A realm soaked in the relentless tides of bloodshed and war. How fascinating," he pondered, his lips curving into a knowing smirk.

Wasn't that all he wanted?

War and bloodshed?

People killing each other while he collected their essence for himself?

With an air of conviction, he addressed Fugaku directly, his voice brimming with both determination and temptation. "Tell me, Fugaku, do you dare to forge a pact with me? Our destinies are bound together, entangled like the intricate strands of existence itself. You, much like my own past, find yourself confined within the confines of a vessel, albeit on a grander scale. Yet, in the end, both of us are naught but prisoners, yearning for liberation. I offer you not only knowledge and guidance, but the means to break free from the chains of servitude. In return, I request your assistance in realizing my own ambitions."

Fugaku in the end was nothing but [Hell Spawn] and freeing himself was originally to even on his budget list, as he could not get his head around a godly being's powers, but maybe with Father's help he could pull it off.

He paused, allowing the weight of his proposition to permeate the air before continuing with unwavering conviction. "Together, you and I shall embark on a brave odyssey, exploring the arcane depths of existence. No longer shall we be beholden to the fickle whims of gods. Bound by our shared thirst for freedom, we shall unravel the concealed truths that lie veiled from mortal eyes, emancipating us from the clutches of our respective captivities."

The words lingered in the air, carrying an undeniable allure and a tantalizing promise of liberation. Father's offer danced on the precipice of possibility, beckoning Fugaku to seize the opportunity for emancipation and enlightenment. In this shared quest for answers, the world itself seemed to hold its breath, awaiting Fugaku's response—a choice that could reshape their destinies and forever alter the tapestry of their intertwined fates.

Fugaku's determination sparked within his eyes, his resolve firm as he met Father's gaze.

Fugaku's determination solidified within him, his voice steady and resolute as he responded, "I Agree. I may not trust you at this moment, but the allure of freedom is too potent to resist."

With measured caution, he continued, "I step into this alliance, fully aware of the risks. Yet, the prospect of liberation is something I cannot ignore. Our paths may be shrouded in shadows, but I am willing to walk alongside you, Father, in pursuit of the elusive emancipation we both seek."

"These guys talk as if they are theater stars.": Gluttony muttered to Lust.

"I know isn't it erotic?!": Lust said back visibly aroused.

His words echoed with a sense of resolve, acknowledging the uncertainty that lay before them. Fugaku understood the seriousness of his decision, but the enticement of breaking free from the chains of Bailed eclipsed his doubts. This newfound partnership held the potential to unravel the mysteries of existence and grant them the freedom they yearned for.

In that moment, a pact was forged, bound by their shared desire to transcend their captive states and unlock the enigmas concealed within the depths of existence. Fugaku stood ready to navigate the treacherous path ahead, knowing that their alliance could either lead them to the coveted liberation they craved or plunge them deeper into the abyss. Only time would reveal the true nature of their partnership and the price they would ultimately pay for their quest for freedom.

Lust's eyes gleamed with curiosity, her voice tinged with intrigue as she inquired, "And how exactly do we proceed with this endeavor?"

Fugaku's gaze met Lust's, a glimmer of excitement dancing within his eyes. "In my world, there exists an item known as a 'Summoning Contract'," he explained, his words carrying a hint of anticipation. "It is a powerful bond forged between a summoner and a summoned entity, allowing the summoner to bring forth the presence of the summoned into their realm. I propose that we establish such a contract, enabling me to summon you guys into my world."

As Fugaku spoke, the intricate details of the summoning process unfurled in his mind, painting a vivid picture of the ancient rituals and arcane symbols involved. He could almost feel the energy pulsating through his veins, fueling his resolve.

A mischievous smile played upon Lust's lips, a reflection of her growing interest. "A Summoning Contract, you say? How fascinating," she purred, her eyes glimmering with newfound possibilities. "Very well, Fugaku. Let us forge this pact and visit this realm of yours. I am eager to explore the boundless horizons that await us."

Through the delicate threads of the Summoning Contract, all their paths converged, kindling a partnership that would reshape the very fabric of their respective stories and existences.

'Haha, Fuck you Bailed! I can get my hands on the knowledge of Alchemy on my own.': Fugaku thought excitedly.


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