Ugly Bastard System

(Not a chapter, will remove soon) I am alive

Hello guys,


I am alive. I recently got busy with a lot of real-life stuff, so I was not able to update anything. I simultaneously had to handle my work, my master's classes (and thesis) and I also had to prepare for my TOEFL exam. I have already dealt with the last one, and also got a score of 110/120, with 29/30 in the Writing section. I believe that is a good score for someone whose native language is not English, and I highly believe that it was possible due to all the typing practice I got from writing this story. And I would not have been able to write this far without the support from all you beautiful people. Thank you for supporting me and sticking to my fiction this far.

I have kinda dealt with most of the pressing issues, and now I could squeeze out enough time to continue writing the story... but there is one problem. And that is,

I kinda forgot all the detailed scenes I had planned inside my head, also many of the names of my characters (´∀`•) yep, you read that right.

...please don't kill me.

I will re-read my own story (!), remember everything I wanted to write, and return with new chapters soon! Probably!

Sayuri arc incoming!


Once again, thank you and sorry for disappearing without any prior notice.


Always yours,

Happy Panda

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