Ugly Bastard System

UBS09 – The ‘About’ Button

It was morning.

Gojima once again woke up due to the sunlight hitting his face. After last night, he felt rather calm. Was he getting accustomed to his new life?

Are you feeling better now?

"I guess I am... the dinner made me remember some old stuff. A good night sleep after letting out pent up stuff almost always leads a fresher morning."

Well, it was awkward to see a big burly grown man cry in the bathroom. But I cannot blame you. You have been through a lot. I am glad that you are slowly adjusting to your new life.

"I guess I am. I am not sure whether I managed to avenge Sachi or not. If I managed to survive the car clash then so could that bastard. But... I am not willing to return at those conditions."



You want to ask me about that guy's status, but you are afraid, right?

"I don't know how I'll react if that guy just wakes up and walks away like its nothing."

Walks away like its nothing? That is highly unlikely. You caused a really nasty clash, and both yours and his spines are shattered. It is not possible to fix them at your planet's current medical advancement.

"...So he's alive." Gojima was surprised at the coldness of his voice.

Yes he is. But he will be completely paralyzed from head to toe. He will never be able to enjoy his usual lifestyle anymore, unless he becomes the host of another system, and I'll make sure that never happens. You did not manage to kill him, but you gave him a life that is sometimes considered far worse than death.

Gojima was not sure if he was satisfied with that or not.

No, it was enough. He has no need to go back there anymore. He cannot bring himself to go back.

If he even by some chance gets too comfortable with his life, do not worry. There is actually someone on your planet with a system. He can deal with him.

"...There is? What system did he get?"

Vengeful Justice System, or VJS as you like to call it. It is bound to a retired master assassin. His daughter is terminally ill. Poor girl has the same disease that killed her mother. To extend her life and keep her healthy, he has to assassinate criminals with certain methods. I'll slip in your enemy's name as well as his fathers if... justice is not done.

"...That sounds tough."

And there is an equally tough guy who can handle this. Unlike a certain someone.

"...I just hope that nobody heard my pathetic self."

Sayuri did hear you though. -0.16 AP.


She was having trouble sleeping, so she decided to go to the balcony to get some fresh air. The place she was standing at was pretty close to your bathroom window. -0.27AP.

"Damn... meeting her would be really awkward now... wait, this reminds of what you said to me last evening. Something about information and ranges?"

Yes, I can provide you with information on anything within 1km range. However, it will cost you APs. The AP costs will be much higher if you do not get any clues and relevant info to connect the dots about the info you want.

"That sounds quite... broken."

It does, but considering the AP cost... its not possible to abuse it without consequences. For example, if you right now ask me what color and design of panty Sayuri is wearing, it will cost you more than 8 APs. Thats would feel like you constantly exercised for more than three hours straight. You will feel quite tired to do ordinary chores after that.

"...What kind of example is that?"

However, if you observe their balcony and the panties she hangs for drying and make a chart for a few consecutive days, the cost will drastically reduce to almost one-tenth.

"Thanks for the totally unneeded explanation, I had already gotten the gist from the description. But you are right, I cannot abuse this much. But... how is this ability connected to UBS? I was under the impression that you cannot provide me with all kinds of information, only of... some specific types? I mean, you didn't give me any info when I asked you about marketplaces? What changed?"

I though you'd never ask. Well, to be exact, after you passed out, I took the liberty to submit an application for some... upgrades. Though I did not exactly get what I applied for, I did receive some low grade modules which will do fine for now.

"Submit application? You guys have an office or department or something?"

We do, of sort. Don't ask for exact details, its all hyperdimensional stuff, you wouldn't get it.

"...Whatever. So, what did you get?"

A low grade dating system module and a low grade detective module. Well, the dating system module allows you to look for potential dating spots such as restaurants, parks and stuff. To charm your partner, the module also helps you to look for better gifts and other stuffs. Homemade cooking is also included, which allows you to look for better ingredients and haggle for prices a little bit. Though, higher grade modules such as three choices and favorability rating are beyond me. You will need a proper dating system for them. I am not exactly for vanilla purposes, but I am allowed now, a little.

"Well, I don't need them anyways. The upgrades you got are enough for me. What does the detective module do though?"

Well, for starters, it allows you to peep more effectively.


Uwah, so cold! I am almost freezing. Don't get all frosty now. This module also comes with the 'Detective's Insight' package. This is what allows me to help you with informations and advices, at a cost of course. Proper detective systems are allowed much more, you know.

"Does the whole accelerated thinking and limiter removal come with it too?"

Nah, thats all me. You see, if you want to last against beastkins, demons, succubi, orcs, ogres, onis, cosmic horrors and other tougher races, you need to have the power of limit breaking. Their females can be really tough you know?

"Wait what? You mean they-"

Exists? Yes they do, but not in this world. Unless some super scientifically or magically advanced realm finds the hyperdimensional coordinate of this realm or this planet integrates with an apocalypse system, you won't see them. As for the elder ones, they can come here regardless of magic or super science or system, however, they are not interested in this world right now. Consider yourself lucky.

"Cosmic horrors? You don't mean the Lovecraftian horrors like Cthulhu or Shub-niggurath, do you?"

Yes I do. Well, Cthulhu is a bit too... elder for all these sex stuff. As for Shub-niggurath, she is a pervert that goes after young cute boys and does incest roleplays, so you have no chance. There are other horrors though. I would recommend to stay away from them, I will not be able to guarantee your safety.

"Its not like I am going to run into them on the road."

Don't taunt Murphy.

"...Right. Uh, so... you have had other hosts before? What were they like?"

Well, my last host was a human nobleman from a magic and sword world named Ruthengania. He used my power to make a harem of thousand concubines. He got drunk in his power and stole the priestess lover of the hero of that world, who was fighting a demon king. The hero went batshit crazy from her betrayal, killed the demon king, stole his powers, became the new demon king and took revenge. The humans and other races are gone now. Its a demon only world. Cannot say that its the worst outcome, though.

"...I knew that agreeing to your conditions was a bad idea."

Well, I advised him to think of the consequences. Its not my fault that he did not listen to me. He reaped what he sow. In your case, the real you would have gone back so you would not have had to deal with the consequences.

"The real me, huh? What about the real Gojima? Where is he?"

Put in a stasis, as long as you are here, which is probably for the rest of your as well as his life.

"Then-" The clock beeped twice. Now he only had two hours to prepare for work.

"Sigh... I better start preparing. I did not manage to take a bath yesterday so I stink now."

Well, get going then. Enough with all the exposition for today. I will tell you about system upgrades later.


Later Ken. Its a lot of information and you do not have enough time nor focus right now. I will explain to you at night.

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