Ugly Bastard System

UBS12 – Creeping in*

I intend to complete and post another chapter within the next six hours.

It was late in the afternoon and all the classes and clubs were dealt with. Gojima was supposed to pack up and head for home at this moment, but he didn't.

'I will get those cameras removed this evening. Tonight is a good time. If anyone sees me snooping around then I can claim that I am finding clues about the Mori chan incident.'

Not a bad excuse. Except most of the cameras are in quite... questionable places. You won't be able to just talk your way out of this one. I don't think you can afford to get caught, Ken.

'...I'll keep my eyes open. I do have some experience in sneaking and infiltration. You of all... boxes should know.'

Just don't get overconfident.'

Don't worry, I won't... hm?'


The cat, Mori chan, slipped out of the arms of the woman who was petting her and ran towards Gojima. She started rubbing his leg, vying for his attention. Wow, to think a cat could act so clingy...
The woman, Okada Fuyumi, was looking quite flustered.
Gojima picked up Mori chan and started petting it.

"Gojima sensei! It's not what it looks like!"

"Do not worry, Okada sensei. Everyone knows that you have vast amount of talent in various fields. I will just mentally add 'cat language profeciency' to that list." Gojima grinned.

"Y-y-y-you!!!" Okada sat down and tucked her face in her knees. Her ears were red.

Gojima sat down beside her.

"I think you are overreacting, Okada sensei. It's not a bad thing to maintain an image in front of your students. We are teachers after all. Everybody expects us to be ideal role models. So at the very least I will not question how you are when you are not in front of others. You can never assume what a person is actually like. I will not be even slighly surprised if you just jump into a tracksuit and pop a bear can and drink it in one go and finish it with a loud burp."

"I don't do that!!!"

"I know you don't. Cause if you did, your sister would have never looked up to you."

He handed Mori chan to Okada again. She silently started petting her.



"...T-thank you for saving Mori chan."

"You're welcome."

"Who do you think could have done something like this?"

"I don't know, but I intend to find out."


"I don't know... Maybe I'll look around for clues. That's what I intend to do this evening."

"Do you want me to help?"

"That will not be necessary, thank you. The Principal did ask you to submit all those reports tomorrow, right? You should focus on that. Leave the snooping around to me."

"That sounds really creepy coming from you, you know that?"

"Its for the greater good, you know?"

"... You are surprisingly a nice guy, aren't you, Gojima sensei?"

Gojima did not say anything in reply. He was not really a good guy, as he was clearly lying to her. As he said, you can never assume what a person is actually like.

He felt a little guilty. Maybe he actually should look for the culprit while at it? He did get a detective module, after all.



"I think you should hire a private detective. Your husband is probably cheating on you." Sayuri's friend, Misaki said that to her directly.

"Misaki! You cannot just assume something like that?!" Sayuri protested. She did not want to doubt her husband, Satoshi like that. Doubt was a bad thing. Like a virus, or a termite. Once it got inside your relationship, it slowly ate away everything.

"I can and I will. My own ex-boyfriend also used to make excuses like that. I believed in him at first. Then I caught him red handed with another girl. I trusted him more than my life, and now I have lost all trust in relationships. You know I only have one night stands now. At least you don't get hurt in it."

"But many male employees in your company also work till late night right? Can't Satoshi kun also be like that?!"

"That's why I am telling you to hire a PD, not directly confront him. If he is found innocent, then its alright. But if he is not..." Misaki brough a finger to her neck and did a slashing motion.

"...Do you dislike Satoshi kun?"

"I do. My instincts tell me that he is bad news. I never really agreed with your decision to marry him, but you never listened to me. Love is blind they say, and they say it right. I learned it the hard way. Damn I need beer, and maybe a boy that barely crossed 18 for tonight. Or should I find a 50 year old rich daddy?"


"Just kidding. Continue."

"...Mama does not like him either. She also tells me the same thing about intuition."

"Then maybe you should listen to her?"

"How can I? She was even actively pushing me, a married woman, towards Gojima san! He was also quite bothered by it you know! Even though he did not show it in his face! Just because you don't like your daughter's husband does not mean you push her towards some other man!" Sayuri exclaimed.

"...Who's Gojima?"

"He is our neighbor who lives next door. He works as a teacher in Miyabi High."

"Hmmm... tell me what happened. In detail."

Misaki might have lost all of her trust in any kind of romantic relationship, but she will never let go of a scoop.



'So, Ubs, show me where the cameras are.'

I have marked them on your map.

As expected, most of the cameras were in female changing rooms and toilets. Gojima felt a little bad at the thought of sneaking into these places, but he had to do it. The cameras could be traced back to him. He rechecked it with Ubs, costing him some AP, to get the percentage. A 17% chance. Not trivial.

There should not be anyone around at the evening-

"Are, Gojima sensei?"

Just his luck.

"...Good evening, Sawashiro sensei."
The school nurse, Sawashiro Kurona was there. She hadn't gone home yet?

"I did not expect you to remain here at the evening, Gojima sensei. You have just recovered from an injury, you should give yourself plenty of rest."

"W-well, I just had a lot of piled up work to do so I wanted to deal with them. You know, the festival is right around the corner." Gojima had to either get rid of her or his plan for today. Maybe try some other time?

"That sure is. So, are you going home now?"

"Yes, I am mostly done for today. I was thinking about maybe look for some clues about the Mori chan incident, but I am not really optimistic about finding anything."


"Yeah, so I'll stay around for a little longer. Did you have any importanf work to do, Sawashiro sensei? You are quite late too."

"Not really~"
'Then hurry up and go home.'

"Should I stay and help you look for clues too? I might not look like it but I am really good at finding things you know?"

"...That will not be nece-"

"Although, you probably won't need my help. You see, one of your cameras got a silhouette of your culprit."

Gojima's blood froze.


Sawashiro Kurona was smiling at him. It was a smile of someone who knew everything.



Warning: NSFW stuffs ahead.

Sayuri returned home from her meet up with her friend.

She was a little down. Satoshi was mostly busy from his work, or so he claimed, and she was lonely and... frustrated. She thought meeting with Misaki would lift her mood up, but she got a seed of doubt sowed inside her instead. Should she really hire a PD? If Satoshi turns out to be clean, then there is no problem right?
...A part of her really wanted to believe in Satoshi.

The bell rang.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Sayuri. I'm home."

"!" Satoshi was back. Sayuri slapped her both her cheeks twice and got everything out of her head. She will think about these things later. She opened the door with a smiling face.

"Welcome back...?"

Satoshi had a frown on his face.

"...Is everything alright?" Sayuri asked.

"No, it isn't." Satoshi got inside. Sayuri closed the door. Satoshi sat on the bed.

"I worked so hard on the project. Gave my everything! But that bastard took all the credit!!!" He snapped.

Sayuri sat beside him.

"Satoshi ku-hmph?!!"

Satoshi grabbed her shoulder and pushed her down. Before she realized, her mouth was roughly being invaded by his tongue, and her body being roughly handled by his hands.

Sayuri did not stop him and let him do whatever he was doing. He had a rough day at his job and he was frustrated.

So was she, in a different way.

It was stupid of her to pay attention to Misaki's words.

Satoshi needed her.

She would take all of his frustration, his suffering on herself.

Sayuri gave in to raging pheromones.

Sayuri and Satoshi are husband and wife.

Sayuri is sexually frustrated and has consent. She doesn't mind a little roughness, and might even enjoy it.

Gojima is the outsider here and he does not have any romantic feelings towards her and nor does Sayuri for him.

There is no rape and there is no NTR happening here. Okay?

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