Ugly Bastard System

UBS59 – Family

I have been corrupted by Vin Diesel memes.

"How could they do something like this without any investigation or anything?!" Kobayashi Satoru slammed his hand on the floor in anger, after hearing Gojima's story. His wife tried to calm her down, but even she was biting her lips in sheer anger.

As working people, they knew very well what being laid off out of nowhere felt like. They had barely escaped being part of the phenomena during the recent economic bubble. The pervious bubble that occured 10 years ago? They lost their jobs and had to suffer a lot. They would have their own house by now instead of staying in a rented apartment, if it was not for that. They still felt regret even to this day.

"Well," Gojima just took a sip from his beer can, "some of my former colleagues are helping me out, although I don't think I will be getting it back. Maybe I should just look for another job in the mean time, I've got bills to pay after all."

"I wish I could help you, Gojima kun!" Satoru bowed, "all the places I know of are still recovering from the depression, and they do not have any empty posts."

"It's fine," Gojima waved his hand, "I'll get a part time job in some convenience store or something for now."

Sayuri just looked downwards and said nothing. Where did things go wrong? Everything was fine just a few days ago. Why was the world so... cruel?

She held back her tears as she remembered the hardships she and her mother had to go through right after her father's death. Her father used to be a rich farmer on the countryside who owned a lot of land there. Right after his death, hundreds of relatives appeared out of nowhere, showing their grievances and concern for the family. Her mother was sharp enough to see through their facade. The only thing they wanted was the lands they owned. With an iron fist, she handled all those greedy pigs and guarded their properties.

Sayuri shivered as she remembered the night when two thugs barged into their house—probably hired by one of her relatives—to forcibly have her mother sign the documents of ownership transfer. Her mother took up a sickle and almost severed a leg of one of the assailants, forcing them to escape, except they got caught by the other villagers and got beaten to near death. The main culprit was soon captured by the police. Nobody dared to take any extreme measures after that.

Her mother herself went to the fields and drove a tractor to plough the fields. Before she could manage a automated harvester machines, she also harvested the crops with her own hands. Sayuri also used to help her out in the fields. Sometimes, the harvest was not as good in the previous year, and they did not have enough money to hire people to help them out. Despite all of these, they persevered. Her mother even sent her to college with the money she saved—so that she could live a better life.

The pain and suffering she had to experience as a child, she never wished that upon any other child. And yet, here they were.

Why was the world suddenly so colorless again?

She tried to divert her thoughts, but it was getting progressively harder for her to ignore, to not remember.

After coming to the city, she used to stick out like a sore thumb, being a country bumpkin who had zero knowledge of latest fashion and trends. She was often ridiculed and bullied by her peers because of that. Thankfully, Misaki was there to help her out of all the ridicules and sneers. And there she met an ambitious guy, who also was from the countryside—a different one. She used to think that they could form a bond because of their origins. They even fell in love and got married. She was always weary of city folks, as they were used to navigate the complex social maze of the city whereas she was just a country bumpkin. She thought that maybe she could trust Satoshi as he was just like her. Now, she was not so sure.

Maybe she ignored all the red flags because she just did not want to see and remember everything she went though. Maybe she was being idiotic. Maybe she was wrongfully losing her faith in Satoshi. Maybe he was stressed and she was only causing more trouble for him, instead of being his support. Maybe she should finally trust her mother's and her friend's intuitions and get away from Satoshi. Maybe, she was just making up excuses because of her sudden immoral attraction for another man.

She did not know what to do.

Whenever she had faced any trouble, she had acted like an ostrich—burying her head in the earth and ignoring the whole world, as if that would have removed all the problems. Even that night when her family was attacked, she just closed her eyes and hugged her doll closely. When she got bullied in the college for being poor, she just went and hugged Misaki for minutes, even Satoshi sometimes, all while closing her eyes. Everytime, she was lucky that her mother or her friend was there to protect her.

She had always been protected by others, but she never managed to be mature enough to protect others. Even during the school festival, all she could do was push the children away from the room, while she tucked her knees and cry, waiting for the painful end. Even then, she got saved by Gojima. She was so bad at being the shield, the rock for others.

Just like how she did not know what she could do for Ruri now. She at least had her mother as her rock during her childhood. Who did Ruri have for her? The girl lost all of her blood relatives, in one way or other. She could not accept her being sent to some orphanage.

The Kobayashis already had two children, and they were working their rears off to gather money for their future. While they would happily take the girl in, Ruri was smart enough to recognize that she would be a burden on them.

Ken kun was a single man—with a painful past, but he might have had his own plans for the future. Maybe he wished to remain alone, or maybe he wished to get married and have his own children someday. Sayuri ignored the pang she felt in her heart. He had no obligation to take custody of the girl. Or maybe he would, cause she believed that he genuinely cared for her.

Or... should she just take in the girl herself? Of course, Satoshi would be completely disagreeing with her, but she had to hold her ground. If they could not come to terms, then...

Then they could just go their separate ways.

Sayuri felt a little shocked that she could think of that without feeling much of the pain she though she would. She was also changing little by little. Although she did not know whether it was for the better or the worse.

"So, I... uh... am thinking thinking about adopting Ruri chan." Gojima said nonchalantly at that moment.


The Kobayashi couple were elated to hear it from him. Gojima Kenzaburou was someone they could trust, the man had more than earned it. But soon, their happiness was replaced by concern.

The man just lost his job. Would he be pushing himself way too hard?

"Gojima kun," Satoru said, "we will definitely try to find a better job for you! So please take care of both yourself and Ruri chan!"

"Yeah," Koharu said, "if you need any financial help, please do not hesitate to tell us! We will be more than happy to help you!"

Sayuri punched herself in the face inside her mind. This was what she was getting all worked up about.

Right, this was the kind of man Gojima Kenzaburou was. The sturdy rock she was never able to become, and the one she... coveted in her life.

"Thank you," Gojima shrugged, "although I am not sure whether Ruri chan will accept this arrangement. She is always kinda angry at me after all."

"I think she would," Sayuri blurted out, "out of all of us, you might be the most ideal father figure for her. Sorry, Kobayashi san, no offence."

"None taken," Satoru also agreed.

"...I am glad that you think of so highly of me," Gojima rubbed his nose in embarrasment.

"I am saying what I truly believe, Ken kun," Sayuri smiled, "actually, I was thinking of adopting her myself, but maybe she would be happier with you."

"Huh? Really?!" Both Satoru and Koharu were surprised to learn of it. Gojima did not say anything, but the astonishment was visible in his face.

"Well," Sayuri scratched her head, "I cannot exactly be the sturdy rock she needs in her life right now—at least not as properly as you, Ken kun. Ruri chan's whole life has been thrown into chaos, and she needs your presence more than ever. I cannot ever become the father figure she needs, so I am glad."

"I—am not as much capable as you think of me, Sayuri san. She needs as much kindness and motherly care, which I am not sure I would be able to provide her. I am sure you would have been an ideal mother for her, Sayuri san," Gojima also smiled in return, "that is something I will never be able to do, at least not at your level. Still, I will try my best."

"O-Oh, t-thank you..." Sayuri embarrasingly said and looked down. She could feel her cheeks and ears burning. Somehow being complemented by him about being a proper maternal figure really made her happy.

"W-well, i-i you ever need my help, p-please feel free to ask me, okay?!" Sayuri tried her best to say the line as naturally as possible.

"Sure," Gojima just smiled happily in return.

Koharu dumbfoundedly stared at the two and bit her lips. They were just neighbors, and Sayuri was even married.

But why was she shipping them so hard dammit!

I wanted to finish it in one chapter, but I guess I will need another one. Next chapter will be titled 'Family 2'.

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