Ugly Bastard System

UBS67 – I am Glad

Sayuri found herself sitting side by side with Gojima on a wooden platform. She still felt a little shy after everything had happened, but she also felt happy to spend time with him.

But did he feel the same? Sayuri did not know. And that made her a little anxious. The fact that he was silently looking at the front made her even more anxious. She really wished it was because he was also feeling shy and not because he wanted to maintain some status quo or anything. She did not want that anymore.

"So... uh, you are going to teach in the village school from now on?"

"Yeah. Oba san said that the current teacher, Nakamura sensei have gotten old, and his back is giving him some serious trouble these days."

"Oh, he used to be my teacher as well. We have always had only one teacher, since there were not many children in the village. Now there are even less of them."

"Did the young ones leave the village to go live in a city?"

"Um, yeah. Its really hard to blame them. Cities kinda have their own allure. Just look at me, I am also guilty of the same crime, haha..."

"Do you regret it?"


"Leaving the village behind."

"Well, to be honest..."

Sayuri looked up at the sky. It was getting darker. The sun might have already set. The atmosphere did feel ideal to look back in time and think on your life decisions. Did she regret everything that had happened so far?

Its not like Sayuri left the village because she hated it or anything. Her main motivation was to make sure she could ensure a better life for herself and her Mama. After her Papa passed away, her Mama really struggled. She was from a well-off family of a nearby village and she married the man her family did not approve. She was disowned despite having a good education and all. Sayuri remembered the time she was mocked by her classmates for calling her parents Papa and Mama. No other kid in the village did that. Of course, they did not mock her anymore after she beat the hell out of every one of them, earning her the title Ogress. It had taken her a lot of years to learn how to control her anger. Her Papa did not study far, but he was a diligent and hardworking man. With Mama's brain and Papa's brawn, they managed to amass enough wealth in a short time.

Unfortunately, Sayuri's Papa passed away due to an incurable disease. All the wealth they had amassed, were already gone trying to save him. Mama's relatives did come back to get her, but they did not approve of Sayuri. They wanted her to be left in an orphanage so Mama could have a fresh start with some other guy. Mama was furious, she not only refused to return, but also fought in the court to get her inheritance and even won to some extent, burning all the bridges.

And now, her idiotic daughter gave away almost all of it to a guy who never loved her.

Maybe if she had not left the village, she would not have met him and fell in love with him. Maybe she would have met some other guy in the village and start another farmer family.


She looked at Gojima. Would she have met this man if she never went to the city? What about Ruri chan? Or Misaki? Or the Kobayashis?

"I... do have some regrets about leaving this place. But you know what, Ken kun?"

She held one of Gojima's palms before she even realized. But she did not push her feelings away anymore. No more running away.

"I am glad that I managed to meet you and everyone else. And I will never regret that part of my life."

"...Thank you. I am also glad that I met you."

"Is that all?"


Sayuri turned at Gojima, properly looking into his eyes. She moved on inch closer.

"Are you glad to only meet me?"

"Uh, I... um..."

Sayuri moved another inch closer.

"I am glad that I managed to eat food cooked by you."

Another inch.

"I am glad that I managed to enjoy a colorful school festival with you."

Another inch.

"I am glad that I was saved like a princess from a great danger by you."


"I am glad that I managed to bake apple pies for you."


"I am glad that I managed to play Life's Game with you. I am also glad that I managed to go on a shopping date with you."

Now, Sayuri was so close that Gojima could feel her breath on his face.

"I am glad that you were there when I discovered that my whole married life was a lie. I am glad that... I spent that night with you. Most of all? I am really really glad that I fell in love with Ken kun."

Gojima felt like he was hearing the sounds of beating heart. But whose was it? He was sure his own heart was beating like crazy. When was the last time it beat like that? When he first confessed to Aoi? When Sachi was finally born? When...

He did not remember. His heart had died a long time ago when he saw his daughter's unmoving body for the last time. But now here it was, beating with life and...

Love. He had also fell in love with this woman. In a completely new world, in a completely new life. When did it happen? Was it right to do so? Was he betraying their memories?

He tried to look away, but Sayuri was staring right at him, with anxiety and... longing? She wanted to know that it was reciprocal. She knew it was reciprocal, and she wanted to hear it from his mouth.

"Ken kun... d-do you feel the same way?"

Gojima touched her cheeks with his palms.

"Sayuri san, no, Sayuri."
"I am glad that I met you at a time when I started a new life, without any goal or purpose."
"I am glad that you brought food for me when I was injured."
"I am glad that I was also saved by you, the Princess, that day."
"I am glad for every moment I spent with you and everyone that slowly filled my life with colors."
"I am glad that you did not let me go, when I was breaking down and was at my lowest."
"I am glad that you seeked for me when you were at your lowest."
"I am glad that you fell in love with me, the same way I fell in love with you."

Sayuri felt two drops of water flowing from her eyes. No, it was not of sadness, but of joy. She remembered when Satoshi said that he loved her, and now she realized how fake that had been. She looked at the man who slowly rubbed her eyelids. Then he slowly moved forwards. Wait, w-was he...

Gojima kissed her right cheek, the same place where the water drop had been. Wow. That was one hell of a way to wipe out tears. But wasn't it salty?

The second drop had already travelled closed to her lips. Gojima kissed the place where the other tear drop was—half an inch left to her lips.

Sayuri felt like her heart was trying to burst out of her skeleton. What the hell? He had not even kissed her in the lips and it was already beating faster that it had been that night!

And she realized... she wanted to be kissed on her lips too.

Gojima looked at her glassy eyes, which slowly closed. Her lips slowly parted, as if they were inviting him. He, hypnotized by the scene, slowly brought his lips closer to hers.

And the lips touched for a second, made a sound, and parted. It was, to be honest, closer to a peck than a long kiss. Sayuri instantly opened her eyes, as if a shock had travelled through her whole body for a moment. She wanted to feel it again. Also, did he have barley tea? It sure tasted so.

She grabbed him by the neck, and also gave a peck in return, looking straight into his eyes. Then Gojima returned another, maybe a few milliseconds longer? Then again, it was Sayuri's turn. This time, her kiss was a few milliseconds longer.

Then again Gojima. Then again Sayuri.

Each kiss getting longer and longer.

They did not remember when they moved to full passionate French one, with their tongues entangling with one another, the sound of saliva being exchanged mixing with the cry of cicadas. Sayuri felt something wet on her cleavage, whether it was sweat or the saliva strands that formed when they parted their lips for short breaths, she did not know. Was Ken kun in the same situation? Her hands travelled towards his pecs and she realized that she was right. But damn. His pecs were solid.

Were both of their cloths getting wet? Maybe they should take them off for a while? Maybe that would be for the better. Its not like anyone would come here right now at this moment—

Woof! Woof!

Sayuri immediately jumped away from Gojima, forming probably the longest saliva strand so far, but that was not important right now!

To both her and Ken kun's horror, they both found Maro chan panting happily and Ruri chan her eyes covered by her hands, her ears completely red. Sayuri deliberately ignored the small slits between her fingers for her remaining self-respect.

"Um... R-Ruri chan! We can expla—"

Ruri said nothing and ran away, with Sayuri going full wawawa with her mouth and Gojima rubbing his temples.


Sayuri looked at the phone screen and saw a message from Ruri chan.

'You adults are disgusting.'



"I'll be leaving then, Ken kun."

Sayuri stood up from the bench, as the train had already arrived. It was time for her to go. But—

"I will return again. This time, after finishing everything properly once and for all. So wait for me, okay?"

"Hm. Sayuri?"


"If you ever need any help, do call me, okay? I will always be there for you."


The door was closing, and there was not much time. So Sayuri just gave him one last kiss (for now) and went inside the train.

She had never felt this strong before. She felt as if she could bend the world to her knees. Was this the power of true love? Well, she would use this momentum to get what she truly desired.

For now, she would return to her home. The next morning, she would go to Misaki for formal advice and in the afternoon, she would meet the Kobayashi's and ask for their help as well. Maybe she should also contact Okada san and Sawashiro san? They could also give good advice, right?

She could not wait.




Sayuri stared at her husband, who was in a dogeza in front of her. For one second, she felt like she was hallucinating. Surely, even Satoshi would not go that low.

"Sayuri, please! It's only for three days! Tennouji san said that he would forgive all of our debts after that! You just need to spend three days with him as a secretary on a special meeting he would have starting from tomorrow!"

"...Secretary in the same hotel suit as him? Are you serious, Satoshi kun?"

Sayuri remembered the shady rumors Misaki had told her about this Tennouji Akira once. She had thought those were over-exaggerated. But now?

"Please try to understand, Sayuri. It's for our future family! I promise I will forever love you regardless of whatever happens in the three days! So please, agree to it just this once!"

Sayuri did not hear anything of it. She did not want to. She thought she would end it completely with him as soon as possible and go back to Ken kun.

But now?

Leaving him was not enough.

She wanted to watch him cry tears of blood.

Both him and that Tennouji.

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