Ugly Bastard

Chapter 20 – Berseggs?

The girl with a knife used her skill and accelerated from standing still position to the speed of an arrow in a split second dashing to meet the monster rushing at them head on. At the last moment she ducked to the left side of the monster before it could slam her with his huge body, going for the monsters legs, but sudden white light slammed her in the face making her lose concentration for split second yet enough for the monster to grab her by the head and slam to the ground with enough force to make her head spin.

"Dany!" Shouted the leader of the girl gang that was rushing to the monster after the girl with a knife to get him from the right side in a well trained among them combination. She slashed at the monster that was looming over the laying on the ground girl, but the huge wolf attacked her, making her defend from his bite. In this moment she felt something large hit her abdomen blowing her away with the weight of the hit. 

A fire arrow swished over the bending to the side monster after he hit the leader with a roundhouse kick and bent his torso as if seeing the magic attack with the back of his head.

He turned to the magician girl but she did not panic and fearlessly watched as the monster rushed at her with his full speed. She waited for him to come closer and then launched another fire magic just a moment before he was about to grab her, then she ducked under his massive body and using the shield magic while in crouching position hit him with the shield magic from below with such an angle, that the monster was thrown over and went flying with his own momentum slamming the tree behind her with his head so hard that splinters of tree bark went flying in all directions. 

The fourth girl within that time used the healing magic on the girl with the dagger and blocked the wolf, catching its jaws on her staff with both hands when it tried to bite the magician girl from behind. However the weight of a huge alpha wolf monster was too much for her and she went down to the ground while still holding a staff between the wolf's jaws with razor sharp huge teeth centimeters away from her face.

Magic girl slashed at the wolf with a wind attack making it jump away to avoid being cut and the healer girl rolled on the ground jumping up to her feet. 

The huge monster slammed the tree with his palm making it shudder so much the leaves started falling from it and stood back up with a roar directed to the two girls pinning them between himself and the wolf.

At that moment a girl with a dagger that finally came to herself attacked the wolf from behind. Wolf avoided her slash and countered, slashing at her with his sharp claws barely missing her when she dodged.

Huge monster at that moment rushed at the magician girl again and the healer girl pointed her staff in the direction away from the fighting companions and cast healing immediately as she saw their leader jumping out of the bushes she was sent flying to.

Magician girl caught the fist of a huge monster on her magic shield under an angle parrying it to the side and shooting a fire arrow as a counter making it turn to dodge. But when the monster tried to attack her again, he was slashed at with a sword by the gang leader who rushed to her help with her quick step skill. 

Healer girl threw the poisoned throwing knife at the wolf that engaged the girl with a knife hitting its back, but strong defence of its hide did not allow it to stick too deep. However this was enough as the poison should do the rest. The wolf jumped back avoiding another slash of the knife and swiftly changing direction rushed at the healer girl.

Girl with the knife used her acceleration skill again and immediately caught up with the rushing wolf striking at it with a knife and making it avoid her and stopping its attack on the healer girl.

At that moment a huge monster avoided another slash of the sword and raised it's hand as if wanting to hit her but instead of a punch white light blinded her making her eyes glaze. Next moment he turned to the magician girl and punched at her magic shield with full force making her cringe from taking this much power head on. While she recovered from the hit he threw a punch at the girl with a sword that shrugged off the effect of the white light too late and did not manage to dodge in time, slamming her on the ground.

The magician girl slashed with wind magic trying to hit him in the back but he dodged and then turned to smack away the throwing knives of the healer girl that tried to distract him enough to let their leader recover. Magician girl was about to throw another magic but another burst of white light hit her, breaking her magic and the magic shield she still held to protect herself. The back hand slap followed suit, making her drop to the ground near the leader that was just starting to come to her senses when the monster's foot slammed her head back to the ground. Monster stood there with one foot on their leader's head as if the hunter was posing over the caught prey.

Healer girl bit her lower lip from frustration and pointed her staff at the girls under the monster's feet and started to chant.

Wolf wanted to rush at her to break her magic, but the girl with the knife was enough to block it off now that it was poisoned and its strength rapidly declined with every moment.

Healer girl completed her chant and white light with golden hue shone from her staff and covered the girls on the ground while the monster rushed at her with full speed. The moment her spell hit the two girls, a huge monster slammed her body with his palm smashing her to the ground with enough force to make her breath all the air out. 

The huge monster loomed over her pressing her into the ground and breathing heavily at her face. Girl groaned and struggled to break free but could not get free. 

"Bastard." Screamed the girl with the knives and using her acceleration skill turned away from the wolf and rushed at the huge monster slashing at him with the knife.

The monster finally let go of the healer girl and with astonishing reflex grabbed the hand of the attacking girl just below the wrist holding the knife.

"Let go!" She screamed, throwing a kick at his knee that he avoided moving away his leg without letting go of her wrist. At that moment she let go of her knife and tried to catch it with her left hand but a huge palm suddenly caught her left hand too.

The huge monster then stood up straight raising his both hands that held the girl by the wrists and raised her from the ground, making her trash and swing her leg around uselessly trying to swat at him while hanging with her hands up above the ground

"Sam! Where are you?" Screamed the girl. "Sam! Kate! Help!" She kept calling for help but strangely no one replied and did not come to her help.

She looked around and noticed something very strange. The girls around her were standing there simply watching her getting trashed while breathing intensely.

"What the fuck?! Sam, Kate! What are you waiting for you bitches?" She looked at their faces and saw the faces of delirium and intoxication as if they were drugs. She then turned her head down to see the healer girl and saw that instead of quickly standing up she was laying there heavily breathing with vacant eyes. "What is…bastard is that…some….poison." 

Soon she felt that her thoughts had started to become blurry and strange heat that appeared first in her chest slowly spread in her body until it reached between her legs where it ignited as a steel melting flame. Huge monster put down his hands, placing her back on the ground and freed her wrists from his hold.

They stood there watching each other with the same intoxicated look in their eyes for a few moments and then jumped at each other again. Only this time she jumped at him grabbing his head from behind and smashing her lips on his mouth hungrily kissing him as if trying to devour him.

The other three girls groaned and with a roar rushed to the making out couple with lewd expressions on their faces while tearing off their own clothes from themselves, while the girl on the ground crawled towards his legs tearing away at his pants.

The huge alpha wolf stood on the side watching these events with an opened from shock mug.

They all tried to kill each other just a moment ago and now rushed with madness in their eyes to mate? 

From fighting berserk they all suddenly turned to berseggs? What the hell was going on?

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