Ugly Bastard

Chapter 26 – Dark society

*System does not have enough information on the topic of internet rules to give the answer.* Said system. 

"Arghh" screamed frustrated Noah. "System, why is it that everything is always so difficult with you? Why can't you make it more clear."

*System uses available information received from the CS. It is not my fault the information is so obscure.*

"Damn it." Sighed Noah. "Anyway, so as I understand it well, this green slime-like being on wolf's head is actually the poison that I was poisoned with by my brother-in-law? However it received a speck of sentience through this skill of mine?"

*Exactly. When you were being cured through the skill "cure poison with poison", a portion of the poison, that ejected by your body in the healing process, was mixed with the malignant aura. With this and the combination of information I received from CS at that time I was able to create the skill "Kyaa damee". After that I stored that poison in your homework folder. While you were unconscious, the wolf was poisoned so I sent the poison slime to cure him by absorbing the poison in its body.*

"I see…One final question though. Why is the skill name so strange?"



*Well you see, user. When you created something with a skill, you first connect to it with your mind. The same way you "touch" something within the mind realm. And when you created that being, your mind "touched" it a lot. So it gave out that sound within our mind real, that surprised me and threw me of my calculation process in the middle. By the time I realized my mistake, the name was already saved and registered in the Great Library Chronical."

After hearing all the answers he needed at the moment, Noah willed the wolf and slime to be put in his homework folder and came out of the forest, walking toward the north city gate.


The team of adventurers carefully walked in to the clearing of the forest with traces of great fight all over the place.

The scout searched the area, while the team looked around.

"This is the are the newbies were attacked by the monster?" Asked Bobby.

"Looks like it." Said Jake

"That's some crazy fight. The tree over there snapped in half. The ground is cracked over there. There's no way the newbies fought it."

"Yeah." Answered Jake. "It's probably the slavers team. Damn they are strong. Most likely a group of high rank adventurers."

"Adventurers?" Asked Bobby. "How can adventurers do something like that unnoticed. All teams are register they adventure plans. Guild should know when and where they travel and if they were spotted in the area."

"Yes you are right. Unless they are ex-adventurers."

"Ex? Retired team?"

"Or exiles. Those who broke rules once, will be most probable to break them again." Said Jake.

"Exiles. There aren't that many who deserves such punishment. That shortens the list of suspects."

"Yeah. But it still not short enough. It will take too much time to figure out who they are. They might leave the country by then. We must hunt them down here."

"THAT I am both hands for! Let's get these sons of bitches."

"Or daughters of bitches." Said scout coming over to their spot.

"What do you mean Rey?" Asked Jake

"Footprints." Said Rey. "If I am right. The slavers team is four women." He added.

"This information, on the other hand, shortens the list of suspects by quite a lot." Said Jake. "What about the monster?"

"That…You need to see yourself." Said Rey with hesitation in his voice.

Jake and the team followed the scout to the spot he wanted them to show.

"What's this?" Asked Bobby looking at the ground.


"Hey! What the fuck Rey?!" Screamed Bobby.

"Semen? Did the monster beat the slavers?"

"Seems like it. However, when I searched the area I found traces of them going separate ways." Answered Rey. "The monster went this way. Looks like he had a staggering and weak gait. As if it hurt. Maybe women found the moment and hurt him. The women themselves went that way." He added pointing the other way from the one monster went to.

"I see." Muttered Jake rubbing his chin. "What should we do? Monster of this strength in a newbie hunting ground is a threat. However it's probably hurt. Also the slavers are a priority." Thought he aloud.

"There is something else." Hesitated Rey.

"What?" Asked Jake.

Scout did not answer but turned and went inside the forest lush.

After walking for quite some time they stopped in one spot within the forest.

"This seems familiar." Said Jake.

"That's what I thought too."

"Let me guess. A big alpha wolf monster followed by a human?"


"Just like the one we found on the demon hunt mission in the Great Tree Labyrinth."

"Exactly the same size as a wolf paw. The same feet size of a human too."

"Son of a bitch!" Exclaimed Bobby. "The summoner! He was here? What the fuck is going on?" 

"The monster that attacked the slaver team…What is it?"

"Feet size shows some huge figure. Troll, Orc or Ogre. However, I can't figure out the discrepancies." Said scout.

"What discrepancies?" Asked Jake

"Orcs run in groups. They kidnap their prey and take back instead of raping on spot. However this one was alone. Trolls enjoy their preys suffering and rape their prey and kill the target almost immediately. Sometimes targets die even before they finish the deed. This one had at least three orgasms in three different spots. Yet slavers women went out of here all together. With weak gaits and slow pace, but on their own two feet non the less. Ogres don't rape the prey at all as you know. These bitches are cannibals. They only kill and eat humans."

"So, none of them fit the picture?" Said Bobby. "What the fuck is this then?"

"A summon." Said Jake.

"Summon?" Asked Bobby.

"Remember what was our suspicion in the demon hunt?"

"That it was summoned." Said their healer. "I suspected it was a demon summon ritual. But Jake, there is no malign aura presence."

"What if he's a tamer."

"Oh!" Exclaimed Bobby.

"That explains a lot." Said scout.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jake.

"Look at the traces. Monster heads here after he leaves the fight spot. But there are no further traces of him. Only humans and wolves."

"I see. That sure fits the picture. Rey, report this to the guild and catch up with us. We go after slavers. Let's go." Said Jake.

"Alright! You just wait there bitches." Said Bobby hitting his left palm with a fist.


Loud knocking sounds suddenly came from the door.

The four men, sitting in the smoky room at the round table while playing cards, stopped their movements.

"What is it?" Roared one of the toward the door.

A moment later the door opened and a man in leather armor came in.

"Boss, we have guests. They showed the mark." Said the man without entering the room.

The four men looked at each other and stood up, walking out of the house. 

Outside the house they were met by a lively sight of the small village. Houses with white walls and thatched roofs surrounded by wood branch fences stood around them. The sound and smell of livestock that walked behind those fences came from all over.

The man walked through the street to the direction of a big wooden wall surrounding the village.

Boss opened the small window on the wooden gate in the wall and looked outside. Four disheveled women stood there with distressed faces.

"We need a safe place." Said Samantha, showing the golden coin on the strings hanging around her neck. 

Boss the coin, then at the women and sighed.

"Let them in."

"Boss you sure?" Asked one of the man he played cards with?

"They have the VIP coin. If the association hears we ignored it, we'll have bigger problems."

The village gate opened a little bit, just enough to let them in and they walked inside the village half carrying each other.

"What happened to you?" He asked once they were in and the gate was closed shut.

"We were attacked." Said Samantha holding the half limp and shaking on her weak legs Lilly by the hand thrown over her shoulder and another hand supporting her waist.

"They don't look like they were "just" attacked." Said village Boss raising one brow upward and pointing with his gaze at her companions.

Samantha looked over her friends. With a sense of distress and worry from what she saw. 

Lilly, their healer salivated at the mouth and her spit flower over her chin and dropped to the ground while she was producing feint laughing sounds "e-he-he-he", with a dumb face.

Magician girl Kate, that was half carried by their scout Danny, in the same way like Lilly was not simply laughing. She was doing it in order of laughing and crying, as if delusional. Dannyella herself stood there with vacant eyes and emotionless face as if a doll. She completed the orders that Samantha was giving her: like pick up Kate, follow me, point me in the direction of the village; however did not utter a single word and did not seem like a human with soul in her at all.

"They were poisoned." Said Samantha biting her lips.

"We can give you a room…"

"Get us to the city. I am afraid we are hunted. If they come searching, you all will be in trouble. We will be safe only once we reach town."

Boss looked around at his man.

"Go scout the area."

"You prepare the ride and get them to the town. The faster we get rid of them the less trouble we will have." Said the village boss.

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