Ugly Bastard

Chapter 28 – Get used to it

After a nice long soak in a private bath, Noah slowly went to his inn and then slowly ate his dinner, as if trying to stretch time. Something really worried him about what he will know once he gets to the room and slips into the mind realm. A premonition.

Once done with his dinner, he went upstairs and entered his room, locking the room and double checking it was really closed.

Then he lay on his bed and disappeared while being entwined by the black tentacle like smoke tendrils.

Once inside the mind realm Noah sighed and said. 

"Alright, let's get to business. Spill it system. What happened?"

*Would you like to use the skill /Nothing gets forgotten/?* Asked system.

Noah gulped and said: yes.

Memories slammed him like sledgehammers bringing back everything that happened that day.

"WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK!" Screamed Noah in frustration.


*To give an answer, the system needs to explain the reason it happened first.*


*Please look at the CS.* Said system and the list of comments scrolled to the ones that were covered with some kind of blurry screen with "NSFW content" words written in the middle of every picture and lots of strange comments mentioning some kind of bonking.

"What's this?"

*The discussion from which it all began. People started posting picture with explicit sexual content. For the sake of preventing the same situation from occurring I have filtered the images so that they can only be viewed if you open them specifically.*

"Alright, so they did some crazy shit again. But why is it influencing me while I am in the real world? Last time you said it happened from my distressed thoughts. But I did not see all this until now!"

*There is a reason for that. Do you remember the voices in your head when the Dryads tried to put you to sleep? You heard the comments instead of reading them.*

"Hold it! Now that you mentioned it…What the hell? How did that happen?"

*System had a theory at that time but not enough information to either prove or disprove it. Also the consequences were low at the time. So the system decided not to distress the user's mind and did not mention it.*

"Did not mention what?"

*User is connecting with the CS directly through his soul and all the information is linked to your mind. That is how the system has access to that dimension from within your mind. That link was small. Enough to read their conversation and for me to search for mentioned information in the sub libraries that are their base of knowledge. My source of information is their crazy minds. It was safe as I was quite enough to filter out any unnecessary info.*

"Was safe? It's not safe anymore? Why? What happened?"

*You leveled up.*


*In search for more information we opened more functions. For that we made a wider link. In other words we connected another chunk of soul with that space. The wider the link the more open we are to the influence from the collective chaotic information in that space. The information is seeping into your mind now even if you don't read it.*

*However once I theorized that from hearing those voice comments. I started filtering these sipping chunks of information making it seem like nothing happened for you. And it would have been fine, if not for these people to be this outrageous. They concentrated thoughts on one topic. Horny. And then flooded the connecting us link with that concentrated information. My filters gave away. By the time I figured out how to preprocess and filter it without influencing you this much, it was already late. You lost your mind to the….horny.* Explained system.

"Wow. Just wonderful. So you are saying the more I will be leveling, the stronger their influence and the crazier I get? Then how do I become stronger before being put down like a crazy beast?!"

*There is a theory of solving this problem. However I can not give any guarantee as it is not proven.*

"Spill it."

System scrolled the CS again and stopped at the very familiar to Noah picture. The "You'll get used to it" picture.

"Get used to it?"

*System theorized that to prevent things like that from occurring. You need to strengthen your mental barriers. And for that you have to get used to all the degenerate immoral stuff these people are posting in CS.*

"Is that even possible? You've seen some of their wicked posts. These people are sick.*

*That is a questionable argument.*

"Huh? You do not agree?"

*Well, see here.* Said system and scrolled CS. *These are the discussions after the so-called Gae Wave in the comments. The one that made you produce a malign aura. The person who did it is not actually homosexual as he writes in posts here. He was just bored from cliche stories so he started reading stories with yaoi content. And he actually even enjoys that. He also made people disgusted with his wave posts just for fun. Not because he is crazy as we thought. As you can see these things can very well sit within the normal people's mind, once they get used to them.*

"You actually believe that turtle guy?"

*I analyzed the othe occurrences of crazy posts and can say with high chance that the people posting these things are retaining their sanity to the great degree if only seem a bit strange. Instead of losing their mind like you did when you faced those very same things. Oh and it's actually a tortoise picture in his pfp...*

"So what do you suggest then?"

System scrolled CS to the post with 3 links where a guy after watching them asked to gauge his eye off so that he would not see shit like that ever again.

*We start with these.*

"Oh fuck no." Said Noah

*Look at the positive side of these links.*

"I don't see any."

*The positive side is that you most probably find some nice additions to your skill list. As we both know you get the most degenerate and crazy stuff.*



"I hate you."

*That's ok. Because I have a great feeling you'll change your mind after leveling up a few time.*

"What why?"

*Because you might get used to it and start enjoying the ride. Just like the tortoise guy. Bon voyage.* Said system and opened one of the links.

"Wait! No!" 

However it was too late. He was sent to the story immediately.

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