Ugly Bastard

Chapter 5 – Spamming hurts

"Damn in all this excitement I completely forgot that I am still inside a forest full of monsters."  Said Noah looking around.

"I need to get away from here until more monsters come my way. I won't be as lucky next time. I am still too weak to even fight a common monster, not to mention a pack of monster wolves. First, I need to find a good place to hide." He thought aloud as if discussing it with his system.

*System has a suggestion*

"Ok I'll listen." Said Noah.

*Right here would be a good place to hide*

"What do you mean?" Asked Noah with confusion.

*The area has been polluted by malign energy. Common beasts and monsters would not dare come close to such areas. For a short period of time, until the malign energy wears off, this area should be adequately safe from predators.*

"Great, I polluted this area so much it's uninhabitable. I should've erased that skill altogether." Said Noah with a sigh.

*System would like to insert a commentary*

"Say it"

*Although the skill has undesirable effects on surrounding flora and fauna, it has a peculiar effect on creatures with strong resistance toward magic. This effect is worthy of further research. There is high chance this effect is in alignment with system UGLY BASTARD capabilities and can lead to a new skill in the future*

Noah shuddered after hearing the system's words. Such wicked effect is in alignment with his system?

"I have goosebumps just imagining that skill." He muttered.

"Alright if this area is safe for some time I will stay here until I figure out what to do from now on. I am still too weak to fight the monsters that I can meet in this area and I have no skills that could help me detect danger, hide myself or protect myself from the dangers of this forest." Analyzed, Noah the situation he was in.

*Most logical course of action would be to learn appropriate defence skills from the CS* Kept suggesting ideas his system.

"Somehow I am scared to return there." Muttered Noah feeling quite disturbed from remembering previous conversations in CS.

*System finds returning quite safe options now. After the users leave, CS collective commenter society has invoked a process that they name as the "Purge". All comments with malign content have been erased.*

"Sigh." Breathed out Noah feeling tired from all that happened to him today. And it's not even noon yet!

"Alright, but before that I want to know what the hell happened there?"

*Specify: there*

"In my head, damn it!"

*Some of the posted comments have incurred a strong negative reaction deep within your soul…*

"That, I understand. But it harmed me. It is my own system yet it brings harm to me?"

*A weapon can harm it's wielder if he is too inexperienced* Answered System.

"Meaning what? Are you telling me I should just get used to that…" Noah remembered again what he just saw in the comment section and shudder run through his body.

*Getting used to it is a most logical solution*

Noah sighed again in dejection , feeling like sighing from helplessness became a habit within a single day.

Having no better choice for now, he willed his system to send him to that cursed place again and a moment later he appeared in the black space with two screens.

What met him on the CS screen was a picture of a girl with a look of abandon on her face and dead like empty inside eyes, as if life itself ceased to have any meaning for her. And below there was a small sentence: You'll get used to it.

This hit some very uncomfortable note deep within Noah.

Everything seemed like the worst of all bad dreams he had ever seen and Noah's only wish right now was to awake from it. 

Bitch. Just the thought that I can get used to this scares me more than any nightmare I have ever seen. 

Muttered Noah toward that girl, knowing full well this was just a picture.

He came to the CS screen and carefully scrolled the text a bit.

There were people questioning the sanity of the man who put all the pictures, as well as those who just like Noah inside his heart, questioned why he made them see that.

Others screamed with all capitals, to purge him and mark as spam.

Others joined the collective call to mark as spam. Soon they all chanted this phrase like fanatics, but whatever they did it seems like it helped, as the pictures sent by that Ichigo guy all disappeared from the CS.

"Alright so how do I learn from them anyway? Do I ask them to take me as a disciple or what?"

/Hello people of the comment section/

Sent Noah his very first comment. Well at least the first that he made willingly.

People started to greet him in all kinds of different ways and it gave him a nice warm feeling. He was now part of this community….until someone replied;

Bend over. And spread your buns.

There was an added picture of a strange yellow creature pulling down his pants. And *heavy breathing* sentence on it.

"What the fuck?! We don't even know each other yet! How can these people be this malignant toward strangers?"

/I am new here/ sent Noah

/I would like to know the people in this community better/ He wrote with new comment.

/Are there any rules I should know, while commenting here?/ He added with another comment.

/Please advise me/ He wrote one more comment.

Rule 1, newbie. Any two posts made in succession with no comment of someone else in between is SPAM! And you just broke the rule. Wrote someone in reply to one of his comments.

NEWBIE IS SPAMMING!!!! Wrote another person.

Instead of replies to his posts, new posts started to appear above his own.



Started to chant the people once again. At that moment:

"Aaarghhh!!!" Screamed Noah from sudden pain tearing apart his very existence.


*Answer: user is connected to the comment section through his very soul. This place is your mind. The conversations you hold are performed via your thoughts. Also the system is bound to follow the rules of this comment section so when the comments of user are erased in CS, the system is bound to erase them in your mind as well. In other words you feel pain from memory erasing.*


*This action is beyond my capability. Basic rules have been installed in the process of system activation. System is bound by these rules. Rules that apply to all users of CS apply to user as well.*

Noah screamed profanities for a period of time until his pain finally lessened.

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