Ugly Bastard

Chapter 7 – What kind of degenerate am I?

With a burst of energy from excitement and a new loyal companion Noah decided to find some monsters to kill.

However, finding prey turned out to be not the easiest task. With malignant energy polluting a part of the forest, creatures and monsters nearby left this area as if the forest was on fire. He had to travel for quite some time to find his first enemy.

Luckily his new companion had a skill capable of finding prey by its smell. What they actually found was a feline cat monster. Even before Noah could give a proper command, his wolf companion rushed at the cat and attacked. Although house cats may fear dogs and escape from them, these monster cats were very aggressive. Some hunters even had a saying "Fear not the pack of wolves but a single feline cat". Although they primarily hunted at night, they often traveled during the day searching for a good hunting ground. This one must have recently come to this area and was wondering where all the prey was when it finally felt other creatures. Moreover, one of them has a delicious human smell to it.

Cat tried to fight back the wolf and could have been successful if this was a normal loner wolf. This time its enemy was an Alpha wolf from the ex-largest pack in this area. Within a moment the wolf gained advantage and fell the cat to the ground by the neck while stepping with its large strong paws on its back. With a quick move, the wolf snapped his jaws, breaking the cat's neck.

Noah opened his system window to check the result at the "Evolution Energy" bar.

A translucent window showing all his stats opened in front of his eyes.

He looked at the topmost bar to see the numbers.

/D̶e̶volution Energy bar/

/d̶e̶g̶energy: 50 out of 100/

"Huh? What's this crossword? System, did you try to erase something?"

*It has been confirmed that the System has no capability to erase anything from your stat window*

"There was this feeling of unsaid word before and now this crossed word too…Something strange" Said Noah.

"Hold on. What's this? System, I did not get any energy. I remember the bar was at 50 after I killed the wolf."

*It may be possible that kills made by your companion do not count as yours*

"Hmm, maybe you're right. Let's find another prey."

"Hey, wolf. Find another prey we can kill but this time make sure to leave it alive after you beat it to half death"

Wolf rushed into the forest once again with Noah following behind.

Their next prey was a gigant rabbit monster, but they were not so lucky to beat him as fast as a cat. The moment the rabbit felt the wolf it rushed to escape. Making the wolf and Noah run after it for some time, until the wolf finally managed to catch up, leaving it no choice but to fight back. By the time Noah, huffing and puffing as hard as if he tried to breathe all air in the forest, caught up to the wolf, the rabbit was already so badly beaten it was barely alive.

Noah stopped nearby leaning on the tree to catch his breath.

"Son of a bitch. You made me run more than in my whole life. Why the fuck your little brothers "Monster bunnies" so aggressive even though they are weak as hell, and you gigant asshole are such a scaredy cat? God damn it. My side hurts."

When Noah had a bit of rest and calmed his breathing he walked toward the rabbit held by the wolf's powerful jaws and made the final blow with his knife.

Noah opened the system window to the result.



"My energy did not grow"

*😥System has noticed*

"Care to explain why?"


"System? I asked you a question."

*It may be that the kill was counted to the wolf as it is the one who sheared more than half of its health*

"Sounds stretched, but alright let's try doing it the other way next time"

"Hey, wolf. You have to find the prey that you can catch without beating it too much, then hold it in place for me to kill."

It took them quite some time to finally find an appropriate prey. These were a small group of monster rats. Wolf took care of all but one, which he then caught almost unharmed and pinned it to the ground with his large paw.

Noah quickly hit the rat in the vitals, killing it with a single blow, and opened his system window.



"My energy bar is not growing"

*I have noticed that*

"Care to explain why?"


"Bitch, you ran out of excuses didn't you?"


"What the hell is going on here, system?!"

*It may be that we are looking at this from the wrong angle.*


*There are specific types of systems mentioned in the Chronicle of the Great Library. The so-called narrowly focused type of systems. These systems focus on specific things, and only completing needed conditions may provide them with the needed energy for further evolution. For example, Hell Lord Samael needed to burn his enemy in the fires his system created. He did not get any evolutionary energy if he killed his enemy in any other way. There are also mentions of Tubal-Cain the blacksmith lord. This person did not gain any evolution energy from killing monsters at all. He only gained it by crafting tools and weapons with his "blacksmith forefather" system skills.*

"But I definitely had zero EE(evolution energy) before wolf's death. I remember taking a look at the bar when I opened my system window for the first time. There was definitely zero. How did I get 50 energy then?"

*Perhaps you have completed a specific condition?*

"What else did I do there?"

*Polluting the life energy of forest plants, corrupting the minds of living beings, robbing them of their free will, violating and outraging living beings, shaming living beings, and breaking its will to live by utterly humiliating it. Any of these may have been the precursor to gaining the needed energy*

"Who the fuck do you take me for to do these outrageous things willingly to evolve?"

*Answer: the user is the UGLY BASTARD*

"ENOUGH!" Said Noah seething with anger once again.

"I need to know what this "Ugly Bastard" is all about right now. Get me to the CS I will ask this knowing people"

Once he was in the dark space he immediately went to post a comment

/What is Ugly Bastard? What does it do?/

Posted Noah

Oh, it's usually a nice story about the unfortunate fella with bad luck in life that gains the power to do good deeds and be recognized by surrounding people.

Yeah, those are nice stories. You should read them more.

Stories with good endings. Definitely a nice story. Read it 100%


HAHAHA don't listen to these evil fucks. Ugly bastard is all about CUCKOLDING

yeah and mind break

Hypnosis to make the slaves

Humiliation and violating others

It's all about shaming and degenerating others

AND CUCKOLDING. Don't forget the cuckolding part guys.

To the dude above: are you blind he already said cuckolding once.

Yeah, but I feel it needs to be mentioned at least twice.

Noah looked at the following answers with an abandoned look in his eyes.

"What kind of degenerate am I?"

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