Ultimate Assassin System

v2 Chapter 20 - Demon mask

News of Vinson’s assassination spread quickly within the aristocracy.

Although the puppet nobles were not as angry as Bevin, they were equally shocked.

You know, the descendants of nobles are rarely assassinated. The Nishizawa mainland does not practice family planning. In order to prosper, the aristocratic family is very enthusiastic about breeding offspring. Therefore, even hostile forces will not adopt such a method that is not fatal but is vulnerable to endless retaliation.

The aristocracy can imagine the next crazy revenge of the Delk family, and the identity of the assassin has been confirmed to be a ghost. Regarding ghost faces, this assassin, who is known as the first assassin of Laiyan City, is naturally no stranger to the assassins. In fact, even ordinary people have heard about it. Because this ghost face has been active in Laiyan City for more than ten years, his reward order has also been hung on the wanted wall of Laiyan City Police Department for more than ten years.

The nobles are not optimistic that the Delk family can catch revenge on the ghost face, and the ghost face is only an assassin with money. So what really needs to be careful is the hostile forces of the Delk family.

- - - - - - - Yes, I am the dividing line - - - - - - - - -

At this time, in the jungle outside the north gate of Laiyan City.

怪 A freak is gathering fire to say that he is blamed because of his dress, flower dress, long hair, mask … If there is a person who knows the goods here, he must exclaim “ghost face”.

The flames soon ignited, and the strange man quickly threw the long hair on his head, the flower on his body, and the mask on his face into the fire.

普通 Ordinary face under the mask, slender eyes … It is Tang En.

Slowly, the fire gradually started. The mask gradually deformed, emitting some black smoke.

Tang En could not help but step back and fanned with his hand: “Fuck, the smell of this paint is really **** bad. I don’t know how the ghost face can stand it.”

This time, this place, plus what is burning now … Yes, the “ghost face” that assassinated Vinson just now is Tang En.

After confirming that the instructor was Vinson at the open-minded man, he made some preparations and went straight to the manor with a murderous path.

In fact, even if Vinson did not send someone to kill him, he would not let Vinson go. Tang En’s original plan was to observe for a few more days, make more preparations, and then kill in one fell swoop.

But now the situation has changed. If the death of these big men is heard in Vinson’s ears, the guard will definitely be strengthened here, and he will be hunted around.

Tang En was not clear whether Vinson had told others about his assassination. If so, even if Vinson is killed, his true identity will be revealed.

The consequences of encountering an exposed assassin are unthinkable. Even if you run away, it will be a hidden danger in the future.

After thinking about it, Tang En finally decided to use the identity of ghost to assassinate Vinson in order to confuse some sight.

As for why ghost faces, the reason is simple, because Tang En has seen such an assassin. After asking the old housekeeper to bring up the ghost image in the system space, Tang En made masks and costumes as cats and tigers. In a hurry, it is naturally impossible to make the same thing, but who cares about what is painted in this colorful …

Tang En’s plan was successful. When assassinated, his ghost face was immediately called out by the guards. In order to deepen his impression, he also left a colorful dagger. It can be said that Tang En has done everything he needs, and the rest can only wait for the result.

The flames were dying, and several things had been burned to ashes.

Tang En stood up, stretched out his hand and unconsciously supported his lower back, shook his head, and walked towards Lai Yancheng.

When Tang En slowly walked to the north gate of Laiyan City, he just saw a group of cavalry in blue armor hurried out of the city and ran towards the direction of Delk’s Manor.

I walked in the city for ten minutes, Tang En bought something, and then went into the hotel where he was temporarily living. At this time his face had changed slightly, and his slender eyes had been covered.

恩 Since the hotel was last tracked, Tang En has been careful. But always disguising is not the way, Tang En is ready to collect some money to buy a house in Laiyan City.

After confirming that the small mechanism on the door was not triggered, Tang En quickly entered the room.

恩 At this time, Tang En’s footsteps were a bit sloppy, he took a deep breath, and frowned, unbuttoning his shirt. A slanting long knife edge about six inches appeared on his back, the wound flesh turned up, and the blood slowly leaked out.

伤口 The wound was not caused by Vinson’s escort. It was Tang En who was cut by the big men when he was fighting in the alley. Due to time constraints, the wound has not been treated.

Fortunately, although these **** (river crabs) Dahan are fierce enough, they are still inferior in knife skills. The wound looked horrible, but it was just a skin wound. Otherwise, Tang En didn’t have the opportunity to attack long distances to kill Vinson.

Tang En first wiped the wound with his clothes off. Then half-lying on the bed, took out a red bottle, and pour the liquid inside with his back to the wound.

东西 This thing is called healing potion, it is a medicine for treating trauma in another world. It’s not cheap, it costs 5 credits per bottle.

操 “Fuck!” Tang En snorted. “Don’t you get it wrong, is this Nima pepper water …”

After the tincture was in contact with the wound, Tang En felt his back burning as if it were burning. Fortunately, Tang En is now accustomed to a level of pain in the system space. To replace Tang En in the past, I am afraid it will be miserable.

After spending ten difficult seconds, the wound at the back was suddenly refreshing, and the feeling of coolness reached the bottom of my heart.

I turned my head, the blood in the wound had stopped, and there was no previous pain.

“Sure enough, it’s a price and a price!” Tang En praised him secretly, and then wrapped the bandage around his body a few times.

After everything was done, Tang Enchanged a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

After Xun treated the bloodstained clothes again, Tang En entered the killer system.

叮 “Ding, congratulations to Tang En, the killer, for breaking through to the first level.”

Tang En was not surprised by the synthesizing sound of this system. He used 400 blood when fighting in the alley, but he got 500 blood after killing a dozen big men. Had it not been for the 500 flesh supplement, Tang En would not have had the confidence to complete the assassination.

At that time, his total blood value reached 950. Now that Vinson has been killed, it is normal for him to break 1000. After all, Vinson is also a junior warrior.

Don En opened the killer panel,

Blood gas value: 1450∕10000

Blood gas level: level two. Special effects: primary deterrence, double holdings, primary defense.

“500 points?”, Tang En was shocked. According to previous experience, Tang En knew how much his blood value changed with the opponent ’s strength, but too much was gained by killing Vinson. He already killed himself. That’s the sum of a dozen big guys.

“Too much?”, The old housekeeper ghost appeared in front of Tang En.

“Uh, how could it be.” Of course, this kind of thing is better.

The old housekeeper said faintly: “The method of systematically calculating blood is not just force ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Tang En took a moment and immediately understood. Yeah, if it is only about force, assassinate a dying old man The king, hasn’t the flesh gained the rogue high yet?

“Old steward, do you say my identity will be revealed this time?”

“Insufficient information, not easy to analyze. My suggestion is to temporarily change your face and not to contact people known as Tang En.” After a pause, the old housekeeper continued: “In the next period, you can just learn new Skills and continued scanning to supplement the system. “

Skills? Tang En’s heart moved, and the skill tree of the killer panel was opened. Sure enough, there are several skills on it, which means that they have reached the standard and can be learned.

尝 After tasting the sweetness brought by the rapid and increasing holdings, Tang En is looking forward to the power of these upcoming skills.

Tang En put away the killer panel and said casually: “I said the old housekeeper, you read so many books, is there any gain?”


哦 “Oh? What gain …” Tang En asked curiously.

“The biggest gain is knowing that this is a killer’s paradise.”

“Uh, why do you say that?”

因为 “Because this is a place where power is achieved by power and power overrides the law.”

“… a bit esoteric”

这么 “Let’s say this, a place where killer organizations can be put on the bright side and killer transactions can be so straightforward. Do you mean killer heaven?”

“It’s really …” Tang En nodded, thinking about the thieves’ union.

(PS: Chapter 3 is about 9:30 tonight, of course, it is possible to advance in advance. Well, the character of Tanuki is guaranteed. There is a recommendation, continue to extend your paws for collection, recommendation ^-^)

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