Ultimate Man [JJK X SOL]: Loading Golden Entries at The Start

Chapter 33: Blue Eyes

The scene was chaotic, with the two remaining bullies crying out for their lives. Fear had overtaken them completely. Unfortunately for them, as ordinary humans, they had no chance against a special-grade cursed spirit like Rika. In a matter of moments, they were dead crushed and devoured without a trace left behind.

From the beginning to the end, Ryuji didn't lift a finger to stop it. He watched impassively, letting fate take its course.

Those meant to die should die. He wasn't the kind of person who would go out of his way to save trash. 

After the three bullies were dealt with, Ryuji smiled, unfazed, and started walking toward Rika.

"Wait! What are you doing!?" Yukino called out, her voice trembling with fear and confusion. She was shocked by Ryuji's actions. He had just witnessed something terrifying, something she could barely comprehend, and yet he was walking toward the danger without hesitation. Was he insane? Did he have a death wish?

Ryuji paused, then gave her a nonchalant smile. "Well, it's not every day you come across such a fine meal. It would be a shame to let it go to waste."


Yukino froze. Did she hear him correctly? A meal? Did he just say he was going to eat it?


Meanwhile, on the roof of a nearby building, a familiar figure watched the unfolding events with growing interest.

"Oh? A sorcerer I've never seen before?" Gojo Satoru murmured to himself, lowering the sunglasses he usually wore as an eyepatch. His vibrant azure blue eyes sparkled as he took in the scene below.

At first, he had planned to step in and take care of the situation, especially since Rika was a special-grade cursed spirit. But seeing the way this new sorcerer, Ryuji, handled himself, Gojo decided to sit back and enjoy the show for a bit.

"Ah, both boys have exceptionally strong cursed energy," Gojo observed, leaning forward on the edge of the rooftop with a grin. "Interesting, very interesting."

He wasn't particularly concerned about Rika. Special-grade cursed spirits, while dangerous, were still just cursed spirits in the end. As the strongest sorcerer in modern times, Gojo didn't view Rika as a significant threat. What piqued his curiosity was this new sorcerer who seemed to want a piece of the action.


"Wait! Don't come any closer!" Yuta, who had been frozen with fear moments ago, finally noticed Ryuji approaching and called out desperately.

Three people had already died, and Yuta didn't want any more bloodshed. He feared that if Ryuji got too close, Rika would go berserk again, and he didn't know how to stop her once she went over the edge.

"Such a kind soul," Ryuji mused, more amused than anything by Yuta's concern. It was no surprise, though. Yuta, the early protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen, was known for his kind heart and overwhelming talent. Despite his immense potential, he hadn't yet come into his own. He had raw, unparalleled cursed energy, which even the legendary Gojo Satoru had acknowledged.

Without even proper training, Yuta could control an amount of cursed energy far beyond the average sorcerer. While cursed energy wasn't the sole determinant of strength, it certainly gave Yuta a significant edge.

And let's not forget his imitation technique, which allowed him to mimic the techniques of other sorcerers. Though, of course, even Yuta couldn't replicate Gojo Satoru's Limitless technique after all, that required the unique ability of the Six Eyes.

"Please, it's dangerous! Don't come any closer!" Yuta yelled again, sweat beading on his forehead. He was clearly on edge, knowing that any provocation could send Rika into another deadly frenzy.

But Ryuji ignored him, continuing his steady march forward.

"Don't! Stay back! Yuta!" Rika's voice boomed, her distorted form shifting and growing as her anger mounted. Her grotesque arms swelled with power, ready to tear apart anyone who threatened Yuta.

Ryuji stopped for a moment, raising an eyebrow. "So, this is the 'monster' everyone's talking about, huh?"

He smiled casually and pointed at Rika, turning his gaze toward Yuta. "Is this the creature you're so worried about?"


Yuta's eyes widened. He hadn't expected Ryuji to be able to see Rika so clearly. Most people couldn't perceive cursed spirits unless they were close to death. Who was this guy?

"You... You can see her?" Yuta stammered.

"Of course," Ryuji replied with a grin. "And I have to say… she looks like quite the delicacy."


Ignoring Yuta's shocked expression, Ryuji turned his attention back to Rika, his eyes gleaming with hunger.

"It'd be interesting to devour that much cursed energy," he said to himself, his voice low and full of excitement.

Without warning, his fist began to glow with a vibrant, fiery blue aura. The cursed energy around his hand intensified, crackling with raw power.


Up on the rooftop, Gojo Satoru was watching the scene unfold with growing amusement.

"Sparasi," he muttered to himself, grinning. This was getting more and more interesting by the second. He'd come expecting to deal with Yuta and Rika, but now it seemed like he had a front-row seat to something far more entertaining.

He watched Ryuji's display of power with interest. "Eat it, huh? Is it something like Geto's Cursed Spirit Manipulation technique?"

Gojo's mind immediately went to Suguru Geto, his former friend and now one of the most dangerous sorcerers out there. Geto's ability to devour cursed spirits and control them was one of the most powerful and dangerous techniques in the world of sorcery.

But this? Whatever Ryuji was doing, it seemed different. 

"I can't wait to see where this goes…" Gojo murmured with a wicked smile, settling in to watch the fight that was about to unfold.



Rika roared as she rushed forward, her cursed energy surging, her claws ready to tear Ryuji apart. But Ryuji was faster. His blue, flame-like cursed energy flared around him, and with a swift, powerful punch, he struck Rika directly in the face.

The impact was devastating.

Rika's massive form was sent flying backward, crashing into the ground with a thunderous noise, leaving a huge crater in her wake.

"Rika! Rika!" Yuta cried out, running toward her fallen form. He didn't want her to harm anyone, but he also didn't want to see her hurt. His emotions were in turmoil.

"Yuta…!" Rika's voice echoed from the crater as she slowly stood up, her cursed energy flaring even more violently than before. "Don't… hurt… Yuta!"

Her rage intensified, and the cursed energy surrounding her became even more volatile. The very air around her seemed to warp and twist as she charged at Ryuji once again.

Ryuji grinned, unfazed by her ferocity. "She's really something, huh?" he mused aloud. "She truly lives up to the title of Queen of Cursed Spirits."

But then his expression shifted to one of slight disappointment. "Still… if this is all a special-grade cursed spirit can do, I'm not that impressed."

As Rika rushed toward him, Ryuji didn't flinch. Instead, he met her head-on, his fists glowing with cursed energy as he launched into a rapid flurry of blows.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Fist met flesh over and over, each hit sending shockwaves through the air. The ground beneath them trembled with each impact. 

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