Ultimate Man [JJK X SOL]: Loading Golden Entries at The Start

Chapter 56: Somber

Without a doubt, Ryuji found this to be an excellent new ability.


There was nothing left to analyze. Ryuji simply chose to load the new entry.

Talent Entry System!

Host: Ryuji Hoshino

Bloodline: Human

 Loaded entries:

- Soul Devouring [Red]

- Yin-Yang Eyes [Gold]

- Presence Concealment [Gold]

- Tranquility [Gold]

- Reverse Cursed Technique [Gold]

- Monster Attracting Physique [Gold]

- Third Dimension [Gold]

- Dreamwalker [Gold]

- Iron Fist [Purple]

Points: 62,120!

"Not bad for tonight. At least I gained a useful ability," Ryuji thought, feeling quite satisfied.


At that moment, Ryuji suddenly heard Miko, who was sleeping beside him, giggle happily as though she was having a delightful dream.

"What kind of sweet dream is she having?" 

This was the perfect opportunity to test out his newly acquired ability. Ryuji discovered that using Dreamwalking didn't require physical contact. He just needed to focus on the other person's name and appearance.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, a different scene unfolded before him.

"I do!"

It was a church. Standing at the altar were himself and Miko. She was dressed in a beautiful wedding gown, smiling joyfully as she said, "I do" to him.

"So that's it. A dream about getting married to me, huh?"

No wonder she was laughing so happily. Ryuji chuckled.

"Well then, let's make this dream a bit more solid."

Ordinary dreams are prone to interruption. Many people have had dreams abruptly cut off, leaving them unable to continue. At that moment, Ryuji focused on stabilizing Miko's dream, ensuring it wouldn't be interrupted.

After leaving her dream, Ryuji glanced at Miko, still smiling in her sleep. He couldn't help but shake his head.

"Silly girl…"

The novelty of Dreamwalking intrigued Ryuji even more. It made him eager to try it on someone else.

"Let's check out Haruno's dream!"

Ryuji turned his attention to Haruno, whom he had parted ways with not long ago. By now, she should be asleep too.

He visualized Haruno's face and name, then closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, all he saw was fog, nothing more.

"No dream?"

It wasn't surprising. After all, not everyone dreams each time they sleep.

"Then, let me create one for you!"

Since she wasn't dreaming, Ryuji decided to craft one for her.

After a short while, Ryuji exited Haruno's dream. Although it was just a dream, it had felt very real.

"Let's try Yukino's next. Can't play favorites, after all."

He grinned. If the elder sister had a dream, it was only fair the younger sister did too.

In Yukino's dream, things were a little more intense.

"Evil spirit! I won't let you continue your evil deeds!"

Yukino was dreaming of herself as a fierce exorcist, battling against a monstrous creature. 

Ryuji raised an eyebrow, a little surprised.

"This is just like Yukino, always the righteous one."

Upon reflection, the dream made perfect sense for someone like Yukino.

Just as she was about to deliver the final blow to the demon, an idea struck Ryuji, and he couldn't resist making things more interesting.

"Let's change it up a bit!"

With the power of Dreamwalking, Ryuji easily altered the dream's setting. The demon Yukino was fighting slowly transformed… into him.


Yukino froze in confusion. What had just happened? Why had the demon turned into Ryuji?

"What? Surprised to see me?" 

Ryuji smirked as Yukino stared at him, clearly shocked.


Before she could finish her sentence, Ryuji closed the distance between them, grabbing her wrist.

"Wait! What are you trying to do? You..."


The next morning, when Ryuji woke up, he found Miko lying beside him, propping her chin up with her hands and gazing at him with a smile. Her legs swung playfully behind her.

"What's up?"

Ryuji asked, confused by her cheerful expression.

"Hehe, I'm not telling you!"

Miko giggled, her mind filled with memories of the wedding dream she had last night. Her happiness was evident on her face.

Without another word, she quickly stood up.

"Since you're awake, let me make breakfast for you!"


Ryuji replied, watching her leave.

"Silly girl… you really think I don't know why you're so happy?"

While Ryuji enjoyed the calm of the morning, the Yukinoshita sisters were far from relaxed.

"I must be going crazy!"

Haruno shot up in bed, looking around at her familiar room with confusion written all over her face. How could she have had such a dream? The worst part was how vividly real it had felt.

"I'm going mad! This is ridiculous!" 

Haruno rushed to the bathroom, trying to shake off the lingering sensations from the dream.

Meanwhile, Yukino was experiencing something similar.

"How is this even possible?"

Yukino stared at the ceiling, dumbfounded by the dream she had just woken from. Why on earth had Ryuji appeared in her dream? Did she… like him?

"No, no, no! That's impossible!"

Ryuji had a girlfriend already. If she had feelings for him, what would that make her?

"It was just a dream! A stupid dream!"

Despite her attempts to calm down, the vividness of the dream still lingered in her mind. Every time she closed her eyes, she could only see images of herself and Ryuji.

Worse still, she noticed something strange about her clothes.


Her usual composed expression cracked, and in a mild panic, she ran to the bathroom.


In the classroom, Ryuji rested his chin on his hand, calmly waiting for class to start. Even though he had reincarnated, he still obediently attended classes like a model student.

However, the usual liveliness of the classroom was missing. Hayato, who was often energetic, now sat in silence, his eyes occasionally wandering off as though lost in thought. 

Yumiko and her friends, Hina and Yui, exchanged uneasy glances. All three of them bore matching dark circles under their eyes, looking as if they hadn't slept well.

It was Yui who broke the silence in a low whisper.

"Have you all been having nightmares?"

"No way, it can't be a coincidence!" 

Hina's voice shook slightly. One person having a nightmare was normal, but for all three of them to experience it at the same time? Something was clearly wrong.

Yumiko stayed quiet, lowering her head. But her trembling hands and the fear in her eyes were impossible to hide.

"Was it… the woman with the skeletal face?"

Hina hesitated before asking, her tone laced with fear.

"You too?" 

Yui's voice grew more anxious. If they all shared the same nightmare about the same terrifying figure, then something beyond reason was happening.


Hina nodded silently, and both girls turned to Yumiko.

Although Yumiko said nothing, her pale face confirmed their suspicions.

"I-Is it possible… we've been cursed by something?"

Though the girls had never encountered the supernatural, they had read enough ghost stories to understand that such things weren't unheard of. And if something like that had happened to them, it would explain why Tobe and others had dropped out of school.

Last night, after they had returned home, the three girls all had nightmares. In each of their dreams, they had been haunted by the skeletal woman. She didn't harm them, but her sinister smile had been enough to scare them senseless.

"No way!" Yumiko, though terrified, tried to maintain her composure in front of her friends. "It's just a coincidence. There's no way that kind of thing exists in the real world."

Her voice wavered, lacking the usual confidence.


Yui and Hina exchanged uneasy looks but nodded in agreement. They desperately wanted to believe it was just a coincidence. If not, then the idea of being cursed or haunted was too terrifying to consider.

"We probably got freaked out by everything that happened yesterday. That's why we had those nightmares. It'll pass in a few days!"

"You think so?"

Hina's voice wavered, but she clung to Miura's words like a lifeline.

Yui, however, was still skeptical. 

After all, yesterday she had seen something that defied explanation.

Her eyes wandered toward Ryuji. If he really did have supernatural powers, could he possibly know what was happening to them? Or better yet, could he fix it?


Ryuji noticed Yui's gaze and looked back at her curiously.

The moment his eyes met hers, Yui quickly averted her gaze, her face flushed in embarrassment.

She was still a bit timid. There were some things she just couldn't bring herself to say directly.

Maybe Yumiko was right after all. Maybe they were just spooked by everything that had happened. It didn't necessarily mean they were involved in something supernatural.

But the nagging doubt remained.

Ryuji, on the other hand, was more observant than they realized. Although Yui had already averted her gaze, Ryuji noticed something surprising about the girls.

Whether it was Yui, Yumiko, or Hina, each of them had traces of Negative energy clinging to them, though to varying degrees.

And this energy felt oddly familiar to Ryuji.

"The Skeleton Woman?"

Yui's earlier look seemed like she wanted to ask for help but didn't dare to. Interesting.

Ryuji decided not to intervene just yet.

Although the three girls were contaminated with the Skeleton Woman's Negative energy, it wasn't much, and they didn't seem aware of how serious the situation was.

They'd definitely come looking for help once they realized, so there was no need for Ryuji to act right away.

During the lunch break.

Ryuji and Miko had arrived at Yukino's Service Club.

According to Yukino, no one else used the Service Club, so she wouldn't be disturbed. In fact, she had even invited him to use it when he needed a break. In exchange, Ryuji would answer some of Yukino's more peculiar questions.

"I didn't expect you to find such a great spot!"

At this moment, aside from Ryuji, Miko, and Yukino, Hana was also there, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"No wonder I couldn't find you yesterday!"

Hana shot Miko a resentful look.

She was still a bit upset about being left behind the day before.

Sure, I get that you have a boyfriend now, but how could you just ditch your best friend like that?

It's really heartbreaking!

"Sorry, sorry!"

Miko scratched her head, her face full of embarrassment under Hana's gaze.


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