Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 106: Return

AN: Sorry for the delay...again...

Unfortunately, it's back to a bunch of overtimes in our company again. I might even have to work again this weekend cause my manager's on leave until next week and I have to do all the stuff by myself... T_T

Anyway, here's the chap!


Chapter 106: Return

Back in the home universe, Benjamin settled Silk and the others’ identities and arranged lodging for them.

For little Benjie, Benjamin suggested they ask May’s help to look after whenever Mayday’s out being Spider-Girl or in school.

And Benjamin also suggested to Peter to reveal himself to May as Spider-Man.

Keeping it a secret any longer will just be an inconvenience to everyone and Benjamin was sure that May would accept his identity.

Peter also didn’t have much hesitation now after being in the Spider-verse and seeing all sorts of versions of himself and then some.

There were even versions where his Uncle Ben or Aunt May was the Spider totem.

And yes. He knows they aren’t really his Uncle Ben or Aunt May, but he is still delighted to know that if it were his aunt who had gotten spider powers, they would also use them for good.

His main reason for not telling his aunt was to protect her.

But with Benjamin here in this world, and also a donor of FEAST, Peter knew that his aunt May was in safe hands.

Perhaps it was indeed time to let her know.

With that decided, their group went to find May. Benjamin however, didn’t join them as went to check in on the others.

He first went to look for Fury to check on EPD matters.

“Hey Nick! I’m back! Got you a spidey souvenir too!”

“Stop calling me Nick. And what in the world is this supposed to be?”

Nick Fury looked at the thing in his hand in confusion.

It was a huge brown hammer.

If it were only that, he wouldn’t have cared much and just toss it somewhere. But the appearance of this hammer was quite…weird.

There was a black outline around it and whenever he turns it around to look, the black outline stayed around it. Like it was some kind of drawing.

The colors were also off.

It didn’t feel quite real…

On the side of the hammer was a red paint drawing of a spider.

Whenever he moved the hammer, the paint strokes kept changing and it was never the same.

Fury was utterly confused by what he was holding.

Benjamin laughed and explained.

“It’s Spider-Ham’s hammer. Try putting it over to your back and let go.”


Fury was still confused but did as he was told.

When the hammer was on his back, he felt the handle disappear from his grip!

It was gone!

“Now try pulling it out over from your back like you would unsheathe a sword or something.


Still confused, Fury absentmindedly did what he said and tried to pull something out from behind him.

Suddenly, he was holding the wooden hammer…

“What the motherfucking fuck!?”

Benjamin shrugged.

“Cartoon logic.”


Fury was speechless.

Benjamin laughed and told him about the events in the Spider-verse.

Hearing that there was a society full of Spider-Man, Nick Fury trembled in fear.

Fuck! One motherfucker is annoying enough! You’re telling me there’s a whole motherfucking multiverse of this motherfucker!? And that one of them is even a motherfucking cosmic entity!? And a motherfucking cartoon pig!?

Out of all the motherfucking things he’s seen and heard, this might be the craziest one yet!

Benjamin laughed again upon seeing Fury’s reaction.

After having fun of Fury, Benjamin asked if he has any news on the guys who went to space to look for the Grandmaster.

“Carol called earlier and said they’ve touched down on planet Sakaar. They should be meeting the Grandmaster soon.”

“I see. Alright, I’ll go look for them in a bit then.”

Benjamin nodded but didn’t go just yet. Instead, he went to look for Ophelia to check on the HYDRA side of things.

“Oh, you’re here. There’s something you should know. I’m pregnant.”


And just like that, dropped the bomb on Benjamin.

Natasha was about to give birth and apparently, the two Deaths Mors and Mara were instantly impregnated by him, and now Ophelia was telling him that she was also pregnant!

In an instant, Benjamin would become a soon-to-be father of four!

“It’s twins.”

…Scratch that, it’s five!

Benjamin sighed but still smiled happily.

He approached Ophelia and hugged her.

“Thank you, Ophelia.”

“...I should be the one thanking you.”

Ophelia smiled as she hugged him back.

After a while, Benjamin told her to rest and not move so much. If there is anything that needs to be done, she can ask Janice, Callisto, or Selene to do it.

“Don’t worry, I’ve long had Janice handle some tasks in the base while Callisto handles the army.”

Hearing that, Benjamin nodded.

Janice had become more of a behind-the-scenes kind of agent like Nick Fury on the EPD side.

Callisto mainly handles the HYDRA army and is in charge of disciplining and training them.

As for Selene, she was doing whatever she wants most of the time. She’s only active when she’s needed.

Although in these somewhat peaceful times, she really isn’t needed much.

Because of that, she’s become quite a shut-in, doing nothing but eat, sleep, and watch K-dramas.

Benjamin was speechless when he found her in her room watching a drama on her tablet while upside down.

Selene only glanced at him with half-closed eyes.

“I’m bored.”

“...Do you wanna come with me to an alien planet then?”


Selene’s eyes lit up.

She had lived for a long time but she never really left Earth.

“I’ll go!”

“Get ready then. I’ll fetch you when we’re leaving.”

Benjamin said that and then left, leaving Selene at a loss.

“Get ready? What do I need to get ready?”

Selene glanced around.

In the end, she just packed two sets of clothes and necessities which she was done in a minute. Then she had nothing more to do again other than wait.

She thought for a moment and wondered.

Should I…pack some condoms too? After all, who knows what that pervert would do to her when they’re up in space. He already knocked up that HYDRA woman and from what she heard, he also knocked up Black Widow too.

If Benjamin knew what she was thinking, he would probably be speechless.

Selene sighed and then went back to watching while she waited.

This time, she started watching some alien movies.

As she watched, her thoughts also wandered a bit.

Maybe having a kid isn’t such a bad idea…

At this moment, Benjamin was visiting Emma and the Frost sisters to check up on them.

He half-readied himself for any bombs that might drop on him like with Ophelia.

Thankfully, or maybe not, Emma didn’t have any shocking news for him.

He chatted with Emma and the Frost sisters for a bit then left to look for Felicia.

Felcia, in her OL outfit, greeted him.

“Hey, how’s that spider mess thing?”

“All done. How’s Oscorp?”

“We’ve acquired most of it. The acting CEO, Harry Osborn, seems like a kid with a good head on his shoulder. He’s setting their company straight after that shit with his father. Their stocks are rising slowly but surely and we’re getting richer and richer.”

Felicia grinned while Benjamin just rolled his eyes.

“You can’t call Harry a kid when you’re just a few years older than him.”

“A kid’s a kid.”

“Uhuh. And what of the other companies to look for?”

Felicia tapped on the desk and a holo display appeared with a list of files.

“Stark’s busy with researching the resources of that other planet you found. Reed’s also the same on that front. Hammer Industries are making a mess as always trying to copy Stark’s tech. I don’t think we need to deal with them, Stark can do it himself. Then there’s Roxxon, and the newly emerging Life Foundation group.”

Felicia tapped on the two files and enlarged them.

“Roxxon’s been trying to pull all the strings they could to see if they could get their hands on the resources in that other planet. Especially any resource that could provide energy as they are a company mainly focused on energy technologies. At the same time, they seem to be making some secret moves behind the scenes. The Thieves Guild are still checking it out.”

Benjamin nodded.

“As for the Life Foundation group, they’ve also been trying to get their hands on that other planet. But as for what their goal is, nothing is known yet. All we know is they’re hiding something. Something big.”

Hearing that, Benjamin narrowed his eyes a bit.

The Life Foundation…

Do they already have the Venom symbiote?

It seems I should look into this company personally.

However, that can wait. Even if I’m late and Venom is unleashed, it won’t be too much of a problem with the current EPD.

Especially since he had given Peter and MJ their Untainted Symbiotes.

“Keep a close eye on these two. If there’s anything suspicious, you can act on it or tell Fury about it.”

“Gotcha. Now shoo, I’m busy. If we have sex now, we won’t be done until tomorrow.”


He shook his head with a wry smile then left after slapping her ass.

He then went to the X-Mansion to check in on Ororo and his ‘students’ that he had neglected for a while.

“Oh, you’re here. And here I thought you’ve forgotten about me.”

Illyana said with half-closed eyes and arms crossed.

Benjamin could only chuckle dryly as he explained.

“Well, I was busy with a few things…”

“Oh, you mean busy putting babies into your women?”


“If you want sex, I’m more than happy to partake.”

Illyana shrugged.

Benjamin sighed at the troublemaker.

This girl’s been eyeing his dick since they first met like some kind of hungry ghost!

He cleared his throat and started their magic training.

For the next few hours, the two practiced magic in Limbo.

Benjamin came out of her room mentally exhausted.

It was really tough dealing with that troublemaker…

While they were practicing magic, Illyana shot a huge ball of fire and accidentally hit one of the worlds inside Limbo.

Benjamin had to descend to that world and take out the fire quickly before she hurt any innocent lives.

And then the people living in that world seemed to think he was God and suddenly knelt and prayed to him…

If it was just that, then it was still fine.

But Illyana kept playing around with magic and he had to keep cleaning up after her, making him exhausted.

Is this girl really Sorcerer Supreme material!?

Benjamin sighed.

He then noticed a shadow in front of him so he looked up to see a familiar redhead with stunning green eyes.

“Hey Jean, how’ve you been?”

Jean looked at him with half-closed eyes like Illyana did before, only cuter as she was pouting.

“So you still remember me huh?”

“Uhh, I’ve been busy so…”

“Uhuh. Congrats on the new kid by the way.”


Benjamin was speechless.

With how Emma and Felicia not saying anything before, he had really forgotten how these girls seemed to have a secret network!

And with Natasha most likely helming it, they knew how to get around his He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named ability so he was still unaware until now as to what goes on in their group chat.

It was fine that his girls got along with each other and all but…what made Benjamin speechless was the fact that even women he hadn’t slept with were also included in it!

Jean saw his helpless expression and smirked as if she won at something.

“Anyway, you seem tired from teaching Magik. Let’s go to our place, I’ll help you relax a bit.”


Benjamin didn’t know what to say.

This woman keeps saying things that others can easily misunderstand!

Meanwhile, back in the HYDRA base, Selene had finished three alien movies already.

She thought that since Benjamin told her to get ready, he would be back soon and they would leave.

Yet it's been hours and that guy was still not returning…

“...Did he forget about me? When are we going to leave…?”

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