Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 121: Superman meets Superman

AN: Forgot to post yesterday :P


Chapter 121: Superman meets Superman

Benjamin looked at the man called Lucas Wayne and was surprised at his identity.

However, he soon thought that transmigrators come in all shapes and sizes anyway so it shouldn’t be too odd.

At least he wasn’t reborn into a slime or something.

Oh wait, I think slimes are also popular…

Benjamin nodded then also shook his head.

“To say I’m a hero, I suppose that is right in some sense. However, my main job is a police officer.”


Batman frowned.

“Yeah. I mean, I’m sure you guys experienced being chased by the police once or twice while you guys are doing superhero stuff right?”

Everyone turned to look at Batman.

Batman just grunted.

“Why are you only looking at me? Green Arrow’s also being chased by SCPD back then.”

Benjamin shrugged.

“Anyway, my real identity was pretty much nothing so I just signed up to be a police officer and I got to use my powers with actual authority and permission.”

“Are the government in your universe like…all nice and stuff? They didn’t manipulate you or force you to do things?”

The Flash asked as they were all aware of how much their government had tried to get in their way in the past or exploit them.

There’s even the time when a certain government division put bombs on criminals’ necks and turned them into suicide squads.

Benjamin nodded.

“Oh, that was simple. I just did to them what they try to do to me whether it’s blackmailing, threats, or simply off-ing them. I had this cool ability where I can know whenever someone talks about me so I pretty much catch them all before they try something.”


Everyone was speechless.

What Benjamin said was so simple yet they knew something like this was only possible because of that ability.

Not even Lucas had that kind of ability.

Lucas also nodded.

“That’s indeed a handy ability. In my case, I just grew so fast and powerful that the government basically didn’t dare to do anything to me. Even if they did, I can run back in time and fix it.”

“...Which you repeatedly told me not to do.”

Flash sighed.

Lucas just shrugged and rolled his eyes.

“When you do it, you break everything else. When I do it, I don’t leave as much as a crack in the timeline. Have you forgotten Flashpoint? If I hadn’t noticed what you were doing, our universe would’ve already been broken beyond notice.”

“...I’ll shut up now.”

Flash went off to the side to sulk while the others looked confused.

Superman asked.

“What Flashpoint?”


Lucas nodded, proving his point further.

Benjamin listened to their banter and was also kind of curious about how Flashpoint happened here but it’s probably best to leave it for another time.

“Anyway, should I call out Superman now?”

“Sure. Where is he anyway?”

“In the Soul Stone.”

Benjamin smiled at Lucas’ question and showed him the Infinity Crown.

Lucas clicked his tongue at that.

“Tsk, you already have an Infinity Stone huh? What’s with the crown? Pompous much?”

Benjamin sighed.

“Hey, it’s my System who gave it to me in this form, not my idea.”


The System was speechless.

In any case, since Lucas and the rest had agreed, Benjamin summoned Superman, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot outside after notifying them mentally.

After Superman appeared, he looked around once before settling on a man’s figure who looked like an older version of himself.

The older Superman smiled and approached the younger Superman.

“We’ve heard everything you’ve been through, Kal-El. Don’t worry, we’ll get you home.”

Benjamin approached them and introduced them to each other.

“Kal-El, this is also Kal-El, or as he is called on Earth, Clark Kent. He is your doppelganger from this universe. For convenience’ sake, I’ll call you two as Kal-El and Clark Kent.”

Benjamin turned to look at Lucas who nodded.

Lucas stepped up and turned to Clark.

“Clark, why don’t you show Kal-El around for a while? We should call in Kara and Karen as well. Oh, also Conner.”

Clark nodded and looked over at Kal-El.

Kal-El turned to look at Benjamin who nodded at him.

“It’s fine, these people, although they are from a different universe from you, are your family. They won’t hurt you.”

Kal-El nodded and followed Clark outside.

Meanwhile, Rocket, Groot, and Gamora were looking around and at the other members of the League in amazement.

“Wow. What’s with all the costumes? Is this a costume party? What is this guy supposed to be? A vampire? And why does this one smell like fish?”

Wonder Woman looked at Rocket in surprise and asked.

“Is this…a talking raccoon? Are these common in your universe?”

“Oh please. How can there be another one as handsome and awesome as me? I’m Rocket! This here is my pal Groot!”

“I am Groot.”

Wonder Woman nodded.

“I am Diana.”

“I am Groot.”

“Ah yes. I am Diana.”

“I am Groot.”


Benjamin coughed and quickly explained.

“Groot can only speak ‘I am Groot’. Don’t mind him.”

“Oh, I see.”

Wonder Woman turned to look at Gamora.

Gamora nodded to her.

“I am Gamora.”

“Ah, is she also-”

“I’m not Groot. I can speak properly.”


Benjamin looked at their group and felt like laughing.

Are they running a skit or something?

Lucas raised a brow at them and asked.

“I get bringing Kal-El but why’d you bring them?”

Benjamin smiled wryly.

“Well, these two insisted on wanting to see another universe. As for Gamora…”

“I was asked by his women to prevent him from picking up more women.”


Benjamin was speechless.

When did this even happen!?

Perhaps knowing what Benjamin was thinking, Gamora answered.

“I’m also in their group chat.”


Do they really just invite every woman I come across!?

Wonder Woman nodding knowingly.

“I see your Benjamin is also quite a womanizer like our Lucas. I understand. However, your worries are unnecessary since most women here already fell for Lucas.”


Lucas was also speechless.

What do you mean most women here…you say that as if most of the women in this universe are my lovers!

That’s too many even for me!

Perhaps sensing something amiss, Flash and the others quickly sidestepped outside. Even Rocket and Groot followed them.

Flash turned to look at Rocket and Groot.

“So basically, you guys are here for fun, right? Come with me, I’ll show you our talking swamp.”

“You guys have a talking swamp!? Let’s go!”

“I am Groot!”

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