Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 29: Winter Soldier

Note: Another chap cause I forgot to update yesterday :P


Chapter 29: Winter Soldier


Back in New York, Nick Fury had barely escaped from the Triskelion while carrying with him three Insight Targetting Chips that can override the targeting system of the Hellicarriers.

Being Nick Fury, he naturally had a contingency plan for Project Insight. Only…the chips must be manually inserted into the three Hellicarriers’ servers in order to override the targeting system completely.

As long as they can do so, they can put a stop to Project Insight before it begins killing everyone on Zola’s list.

In the car, Nick quickly called Natasha and the rest on a secure line.

“Have you gathered them yet?”

“I did. Where do you want to meet?”


Nick was about to answer when he spotted a lone man suddenly standing in front of him in the middle of the road.

He quickly swerved in an attempt to dodge but the man pulled out a bazooka from his back and fired at him!




Natasha shouted on the other end of the call when she heard the commotion. However, the call had already disconnected so naturally, no one answered.

Beside her, Steve frowned.

“We need to find him.”

“But how? We don’t know where he is right now!”

Falcon said.

“Let’s go.”

“Nat? Where are you going?”

“I put a tracker on him just in case. I have his location.”

Hearing this, Maria Hill was speechless.

“You put a tracker…on Nick Fury?”


“...Knowing him, he probably noticed it but didn’t remove it in case of a scenario like this happened.”

Clint added and shrugged.

Everyone looked at each other and also nodded.

That does sound like what he would do…

With that settled, everyone suited up and immediately left.

In just a few moments, they finally arrived at the scene.

There, they saw a toppled car wreck and two people shooting at each other.

Nick Fury was heavily wounded and was leaning behind the car wreck while shooting at his assailant.

As for his assailant, he wasn’t taking much cover but still managed not to get injured somehow based on his appearance.

Seeing the rest arrive, Nick shouted at them.

“You’re all late!”

“Well, you know what they say. Better late than never.”

Falcon said as he swooped in and began firing at the assailant with his SMGs.

Steve and Natasha both got off their motorcycles and rushed to Nick Fury’s side.

“What are we up against?”

Steve asked.

“No idea. Some kind of super soldier with a metal arm.”

Nick shook his head as he said so.

The two then looked at the assailant once more and indeed saw his arm being all metal.

“Some kind of armor?”

Natasha frowned but Nick just shook his head again.

“No clue. In any case, this guy packs a punch!”

“Well, let’s go ahead and find out!”

Steve pulled out his iconic vibranium shield and immediately tossed it toward the enemy.

But to his and everyone’s surprise, the man actually…caught the shield!

The next instant, the man spun and tossed the shield back at Steve.

“Oh boy.”

Steve grunted as he attempted to catch the shield and was pushed back by the force of the throw.

Natasha then grinned.

“Let me give it a try.”

“Huh? What do you-”

Before they could ask, Natasha already left the car wreck cover and dashed toward the enemy.

The enemy naturally noticed her and began firing with his rifle but for some reason, Natasha made no attempts to dodge.


A black ink suddenly covered her whole body and when the bullets hit it, it just…bounced off!

At this moment, Hawkeye, who was stationed on a roof nearby, shot an arrow at the enemy.

The enemy didn’t have time to wonder what happened to Natasha and quickly caught the arrow, only for it to explode near his face!

With that as a cover, Natasha moved in and tackled the enemy, instantly overpowering him and tossing him onto the ground.

She took a close look at the metal arm and found that it was directly connected to his body and wasn’t armor. It was an actual replacement for his arm!

“Just who…”

Natasha then controlled the symbiote and restrained the enemy completely with some tentacles while she removed the mask on his face.

Steve had already run over just in time to see the unmasking.

When he saw the face underneath the mask, his eyes widened in shock.



Seeing as the situation was temporarily in control, everyone approached them as well and overheard them talking.

“Do you mean Bucky Barnes? From your time?”

Natasha asked and Steve nodded in horror.

“That’s him…what happened!?”

He couldn’t imagine such a thing happening.

The Bucky he knew then…had fallen off a cliff in one of their missions. He was supposed to be dead.

And yet…here he was. HYDRA’s weapon.

“Best guess. HYDRA found him. Experimented on him. And brainwashed him.”

Everyone looked at Hawkeye who said so nonchalantly.

“What? Everyone’s thinking about it. I’m just saying it.”

“He’s right though. Knowing HYDRA, they most likely did exactly just that.”

Maria Hill sighed.

“In any case. We need to go. We still have to stop Project Insight.”

Nick Fury shook his head and quickly snapped everyone out and focus on their current agenda.

“And you.”

He pointed at Natasha.

“What…the hell is this thing?”

“Hm? Ah, it’s a symbiote. The same thing Ben has. He gave me one.”

“He gave you…one? What is this? A motherfucking pajama? He can just give you one?”

Nick was speechless.

Natasha just shrugged and shook her head.

“I don’t think he has a lot though.”

“And you didn’t ask him?”

“I don’t need to. I trust him.”


Nick Fury groaned.

It’s no use. This one’s been corrupted by a vicious disease called love…

At the same time.

While Natasha and the others engaged against Bucky Barnes, AKA the Winter Soldier, in another location, Ophelia and Felicia finally infiltrated the base where Arnim Zola is.

Compared to the hustle and tussle on Natasha’s side, these two had it much easier.

All Ophelia did was release a knockout gas in the vents of the building and…everyone was put to sleep.

She and Felicia then waltz in and began to mess around with the computers.

[What are you two frauleins doing to my brain!? Why can’t I access anything anymore!?]

Arnim Zola, who was digitally confined in the servers, sent a message to the computer monitor but the two just ignored him.

Before they began their operation, they messaged Ben first who then locked in all of Arnim Zola’s access with the System’s help using the HUD Contacts just so Arnim wouldn’t be able to pull any tricks or escape.

All that’s left is to destroy the physical servers.

But before that…

“He’s right. What are you doing?”

Ophelia asked Felicia who was typing away on the computer.

“Oh, we’re going to destroy these anyway right? Might as well grab all their cryptocurrencies before doing so.”

“...Right, Ben did say you were a master thief…”

[This voice…you are Ophelia Sarkissian! The Viper! Why have you betrayed HYDRA!?]

Arnim Zola asked. Sadly, no one really cared about him so he didn’t get any answers.

After a few moments, a loading bar appeared on the screen.

“Well, just need to wait for the transfer to complete and we’re good to go!”

Felica smiled excitedly while Ophelia rolled her eyes.

While waiting, Felicia stretched and looked around the place to see if there was anything else she can nab.

But all there are is some computers and paper files.

“Is there even a need for these files when the guy’s literally a computer?”

“You can’t place everything in one place. This is HYDRA’s policy. Some of the more important projects or reports are printed out and their digital counterparts destroyed to prevent anyone from hacking it.”

Ophelia explained while taking a look at the files.

“Let’s see…Weapon X…Facility…HIVE…Well, I don’t really get these things much but Ben might need them. Let’s take these things too.”

Ophelia found a bag and place everything that might be important in it.

Felicia lazily spun on the computer chair and asked.

“So what’s the deal with you and Ben anyway? For you to even betray your organization like this.”

“HYDRA took me in when my parents died…Although now I think they might’ve killed my parents themselves. Then they brainwashed me and experimented on my body to be their weapon. All he did was break the brainwashing and I was free…well, as free as I can be anyway. I do not mind being ordered by Ben. At least I can think for myself now and not some brainwashing program.”


Felicia suddenly felt awkward.

Her backstory was too heavy!

However, Ophelia didn’t mind and asked.

“And you? Why are you so obsessed with money?”

“Eh? Are we sharing things now?”

“You started it.”

“I was just bored…well, to answer your question, I suppose it’s just a habit of mine growing up. My father was a thief who repeatedly owed money to some criminal warlord so the idea of hoarding money was instilled in me. Then my dad died and I also became a thief. It just…sort of happened I guess?”

“Be careful as your greed for money may very well be your undoing.”

“I know, I know. No need to give me a lesson.”

Felicia rolled her eyes.

A glint then appeared in her eyes.

“Besides…now I found something more interesting!”

“And what’s that?”



Ophelia was speechless.

It seems this girl would soon fall onto Ben’s lap as well indeed…

At this moment.

In a certain HYDRA base.

A certain HYDRA agent named Bob was lamenting his fate.

Ahh…I only joined HYDRA for the dental plan! This base was supposed to be the safest place! Why are we being infiltrated now!?

I even filed my vacation leave next week!

Can’t they invade us next week!? Why now!?

Alas, no one cared about the thoughts of a normal HYDRA grunt as Benjamin and the X-Men quickly demolished the base in a matter of minutes.

The mutants they rescued would then be sent back to their homes or to Xavier’s school.

“HYDRA sure had a lot of imprisoned mutants. There should be a separate group that’s providing these mutants to them.”

Jean frowned as she spoke.

Benjamin had a feeling that this group was the one Deadpool was after. If so…well, it should no longer exist now since he had set Deadpool loose on their place a few days ago.

“But thanks to this, a lot of fresh new mutants would be joining us soon. We should be able to fight back against the Brotherhood with our numbers.”

Scott smiled.

Hearing that, Jean frowned again.

“Scott, we are helping them, not recruiting them to join an army. Many of them had been tortured for who knows how long. They need time to heal.”

“I-I know that! I was just saying…”

Jean sighed and shook her head.

Lately, he seems to be showing off a lot more and wouldn’t follow what Benjamin said even though the Professor told them to listen to him during this mission.

What’s gotten into him? He’s usually okay most of the time before…

“Anyway. What’s next on the list?”

Rogue asked and dusted off some dust on her.

Not all mutants they met were forced against their will. There were naturally some who wanted nothing more than to wreak havoc.

Towards these mutants, Rogue had no scruples and touched them lightly, absorbing their memories and abilities.

The longer the point of contact, the longer the powers stay on her.

She didn’t dare absorb for a long time as the memories in her mind get jumbled up and it gets confusing if she doesn’t control it so now, she can only use their powers for 10 minutes.

This is the time she set for herself so she can control herself more.

Finally powering down, Rogue sighed in relief as she regained control of herself and asked Benjamin.

Benjamin was about to answer when he noticed that she still had a spot of soot on her face since one of the powers she absorbed earlier was a flame-based ability.

Benjamin answered while approaching her.

“There’s still one more on the list. This should take care of all of HYDRA’s current heads for now. Here, you have something on your face.”

He lifted his hand and wiped off the soot on her face.


Rogue and the others had yet to react at that. Only when Nightcrawler exclaimed did they notice.

“Huh? Just now…he touched you, right?”


Rogue and the others froze as they tried to recall.

That…seems to be what happened!? He didn’t use a cloth but used his bare hands!

Rogue quickly stepped back and touched her face.

“Y-you…huh? H-how? This…”

“Hm? Ah…don’t worry, I have this thin skin-like film around me so your powers wouldn’t affect me. Here, touch it.”

Benjamin extended his hand to Rogue.

Rogue, still confused, looked at his arm blankly in a stupor.

She then recalled what he said and tried to take a closer look but…she really can’t see anything but skin!

“You…are really fine?”

“I am. Go ahead and try it.”


Rogue removed the glove on her hand and slowly approached Benjamin’s hand.

She wanted to confirm if this was real…or just a dream.

For a long time now, she had never been able to feel the touch of another person without draining them of their powers and memories. Nor could she feel their warm touch since those that touch her end up feeling cold from the heat of their body being absorbed as well.

She joined Xavier’s school because she wanted to better control her powers but…she still couldn’t touch anyone without absorbing their powers and memories.


Her hand slowly touched Benjamin’s hand.

Rogue’s eyes were shut the whole time, afraid to see the results.

However, Benjamin’s warm hand held onto hers and his grip remained strong.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw Benjamin smiling at her.

“See? Completely fine.”

Tears began falling from Rogue’s eyes.

Finally…the touch of warmth that she longed for…

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