Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 34: Vision

Chapter 34: Vision

“The reason you failed was that you tried to copy the…entity in Loki’s Scepter. But that’s impossible, to begin with.”

Benjamin raised his hand and everyone saw that he was already holding the scepter.

Shocked, Steve and the others got into a stance, seemingly about ready to attack.

“Relax. I got it while you all were arguing just now.”

Benjamin rolled his eyes and didn’t mind them.

He held the head of the scepter and gripped the glowing orb in the middle.

With a single clench of his fist, the orb shattered into pieces, revealing a glowing yellow gem inside.

Benjamin didn’t touch it but simply used his telekinesis to hover it above his hand.

Seeing the gem, Thor’s eyes widened in shock and surprise.

“That is…!”

“You recognize it? Why don’t you share it with the rest of the class?”

“...The Mind Stone.”

“What’s a Mind Stone?”

Wolverine frowned and asked.

His instincts tell him that this small gem is dangerous…very very dangerous!

“The Mind Stone is one of the six Infinity Stones scattered throughout the universe. Each of them said to contain unimaginable power beyond even that of a God.”

“...If it’s that dangerous, we should destroy it.”

Scott immediately suggested.

“I’m afraid that’s impossible. Only an Infinity Stone can destroy another Infinity Stone.”

“Then we must seal it.”

Charles added.

“Lock it behind the most secure vault, hide it, seal it, and destroy the key. No one must get their hands on it.”

“I agree with the Professor.”

Steve nodded.

Benjamin sighed and shook his head.

“You’re all thinking too low. I told you that Tony’s idea for Ultron was in the right direction. Just not complete.”

“What do you mean?”

Rhodes asked.

“I’m saying, we need to create a better version of Ultron and have him protect the Mind Stone.”

“No. That’s too dangerous!”

Steve immediately refuted.

Benjamin shook his head.

“It’s useless to keep it hidden. How confident are you that no one here would leak this news? I’m not doubting anyone’s loyalty but there are plenty of ways to find out something when you’re desperate enough. You all should know this better than anyone.”

Everyone looked at each other solemnly.

They all know that he meant there are all kinds of unexplainable powers out there. Even if they don’t want to reveal a secret, it might not be up to them most of the time.

“Once other people know of this matter, they will try everything in their power to get this gem. This is common greed for power. So instead of simply sealing it away, we make its own protector who can also fight alongside us when the time comes.”

“...I understand where you are coming from. But what makes you so sure it won’t turn into Ultron and threaten to kill all mutants and other enhanced people?”

Ororo asked.

“Well, we use the good guy instead.”


“Jarvis. He’s still here.”

As if on cue, everyone heard Jarvis’ familiar voice in the building speakers.

“I am right here sir. I apologize, it took some time to restore my systems back online.”


“Is something wrong?”

Perhaps confused why no one replied to it, Jarvis asked.

Benjamin chuckled.

“No, Jarvis. Nothing’s wrong.”

He then turned to everyone else again and gave them a final push.

“Even if all else fails and he turns out like Ultron, I can shut him down and it won’t be too late to go along with your plan. What do you say?”

Everyone looked at each other as if trying to confirm their thoughts.

Finally, Steve spoke up.

“It’s useless to decide on our own. Let’s vote then. All those in favor, raise your hands.”

Tony, Bruce, Natasha, and Thor raised their hands.

Steve and the rest were surprised to see Thor agree.

“You do not understand the Infinity Stones as I do. Sealing it will only delay the inevitable. Since we now have it in our hands, we must use it to better our forces!”

Tony pointed at Thor as if saying ‘what he said’ with his looks.

“Steve, take it from someone who has kept his inner demon bottled up for years. The more you hide and seal something dangerous…the more destruction it causes when it is released.”

Bruce added.

As for Natasha, she wholeheartedly trusts Benjamin so she naturally agreed.

On the X-Men side, Rogue, Jean, Storm, and Wolverine raised their hands.

They were all surprised to see Wolverine agree.

“Hmph. While I don’t get all that space talk, I do know that thing’s dangerous. And if it’s dangerous…all the more uneasy I’ll be if it’s left hidden in places I do not know. The way I see it, if he puts that thing on a robot, I only need to worry about the robot in the future.”


Everyone was speechless.

However…they can’t help but think there was some sense in what he said.

It does indeed feel uneasy knowing that it will be hidden somewhere with no way of knowing where it will be or what.

Who knows, maybe someone already took it and none of them knew.

If they do decide to hide it away and seal it, they can’t leave anything like a tracker since the tracker may also be counter-traced using some strange equipment or ability.

They would feel more at ease knowing that the stone was still on the robot they’ll make.

At least they can monitor him and stop him if he ever becomes a threat. They can also start making some contingency plans against that robot should the need arise.

Between a future unknown enemy and a known but possible enemy, they’d rather choose the latter.

Charles sighed at that.

“I think that settles it.”

There’s no reason to deliberate any further as the rest were also convinced by Wolverine’s logic.

“Let’s get started then.”

Benjamin turned to Dr. Helen Cho who was quiet during the whole thing.

“Dr. Cho. I need your Regeneration Cradle to make the body for it.”

Suddenly being called out, Helen was surprised but still answered.

“The Regeneration Cradle can only print tissue. It can’t build a living body.”

“It can. You can. You just lacked materials.”

Benjamin directly bought 200k MP worth of pure Vibranium alloy and an alloy the size of a regular human appeared in front of him.

Tony instantly recognized the material and looked at Benjamin in confusion.

“Vibranium? How…”

“I didn’t steal it from Wakanda if that’s what you’re wondering. I got it from somewhere else, don’t worry about it.”


What followed next was Helen and Bruce reconfiguring the Regeneration Cradle while Tony readjusted Jarvis’ code to prepare him for the transfer.

The rest of the Avengers and the X-Men stayed during this time to make sure nothing goes wrong.

While Tony adjusts Jarvis, Benjamin asked him.

“Right, now that you’re gonna use Jarvis for this new robot…or rather, synthezoid, won’t you be down with an AI to help you as Iron Man?”

“Oh, no worries. I have plenty of backup AIs.”

Tony pulled a drawer and took out several chips with names labeled on them.

Benjamin recognized Friday but there was another chip that caught his attention.


“Hm? Yeah. Named it after this kid I met in Tokyo a few years back. He was having some problems with his school project so I helped him a bit. I wonder if he completed that project of his?”

“...I see…”

Benjamin nodded with a weird expression.

Is this Tadashi…the same Tadashi he was thinking about?

Tadashi Hamada…a character from a movie in his past life called Big Hero 6.

When he saw that movie, Stan Lee made a cameo in it as well so a lot of people wondered if it was tied to the Marvel world.

But…it shouldn’t be. The setting in that movie is too special. Then again, it would be quite interesting to see them as well.

As Benjamin was thinking of such things, Bruce and Helen finished reconfiguring the cradle and had already begun using the Vibranium to construct a whole new body.

After some time, the body was completed and Jarvis’ data has begun to transfer.

At the last sprint, they needed some extra juice to power it up so Benjamin, Thor, and Storm created some lightning and finally completed…Vision!


Vision’s body sprang out of the cradle and it slowly landed on the ground.

He looked around in confusion. Almost like a newborn baby.

Charles pressed his index and middle fingers on his temple as he spoke directly in Vision’s mind.

‘Calm yourself. Do you know why you were born?’

Vision heard the voice in his head and turned to look at Charles.

Then, for the first time, he spoke.

“I understand my role.”

He lifted his hand and touched the gem inlaid on his forehead.

“To protect the Mind Stone and Earth from any external threats.”

Vision looked around and saw Thor. He was a bit fascinated with his cape so he also made his own cape.

Charles nodded and spoke with bright eyes as he looked at Vision.

“Fascinating. Your mind is unlike any other I’ve encountered. I can’t read it at all.”

Although he wasn’t able to read Vision’s mind, sending telepathic messages was still feasible which was what he did earlier.

“The Mind Stone protects me from such things. Unless I decide to let you in myself. However, it is for your own good not to do so as you will be unable to comprehend the vastness of the Mind Stone. The worst case scenario is, you’ll be forever stuck in my mind, unable to leave.”

“That’s good to know…”

Charles felt a bit of sweat on his forehead when he heard that.

It was a good thing it didn’t work…

Benjamin sighed and shook his head.

When is this guy gonna learn not to intrude into someone’s mind without permission?...

Since the creation of Vision went without a hitch, the X-Men started to leave as well.

Benjamin opened up a portal for them to save them some time.

Wolverine approached Vision one last time and glared at him.

“You better not betray us, Bob. Cause I’ll be coming for you if you do.”

“Who is Bob?”

Wolverine growled and left without answering.

Colossus then shook Vision’s hand after that.

“He’ll warm up to you, don’t worry.”

He then turned to Benjamin and looked at the portal.

“Your…magic reminds me of my little sister’s powers. She too can open up portals but it leads to a different dimension which she calls Limbo.”


Benjamin knew that he must be talking about Magik.

“Yes. But she can’t control her powers very well. Even the Professor is struggling to help her. Perhaps, you can.”

Benjamin raised a brow at that.

“You want me to coach your sister?”

“If you have the time of course.”

“Sure. I’ll drop by when I can.”

“That’s good.”

Colossus nodded and left through the portal as well.

Jean looked at Colossus’ back and turned to look at Benjamin and Vision.

“You keep getting more and more mysterious the more I see you.”

“I’m not that mysterious once you get to know me.”

Jean smiled at that.

“Captain Freed. Are you flirting with me?”

“Shh, don’t let Scott hear it.”

“Haha. Maybe we can talk some more another time then.”

Jean knew that Benjamin was just fooling around so she just laughed and waved goodbye.

Still, Scott didn’t like it one bit when he saw Jean and Benjamin laugh so intimately so he glared at Benjamin while leaving in a huff.

“I see you are quite a playboy not any less than Stark.”

Hearing a voice behind him, Benjamin turned around and saw Ororo.

“I am curious though.”


“You seem to know a lot of things including the existence of the Infinity Stones. Why is that?”

Benjamin chuckled and shrugged.

“I just read a lot.”

“And the Vibranium…they mentioned it came from Wakanda earlier. Do you know where it is by any chance?”

Benjamin looked at Ororo and wondered if she already knew of T’Challa or not.

“I do. Looking for someone?”

“Yes. Do you mind showing me the way this weekend?”

Benjamin thought for a moment before nodding.

“I should be free this Sunday. Sure.”

Since Benjamin had a plan with Natasha and Rogue to look for houses on Saturday, he can only move the visit to Wakanda to Sunday.

Hmm, it would be interesting to visit Wakanda too.

“I’ll see you then.”

Ororo nodded and left through the portal.

Once all the X-Men had left, Rogue and Natasha approached him.

“You sure are popular huh?”

“Uhh, I think you’re misunderstanding something.”

“No need to explain.”

“Save it.”

Both Rogue and Natasha said and soon chuckled among themselves.

Benjamin could only smile wryly at that.

They sure like ganging up on him…

After a while, Benjamin, Natasha, and Rogue also left to head back home.

This time, he wasn’t made to sleep on the couch but was pulled directly into the bedroom by the two of them.

“We’re not letting you sleep tonight.”

Natasha grinned and immediately removed Benjamin’s shirt and pants as she pushed him to sit at the edge of the bed.

She then knelt in front of him and moved her face close to his dick.

As she started to lick it, she turned to look at Rogue.

“Are you just planning on watching, Anna?”


Rogue swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously and knelt beside Natasha as well, taking a closer look at Benjamin’s dick.

“So this is a man’s…”

“Hehe, don’t use his dick as the standard. His is quite bigger than most.”

“I-is that so?”

“Go ahead and give it a lick. Follow my movements.”

Natasha acted like a teacher as she taught Rogue how to give a blowjob.

“Mm…like this?”



Benjamin moaned pleasantly as he stroked their heads while they bobbed up and down underneath him.

After some time, Benjamin blew his first load inside Rogue’s mouth who tried her best to swallow it.

“Are you ready for the next part?”

“I am…”

Rogue took a deep breath and lay on the bed with a stiff expression.

Benjamin chuckled at that as she looked like a lamb ready for slaughter.

He kissed her on her stomach and made his way upwards to her chest, then her shoulders, her neck, her ears, cheeks, and finally, a deep kiss on her mouth.

This made her body soften gradually and was no longer as stiff as before.

Under Natasha’s watch, Benjamin slowly inserted his dick inside Rogue.


It was hard for her at first, but she soon felt amazing pleasure and couldn’t stop moaning.

She even came multiple times already.

Natasha didn’t just watch as she also kissed Benjamin and massaged his balls with her hands.

Under the assault of two, Benjamin soon came and poured his hot semen deep inside Rogue.


Rogue’s eyes rolled back slightly and her whole body twitched from the intense pleasure she felt when Benjamin came inside her.

After removing himself from Rogue, Natasha couldn’t wait anymore and pushed him down, directly straddling him and putting his dick inside her.

The three continued their battle until 3 am the following day.

[Harem Point +10]

The days continued to pass by just like that and soon, 3 days flew by.

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