Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 37: Rise of the EPD

Chapter 37: Rise of the EPD

Benjamin and Susan ended up staying in space for a few more hours as they enjoyed each other’s bodies within the DeLorean floating in outer space.

They tried zero gravity first but as it got a bit hard to move, they ended up turning on the artificial gravity for the rest of the session.

Benjamin wondered if Susan really has an exhibitionist fetish as she especially liked it when she gets fucked from behind while facing the window, looking over at Earth.

Although she knew that no one could see her in space, knowing that she is facing the whole Earth while being drilled from behind made her climax repeatedly over and over…

I wonder what she’ll do when she gets her invisibility powers…?

Benjamin couldn’t help but wonder.

After sending Susan back, Benjamin slept for a few hours before waking up to start working.

For this whole week, Benjamin led the EPD to clean up the rest of the underworld gangs and criminal groups in New York. When that was done, they moved on to a different city, under the approval of Major Johnson of course, and slowly but surely captured most of the criminals in the country.

It got to a point where other countries had already started asking for them to help out their country too.

Well, it wasn’t the country leaders that asked but the people.

As news of the EPD’s success spreads worldwide via news outlets and social media, the people of other countries began pressuring their own countries to have an Enhance Police Division in their countries too.

Talks had already begun on turning EPD into a global police force but Benjamin didn’t take part in it. He just pushed everything to Nick Fury since he already has experience in that regard.

SHIELD was supposed to be like this. But it started to have more projects on ‘elimination’ and ‘prevention’ which made them more susceptible to being corrupted.

As for the EPD, it is strictly ‘capture’ and ‘detain’ threats from enhanced individuals or otherwise.

Even the normal police force is slowly being integrated into the EPD system. Of course, not everyone liked the change but none of them can deny that crime rates have gone to an all-time low since the creation of the EPD.

The first members to join were obviously happy that they are no longer treated like criminals as well when they try to save the day. Instead, they are now recognized as real ‘heroes’.

In fact, the happiest is probably Spiderman.

[“Well there you have it folks…Spiderman’s done it again!”]

Benjamin looked at a large screen on the city square and saw J. Jonah. Jameson.

In the past, this guy had always reported bad things about Spiderman. But now…

[“A few hours ago, a rogue fire-breathing mutant burned down a whole apartment block in the city…Thankfully, no one was hurt as Spiderman saved the day!...Again!...”]

JJJ looked completely unwilling to speak and even turned to his producer outside the camera frame.

[“Do I really have to say this Fred?....Fine! Fine! I’ll say it!”]

He sighed and continued.

[“...We…can’t thank Spiderman enough…for everything he has done…to protect this city…Ok! That’s it! Cut! I’m done!”]

JJJ couldn’t stand it anymore the more he thinks that Spiderman must be grinning and laughing at him so he stood and left.

The feed quickly stopped and turned to a different channel.

In a certain high school.

A young man was grinning from ear to ear while holding his phone that just displayed the news.

“What’s making you smile so much, tiger?”

A red-haired teen walking beside him smiled and asked.

“Finally got a praise from good ol’ Jonah.”

“Haha, you two sure don’t like each other, Pete.”

Peter shrugs.

“I don’t hate him. But he hates me! For some reason!”

He really can’t understand why JJJ was always so fixated on Spiderman. It was almost like an obsession.

It’s not like he did anything to JJJ…

As they chat while walking, they reached their classroom and took a seat.

Just in time, a teacher arrived along with a blonde-haired teenager with a black hairband.

“Settle down everyone. There’s a new student in the class.”

The teacher turned to the new student and asked her to introduce herself.

“My name is Gwendolyne Stacy. Or Gwen for short.”

Meanwhile, in a certain secluded part of the city.

Felicia in her Black Cat outfit was chilling on top of a roof.

She was already wearing the new suit Benjamin made for her.

While the overall theme of her suit didn’t change, there were some new lines here and there that made the suit more streamlined.

It’s also more resistant to damage and can even absorb kinetic energy, allowing her to release it when she wanted.

This meant she can drop down from a building without dying and the kinetic energy from the fall can be released onto someone when she punches them.

The suit was also lined with several sensors and wirings much like Spiderman’s suit in the MCU that Tony Stark made for him.

Her goggles now have their own HUD and Benjamin even wanted to add an AI but Felicia refused. Saying she wanted to use her own judgment and control over the suit.

She also now has a very thin utility belt on her waist where a bunch of other gadgets are stored in their compacted form.

Her whip also got some upgrades of its own as it can now grow spikes, electrify, or harden and turn into a spear.

Her boots also got an upgrade of their own and much like a certain small detective’s shoes, she can power up her boots and enable her to kick harder or jump higher.

On top of all that, Benjamin had started teaching her a few magic spells too.

Well, she’s still learning so she can’t do much at the moment.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over her.

Black Cat smiled.

“Took you long enough.”

“Heh. We just wanted to be sure that you’re worth…recruiting. Given your current status.”

Black Cat turned and saw an African American woman with long black hair in a red sleeveless robe and golden earrings.

“Actually, we have been considering you in the past, but then you went and joined the EPD of all things…we all thought that you were no longer eligible. Imagine our surprise when we noticed you…stealing from the people you caught. Enough not to be noticed but also enough to earn a profit.”

Right. While Black Cat still continued her work as a member of the EPD should, she had also taken a few of the criminals’ belongings while on the job.

Benjamin knew this of course but didn’t stop her as long as she doesn’t go overboard.

This week, she had earned so much money that she happily invited Benjamin to go drinking.

…Which then ended in sex and adding Benjamin’s Harem Points by 10, now totaling 82.

Well, Benjamin got a bit carried away as well since he was also doing the same thing as her and earned a lot.

In fact, both Captain Holt and Major Johnson knew he was pocketing some money but since they also know he was donating most of it to charity and another portion of it to upgrade EPD equipment, they didn’t say anything.

He had only gotten a lot of money from when he took out HYDRA one by one. HYDRA was quite rich after all. It was the only time he didn’t donate them to charity and used them for himself…well, it’s also now mostly gone after he bought the mansion.

As for the higher-ups that noticed what he was doing and had ill intentions were immediately found by Benjamin as well through his handy-dandy skill, He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, and sent them all gifts in the form of blackmail emails.

Those without ill intentions ignored it as they also knew where the money mostly went. The small portion they don’t know, they ignored.

If money is all it took to maintain the peace right now, they will happily give it.

“In fact, that so-called Captain Freed is the same…we wanted to invite him too but he’s too high profile. You, on the other hand…are perfectly fine.”

The woman smiled and stretched her hand forward.

“What do you say? Do you want to join a guild of like-minded people like you?”

“Is there money in it?”

The woman chuckled.

“And so much more.”

Black Cat smiled and took her hand to shake it.

“What do I call you?”

“Name’s Odessa Drake. Welcome to the Thieves Guild.”

Black Cat showed a mysterious smile.

“Glad to join.”

At the same time, a message was sent to Benjamin through some unknown means.

[I’m in.]

Receiving this message, Benjamin smiled.

The Thieves Guild is quite elusive and hard to track down, even with Benjamin’s current abilities.

Now that they had someone inside, things will get much easier.

In fact, there may not be a need to eradicate them.

Like with HYDRA, Benjamin can just make Felicia the new leader of the Thieves Guild and turn them into something like Robin Hood.

Steal from the rich, give to the poor.

Instead of selfishly stealing from anyone.

The Thieves Guild still has some use so he wasn’t in a hurry to eliminate them.

Speaking of HYDRA, Viper had managed to solidify her position as the new head of HYDRA.

Now known as Madame Hydra, she rounded up all the remaining members as well as those who managed to escape and those currently hiding to have them integrated into certain parts of the country.

While they became her eyes and ears, they also became pawns for Benjamin now.

As for whether he’ll even use these pawns…well, that’s still up to the future to decide.

Of course, Viper and Black Cat still maintained their status as a member of the EPD as part of their ‘cover’. It was a convenient way for them to report to Benjamin after all.

Overall, the week has been quite fruitful for Benjamin as he also gained a lot of MP from catching the criminals, having now a grand total of 924000 MP!

Not to mention… there are also 46 free gacha pulls gained!

He had gained a total of 4 more red rarities and…1 gold!

That’s right, he had finally struck gold in a gacha pull!

[God of Nature] (Gold)

This was the gold ability he gained…

As the name suggests, he now had power over nature itself.

It’s like an extended version of Storm’s abilities but now he can also grow and control trees, move mountains, shape rivers…and so much more.

It isn’t wrong to say…that the whole planet is his weapon now!

As for the red rarities, he got two more Untainted Symbiotes, a Page from the Book of Vishanti, and the Casket of Ancient Winters.

All of which he chucked into his Inventory in the meantime.

Well, he gave one of the Untainted Symbiotes to Rogue. Hers was grey colored.

With this, she is now able to touch anyone as long as she covered herself with a thin film of the symbiote.

Thanks to that, they are now currently visiting Xavier’s school today so she could finally hug her friends.

While a lot of good things happened this week, nothing lasts forever.

At this moment, all the people in the world heard a voice.

‘Hear me, inhabitants of this world.’

Surprised, Benjamin looked at Charles who was frowning.

This plot seemed familiar to the X-Men Apocalypse movie in his past life…but in that movie, Apocalypse used Charles’ powers to deliver the message.

Now, how is he doing this?

Well, it could be that this world’s version of Apocalypse is already stronger than the one in the movie so Benjamin didn’t dwell on it much and waited.

‘You have lost your way. But I have returned.’

‘The day of reckoning…is here.’

‘All your buildings…institutes…towers…all will fall, and there is nothing you can do.’

‘This message is for one reason alone.’

‘To tell the strongest among you. Those with the greatest power.’

‘This earth…will be yours!’

Cairo, Egypt.

Inside a certain pyramid, a huge man with blue skin and wore ancient Egyptian armor sat on top of a throne.

This man was En Sabah Nur…otherwise known as the Apocalypse.

On his sides were the four horsemen that he had just recruited.

Erik Lehnsherr. AKA Magneto.

Victor Creed. AKA Sabretooth.

Cain Marko. AKA Juggernaut.

Vincent. AKA Mesmero.

After becoming his horsemen, all of them got an upgrade in their abilities and had grown even stronger than before.

Once the message ended, Magneto spoke first.

“They won’t listen you know. They will only retaliate.”

Apocalypse sneered.

“It doesn’t matter. Be it the X-Men…Avengers…or that so-called EPD. None of them will succeed. Why should those with power protect those without when we can rule over them? And why do those without power sit above those with power? This world is wrong.”

“Heh. I don’t really care about all this bullshit. As long as I kill Wolverine, I’m good.”

Sabretooth gnarled.

“Haha! I only want to destroy!”

Juggernaut laughed and stomped his feet, causing the ground to shake.

Mesmero stayed quiet.

He only followed since Magneto also followed and it seemed interesting.

Magneto sighed but no longer say anything.

In the end, he also joined for his own selfish reasons.

He was also one who absolutely disdained normal humans and wanted nothing more than to let the mutants take over the world.

Sadly, not everyone in his Brotherhood shared this view.

Most of them only wanted the people to recognize mutants with respect and not discriminate against them.

Benjamin’s EPD had solved this.

In fact, a lot of the Brotherhood members had left and joined the EPD too. Causing Magneto to hate Benjamin to the core.

If Benjamin knew what he was thinking, he would’ve sighed in disappointment.

This version of Magneto was already old and seemed to have long forgotten his original goals. Replaced with only hate for humans now.

Otherwise, he would’ve approved of Benjamin’s EPD instead. Maybe even join it.

“Prepare the defenses. I’ll give them a day to try and resist. Tomorrow…will be the beginning of the end.”

Apocalypse commanded arrogantly.

Magneto nodded and stretched out both hands as he started controlling the metal in the earth and forming metallic structures around the pyramid.

Meanwhile, back in Xavier’s school, a new visitor arrived, covered in wounds.

She had blue skin, red hair, and wore a white sleeveless and backless suit with small skulls on her waist.

[Raven Darkholme - Mystique. Affiliated with the Brotherhood of Mutants.]

“Charles…it’s Erik…save…him…”

As soon as she finished speaking, she fainted and fell down.

Benjamin acted quickly and caught her to prevent her from falling to the ground.

So this is the infamous Mystique…

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