Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 4: Keeping an Eye

Chapter 4: Keeping an Eye

It was in the afternoon that Benjamin woke up.

When he opened his eyes, Natasha was still sleeping soundly beside him.

He smiled again and lightly kissed her cheeks before leaving.

After some time, Natasha also opened her eyes 

Seeing the unfamiliar ceiling on top of her made her think about what just happened.

She then remembered the night and the unforgettable sex with that man. Although she said she would be the one giving him an unforgettable night, in the end, she was the one who was fucked until she can’t take it anymore.

When she looked at the bed sheet, she found her blood stain on it.

Taking her knife, she cut that piece of cloth and kept it away for safekeeping. This was a special moment for her and couldn't care less about Benjamin’s bed sheet. She’ll just buy him another one later.

It was only now that she truly felt free from her past...from the Red Room.

Later, she will have herself checked to confirm if her fertility had indeed gotten back.

Suddenly, she thought.

Oh my god, if it really is back, with how much sex we did yesterday...isn't there a high chance I'll get pregnant!?

She had only thought of the consequences of her actions just now.

Before, she simply wanted to forget everything and get lost in sex. But now, she regretted the fact that they weren't using protection!

It wasn't because she was afraid of getting pregnant with Benjamin, rather, she wanted it! How exciting that could be for her!

What she was scared of is...for Benjamin to be able to take responsibility! No, not taking responsibility is fine. Natasha can understand him since this was her fault to begin with and not his.

She is confident of being able to raise a child alone as a mother, even if it meant retiring from being an Avenger or an agent...what she was scared of is that Benjamin would feel guilty and force himself to be responsible!

She didn't want to burden him at all!

"No good...I should have it checked immediately!"

She didn't want to take any pills to prevent a potential birth as she feels like she is killing an unborn infant. She had killed plenty of people already, she didn't want to do it to a child too!

Natasha wanted to have herself checked immediately. If she is indeed pregnant, she will just vanish from Benjamin's life and not tell him about the child.

Having decided so, Natasha exhaled and left the bedroom.

Though, as soon as she walked, she staggered as her thighs felt numb!

"...I guess we really overdid it…"

Shaking her head, she slowly walked to the door and opened it.

"Nat, you're awake. I made breakfast...er, I guess it's lunchtime already. Well, just eat, I'm sure you're hungry."

"Un, thank you Ben."

As for why the two know each other's names, though it does not need to be said in Benjamin's case, Natasha only knew Benjamin's name during their ‘battle’ yesterday.

Naturally, they had to know each other's name when calling out to each other while moaning right?

"How do you feel? Does it still hurt?"

"It does actually, but I'm fine. The pain should fade away after some time."

"Uhh, sorry…"

Natasha laughed at Benjamin who was making an awkward face as they ate.

The two ate for a while then Benjamin started to wash the dishes.

Watching her man clean the plates, Natasha smiled and hugged him from the back.

"? What's up?"

"Nothing. Oh, right. Can I ask? Where did you get that pill?"

"Pill? Oh, well, it was given to me by my late parents. As for where they got it, unfortunately, I have no idea."

Since he didn't know what to say, Benjamin decided to blame it on his already non-existent parents!

"What do your parents do?"

"I don't really know. They died when I was young enough not to care about it. Or maybe I simply forgot about it."

"I see...sorry to hear that."

"It's fine. Anyway, it has already long passed."

Benjamin just shrugged as he truly didn't feel anything from his previous host body's parents whom he had never met.

If anything, he only felt sympathetic about it.

The two fell silent once again.

"Ben, where do you go to work?"

"Me? Well, I used to work on a construction site and also a few part-time jobs...but I’m thinking of quitting all those."


"I've decided to be a cop."

Natasha was surprised at the sudden decision.

"Why so suddenly?"

"Actually, this is something I have thought about for a while now. Right now, there are a lot of heroes and all sorts of specialized departments like SHIELD. But…I feel there is more need for the police right now."

"What do you mean?"

"The police are more relatable and reliable in the eyes of common people. I feel like I can make much more of a difference as a cop. No matter how small it may seem."

Benjamin looked into Natasha's eyes resolutely.

Natasha sighed and gave him a kiss.

"Well, since you have decided, I'll help you apply then."

"Eh? You can do that?"

"Of course, I am still an Agent of SHIELD and an Avenger after all. I have a lot of connections!"

Natasha proudly stuck out her chest with a pat.

Benjamin laughed and kissed her as well.

"Yes, yes. The Great Black Widow is amazing. Speaking of which, are they not looking for you?"

"Crap! I forgot to report in!"

Natasha's face paled and immediately grabbed her things. Unfortunately, she didn't have any other clothes other than the nurse outfit but the state of that is now...well, inconvenient to wear outside…

With no choice, she took Benjamin's pants and shirt instead and fashioned herself with them.

"I'll be going out now! See you later Ben!"

"Alright, off you go. And be careful!"

"I will! Mwah!"

Natasha winked and kissed him one last time before leaving the apartment.

Benjamin smiled wryly as he rubbed his cheek and went back to his room.

Looking at the quest counter, he sighed and thought about how long would he complete this darn quest.

[Side Quest: Create a Harem in the Marvel World!]

[Harem Points: 5/100]

Benjamin sighed again.

Forget it. For now, I should start applying for a job as a police officer.

As soon as he thought of that, he immediately began to work on it.

Meanwhile, a few hours later, in the Avengers' tower, Natasha was happily skipping down the hallways.

She had just checked with a doctor. Her fertility had indeed been restored!

Though it would take some time to do a pregnancy test, she was still happy at the fact that she is now able to get pregnant!

And all of this was because of her man, Benjamin!

Tony Stark was talking science with Bruce Banner when they saw Natasha skipping while humming.

The two of them went silent as they watched Natasha with eyes wide and jaws dropped.

They didn't speak until Natasha was already out of sight.

"That...that was Nat right?"


"The Black Widow?"


"Cold, cruel, and deadly assassin?"




Suddenly, the two panicked as their faces went pale!

Tony immediately made his orders!

"Friday! Lock down the tower and contact the rest of the Avengers!"

"Sir, may I ask why?"

"Because Natasha has been possessed! Or maybe a Skrull! Or an LMD! Whatever it is, she is definitely not the real Natasha!"

It didn't take a moment for all the nearby Avengers to gather around and surround Natasha!

Iron Man and War Machine turned their repulsors and weapons at her.

Captain America had his shield ready to block.

Falcon and Hawkeye aimed their weapons.

Bruce Banner was ready to Hulk out.

Captain Marvel floated in the air as she glowed, ready to release her power.

Natasha stood there completely gobsmacked.

"Stark, is it true? Natasha's been compromised?"

"I wondered why she didn't return yesterday but thought that she just got delayed a bit. But now, when we saw her...she was humming! While skipping down the hall! This isn't her!"

Hearing this, the other Avengers were a bit embarrassed that they were so serious before and they powered down after hearing him.

"Seriously Tony?"

"Well...I guess it does make some sense."

"What kind of crazy idiot villain would invade Avengers' Tower and act like a happy-go-lucky Natasha!? They should use you instead of Natasha!"

"Fine, my bad! But it is still suspicious to see Natasha act like that!"

The others went silent as they did feel he had a point.

They then looked back to Natasha who had her palm to her face in exasperation.

"Now listen here, am I not allowed to be happy!? I just found out that I may be pregnant, so yes, I'm happy!"

Hearing her made everyone even more shocked!

Hawkeye, Clint Barton, frowned as he knew more than the others.

"But Nat, you…"

"I know what you're going to say Clint, but this is real. I just went by the doctor to have a check-up. I am now fertile! This means I can get pregnant now! I am finally free from the Red Room! This is why I was so happy!"

As he heard this, Clint sighed and smiled happily.

"That's good, Nat. Finally...you can have the life you wanted. I am truly happy for you."

Captain Marvel smiled and happily hugged Natasha as she congratulated her.

As for the guys, they looked a bit awkward.

Finally, Tony spoke.

"Uhh, the kid isn't mine right?"

"Screw off Stark! That was a long time ago! Of course not! If I have a child, then it will only be for one person! He is the only one for me!"

"Is it Capt?"

"Tony! Don't drag me into this!"


Tony revealed a shocked expression.

"It can't be! Is it Hulk!?"

"What!? Ew! No!"

"Hey! Was the ew necessary!?"

Bruce was speechless.

"Then who is it? Come on, we're all curious who could melt our cold Black Widow's heart!"

"Stop guessing! None of you know him and he isn't a part of this circle of ours."

Natasha rolled her eyes and didn't bother with them any longer.

Carol Danvers, AKA Captain Marvel, smiled and waved off the boys.

"Alright boys, we girls will have a chat. Go away and do your thing. Shoo shoo."


After being pushed away, the boys can only give up and be kicked out of the room.

Once they were gone, Carol turned back to Natasha again.

"And? Who is he really?"

"Hehe, speaking of which, that guy is truly amazing in bed. Even after we did it 10 hours straight, he was still hard! I was completely defeated!"

Natasha blushed as she remembered the night before.

Hearing her, Carol gasped in shock.

"So powerful!? He really isn't the Hulk right?'

"What? No! I told you he isn't a part of our circle. He's not a hero or villain, not an agent or whatever. Actually, he's just applying to be a normal cop."

"No way! Such a normal guy?"

"But he is quite handsome. I'm just afraid that I myself isn't enough to satisfy him in bed though...right, Carol, I know you aren't satisfied with anyone because you're so powerful. I'm telling you, this guy can match you!"

Carol smiled wryly at that.

"What are you saying? Are you giving your man to me?"

"We can share him. I don't mind. Anyway, after having sex with him, I don't think anyone else can satisfy me now."

Natasha just shrugged. To her, Benjamin was indeed important but she had no thoughts of monopolizing him.

As for why, it was simply a feeling.

A feeling that she wasn't enough for him. But that was fine. As long as she gets a part of that love, it was enough for her.

Carol was also surprised.

"Is he really so powerful in bed?"

"You won't believe it till you try."

"Well, since you insist, I shall see for myself."

Carol was ultimately defeated by her curiosity. Anyway, it was just sex. If he isn't able to satisfy her, that would be the end of it.

It's not only men who crave sexual activities, it was just that women are more reserved about it.

"But let's save it for some other time. I have to rush out to a different planet now."

"Alright, when you get back then. Take care!"

Carol nodded and flew out the window and into the skies.

Natasha watched her leave for a while before reporting to Fury regarding her attack yesterday.

Once she was finished, she added another request.

"Oh, right. Can I ask for a favor?"

"A favor? From you?"

Fury looked surprised as he didn't take her as someone who would ask for favors.


"There's a guy I know. Benjamin Freed. He's applying to be a police officer. I was wondering if you can help pull a few strings for him?"

Fury raised a brow but didn't ask further. Anyway, he was going to investigate this guy later.

"Fine. Isn't it just the police?"

To Fury, it was just the police and he can certainly pull some strings there. If it was the US Army or SHIELD, he would have to perform some rigorous tests first.

But if it was just the police, it shouldn't hinder them at all. Of course, he will still investigate the guy.

After Natasha left, Fury immediately started on it.

"Benjamin Freed. Quite a normal guy. Parents deceased from that incident 20 years ago...affiliations, none. Huh, this guy is clean...in fact, too clean."

Fury frowned as he looked at Benjamin's files and data.

He was silent for a while but eventually decided to pull a few strings for him in the police.

"I will be keeping an eye on you…"

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